The Midnight Riders Society: A Promise Kept [MF, Oral, Creampie]

Felicia’s story came to a close as she came, shuddering, on Kyle’s face. There was some polite applause, but by and large the success of a story was judged by how excited it got the audience. And by that token Felicia had done exceptionally well.

All of the remaining listeners had devolved into their private performances. Irene and Samuel, the couple on the couch opposite, had now entirely shed their clothes. The coloured girl ground her pussy into the basketball player’s muscular leg as they sloppily made out. It wouldn’t be long before she was treating herself to the biggest cock in the Society.

Francis and Colby, who had paused briefly to watch the climax of Felicia’s story, returned to what they had been doing before. Francis had his pants around his ankles and his hands twisted into his lover’s curly hair, as the first-year greedily deepthroated his prick. The rising volume of his slurping was beginning to rival that of Kyle and Felicia, who appear to have begun round two.

Faith got up from her seat beside Javier, and stumbled over to the couple at the bar. She whispered something into Kyle’s ear, who managed to withdraw himself from his meal long enough to reply. They kissed, the Asian girl undoubtedly tasting the redhead’s sweet pussy on his lips, before she shuffled off, tracksuit rustling.

As for Javier, well, he had reached his breaking point. With Kayla on his lap the entire time, the two of them were apparently the only people in the room who had yet to find physical release from the pent-up arousal brought on by Storytime. He had had to content himself with occasionally palming the athlete’s breasts through her tight dress, or kissing the bumps of her spine, exposed by the backless cut of the outfit. The zipper, which ran the length of her bottom and began at her tailbone, seemed to mock him.

Even his attempts to free his cock from his undone fly had been prevented by Kayla swatting his hands away each time he tried. For what it was worth, she seemed as frustrated as he was, judging from the dampness that he could feel even now leaking through the denim of his jeans.

So when it seemed that Storytime was well and truly ended, he gently pulled Kayla back into him by her throat and whispered into her ear.

“You have ten seconds to tell me why I shouldn’t fuck you here and now.”

She giggled, and wriggled in his lap, but Javier was having none of it. Instead he groped her left breast harshly, making her gasp, and spoke again.

“I mean it, Kay. I’m *this* close to fucking tearing this dress apart.”

“Mmmm, I almost think I’d let you. But don’t worry lover boy, I’m good to go. I know just the place too. Follow me, and try not to knock anything over with that piece of timber.”

She stood up, smoothing her skirt, before beckoning him with her finger and heading towards the hall. Javier stood up, not bothering to do up his fly, and followed. Felicia turned her head to watch the two of them go, but from the glassy look of her expression, with Kyle’s tongue and fingers edging her to yet another orgasm, she probably didn’t comprehend their leaving.


A few people were laughing in the kitchen as they passed, but on their way upstairs Javier saw no-one apart from Freddy and Mahika on the stair landing. The rugby player had her pressed against the wall, and they were slowly making out. It was hard to tell whether they were on their way to a liaison, or returning from one. Or, indeed, about to start one then and there.

On the first floor, Javier spotted Faith leading Donald into the bathroom. He made a mental note to check there later, time allowing, to see if he could solve the mystery of her sports attire. But Kayla kept leading him onwards and upwards, until they reached the guest bedroom on the top floor. Upon entering, Javier immediately knew why she had picked this room.

Apart from the large queen-sized bed, this room’s other feature was the wide mirror which dominated an entire wall. Ostensibly for the dressing table that it was attached too, the mirror served other purposes as well…

Javier took off his leather and jacket and threw it over the dressing chair as Kayla switched on both the bedside lamps. The material strained at her hips as she leant forward, and for the first time Javier wondered how uncomfortable moving in the tight outfit must be. Room fully lit, she plonked herself on the foot of the bed and began to undo the straps of her heels.

“Would you close the door, please?” she asked softly. “The next bit’s *just* for you.”

That *did* sound interesting. He happily complied, and once the door clicked closed he returned to find Kayla biting her lip and looking up at him with dark green eyes. She pulled him down by his arm, and once he was lying on the bed, she lay alongside him.

“Still think I look pretty?”

A tiny dot of mascara had escaped an eyelash had fallen on her cheek, and her hair had already begun to escape the confines of her coif, but she still looked the picture of elegance from when she had opened the door, and Javier told her as much.

She blushed, and reached down between them to rub the bulge that had formed in the front of his underwear.

“You’re just saying that because you’re horny.”

He gently reached down and held her wrist away from his package. She seemed surprised, eyes widening, but he gently kissed the tip of her nose.

“I mean it, Kayla. You look like a million bucks. I’m about as fashion-sensible as the next guy, so don’t take my word for it, but I think it really suits you. I’m just curious about what the occasion was.”

“I don’t know.” She blushed again. Javier was surprised to see Kayla, usually so bubbly and confident, suddenly come over shy. “I just thought… I… I don’t know. Like I’ve gotten into a rut, maybe?”

He let go of her arm, and she returned to stroking the front of his jeans.

“A friend of mine went to a party a few weeks ago,” Kayla said, “some college function or something. And when I saw the photos, how pretty she looked…”

The blonde sighed, and with some difficulty propped herself up on her elbow.

“It just made me realise. That I hadn’t gotten dolled up for anything since, I don’t know. Last year, maybe? Best I’ve looked is when I’ve gone clubbing and that barely counts. So I decided to make an effort.”

Kayla removed her hand from his bulge just long enough to push Javier onto his back, before she started fiddling with his fly. Her fingers dragged the zip down, and dipped into his jeans to pull his boxers down. But try as she might, his excitement had hardened him to such a degree that his cock was proving difficult to extricate. After a few seconds, she gave up and collapsed next to him, laughing.

“Looks like it worked too well, huh?” She said, when she recovered.

Javier responded by gently grasping her by the neck and pulling her mouth to his. Her lips parted… and then his tongue was in her mouth, and he could feel her moaning into his mouth as they made out, lying next to one another on the bed.

For the next few minutes, the only sounds in the room were of the rustle of their clothing and a few errant slurps. And then they parted.

“Really, *really* well,” Javier said. “Stand up for me, would you?”

Kayla cocked and eyebrow, but slid off the bed to stand next to it.

“At the foot, please. Facing away.”

She sashayed over, and with a tad more theatricality than was required, spun on her heel to face the mirror while Javier climbed to his knees behind her.

He sorely wanted to relieve the tension that had built up in his crotch, and silently vowed never to wear jeans to another meeting of the Society again. Those few seconds of feeling her hand rustling against the front of his briefs had been torture, and Javier had been worried that he’d do himself an injury if his cock wasn’t freed from its confinement soon.

But Kayla seemed like she needed a boost of confidence, and he could wait a little while. Though he did, as he clambered to the foot of the bed on his hands and knees, undo the button of his jeans to alleviate the pressure somewhat.

His hands found Kayla’s waist, and he slowly ran them up and down her sides as he settled into a more comfortable position. He couldn’t see her face in the mirror, but he heard her deep-throated chuckle as he took a hold of the zipper at the base of her back.

“Straight to the point, huh Jav-“

“Quiet, Kayla.” His low tone brooked no possibility of dissension.

He kept a firm hold of the zipper, but did not move it as he brought his head up to the small of her toned back. Even in the warmth of the room, Kayla shivered as she felt his hot breath against her spine, his lips just barely touching her skin.

“You’re gorgeous, Kayla. Simply gorgeous.” Javier kissed the tiny bump that marked one of her vertebrae. “And not just because you’re wearing a fancy dress.”

He moved onto the next one, pausing a few seconds to increase her anticipation before delivering a soft, almost imperceptible kiss to her skin.

“You’re always smiling, you’re always excited, and you’re always confident. I love that about you. And it shows, even when you’re not in high heels and an expensive dress. No matter what you’re wearing, or not wearing, you look amazing.”

Javier reached the pronounced bump of her tailbone, and let the last kiss linger.

“But tonight? Yeah, tonight you looked like a million bucks. No question. You don’t need to, but if you want to dress up like this in future, I would love to see it.”

His head was resting against the tips of his fingers, and he could feel the metal teeth of the zipper against his chin.

“I would also like to see you out of it,” he said quietly, “but for now I just want you to know how beautiful you look in it.”

He gently pulled the zip down, until it was barely connected at the hem of her dress. The skintight material finally gave way, and the globes of the athlete’s firm little behind revealed themselves.

Kayla gasped, and stumbled in place as he gently scored her right cheek with his teeth, but stayed upright, facing the mirror. She said nothing as he pulled her cheeks apart with his strong hands, but arched her back and stuck her backside out, to better receive his ministrations.

She smelt slightly of sweat, not surprising given how tightly clenched together her thighs had been all evening, but it was laced with the sharp tang of her pussy juices, which wafted up at him from below. But he was not one to rush his meal, so instead he took his time, kissing first the one cheek, then the other, and then returning to her backbone as his fingers kneaded her flesh.

Kayla twitched again as his tongue lazily traced the rim of her puckered rose. The two of them hadn’t tried anal together yet, but Javier knew from others that she wasn’t much of a fan, reserving it for more experimental or debauched occasions. But she appeared to enjoy rimming well enough, letting out increasingly breathy sighs as he circled her butthole and occasionally working just the tip of his tongue inside of her.

Eventually though, he couldn’t resist drifting further south, and she moaned as his tongue made contact with her pussy lips.

Her pussy was as beautiful as she was, though admittedly Javier was something of an equal-opportunist in that area. Cleanly shaven, with an innie-slit and a mound that puffed up whenever she was aroused. It provided an excellent view from behind when she was naked, and with her dress barely attached to her lower thighs, she was as much now.

Kayla moaned as Javier’s thumbs spread her lips apart and his tongue licked a wide swathe from her slit, gathering her accumulated grool on his tongue. Unable to fully spread her legs, she instead braced herself against the dressing table and bent at the waist, forming a right-angle that Javier was only too happy to take advantage of.

She tasted incredible, that slightly sharper flavour that he had come to associate with her. Every girl tasted different, and Kayla reminded him just a little of orange juice.

She was proving a bountiful source of juice now. Clearly Felicia’s story had left her as pent-up as Javier was, and even with all of his enthusiastic licking, enough of her lubricant was pouring out to begin to wet her inner thighs.

Javier flipped onto his back, head hanging off the edge of the bed, to better access her pussy. A quick effort to finally undo the catch of her zipper was enough to free her lower half from her dress, allowing him to pull her back onto his face.

“Oh. Ohhh, oh *fuck*.”

Kayla said nothing more, but ground her groin against his mouth as his hands gripped at her ass cheeks. The material lay over the top of his head, so he couldn’t see her face, or the mirror. Instead, Javier could concentrate fully on the heat and texture of her as he dined on her. He steadied her trembling body as he ate, mouth covering her slit as his tongue traced the inside of her lips. Occasionally he would drill inside of her, and she would let out another moan and push against him, willing his tongue even deeper.

On the third pass he made over her clit, his vision flooded with light as she pushed the dress aside with her hand and held his head away.

“Please… I don’t want- I want to cum with you inside. Please.”

“Get undressed first,” Javier said with a smile, before taking a firm grip on her bottom and returning to his meal.

Kayla squealed, and tried to pull his mouth off with weak hands, before desperately plucking at the straps that bound her dress to her. It took a few false starts, but eventually she managed to pull it over her head. Half-stumbling, half-falling, she pulled away from him to dump it on the dresser.

Javier righted himself, feeling the blood rush from his upper head as he sat up. Kayla was leaning against the edge of the table, hairstyle rapidly disintegrating. Her moderate bust heaved with every pant, and beneath her toned abs her groin was shiny with her juices and his saliva.

“Still think I’m gorgeous?”

Javier pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it beside the bed before standing to work his jeans off.

“Kay, I think you’re even sexier now. But still not as sexy as when you’re cumming…”

He had barely removed his briefs before she tackled him, pulling him onto the bed in a tangled embrace, and they were still hanging off one ankle as they made out again, this time with the rasp of skin on skin and their hands clawing and clutching at one another.

He kicked them off as they settled into a more familiar position, with him on his back and her lying on top of him. Kayla *loved* to be on top of a taller guy, and Javier loved being that guy.

Clearly she was as eager to get to the main event as he was. She reached between them, and with a few fumbles managed to take a hold of his engorged shaft. Wordlessly, she shifted to her knees and perched atop his prick. Without ceremony, she lowered himself onto him, keening quietly as inch after inch disappeared into her hot insides.

“Holy shit, careful Kay,” Javier hissed, “don’t hurt yourself.”

“Oh, *fuck* you Jay. I can handle it. Oh, fuuuuuuck, yes. Fuck, you feel so good. So fucking good.”

She wasn’t lying. Without a pause, she kept on sliding down until she was sitting on his hips. The female members of the Society were no strangers to large insertions, but even still it was a testament to Kayla’s arousal that she could go all the way on the first pass.

Javier held her in place for a while, watching her face. Her eyes were closed, but her expression flitted between pleasure and enjoyable pain. Mouth agape, her make-up slightly smudged, her hands clutched at his chest.

He started to rotate his hips, but she hissed and dug her nails into his skin.

“Do- don’t. I’m going… if you move, I’m going to cum. Oh, Jay, I think- I think I’m cumming. I think, ooo*oooOOHHHhhh*.”

He stayed perfectly still while she twitched around him, her muscles clenching on his cock again and again. It required a good deal of concentration from his side to avoid following her down that road, primed as he was to follow suit.

She fell forward against his chest, hard nubs of her nipples against his skin, as the muscular tremors ceased. Her breath was hot against his neck, before she looked him in the eyes, a smile dancing around her lips.

“I may have gotten a touch *too* excited there. Serves me right for using you like a chair, I guess. Dumb move.”

Javier ran his hands along her sides before running his thumbs across her nipples, causing her eyelids to flutter.

“Think you can keep going?” he asked. “Not to sound selfish, but I still have a problem of my own to deal with.” He twitched inside her to demonstrate her point, making her tense for a second.

“Mmmm, I’m still *really* sensitive…”

She kissed his mouth, then his cheek, then his jaw, and then her lips brushed against his ear.

“… So you’ll have to start *really* slow, okay?”

His response was to begin rolling his hips, causing his dick to lazily begin to stir her pussy. She sighed, then chuckled softly, and began to lay tiny kisses against his neck as he fucked her.

Javier was true to her wishes, keeping his movements slow and restrained while Kayla rode out the after-effects of her orgasm, tortuous as it was. It wasn’t until she began to match his movements that he started to lift his hips, imperceptibly thrusting up and into her.

The blonde must have enjoyed it, because she lifted herself into a cowgirl position, giving him a show as he built up speed. Soon her moans joined the slapping of their flesh to fill the room. Amongst her other exercises, Kayla’s routines must have included her Kegels, and she squeezed at him on random thrusts, causing them both to moan in unison.

He began to build up to the orgasm he had been chasing the whole evening, and turned her over so that he was on top of her, thick cock plunging in and out of her wetness. She scratched at his back and wrapped her legs around his, urging him on in half-whispered words.

“I’m going to cum soon, Kay,” he growled, pistoning deep and rapid strokes inside of her that caused the bed to shake and sway.

“Inside. I want it inside.”

“Fuck, yes.”

He doubled his pace, causing Kayla to arch her back. The slickness of her, the heat and the texture and the way that her inner muscles grabbed at him were pushing him to the edge. His mouth found hers once again, and their tongues twisted together as they reached the crescendo.

He moaned into her hot mouth as he felt his balls throb and empty, and the rush of cum up his shaft as he came, pulsing, into her pussy. He kept thrusting throughout, eager to get her off with his cock before he became too sensitive, and was rewarded by her own swallowed cry as she clutched at him and pulled him close.

It was a glorious, well-earned orgasm, the kind that blanks the mind and causes momentary loss of self. The only thing that remained in his brain was the feeling and the pleasure, that ecstatic release that came with sexual pleasure.

Eventually, consciousness resumed, and Javier returned to being. He realised that he had dropped on top of Kayla, who was still twitching and jerking her way through her second orgasm. He busied himself with whispering sweet words of encouragement until her second cumming ceased, and she lifted her head to kiss him.

The kiss descended into yet another tongue-twirling session, while his cock gradually softened inside of her and their accumulated juices swirled around his shaft. All of the girls were on birth control as a matter of course, a practice which allowed all the members to revel in the post-sex satisfaction of a well-earned cream pie. Clean-up was a problem for later.


“So, handsome,” Kayla said, as he detached himself from her kiss and pulled out, causing their accumulated juices to spill out onto her thighs and the sheets, “how pretty was I?”

“When you came?” Javier shuffled to the head of the bed, and presented his dark cock, covered in a milky-cream, to her. She took him into her mouth without hesitation. “I’d say… six, out of ten.”

Her nostrils flared, and he felt the sharp pricks of her teeth against his sensitive shaft.

“Kidding! I’m kidding!”

He ran his hand through her now thoroughly untidy hair as she resumed her earnest sucking, pursed lips smiling.

“You were beautiful, Kayla. Beautiful as always.”

After a few minutes, he was entirely clean, and beginning to harden again. She look askance at him, but he shook his head.

“I’ve got a mystery I need to solve,” Javier said, leaning down to kiss her again, her lips now laced with the taste of his cock and her cunt. “Unless you want me to stay…?”

“Don’t worry, lover boy. I won’t keep you all to myself.”

He climbed off the bed and went into the en-suite to grab her a towel, only to return to find her already pulling on her dress. The last glimpse he caught of her pussy before it disappeared showed a trail of slimy cum beginning to inch its way down the inside of her thigh.

“No need, thank you. I’m going to go see if I can find someone in cleaning me up the fun way.”

She turned around, presenting her backside and the back of her dress for him to zip up. He did so, but not before grabbing her ass one last time. Kayla turned back around to look him up and down.

“Of course,” she said, “I may have to motivate them by telling them about the stiff competition they had, given your earlier performance.”

He laughed, and began pulling on his underwear, and then his jeans.

“That’s the kind of contest I’m more than happy to be a part of. Good luck.”

She ran her hand across his cheek before moving to the door, high heels in hand. She opened it, and then turned back, looking over her shoulder.


“Yes, Kay?”

“Thanks for the pep talk.” She said softly.

“Anytime, Kay.”

She padded out, and down the hall.

Javier eventually did up his fly, and gathered his shirt, shoes and socks. He’d dump them in the entrance hall, knowing he’d not need them until he left. A quick glance around the room showed little damage, but for a wet spot on the top of the mussed duvet. Pointless trying to clean it up now, since the room would likely be used again before the end of the evening, if not by him. Besides, Hamish always made sure to clean the place top to bottom the morning after anyway, and the sheets of all the beds in the house were undoubtedly a part of that routine.

Smiling to himself, clothes in hand, Javier headed out the door.


1 comment

  1. Apologies for the delay. Been away, but now that i’m back I can continue a story that I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing it.

    Please find previous installments of the Midnight Riders Society below:

    [MRS: A Prologue – Introduction](

    [MRS: Mise-en-Scene – Part One](

    [MRS: My First Job – Part Two](

    As always, your comments, compliments and criticism is always welcome.


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