What Do You Want to Read

Good morning,
My name is Cameron Cross and I’ve recently published 13 titles to Amazon for your reading enjoyment. I’ve posted one snippet of my stories over on /r/erotica for you to get a little taste of how I write.
I’ve currently made $99! I’m not writing for money persay, but for fun and enjoyment.
Most of my stories take place in situations that aren’t your prototypical sex scene. I also incorporate some fantasy elements into my stories, depending on my mood! I want to get your opinions on new stories you’d like to see and original ideas you’d love to read about!
Please ask away and send me every and all opinions and ideas you’d like to see written about! I plan on writing and publishing about 8 books a month (mainly short stories) moving forward.
Talk to you all soon!!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/4xdmld/what_do_you_want_to_read


  1. That sounds like a wonderful short story/book idea, rather than just a few paragraphs. :D

  2. I know it doesn’t fit your themes, but I see a severe lack FxF stories with younger characters (18-20 yrs) anything with that could be fantastic.

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