Girls’ Weekend [FF] [wet] [exh] [strip] Ch. 18

#~Chapter Eighteen~

*[loosely based on a true experience… as best as I can remember]*

When I wake up, I find myself tucked under the covers. I’m pretty snuggly and warm, and have no concept of how long I’ve been asleep. Feeling the unfamiliar, I jump up and get my bearings. I look around, find a clock and see that it reads 8:10. For a second, I panic, and think I’m late for work. But then, I realize what day it is, and the events of earlier in the day come back to me. As I breathe in, I smell our sex. For a moment, I feel embarrassed, which gives way to happiness, then loneliness, then arousal. Funny how that is. I run my hand across my stomach, and between my legs. I’m still wet down there, and starting to be a bit uncomfortable. I rub my eyes, get my bearings, and sit up. I lean over, turn on the light on the bedside table, and see a note:

Hope you had a good nap. Change of clothes on dresser.
Robe on door. Back at 9. Be ready.



I look over, and sure enough, there’s a terry cloth robe hanging on the door, and what seems to be neatly folded outfit on the dresser. I chuckle. Then I freak out, and the questions start flying in my head. Where the heck am I? What am I doing here? Where are Amanda and Tammy? Am I even alone? Where’s Kevin? Or that other guy? For a minute, I think I should really go home. But as with many of my new experiences, I soon settle down. I stand up, and stretch. My legs are a bit wobbly, and I feel strange, and a little sore in new ways. I look over at the clothes, and realize that not only do these chicks know how to satisfy desires I didn’t know existed, they also know how to dress me. I wonder how they figured out my size and how they got the clothes here, but then figure I probably don’t want to know. I put on the robe, and make my way out to the bathroom. No one’s here. So I step in and have a nice hot shower—God knows I need one. When I’m done, I feel relaxed and refreshed.

I come back to the room, and put on the outfit they left me. Simple and sexy. I notice that the clothes are strikingly similar to what I’d wear to a club—which is probably how the girls figured out my style. There’s a CK thong and sports bra, which look new, but are the same kind I usually wear. They would know these intimate details, since they stole my underwear that evening at the G-Spot. I get dressed, look in the mirror, and judge myself sexy enough to go out. I sit on the couch, turn on the TV, and wait for them to tell me where that is.

When they do, they’re excited. It’s just the two of them, and they tell me that Kevin’s no longer part of the plans, “or the other guy”, but we’re leaving anyway. Funny, I have anal sex for the first time with him, and I don’t even know his name. Part of me finds that hot. As is customary, they don’t tell me where we’re going, but they tell me that’s it’s probably somewhere I’ve never been before. As we walk, we chat about our afternoon activities, and they tell me how hot it was for them, and I tell them that it was for me, too. They say we’ll have plenty of time to chat about it later, but for now, there’s one last place we need to visit this weekend. Almost on cue, we arrive. I look up and see the name of the club in bright flashing, gaudy lights. It’s a strip club. I have never been to one before, and I look at the girls, and ask them if they’re serious. They are. We’re treated well, perhaps exceedingly well, by the doormen, and get ushered inside.

My eyes take a few seconds to adjust. It’s dark, with lights focusing on the stage. I hear is a deep man’s voice over the speaker system, announcing the next woman to be on. I start to make out the surroundings. There’s at least one big stage, and there appear to be many other smaller “stages”. I was expecting to see desperate, creepy men fawning over the women. Instead, I glance around at several groups of mostly younger guys, just relaxing and chatting with each other and the dancers. I don’t see any other girls here that aren’t dancers. I glance at the girls walking around in their outfits. Most are tall, and they are wearing various outfits—some in just bra and thong, others in tight, stretchy short dresses, some in boyshorts. What they all have in common is confidence, and its sexy. Soon, I’m not just glancing, I’m full-on checking them out. When one walks by, I look her up and down. I see Tammy shout something in the bouncer’s ear, and he takes us to a table with a small stage, and we sit around it. I realize that it’s not so much a stage as it is an area where a girl, or as I see from glancing at other tables, more than one girl, can dance. We get this table all to ourselves. Once we’re settled, a waitress comes over and asks us what we want to drink. I’m a bit surprised, as she’s dressed normally, in a white blouse and black skirt. Mandy tells me that the night’s on them, and that I should order what I want. She also tells me that they will take care of the entertainment, and I should merely give them a look if I am particularly interested in any girl.

I feel surprisingly relaxed, and comfortable. And after a little bit of time, the women start coming to our table. They are of all shapes and sizes. Some are tall, others short; some are pierced; long hair, short hair; of all different colours. Some don’t speak English too well, but all are friendly, and mostly just make me feel welcome. When we talk, it seems as if they really care that we have a good time. Typically, a girl will put her arm around me and lean in close. Some sit on my lap. Regardless of their approach, the constant is that they all smell delicious. Just like Kelly. I wonder if she works in a place like this. Then, I meet Kirsten, and look at Amanda—I want her closer to me. She kisses me on the cheek, and then starts her dance in time with the song on stage. She spreads my legs, and sits between them on the chair, resting her hands on each of my thighs. She reaches back and puts her hands around my neck, and proceeds to give me a lap dance just as sensual as Kelly had done earlier. Her skin touches mine, and I practically grind my crotch into her knee, or butt, whichever body part she happens to be rubbing. She’s especially good at rubbing her boobs against my face and over my crotch. The grinding gets me wet, and then I feel another pair of hands behind me. It’s another stripper, and she’s running her hands down my shoulders. She slides around to the front to join Kirsten, and they playfully touch each other and make out on the small stage. They then turn their attention back to me.

Kirsten sits on my lap, and spreads her legs. She’s naked now, and her friend kneels between her legs, and to my surprise, starts licking her. She then reaches into a discarded glass beside us, and takes an ice cube in her mouth, and runs it from Kirsten’s belly button to her sex, and back up. As the ice cube melts, she stands, moves Kirsten aside, and leans in to kiss me! Kirsten whispers to me that it’s okay to kiss back, and we share the ice cube. She leaves a trickle of water dripping down my chin; and trickle of arousal between my legs. They kiss me on each cheek, then we share a three-way kiss. They then put their clothes on, and leave. Amanda asks me how it was, and I tell her it was fantastic. It’s gotten me so hot—the last time I got a lap dance from a girl, it ended with me coming and soaking myself—but I know that that can’t happen out in here. But that memory has me getting really wet. Amanda tells me she has something more fun for us to do with the next performer. And sure enough, the next performer is Kelly. Tammy grabs my hand, and we get up and walk to the stage. I feel the wetness between my thighs—I must have been even more turned on that I thought. I hear the guys in the audience start to cheer louder. Tammy tells me that what we’re about to do is crazy, but not worse that what we did in the club on the first night—we’re going to get naked, at least partially, but it’ll be a fun thrill. She hands me money, and leads me up on stage. Amanda follows.

The three of us lie on the stage, side by side, and the crowd is practically roaring. I notice that some guys are also up on stage, but they are shooed off by the bouncers. Girls only, I guess. I glance out and see the guys trying to stand to get a better view. Kelly is joined by some other strippers, who dance around us lying there. I glance over at Tammy, who yells at me to follow her lead. She sticks a bill in her mouth, and another her waistband. I do the same. Soon, Kelly dances her way over to me. She kneels at my head leans and tells me what’s going to happen. She says that if I’m okay with it, she’s going to take off my shirt, and probably my pants. She asks if I’m okay with it. I nod yes. “But for now, just lie still, and let me do my thing”, she says to me. I do. I see two other girls come over to Amanda and Tammy, and they adopt the same position. The crowd is getting louder. Kelly shuffles around now, and squats over my face. She’s naked, and her sex is close to my mouth. I’m not sure how she manages it, but she takes the money inside her, and out of my mouth. She stands, and then sees the money in my waistband.

She kneels over me, and takes my shirt and bra up over my arms, and off. I’m shaking, partly because it’s cold; and also because I’m nervous. Instinctively, I cover my breasts with my hands, but she looks down at me and shakes her head, with a smile, She moves my arms to my sides and now straddles my face, putting her head between my legs. The crowd is going crazier. Her head bobs, and she fishes the money out of my waistband with her mouth, then rises to her knees. She asks me if I’m wearing underwear, again confirms if okay to take off my pants. I figure that I’ve gone this far, and the only person who’ll get a good look at anything will be her, and I look over and see that Amanda and Tammy are also topless and about to be stripped to their panties as well. “Ready?” I nod. She undoes my belt buckle, and slides my pants down my thighs, and I help her. All three strippers then kneel at our heads. I look over at Tammy and smile. She winks back at me. I look out at the crowd. Men are crowding the stage, cheering and straining to get a look. I can’t believe what I’m doing, but it’s actually fun to be watched like this.

I look up and see that she’s brought a bottle of massage oil with her, and she proceeds to massage my torso, rubbing my stomach, and breasts. She then takes my hand, and drapes it across Amanda’s chest. I massage her breasts to the delight of the crowd. I look over and laugh, and Amanda drapes her hand over my chest now and we playfully massage each other. The DJ then asks for a final round of applause, and the strippers pull us to our feet, and we all kiss. My legs are shaking, and the bouncers help us off the stage, and we return to our seats. Kelly joins us, and tells me not to change yet, but to follow her. “Bring your clothes with you”, she tells me, and grabs my hand and leads me to a back room. It’s darker, with a large comfy couch. I sit.
She tells me that this is for me, for being such a good sport. And she gives me another lap dance. Since I’m nearly naked, it’s much closer and intimate. Again, I cannot believe how warm, smooth, and sexy her body feels against mine. “The club says customers are not allowed to come, but I’m going to get around that”. She straddles me, rubs her breasts against mine, then leans in and kisses me. While she does that, her hand reaches between her legs and into my panties. She slides a finger inside me and massages my clit in firm circles with the fleshy part of her hand. “Wow, baby… you’re really wet!”, she breathes into my ear.

She starts to rub and grind against me. “Come, girl,” she says, and keeps fingering and rubbing me. I come, stiffening, and shaking. Her kiss stifles my moans, as I collapse into her. As I come down, I breathe fast and heavy. She looks at me, smiles, and runs the finger she was touching me with all around my lips, then parts them, and I suck my taste from her. She helps me up, then bends over to get her g-string, which she balls up and puts in my hand. It’s warm and possibly a bit wet. “This is a present for you… so you don’t forget your experience today”. I get dressed and return to the girls.

Tammy asks if I had fun, and I’m sure she can tell by my flushed face that I did. They say it’s time to go, because the night is still young. We finish our drinks, and walk back to their place, chatting the whole time about how much fun we’ve had. I show them my present from Kelly. But there’s going to be more fun, Amanda tells me, because tonight, it’s my turn to wield the power.
