Lechomancer Succubus Chapter 4: Deeper Inside

Ashlynn lay on the cobblestones at the gate of the strange palace, resting her head in her own Succubus’s lap, sighing. “You know, that was closer than I would like to admit,” Ashlynn said softly.

Pavement chuckled slightly, and Ashlynn considered telling him to shut up, but decided it wasn’t worth the effort. “The others may not be so difficult,” the Succubus offered. “Perhaps Pavement turns you on more than the others.”

“I doubt it,” Ashlynn said. “He’s the dumbest, isn’t he?” The demoness nodded. “And I’m pretty sure all the demons are watching what happens on my side of … whatever separates here from there.”

“That’s true. They watch whenever the Master allows them.”

“So it would be surprising if they didn’t have some idea what I was into,” Ashlynn sighed.

The Succubus just combed her double’s hair with her fingers.

“So if they get their hands on me, it may be over quickly.”

“It may,” the Succubus almost purred.

“You don’t see too concerned.”

The demoness shrugged.

Ashlynn turned her head, and looked over at Pavement. He stood, patiently watching the two of them, obeying an earlier order she had given him to wait. His member was hard, sticking straight out. She hadn’t commanded that. The demon just remained horny. “Can they sense that Pavement answers to me?”

“No. Not until you’re part of the hierarchy with them. They just know if they’re above or below him.”

“So when they see me, that can’t tell if I answer to them?”

“They can’t sense it, no.”

“Hmmm…” Ashlynn murmured, a plan forming. “Pavement, I want you to act like you had enslaved me.”

The demon surged forward, his hands on either side of Ashlynn’s face. He lifted her from where she was laying, up onto her knees. He shoved his long cock down her throat. She barely had a chance to gasp a lungful of air. His fingertips gripped the back of her head, pulling her tight against his stomach. Her nose was flattened as she was forced to massage his shaft with her tongue. Her eyes started to water, and she could hear the Succubus laughing in her own voice.

The demon’s hips began to pump, as he fucked her face, staying deep in her throat the whole time. Ashlynn reached down between her legs and started to play with herself, rubbing herself with her fingers, turned on by the aggressiveness of her pet. She was rather submissive, given the choice, but she couldn’t afford to surrender to these demons, not permanently.

However, this was amazing. She was nothing more than a little fuck doll to this powerful creature, who given all the choices in the world would instantly be inside her mouth.

Faster and faster, he pumped against her face. Ashlynn relaxed her jaw, and let her spit dribble past her lips and down her chin. She glanced up at the demon, but as soon as their eyes met, she looked down like she was ashamed, something she often did with whomever was dominating her.

That was enough for him. She could feel his whole body tense, and then fell the warm smooth liquid begin to pulse out of the head of her cock down her throat. It slide easily into her stomach, leaving a warm, pit that radiated out, and set her whole skin on fire. A rosy aftertaste settled on her tongue.

Ashlynn was panting, her body buzzing. She had trouble catching her breath. Pavement’s powerful hand reached down and gathered her hair, and started tugging her to her feet. “Give me a moment,” she gasped.

“I hope no one’s watching,” the Succubus warned. “He wouldn’t give you a moment if he had beaten you.”

Ashlynn glanced up at the dark windows of the Demon Castle above. Every window, girded in a crisscross of dark iron, beautiful like art but effective as bars, seemed like a half shuddered eye, feigning indifference. If she was being watched, it was too late. “Fuck it,” Ashlynn said. She shuddered, high on the aphrodisiac of the Essence. “I’m not going in there this fucking horny.”

She reached down and began to tease herself, pinching one of her own nipples, the other hand creeping across the lips of her throbbing cunt. She lay on the ground, her legs wide, slipping one finger into her desperate sex.

The Succubus sighed, and crawled between her legs. “Let’s hurry this up,” she muttered, pulling Ashlynn’s hand out of her way, and began to lick her pussy. Within moments, Ashlynn was sighing desperately. It shouldn’t have surprised her that the demoness could basically read her mind. The demoness’s tongue licked in the most exciting way she could imagine, punctuated by fingers thrusting into her, the perfect amount of hard and deep for the moment. When it would drive her the wildest, the Succubus would move her mouth up and hum against the hood of Ashlynn’s clit.

When the demoness’s pinky began to insistently push its way into Ashlynn’s tight asshole, Ashlynn’s legs tensed with ecstasy, clamping tight around the Succubus’s head. Her whole body shook and the desperate heat building in her from the Essence radiated outward in perfect relief. She collapsed on the cold cobblestones, and panted for several minutes, nearly falling asleep.

When the world stopped spinning, Ashlynn nodded. “Okay, do it.” She told Pavement. He reached down, and grabbed her hair, and started leading her buy it. He kept his fist so that he was dragging her forward if she crawled on her hands and knees. Every once in a while, the Succubus, who walked along behind, her head down, would smack Ashlynn’s ass, and chuckle to herself. Pavement would laugh as well. When Ashlynn started yelping every time it happened, more to tease the two of them than out of pain, Pavement’s chuckles grew longer, as did his now flaccid cock.

It took longer than she would have liked to crawl along into the castle. Inside, there were plush rugs which eased the pain building in her knees. The demon lead her through a maze of hallways before finally turning into a room with a large wardrobe, and a pile of cushions and pillows surrounded by thick purple curtains.

Pavement threw open the doors to the wardrobe and started rummaging carelessly through the contents. After a moment, he pulled out a studded leather collar, and threw it at Ashlynn. Ashlynn smiled, looking at the steel square studs, and happily wrapped it around her neck. Next, the demon threw a black leather corset at her. As she examined it, she realized it could have been tailored for her, and realized this room must belong to her Succubus. She wrapped it around her, and felt it pushing her large breasts up, giving her almost a shelf of cleavage. She glanced at a large gilded mirror, and loved the fetishized look. The succubus began to tighten the laces, and Ashlynn gasped, and felt trapped in the garment, but loved the appearance enough it almost didn’t matter.

The demon threw some black stockings that ended in lace bands, which she began to roll up her long legs. They came most of the way up her thighs. Next he threw her a tiny pair of panties that would leave most of the round cheeks of her ass exposed. She pulled them on, and smiled coyly at herself in the mirror. Finally, the demon handed her leather cuffs were her wrists that matched the collar, with interlocking loops that could easily be bound.

As soon as she had the cuffs on, the demon produced a fine silver chain, and hooked it through the loop on the collar, and led it through the loops on her wrist cuffs. He held the loop at the end of the leash. When he tugged on it, her wrists were pulled in front of her, and if she didn’t follow, it would begin tugging on her throat. With a quick jingle, he started to lead her back into the hallways.

After a few turns, the Succubus stepped up and brushed the hair back from Ashlynn’s ear, a touch that sent a bit of a shiver through her. “There’s a problem.”

Ashlynn tilted her head to listen, not willing to abandon the submissive pose as she followed Pavement along.

“He’s taking you towards the depths, where his chambers are.”

“Fuck,” she sighed. “Wait,” she said more firmly. The demon stopped instantly. “I need to go to the library. Take me there, but otherwise act as though you have mastered me.”

The demon grunted, but doubled back the way they had just came. The Succubus rolled her eyes at Ashlynn. “No one is going to believe that idiot is headed to the library.”

“Is it going to blow our cover?”

The Succubus drank Ashlynn in with her eyes and then shook her head. “No, anyone seeing you will be … distracted.” She pulled back her hand and gave Ashlynn an open hand smack on the ass that stung and made her jump. It also made her knees shake. Then, the slack on her silver leash went suddenly tight, as Pavement pulled her forward in the way they had just come. Her wrists shot forward, and she stumbled forward after him.

They headed through several twisting halls, up some spiralling stairs, Ashlynn dragged along by her leash. Her wrists crossed in front of her. The circuitous path they took made Ashlynn wonder if he was trying to avoid notice, as he had when Pavement tried to lead them into the basement. She considered instructing him to take her more directly. Then again, if they were trying to avoid suspicion, she needed to let the demon move however he would travel through the castle.

“Pavement!” a deep voice called out, and all three of them froze. Pavement turned, but Ashlynn stared at the floor, maintaining her submissive pose. “What have you got there?” She heard the steps of someone approaching, and then the voice chuckled. “Is that a human? Is that your human?”

The Succubus sighed. “Yes.”

The new voice laughed. “And Pavement took her? You’re stuck at the bottom?”

The Succubus sighed. The new demon laughed again, and Ashlynn caught a glimpse of him as he stepped forward and grabbed the Succubus. His skin was covered by glowing green swirls, like tattoos, except they moved. She had spent enough time around Lisa’s various demons, she had seen most of them before. Ashlynn was pretty sure this one was called Taput. He was huge, built like a body builder, with powerful arms and broad shoulders, although she couldn’t see them with her downcast gaze.

She could, however, see his well-muscled legs and the tight curve of his ass. She licked her lips, and was worried he would notice.

Taput didn’t. He was too busy laughing as he slammed her Succubus against the wall, twisting one of her wrists behind the small of her back to hold her in palace. His other hand ran down the length of her purple tail, and she shuddered with pleasure at his touch. When he reached the base, he slipped underneath and started spreading her ass cheeks.

With a surprised little grunt, the Succubus quickly spread her legs wider. She only had a moment before the head of his thick cock pressed against her. Lisa watched out of the corner of her eyes, keeping her head down, watching the powerful ass drive Taput’s cock deeper and deeper into her demonic double. The Succubus grunted out a serious of excited, desperate moans, arching her back to allow each thrust to enter deeper into her asshole. She squirmed against the strong hand holding her in place, pretending she wanted to escape. Ashlynn recognized the motions though, the submissive playing, making sure her partner felt his power over her was complete, that she couldn’t have escaped if she wanted to. Not that Ashlynn would have wanted to, had she been the one pinned by Taput.

She was so intently watching her Succubus get fucked in the ass, she didn’t notice when Pavement yanked on the chain. He pulled her off balance, and she fell on her knees to the plush carpet. Pavement knelt on the ground in front of her, and started pulling the chain, still fed through the links on her wrists, towards a small iron circle set into the floor, peeking out from the carpet. Once he had the end of the chain through the ring, he pulled forward. Ashlynn found her arms extended fully out in front of her, locked in place by the chain. The exposed skin of her upper chest and stomach below where the corset covered were brushed gently by the carpet. Her legs were folded on either side of her body, with her knees on either side of her torso, up by her navel, and her heels under the tight curve of her butt.

Pavement chuckled as he inched forward, straddling her outstretched arms. He reached under Ashlynn’s chin, and lifted it, presenting his long cock. Ashlynn sighed gently, letting her breathe brush the tip of his rock hard member. He rain the tip across her lower lip, and Ashlynn let him, her mouth open for when he was ready for more.

With his hands on either side of his face, Pavement thrust deep down her throat. Ashlynn shuddered and moaned with pleasure. His hips began to circle, pushing his way into her mouth, controlling her completely. Excitement throbbed through Ashlynn, as it always did when she was being used. She was, at that moment, completely at his mercy, and he was lost in his desire for her. A heat radiated from her core, and every inch of her skin tingled, but her cunt throbbed with desire. It was only intensified by the fact that her hands were chained in front of her, and she couldn’t touch herself.

Powerful hands wrapped around her hips. She tried to look back, over her shoulder, but Pavement was still fucking her face with wild abandon, and she couldn’t see. It had to be Taput, who shifted her, raising her ass higher in the air. Her thighs tensed, holding this slightly awkward position, but she could feel the lips of her pussy kiss open. She felt the demons tongue slip across her aching cunt. It was hot and wet as it pushed the lacy panties against her sensitive skin, sending a desperate shiver through her. A few uneven laps left her surprised and desperate for more.

She could feel his powerful fingers gathering the lacy material of the underwear, gathering it up, and pushing it to one side, revealing Ashlynn’s glistening mound to the demon. His tongue washed over her, no longer kept back by the thin barrier of fabric. If her mouth hadn’t been filled with Pavement’s cock, she would have screamed with pleasure. Instead, all she could do was moan, and try to shift. Taput’s powerful hands quickly readjusted her, keeping her exactly where he wanted her.

Then Taput pressed his tongue against her asshole. The feel of it, wet and slick, exploring her sparked its way across all her skin. She moaned desperately, her mouth full of Pavement’s length.

“Is this where she wants it?” Taput laughed, his voice a velvet rumble.

Ashlynn answered with a little begging sound.

“Pavement, you’ve caught quite the treasure here. I don’t know that I’ll need to visit Brittney again.”

Ashlynn couldn’t help but wonder who Brittney was. She was certain she knew all the demons, at least a little bit, based on what she had seen while pleasing Lisa. Brittney was a name she didn’t recognize, and anything she didn’t know seemed dangerous here.

Her train of thought was interrupted when Taput’s tongue stopped pressing its gorgeous heat against her asshole. She could feel him shifting, his thumbs moving to spread the round curve of her ass cheeks further apart. Then the head of his thick dick rested against the entrance of her asshole. He rested there for a moment, and Ashlynn realized she was holding her breath.

“Now how does your toy like it, Pavement?” Taput mumbled, speaking as though she wasn’t there. “Would she be happier if I pushed my way deep inside of her cute little ass slowly?” Ashlynn waited for Pavement to answer, but he didn’t say anything, just kept pumping his cock in an out of her mouth. “Or would she be happiest if I held her down and fucked her hard.

The idea sent an excited little shiver through Ashlynn, and she tried to hide it, but there was no stopping it.

“I see,” Taput said happily. He grabbed her by the hips, and Ashlynn’s word exploded into hot pressure and ecstasy. He held her hips high, exactly where he wanted them, and rode deep into her ass. With what little motion she could manage from her awkward position, with her tied wrists and captive hips, she powered back, meeting his strokes, taking him deep inside her. Her skin burned with the pleasure of it, and she managed to pull away from Pavement a little, as her breathing became more laboured. He seemed to understand she needed the change, and soon she was laying with her face on the lush carpet, crying out pleasure with each of Taput’s strokes.

Then, the demon began to slow his thrusts, and Ashlynn whimpered in disappointment. She looked over her shoulder, and saw the muscular demon behind her shifting his position slightly. He squirmed a little, with just the thick head of his cock in her ass. She moaned, needing him to start again.

Then a mouth found the hot ache of her cunt. She could feel from the cold metal wring through one of the lips that they must have been the purple double of her own, and soon the long demon tongue began licking into her. She was straddling the Succubus’s face.

As soon as the Succubus was in position, Taput began to fuck her ass with renewed vigor. One hand slapped her, sending a burning tingle all through her, while with the other he clawed at her waist, holding her exactly where they wanted her.

With each thrust, Ashlynn moaned, feeling the hot pleasure shot through the core of her. She let out a little moan, feigning surprise and shame, happily lost in the cock hammering into her again and again.
She started to curse the Succubus in her mind. With that long, liquid tongue, the demoness was bringing her right to the edge. Ashlynn could feel her legs tensing, the curling in her feet as her toes tried to twist, as her world prepared to collapse into passion. The powerful demon, crashing into her, again and again, filling her with his thick cock, and the tongue twisting inside her, too aware of her every pleasure, she was certain she was going to lose it.

But then, deep inside her, Taput began to twitch. With both hands, he grabbed her hips, and lifted her ass higher. He crashed deep inside her, and held her there, twitching. The liquid fire of his cum, shooting deep inside her, started to fill her entire body. A moment after he came, her every muscle clenched. She cried out with passion, and felt like she was melting through the floor, vibrating all over. Her head was light, and every inch of her ached in beautiful release.

Ashlynn lay on the floor, catching her breath. “Wait?’ came a confused voice from behind her. “What’s happening?”

Pavement chuckled like rocks sliding down a metal tube.

“I wasn’t his toy,” Ashlynn murmered, into the carpet. “He was mine. You are too.”

“Yes, Mistress.” The demon said, lowering his head.

Ashlynn sighed. “No, I want you to act as though you had captured me. Outside of whatever I directly command, speak to me and treat me like I had just cum first.”

Ashlynn found herself moaning as his hand pulled back and smacked her ass. “Get up, you little skank.”

“Good. Now, I want you to take me to Brittney.”
Miss the earlier chapters? They’re Here: https://erostopholes.wordpress.com/

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/4ygsbd/lechomancer_succubus_chapter_4_deeper_inside