I’m too young for sex :( pt. 17 [fM]

Maybe calling a trip to a free clinic a *date* was a stretch, but having Mark with me when we walked in made all the difference in the world. The clinic was in a strip mall near the university. It was located between a convenience store and a nail salon. The walls were a little dingy and the only artwork were posters about sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy prevention. *How romantic.*

I had been to my see my gynecologist twice before. The first time was just a visit to talk about puberty and let the doctor make sure I had all my parts. The second time was after I had started having really painful periods. They did a pelvic exam to check to see if something obvious was causing them. They didn’t find anything obviously wrong. It was weird and embarrassing, but Mom held my hand the whole time so I survived.

The woman behind the counter looked up as we approached. “Yes?”

“I’m Stephanie Larson. I have an appointment.”

The paperwork wasn’t too bad and I filled out everything I knew, but I fudged my date of birth a bit at the last minute. It asked if I had insurance or could afford to pay a portion of the costs. I put down that I had fifty dollars saved up, but didn’t want to use my insurance. I turned the paperwork back in and sat with Mark in the waiting area.

“You nervous?” he asked, looking as weirded out as I felt. “‘Cause if you wanna chicken out, I’m right behind you.”

“I’m okay,” I chuckled and patted his knee. “Thanks for coming with me.”

Mark pulled me close and kissed my hair. I really was nervous, but I also felt good. At one point in the embarrassing sex talk with Mom, she said that if I wasn’t old enough to be responsible I wasn’t old enough for sex. It was good advice even if I didn’t want to talk to her about my decision yet. I wanted to have sex with Mark and knew I needed to protect myself.

When they called me back, Mark came with me because I refused to let go of his hand. They took us into an exam room and left us sitting on plastic chairs for a few minutes. A middle-aged woman came in wearing a white coat and carrying a tablet with a stylus.

“I’m Doctor Julie,” she said with a smile at us both. “I understand you wanted to talk about birth control.”

When I nodded, she started with a number of questions about my sexual history and general health. Mark blushed the whole time, but never let go of my hand. When she asked about our relationship, I explained he was just coming with me for moral support without elaborating. We discussed all the options and she agreed that in my circumstances an IUD with a low dose of hormones would work best. Then the doctor asked Mark to go back to the waiting room while I changed into a paper gown.

“Stephanie, I’m a little worried about your age. The only requirement for the IUD you want is being fully developed physically. Before I’m willing to insert it, I need to do a pelvic exam to check you out. Are you comfortable with me doing that today?”

“Yes, ma’am.” I hid my fear that she might not believe I was as old as I’d said on the forms.

I undressed but left on my socks. The room wasn’t too cold, but I felt like shivering anyway. The paper gown went down to my knees.

“I also want to make sure no one is pressuring you to do this.” Her smile was gone as she studied my face.

“No, this is something I want for me. I still plan to use condoms, but I don’t want to have to worry about an accidental pregnancy. Can Mark come back and hold my hand?” My voice shook a little when I asked.

“Of course,” she said as her soft smile returned. “It’s very nice of him to support you in this.”

“He’s great,” I said and hopped up on the table to swing my feet.

She left and came back with Mark. He stood by my side and took my hand with a nervous smile. I’m not sure who was comforting whom.

“You okay?” he whispered as the doctor got her tools ready.

I nodded and put my feet in the stirrups. The doctor talked me through it all, explaining each step and asking if I was okay. Mark couldn’t see anything because she had draped a towel over my legs, but I squeezed his hand so hard his fingers turned white.

“Okay, you’re fine for the IUD we discussed. It’s smaller than most and has a hormone that should help with your painful cramps. Some women scream when we do the insertion and others say it’s only a pinch. In either case it’ll only hurt for about a minute and then you’ll hardly notice it. Ready?”

I nodded and lay back on the examination table. Mark took my hands in both of his and gave me a smile of encouragement. She had me spread open wide and slipped a long flexible tube inside me. The IUD insertion wasn’t comfortable, but it wasn’t any worse than my worst cramp days. When she removed the tube and speculum I let out the breath I was holding.

“That’s it! I want to see you next month for a follow up to check that the device is still in place. If you have any abnormal bleeding, inflammation, or bad headaches, contact me immediately.”

I put my legs down and Mark helped me sit up. Despite the fact Doctor Julie had been up my ‘giner I was suddenly embarrassed. “So, uh, how long before…”

Doctor Julie chuckled. “Wait twenty-four hours before having sex. The hormone will be effective in seven days, so use condoms until at least next week.”

“Thanks,” I said and giggled when Mark blushed a deep red.

I got dressed, scheduled my follow up, and was out the door with Mark still holding my hand. He was quiet until we got into his van.

“Did it hurt?”

“I’m glad you reminded me to take the ibuprofen after school. It felt like a bad cramp when she put it in, but I can’t feel it at all now.”

Mark nodded and drove us back towards home. I’d told Mom I was studying with Bethany at her house. Mark had to pick up Mason from soccer practice at school. We stopped a few houses down from my house and I gathered my books.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Mark said as he leaned over to kiss me.

He had never done anything like that in public before, but I wasn’t gonna stop him. The kiss was tender and far too brief for me, but I had a huge grin when I hopped out of his van to walk the last few houses home.

Having a secret spiced up the rest of the week for me. I would be talking to a friend or teacher and suddenly remember I had an IUD inside me. It made me conscious of sex and attraction in ways I hadn’t considered before. I realized that preparing myself to have sex had changed the way I looked at everything.

I had always looked at cute guys. Now I studied them as potential partners, but none of them measured up to Mark. Being with Bethany had opened my eyes to the possibility of being with other girls. One thing that surprised me was that I found myself attracted to other slim, boyish girls.

One in particular caught my eye during lunch. Her name was Sam and she wore her brown hair really short with the bangs colored a dark blue. Her body reminded me of Bethany’s, with slim hips and small breasts. She caught me peeking at her and gave me a smile that made me think she liked the attention. I was tempted to talk to her her, but was too embarrassed.

Bethany came over after school most days to have sex with Joe. I had learned to tune out the squeaky bed and goofy noises. By Friday, I wasn’t physically sore anymore from the IUD insertion. My heart had calloused to what Bethany had done while it opened even more to Mark. I was eager to explore new things with him.

We had our usual Friday night sleepover. Mom and Dad went out for a date and left me in charge of my brother, the prisoner. He and Bethany were snuggled on the couch while we watched a war movie when the doorbell rang. I jumped up and ran to the door.

“Hey,” Mark said, giving me a sizzling look. He had on a tight pair of shorts and a jersey from our school soccer team.

I was only wearing a long t-shirt and panties, so my puffies let him know how happy I was to see him. “Hey, wanna come in?”

“Sure,” he said and followed me back to the living room. “Thanks for the heads up,” he said as he lifted his chin to Joe.

“You told him Mom and Dad were out?” I asked Joe. My brother was arranging a hook up for me? I was stunned.

“It only seemed fair,” Joe said with Bethany snuggled into his side.

“We’ll be back.” I took Mark’s hand and dragged him up the stairs.

He was chuckling when I pulled him into my room and slammed the door shut, but when I rubbed my palm over his bulge he sucked in a breath.

“I thought we had to wait until next weekend,” he said with a strained tone.

“We do,” I said as I pushed his shorts and underwear down at once. Then I pushed up his shirt and licked up as far as I could reach on my tip toes. I got my lips around one furry nipple and sucked until his head banged back against the door. “Sorry,” I giggled.

He growled and picked me up to throw me on the bed. I whipped off my t-shirt while he ripped my panties off me. The fabric ripped on one side, but I didn’t care. He dragged me back to the pillows with one hand pushing my thighs open for his fingers. I gasped as he slid two inside me, crushing my clitty with his palm at the same time.

I wrapped my arms around his head to pull his lips to mine. He was already panting, his breath warm against my face. We kissed like we were starving. He pushed his fingers in and out with a wet squishing sound and rocked his palm against me at the same time.

“Fuck,” I gasped.

His lips left mine wanting, but he soon had my puffies wet and red. He was fucking me with his fingers now and my hips pushed back to meet his thrusts. I clung to him, calling out while he drove me towards my peak. I had to kiss something, so I kissed his shoulders and tasted salt on his skin.

The world tilted as I came. I hung on and bit down without thinking. He cried out in pain and lust, biting me back on my puffy breasts and gnawing on my nipples as I flew out of my body.

Before I came back down he’d spun my body around and left my head hanging off the edge of the bed. His wet tip was in my mouth and I sucked him in as far as I could take him. He rocked his hips, forcing me to breathe around his hard shaft in my thoat.

I should have been scared, but instead it lit me up. I pulled at him, forcing him to fuck my mouth. The slick taste of him mixed in my watering mouth to ease his way.

I allowed him to take me like this. His face was twisted in lust and pleasure as he pumped into my mouth. I could tell he was close, only needing my permission to let go. I pulled his hips and held him in my mouth, sucking and licking and swallowing until I felt the tale-tell pulses through his shaft.

“Oh, Steph,” he murmured and caressed my face as he fed me. I ate him up, swallowing every drop of him until he pulled away with a shiver.

He collapsed on the bed next to me panting and laughing.

“What?” I turned to rest my head on his chest.

“You,” he said, still laughing.

“What about me?” I said as I ran my fingertip around his nipple.

He didn’t say anything, just caught his breath with his eyes shut. When I moved to the other nipple, he squirmed a little and opened his eyes. There was such an intensity in his expression as he looked at me. I felt the same kind of overwhelming joy but couldn’t make myself say anything either. And that was okay.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/4yr72n/im_too_young_for_sex_pt_17_fm

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