[Fiction] [Gay] [mm] Camp shower

When I was 14, I used to volunteer at a summer camp as a “Counselor in training”, not quite a camper but not a member of staff either. It was great fun, I learned lots about leadership and camping.

Anyway, there were two staff members in charge of Counselors in training (CITs): Rodney, and Beth. I happened to be staying at the same campsite as Beth.

Now that you’re filled in, let the story begin!
It was Tuesday night. Day two of the week. Our campsite, Big Oak, was having a campfire with another campsite, Maple leaf. It was going pretty great. The staff put the CIT’s in charge of everything: Tending to the fire, keeping the campers in line, and, of course, songs and skits. Everything was going well, I was in charge of keeping the fire stoked. My mates Andrew and Logan were singing some classic songs to entertain the crowd. It was all going pretty well.

As I was digging around the wood pile for a nice big log to throw on, Beth approached me. “Hey, Matt, did you swim today?” “No,” I reply truthfully. “Why?” “Well, as you know, everyone at the camp has to touch water once a day.” I had forgotten about that. Martha, the camp director, had instituted this after the health inspector warned the camp about health issues. “But, the pool is closed. Can’t I wait till tomorrow morning?” “Sorry. Rules are rules. You can shower.” Shower? The staff building, where the showers are, is a long hike away. It’d be impossible. I express this concern to Beth. “Use the pool showers. It’s literally 100 meters away.” “But, Beth, the showers are open there! They’re designed to be used with swimsuits!” “Don’t worry about it. It’s 8:30. No one’s going to be there. Now, go.”

I grab my towel and head down the path. I’m shaking with nervousness. What if someone comes in? What if someone else has to shower now? What if I get a boner? They’ll find out, that I’m closeted. Before I know it, I arrive at the pool. I step inside, and I see the empty benches and lockers, where everyone awkwardly changes before and after swimming.I Look around, make sure no one is in the change room or in the bathroom. Finally, I take off my shoes, socks, shirt, shorts, and boxer briefs. I stride over to the showers and turn it on. Freezing cold. I fight off the discomfort, and do my cleaning business. I get my hair wet, use shampoo and conditioner, and start applying soap. I’m halfway through lathering up when I hear a noise. A noise of an opening door. What do I do? I kill the shower, and hide in the little lip of the wall between the change room and showers. I peer out and see another CIT that I’ve never met before. He’s pale, like me, with brown hair and eyes. He probably got stuck showering here too. I watch him, with no hesitation, he undresses. His boxers come off, and I see his penis, flaccid and about 4 inches. Holy! 80% of mine when it’s soft! He hangs his clothes and walks over to the showers. I stop looking. I hear him get closer and closer, and then I see him. He turns around and sees me. “Oh, uh, hey,” he says, looking a bit embarrassed. “Hi, mate,” I say back. I’m soaking wet, covered in soap. “Uh, your shower stop working?” “No, I just freaked out a little when I heard you coming.” “I see.” He seemed a little weirded out, but had no issue turning on the shower right next to me. I had a chance to look a little closer at him. Man, he was sexy. I felt my cock start to twitch a little. I went back to the shower, trying to wash out all the soap and leave as soon as possible. “So, what site are you from?” “Uh, big oak,” I say. No! No conversations! “Cool. I’m from Pine heights. I recognize you. Are you a returning CIT?” “Yeah. You?” “Nope, first year.” I’m trying hard to get the soap out from all the places on my body, so I can get out before full erection. I get rid of all the soap, and turn to leave. “Hold on, man, stay awhile. You seem happy enough to be here.” He points at my penis. It’s half erect. Fuck. “So, man, you gay?” Here it is. No more avoidance. I sigh. “I think I’m bisexual. You happy? Gonna tell everyone now?” “Relax mate. I’m gay.” “Really?” I ask. I never would have known. “Yeah, you gotta learn to control erections in places like this.” He indicates toward his fully flaccid dick. “Sorry, it’s difficult to control. You’re pretty hot,” I confess. Why am I saying this? “So, you a virgin?” He asks me. “Yeah.” “Really? Guys and gals? I’ve had about two guys myself.” “Really?” “Yeah. In fact, I’d like to have a third.” He approaches me slowly, and puts his arm around my neck. “You said you THOUGHT you were bi, wanna find out?” I try to make a legitimate response, but he kisses me flat on the lips. He starts grinding his junk into my semi-flaccid, but growing cock. He embraces me solidly and reaches down to my asscheeks. He kneels down, and slides his mouth over my now erect penis, sucking. He gags, which turns me on totally. I’ve never felt penetration without me touching my penis, it’s an amazing experience. I grab his head, forcing him to swallow my cock deeper. I’m three quarters to orgasm, when he stops. “Let’s get exciting,” he says. He takes me by the hand and leads me back to the change room. “Lie down on your front on this bench,” he says. I obey, and lie down. I know what’s coming. I feel his warm body climb on top of me, and lie down, the tip of his throbbing cock aimed for my ass. I’ve fingered myself before, I’m prepared. “Ready?” He asks. I nod. He slowly enters me, and begins slowly pounding on my virgin anus. I allow a few moans to escape me. It’s a sharp pain for a while, but it mellows out. “Harder,” I say. He speeds up, and I feel him going deeper and deeper. “Hold on, stop,” I say. He quickly stops. “What’s up?” “Go balls deep,” I request. “Yes sir!” He fully enters me. “Keep going! Go balls deep with each thrust!” He goes harder and harder, and starts essentially leaping in and out of me. My penis starts pulsing. “I’m gonna cum!” I say. “So am I!” he says. I feel hot semen enter my asshole. The sexyness of this causes me to release as well. He’s exhausted. He lies down on top of me. I turn around, and our cocks start mashing again. We lie like this, no words, for a few minutes. Eventually, we got dressed and went our seperate ways. I never saw him again.

Everything here, including the backstory of the camp and me working as a CIT is totally fiction. Not one word above this disclaimer is true.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/4y912h/fiction_gay_mm_camp_shower