Laura [FM] [str8]

Laura was a 18 years girl, with an average body but a great personality. She loved to walk alone in the forest near her home, feeling the fresh air and hearing the wind in the trees. One day during her walk, as she saw a car coming in her direction, she felt a vivid pain in her arm. There was a dart in her arm. Her mind quickly became confused and sleepy. Had it been shoot from the car ? What did want these people ? She couldn’t think more before falling unconscious.

Laura woke up in a tiny room. There was a bed, a table and a chair, a screen, a bucnh of strange pipes and robotic arms on the wall near the bed, and a door. She got up and tried to open the door, but it was locked. She suddenly realized she was naked, then all her memories came back. She had been kidnapped ! She shouted, but there was no response. She shouted more, hit the wall, and even cried, but nothing changed. After a while she calmed down and lied on the bed. The screen switched on. The image of a man in his thirties appeared. He began to talk :
-Hello Laura. You are here to be prepared for your future work. Food will be served three time a day with a bottle of water. You are free to do what you want in the room between the training sessions unless the orders say otherwise. Have you got questions ?
-You can hear me ?
-Of course. We watch you too. There will always be someone behind the cameras, we watch you constantly.
Laura noticed for the first time the cameras on the walls and roof of the room. There were at least six of them. She covered her breasts, frightened.
-Hidding your body is useless, our cameras catch different wavelenghts allowing to see through it. Moreover we eximaned every detail of your body when you were asleep. We think it is promising.
-You can’t kidnap me like that ! What do you want from me ? The police will catch you !
-You don’t need to know what will happen to you, just obey orders. The police can’t catch us, this place is well hidden. Now stop shouting and relax.
The screen switched off.
Just after that, a drawer in the wall opened. It contained food and a bottle of water. She was quite hungry and had nothing else to eat. She ate it on the small table, then lied on the bed thinking about what the guy said.

Laura felt something on her ankle. Before she could react, four robotic arms had grabbed her arms and legs and she could no longer move. Another robotic arm with a sort of wet sponge at the end moved and started to touch her belly. It then slidded on her skin, painting her body with a strange liquid. She tried to escape, but it seemed useless. When her belly was entirely covered with the liquid, the sponged moved to her breasts. It rubbed them strongly and her tits became aroused. She was ashamd of herself for that, but she couldn’t help it. She then understood the liquid was doing something to her, making the parts of her body covered by it aroused and excited. The sponge rubbed her legs when her breasts were finished, and moved up little by little until it touched her pussy. She suddenly felt really turned on, despite not wanting it at all. The sponged rubbed her pussy a few second and she becomed crazily aroused. The robotic arms then lifted her and turned her toward the bed. She could no longer see it but she felt the sponge on her back, then on the back of her legs, and finally rubbing her ass, making a part of her mind want sexual acts with her ass, while the other just wanted to get out of this room. The sponge rubbed her ass for a long time, then the robotic arms lifted her and put her toward the roof again. Two robotic arms with big spider-like ends moved toward her breasts, grabbed them, and massed them, while something sucked on her nipples. She tried to escape again, shouted and raged, but the worst thing was that it felt really good. How could she like that ? Another roboic arm moved. It had a bulb-shaped end witch covered her pussy. The air inside started to vibrate, exciting her. The vibration became stronger and stronger, then a metalic object touched her clitoris and vibrated too. She moaned while her clitoris became fully aroused and stimulated. Another object, this time with a skin-like texture, touched the opening of her pussy. She couldn’t see any of these object because of the bulb covering her pussy. She wasn’t sure what was happening to her, at the same time hating all of this and the people who kidnapped her, but also enjoying it why more than the few times she tried to touch herself and badly wanting more stimulation. The skin-like object slowly moved inside her, and she discovered a new sensation. At some point she felt a lot of pain and understood her hymen was torn apart. The thing came out, then in again, giving a mix of stimulation and pain. As the object speeded up, the pain went away and the sensation became incredible. With the really great feeling coming from her breast being massed and the pleasure from her pussy being fucked and her clitoris stimulated, her mind drifted in the excitement. After a while, this pleasure exploded giving her spasms. As she regain control over her mind, she understood she had had her first orgasm ever. All robotic arms retracted on the wall, freeing her.

The next morning, something touched her mouth when she woke up. She opened her eyes and saw a robotic arm forcing her mouth to open up. She tried to move but she was attached the same way as the day before. A liquid came outt of the thing in her mouth, forcing her to drink it. It then retracted on the wall. Nothing happenned for about five minutes, during wich she started thinking about the place where she was. Nothing special had occurred after her forced orgasm, except when the food came for dinner. The stream of her thoughts was stopped by the feeling that she was somewhat turned on. This feeling quickly became stronger and stronger, making her really wet. What was this liquid doing to her ? It was so strong she almost wanted the same thing as the day before to happen. THe robotic arms lifted her and and put her on all fours. She heard something moving, then something pressed against her asshole. This was a disturbing sensation, but it turned her on more. The object injected something inside her, making her asshole full on liquid. It then aspirated the liquid back. Something else touched her anus, but this time it entered, sliding easily. It made thrusts again and again, and it felt… surprisingly good. She didn’t know until that moment that her asshole could feel good. Now it was as if her vagina was waiting thirstily to be touched. The same spider-like arms as the day before came on her breasts and massed them. She was stimulated everywhere except where she wanted it badly. After a while something touched her pussy, and thrusted in. It was vibrating and thrusting at the same time, making her orgasm soon after.

A few hours later, her mind was back to normal. As much as she wanted to escape, she knew that after the liquid had been injected in her mouth, the sexual thoughts won. She had wanted the robotic arms to rape her. What these things had done to her mind was scary.

In the afternoon, the same thing happened : she was attached on her bed, a liquid was injected in her mouth, and again she wanted to be stimulated, she was extremely turned on, and escaping from the room seemed like a futile thing, a thought too complex to be connected to reality, because all what she felt was that she was on a bed and strongly needed to be stimulated. The only thing that mattered was this need. She was teased, stimulated, and fucked by th robotic arms. Her orgasm felt wonderful.

four days had passed since her first day here. Laura was “trained” three times a day, approximately at the same hours, though there was no clock to verify. Now the stimulations didin’t stop until she had orgasmed several times. Last time, it had been three orgasms the morning, two in the afternoon, and four the evening. The need to fight against waht was happening to her was decreasing, even though she was trying to maintain her normal self. She sometimes even wanted stimulation between the training sessions.

Ten days after, a lot had changed. There was now five training sessions a day, during which she usually orgasmed three to five times. the idea of escaping was now only a silly thing she remembered wanting at the beginning. How would she even do that ? It also seemed like her body was changing. Her breasts were somehow bigger, like her butt. Her waist was thighter, her skin more smooth, ect. that day, she tried to masturbate because she was too horny between the training sessions, but she didin’t felt anything. She was unable to stimulate herself, by any mean. The same day, the screen switched on. Th guy on the screen started to talk :
-Laura, you are making great progress. But we believe it’s important for our girls to learn to take an active role during sex. For this, we have prepared something for you.
The screen switched off, and something blinded her and blocked her. Then the thing went away, and she saw… Wow ! A young boy attached on her bed… naked ! At the very moment she saw him, she became more horny than ever. She had never saw a boy naked in real life. The boy turned his head and saw her. He asked her :
-Who are you ? and what is this place ? Why are we naked ?
She was so wet the boy could see it for sure.
-I’m Laura. I have no idea what is this place, but I know why we are naked. You are beautiful.

David had no idea about what was happening. He had been kidnapped, and attached on bed with a girl…
-I’m david…
He realise Laura was staring at his dick. He looked at her body, and saw her breasts were really nice and big… he tried to stop looking and thinking about that, but he couldn’t help looking a few times. She was really hot, and… wet. He then saw his dick becoming half erected. Laura, who was still watching it, smiled. He tried to stop it, but she was hot and… wet because of him. Moreover she was watching his dick becoming hard. The idea that she was horny because of him gave him a full erection. Laura walked towad him, and touched his chest. Her breath was short. He was not sure what was going on.
-What are you doing ?
-Training myself. I can’t resist.
She touched his penis and moaned. It didn’t take long before she sat on him, one leg on each side of his body, and grab his dick. He was going to be fucked for the first time, and by a really hot girl. That turned him on a lot, but she seemed ten times more horny than him. After only one minute he felt her pussy tighten and she moaned very loudly. She was already having an orgasm. She stopped for a few seconds, then started over. When he was about to cum, he told her, but she didn’t stop. When he did, Laura had an orgasm as well. She asked him :
-Can you still do it ?
-But I’m still hungry of you !
She moved to sit on his face.
-Lick me !
David had no choice, she was pressing her pussy against his mouth. He started to lick. After some time he felt her orgasm in his mouth.

Laura was laying on the bed, trying to masturbate, but like always, she didn’t felt any pleasure. David was now brought to her room each day, since 8 days ago. The robotic arms suddently attached her to the bed. It was an unusual time for her training sessions… But nothing else moved. The door opened. The guy from the srceen entered, folowed by someone she had never seen. They started to talk :
-This is our best product. The food and product we give her have modified her body and mind. First thing, we made her breasts very sensitive to pleasure, about 8 times more erogenous than a normal women. Her butt is also a bit erogenous, and her asshole a lot more. Of course, her pussy is the most sensitive part. We made it 30 cm long. In both her ass and pussy, her muscles will automaticly squeeze at the right places to adapt to what is inserted. We trained her to be always ready and horny. She can orgasm more than a dozen times a day. She was also trained to have an active role during sex with boys. She will also orgasm each time her pussy, ass, mouth or breasts are in contact with sperm. Every idea of rebellion have been supressed from her mind, she will only want sex. She is unable to please herself, even with a sextoy, because only another entity can stimulate her. In order to control her, she will obey to every order, even if it is to abstain. You can see by yourself the changes we made to her body.
-She seems really great. Please allow me to take a little more time, I’m not sure yet of my choice.
-Of course.
They both left the room. She remained attached to the bed. At some point, something moved, injected something in her arm, and she fell unconscious.

Laura woke up in a large bed. She was in a big bedroom. She didn’t know what to do, but after a while the door opened and a man came in. It was the man who was in her room before she fell unconscious.
-Oh ! You’re awake.
-hum… fine.
The man came next to the bed. She could’nt help but look at his package in his jeans. She became really horny. Her hand moved by itself toward it and touched it… he was hard.
-Wow ! already doing your job.
Her breath became short while she unzipped his pants. She moved to face his dick, stroke it two or three times, and gave a small lick at the tip. It made him moan and become even harder. Laura was not sure what she was doing, but it felt great, so she let it happen. She was now giving a blowjob, using her tongue as well, and at some point she felt a spasm in the dick, then two, three, and an abundant load of sperm came into her mouth, making her pussy suddently feel extremely good, and she orgasmed while swalowing thirstily the sperm. The man put back his pants, and said he will be back in an hour.

When he came back, he was naked. He laid next to her, and gently touched her pussy, saying :
-Are you ready ?
-I can’t wait for it.
-lay on me and suck me.
Laura saw her body moving by itself, like if her body was obeying to the man more than to her. She started sucking, and soon felt that he was doig the same to her pussy. A feeling og extreme pleasure invaded her mind. After this, the man told her to stop and lay next to him. He went on her and slided his dick in her. After a few seconds there was nothing but pleasure. He was rubbing her breasts from time to time, adding to the pleasure. She orgasmed two times before he did, and had a third when he cummed in her.

Laura remained the man’s servant for years, wanting nothing more than sex, sometimes begging for it when he hadn’t use her for a while. Sex was the only thing that mattered, and the only thing that occupied her mind for the rest of her life.



  1. Your English is horrible… I couldn’t make it farther than the first few sentences.

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