Better Than Bible Black: Futa Curse [ff, futa]

**A/N: xpost from a /r/dirtywritingprompt involving futanari, or a girl with a penis.**

The first time Evelyn encountered what her parents considered the “occult” was when she was twelve. All her friends were reading Harry Potter, but her parents absolutely forbid her to read it.

“Witchcraft is from the devil,” they said. “You don’t want the devil to curse you, do you?” they asked her.

Yet, Evelyn smuggled in a copy of the forbidden book and read the magical adventures of Harry and friends underneath her blanket and a flash light. Her world changed. Her blanket became an invisibility cloak and her flash light was her wand casting the “lumos” spell. She had ventured past the forbidden and developed a craving for the dark arts.

Years later, Evelyn found herself browsing an old antique book store. She moved out of her parent’s house and into the big city. She had few friends and found comfort in literature. She happened across the old shop and curiosity beckoned her to peruse what was inside. The store was a library of forgotten lores and books of authors that were banned for going further than society could handle. Evelyn found herself drawn to a mysterious tome, bound in soft black leather. Upon opening the book, she found that it was written in an ancient language. Evelyn was overcome with a determination to translate the contents of the book. She simply had to know what was written.

“Oh, that’s an interesting find,” said a voice behind Evelyn.
Evelyn jumped up in surprise, dropping the book in the process. An old man picked up the book and flipped through it before handing it back to her.

“It’s written in the language of the Zentari tribe, a language long forgotten now,” he told her.

“Zentari? I’ve never even heard of it before,” she said. The old man was creeping her out. He was wispy and somewhat ethereal, like light through smoke.

He smiled. “The Zentari tribe was infamous for dealing with the occult. They were notorious for sacrificing their captives in demonic rituals. Legend has it that when the local tribes gathered together to attack the Zentari tribe, the soldiers found their village deserted. Almost as if the whole tribe disappeared without a trace. This book is the only known literature of the Zentari tribe. You could say that the book is absolutely priceless.”

“Wow, well I guess I’ll look for something more in my price range then,” Evelyn joked, trying to wriggle her way out of the creepy situation she found herself in.

“Nonsense! I can’t be at fault for stopping you from learning about the Zentari tribe! Tell you what, I’ll give you the book for free!” said the old man.

“Oh! That’s really nice of you, but I can’t possibly—“ she started.

“Sure you can! The only problem is that you can’t read it,” said the old man, laughing a wheezy laugh.

“Well, that does prove to be a difficult obstacle,” she agreed.

“The book is priceless, but I have developed a working guide to help translate the work. I haven’t found the time to translate the book myself, but if you do end up translating the whole thing, I’d love to read whatever you discover. Consider it as payment for the book,” smiled the old man.

Evelyn didn’t understand the intense desire within her to uncover the secrets of the book. It was Harry Potter all over again. She was crossing an invisible barrier and walking into the forbidden and the unknown.

That night, she got to work. The guide the old man (whom Evelyn had deduced as the shopkeeper) had given her proved to be quite useful. The language was a blend of Arabic characters, some Sanskrit, and for some odd reason, an ancient form of Japanese Kanji. It was grueling work, but Evelyn began recognizing several words and phrases.

“Oh God, Evelyn, are you reading that super creepy book again?” asked Leah, her roommate.

Several weeks passed since Evelyn began translating the Zentari book. The work had consumed Evelyn. She became a woman possessed by the book. Leah, however, was not wrong. The book was indeed “creepy”. An ominous aura emanated from the pages of the book and whenever Evelyn closed it, she swore she could feel it pulsate, almost as if it was alive.

“Leah, this book is absolutely fascinating! It contains the rituals used by the Zentari Tribe. The knowledge contained in this book is the key to reviving the culture of a long lost tribe,” Evelyn explained.

“Yeah, well, I’m going out. As in, outside. With friends. To see other people. I think you’ve forgotten what that means. Don’t forget to feed yourself, nerd,” said Leah. She looked at her friend with concern. Evelyn was completely obsessed with that weird book. It was kind of creepy.

“Have fun Leah,” said Evelyn, not even lifting her head from the book.

“Now, this is interesting,” Evelyn mumbled.

It was a ritual for fertility, when no men were available. The ritual was simple: it required for no men to be in the vicinity of the ritual, a priestess, and the blood of a virgin.

“When the seeds of the harvest are no more, the virgin land must produce her own seed for the planting…hmm, I wonder what that means…” Evelyn thought out loud. She had a very bad habit of biting her nails when she was stressed, and she had been gnawing on her thumb for weeks.

“Ow!” she cursed as she bit her thumb. A speck of blood fell on the musty pages of the tome. Suddenly, Evelyn felt a chill run down her spine. There was a bright flash of light and Evelyn was thrown across the room from a force that came from the book. She saw a woman appear in the light, cloaked in shadow. Evelyn tried to get up, but she was being held down on the floor by some unknown force. The woman came closer to Evelyn and Evelyn saw that the woman wore a skull mask and that she was covered in tattoos. It wasn’t until the skull woman was on top of Evelyn that she saw the tattoos moving, writhing, and almost dancing. Evelyn tried to move away from the skull woman, but she could not resist.

The strange woman tore Evelyn clothes, leaving her naked. She grasped Evelyn’s breast. She was gentle, caressing Evelyn’s breasts softly. Then she tore off Evelyn’s pants. Evelyn could see a throbbing phallic thing coming out of the woman. Evelyn tried to close her legs, but the woman simply forced her legs to spread wide open.

The skull woman smirked.

She licked her fingers slowly, putting four fingers in her mouth and sucking on it. She rubbed her wet fingers on Evelyn’s bare pussy. Evelyn expected it to be cold, but the skull woman’s hands were warm, and moist. When the skull woman pressed the tip of the phallic object on Evelyn’s lips, it finally dawned on Evelyn what exactly it was.

The skull woman had a penis. The fertility ritual didn’t “sacrifice” a virgin—it gave the virgin a fucking dick. Now, the skull woman was expecting Evelyn to suck on her ghost dick.

The skull woman was not a patient specter. She forced her cock into Evelyn’s mouth until Evelyn started to gag. She pulled out and spat on her hand, making sure that every inch of her ghost cock was covered in spit. She teased Evelyn’s pussy, rubbing the tip of her cock up and down Evelyn’s slit. The skull woman pushed down Evelyn’s shoulders and pushed her cock inside Evelyn’s tight pussy. Slowly, Evelyn felt every inch of the cock penetrate her. The pain was a slight pinch at first, but her pussy tightened with pleasure at every throb of the skull woman’s cock. The skull woman moved her hips back and forth slowly, making sure Evelyn felt every single inch of her ghost cock. The sensation overwhelmed Evelyn. Her eyes rolled back with intense pleasure as the cock pounded her pussy. Her hips began to buck forward, meeting every thrust of the skull woman. The skull woman picked up her pace, thrusting with force and vigor. The pounding was too much for Evelyn. Her breathing quickened and she arched her back, bucking her hips to meet every one of the skull woman’s thrust. A wave of pleasure exploded in her pussy and the aftershock coursed through her entire body. Evelyn was exhausted and could barely keep her eyes open. The last thing she saw was the skull woman fading into the darkness before she passed out.

“What the fuck?! Evelyn! Evelyn! Holy shit, what the fuck is going on?!”

Evelyn woke up to hysterical screaming. She had a pounding headache, and the screaming did not help. She slowly sat up and realized she was naked. She remembered the skull woman and being fucked. She hoped it was a dream, but it was turning into some fucked up nightmare.

“Leah, calm down. I’m fine…just some weird shit happened and got out of control,” Evelyn mumbled weakly, trying to calm her friend down.

“EV, honey, I’m glad you’re fine…but what the fuck is that?” Leah asked in horror, pointing at Evelyn.

Confused, Evelyn looked down. She was afraid that the skull woman was still sticking around, but those fears dissipated when Evelyn saw another monster. There, between her legs, was the whole package. Ten solid inches of girthy cock, skin and all, complete with a bona fide pair of balls. The monster cock stood at full mast, throbbing and hard. Evelyn touched it gingerly. Her cock gently bobbed up and down, like a spring board. Yet, it was enough to send a wave of pleasure through her. She was sensitive, and her cock responded well.

“Holy shit…what the fuck…” gasped Evelyn in horror. She looked up at Leah with horror, trying to find some answer. But Leah’s wide eyed gaze was fixed on her cock.

“That’s a monster fucking cock, EV,” she whispered. “Did you…I mean…were you, like, born with that?”

“What?! No, Leah. I just got this recently. The monster dick store was having a fucking sale and decided that it was just time for me to get a fucking dick. Are you fucking serious?!” Evelyn yelled at her friend.

“Well, sweetie, I don’t know what to tell you. We’ll go to a clinic…maybe your OBGYN? Or a dick specialist, I don’t know if guys have those. You know, like, a dick doctor,” Leah stammered, trying to wrap her situation around the head. She shook her head. Leah had to wrap her head around the situation.

“Sweetie, why don’t you get cleaned up and you can tell me everything that happened,” Leah said.

“I, uh… I can’t get up,” Evelyn said sheepishly.

“What’s wrong? Can you move?”

“Yeah, I can move…but…this thing is kinda in the way,” Evelyn said, turning red.

“Sweetie, guys walk around with their dicks all the time. I’m sure you can manage,” Leah said. She helped Evelyn get up and got a closer look at Evelyn’s cock.

“Ugh, it’s so stiff. Do guys walk around like this all the time?” Evelyn asked.

“No, hunny, you just have a hard on. It’s not erect all the time…I think,” Leah said.

“Well, how do I get rid of a hard on?” Evelyn asked.

“EV, you are such a fucking virgin. You jack it, dumbass. You pull on your monster dick until you come,” Leah said. Her friend was really oblivious when it came to sexuality. Her innocence was refreshing, but a little hands-on experience would really help her out right now.

Evelyn thought about it. Then, she grabbed her cock firmly and began to stroke it.

“Holy shit! What the fuck EV! Not here you dumbass, do it in the fucking bathroom!” yelled Leah.

“Oh…right…I’ll be right back,” said Evelyn, shuffling to the bathroom. Evelyn also admired how Leah had all her life pulled together. Evelyn really needed to rely on someone right now.

Evelyn looked intently at her reflection. As far as she could tell, there were no other alterations. Her auburn hair still stopped before her shoulders. Her breasts still were solid A cups. Her skin was still pale as all hell. She did notice some bruising on her shoulders, from where the skull woman held her down. She turned her attention to her cock. She started stroking it slowly. Pleasure shot through her veins like heroine. Her eyes fluttered as she stroked her cock faster. She was so fucking close, but her arms were getting heavy and weak.

“Fuck!” Evelyn cursed. Leah knocked on the door.

“EV, are you alright in there?” she asked. “I could help if you want.”

Evelyn hesitated. She needed release, but it would be so awkward with Leah. Evelyn would just die of embarrassment.

“I’m coming in, okay?” Leah said as she opened the door. She had a bottle of lotion and a box of tissues.

“Ugh, Leah, I’m fine. God, this is so fucking embarrassing. My arms just got a little tired, I’m almost finished,” Evelyn stammered. “What are those for?”

“Oh, the lotion? EV, I lived with brothers. This is going to make it feel fucking awesome, trust me,” Leah said. “Now just sit back and try to relax.”

“This is so fucked up,” Evelyn said, shaking her head.

“Relax,” soothed Leah as she knelt beside her friend.

Leah pumped some lotion in her hands and warmed it up. She rubbed it on the head of Evelyn’s cock. Evelyn whimpered. Leah looked up at Evelyn.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“It feels good,” Evelyn replied softly.

Leah applied more lotion on her hands and stroked the rest of Evelyn’s cock. She started from the base and lingered at the head, twisting her hands as she went along the shaft. Evelyn moaned. Leah looked up to see Evelyn’s head arched back, her mouth slightly opened. Leah’s hands were so soft and Evelyn was so close. She shuddered each time Leah’s hands lingered at the head of her throbbing cock and pleasure exploded down her spine each time Leah changed her pace.

“Leah, I’m close,” she whimpered.

“Cum for me babe,” Leah whispered, her voice sultry.

Leah picked up her pace and stroked Evelyn faster, tightening her grip just enough to hold on to the massive cock. Evelyn moaned and her breath quickened.

“Ah, fuck. Fuck,” Evelyn moaned. She grabbed her breasts and squeezed it, rolling her nipples between her fingers. She bit her lower lip in anticipation of her coming orgasm. Her eyes fluttered as she exploded into Leah’s hands.

“Oh, Leah. I’m so sorry,” she apologized.

“Don’t worry about it. How did it feel?” Leah asked.

“Amazing. You are so fucking great,” sighed Evelyn.

“Well, get cleaned up okay? Then you can tell me what’s going on.”
Leah kissed Evelyn on the forehead. “I’m sure everything is going to be okay…” she whispered to Evelyn.

*To be continued*


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