I’m too young for sex :( pt. 15 [fM]

I ran out the front door sobbing. I’d forgotten to put on shoes, but there was no way I was going back in my house to get them. *My brother. My lover.*

I gagged and bent over the bushes to dry heave but nearly fell over from being light-headed. I didn’t know where to go. My house was no longer a refuge.

Bethany was a stranger to me now. I couldn’t understand how someone who loved me could hurt me like she had. She had to know it would kill me. Kill us. Our bestie connection was severed and I couldn’t imagine how we could ever be friends again.

When we discussed bringing Mark into our relationship, I put it in her hands. I told her straight up that it was her call. I told her she was my girlfriend and we would only be with Mark if she allowed it. She had embraced him with me.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and stared around the street. No one was out. Good. I needed to go somewhere and think. Clear my head. Everything was too sharp and bright, so I stumbled down the street.

The pain ebbed away to a kind of hollow numbness. I couldn’t get the image of my brother sliding up Bethany’s body out of my mind. The repetitive sound of Joe’s squeaky bed rang endlessly in my ears. He was fucking my best friend. She wanted him more than she wanted me.

Tears still leaked out along with the cold sweat of nausea. My body had been twisted with cramps all week, but that was nothing compared to the pain I felt in my chest. The pain was a living thing, boring me out and leaving me empty.

I found myself at Mark’s door. I sniffed and wiped my eyes. Before I could think too much I pushed the doorbell. Mason opened the door with a confused expression on his face.

“Hey. Where’s your twin?” he said.

*Fucking my brother.* “Is Mark here? Joe wanted me to tell him something.”

“Sure,” he said and backed up to let me in. “Up in his room.”

Mason headed back to the living room to put on his headset and pick up a game controller. He was already lost in the game when I stepped upstairs.

Mark was sitting at his desk doing homework when I stopped in the doorway. He had changed from the jeans and shirt I’d seen earlier to a pair of running shorts. The skin of his back was smooth, but rippled over the muscles as he typed. I guess he felt my eyes on him, because he glanced back.

When he saw me, his expression shifted to something warm and happy. That instant reaction to seeing me told me more than words could say. Then he must have noticed my expression or my red eyes because he frowned in worry.

“What’s wrong?” he asked and opened his arms to me.

I ran to him and threw myself into his chest. Sobs made it impossible to speak for a moment, but he just held me and ran his hands over my back until I got myself together.

“Bethany and Joe,” I choked out, but my throat closed before I could explain.

Mark’s temples pulsed as he clenched his jaw. “Did he force her?”

“No,” I whispered. “She wanted to be with him.”

“What the hell?” His eyebrows scrunched in confusion. “Didn’t she talk to you about it first?”

I shook my head as another sob pushed out of the empty hole in my heart. “I hate her,” I growled.

“Oh, Squirt, this is what I was worried about. You guys are too young to be gettin’ into all this. Sex makes things so much harder.”

“She was my girlfriend! My best friend!” I started getting mad and Mark sat me back to stand on my own feet. “I’m gonna kick her ass and tell her Mom.”

“Wait,” Mark said and gripped my arms to stop me and get my attention. “Do you want your brother to go to jail?”

“Yes!” I was so angry, but then I thought of what it would to do my parents. “No.”

“Let’s go talk to them. We need to get this out in the open.”

Mark held my hand as we walked back to my house. When we opened the front door we were greeted by the sound of the squeaking bed and Bethany’s cries of passion.

“Oh, yes! Fuck me!”

“God, you’re so tight. I love your body.”

Mark pulled me up the stairs until we stood in Joe’s doorway. Bethany was on her knees holding the headboard while Joe fucked her like a dog.

“Dude, seriously?” Mark asked with a rising note of disbelief.

Joe screamed like a little girl and pulled out his condom-wrapped wiener with a wet pop. “What the hell, Mark?”

“Your little sister’s best friend?” Mark shook his head.

I was still holding his hand, half-hiding behind him because I really didn’t want to see anymore.

“You need to leave, Bethany.” My cold tone made her face twist up.

“So it’s okay for you to have your dream guy, but not me?” she whined.

“What dream guy?” Joe looked like he’d eaten something sour.

“You were my girlfriend *first*,” I cried. “I never would have run off and done something to hurt you like this.”

“How does this hurt you?” Bethany asked as she turned around to hop off the bed. “Why does this change anything? It’s no different than you and Mark.”

“If you have to ask that, then we’re done.” I was livid when I stepped around Mark to pick up her clothes and throw them at her. “Get the fuck out of my house.”

“Wait,” Bethany said as she caught her shorts and panties. Her voice broke when she saw how angry I was. “Talk to me.”

“You’re not my girlfriend anymore. You’re not even my *friend* anymore.”

“Hold on, are you two lez or something?” Joe was a little slow.

We both stopped and looked at him. “And this is your dream guy?” I asked with a cruel laugh.

“Screw you, Stephanie.” Bethany pulled up her panties and shorts. “At least he’s willing to have sex with me.”

“Mark wanted us to wait until we got on birth control. He stopped you from doing it because he actually cared about you. *That’s* what a dream guy does.”

“Mark?” Joe asked as the pieces began to drop into place. “What the hell?”

Mark stepped into the room to put his arm around my shoulders. “So what? You just banged her best friend. At least I actually *like* your sister.”

“No, no, no, no,” Joe said as he whipped the condom off his quickly shrinking wiener. “You don’t get to fuck my sister.”

“It’s none of your business,” I said as I pulled my t-shirt out of Bethany’s hands. “Go get your own damn shirt.”

Joe tossed his dirty shirt for Bethany to wear and stepped off the bed. “No wonder you were so pissed off at Dan. And you were pretty eager to get Steph home alone last weekend. You piece of shit!”

“Don’t call me a piece of shit when you were just doing the same thing,” Mark growled at Joe.

“You can’t just bang my sister!” Joe screamed.

“It’s not like that. I really like her.” His quiet confession made Joe blink.

The four of us stood looking at each other. Mark kept his arm around my shoulders as he stared Joe down. Joe sat back on the bed and rubbed his face.

“Mom is gonna shit,” Joe sighed.

“Mom better never find out or Mark will go to jail,” I said.

Mark squeezed me tight and met Joe’s surprised expression. “And so will you.”

Bethany got Joe’s shirt on and sat next to him on the bed. “I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I never meant to hurt you, Stephanie.”

“This hurt me, too,” Mark said. “I really liked you, Bee.”

Hearing him call Bethany her special name made my lip quiver. I didn’t trust myself to say anything so I bit my lip.

“I need to understand what’s going on,” Joe started. I answered his unasked question.

“Bethany used to be my girlfriend. We hooked up with Mark a couple of weeks ago. He’s been our secret boyfriend. It was nice, but it’s over now.”

Bethany crumpled back on the bed and sobbed into the pillow while Joe looked between us all.

“So you’re bi or something?” Joe asked. He really wasn’t smart. I just ignored him.

“Mark, I don’t want Mom to catch you here,” I said and stood on my tip-toes to give him a peck on the lips. He ran his hand over my hair and smiled at me before kissing me again, deeper. Even my toes tingled. I still couldn’t believe he really liked me, but I wasn’t gonna complain.

Joe got up to put on some shorts. “Stop doing that in front of me.”

“Payback’s a bitch,” I growled at him and Bethany, then took Mark by the hand and led him downstairs. “Thanks for coming over here with me.”

He just gave me a sideways smile until we stopped at the front door. “I know it’s none of my business, but go easy on Bethany. Sex makes everything more intense. You know how easy it is to get carried away sometimes.”

I didn’t want to let go of the hurt just yet, but I nodded anyway. “I hear you.”

“It’s been a tough week for me. I missed you,” he said as he ran his thumb along my jaw. Chills shot down my arms as he slipped his fingers behind my neck. His kiss told me he missed me, but when he pressed his stiff wiener against my stomach I got the message clearly.

“Can we find a way to get together sometime?” I asked. The whimper in my tone came from the liquid heat boiling through my belly.

“I’ve got to take Mason to soccer practice tomorrow, but no one will be home during the day. If you come over around ten, maybe we can swim or something.”

I grinned at him. “Or something.”

“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I watched him walk away before I shut the door. His ass was flawless in those shorts and the muscles flexing in his back made me feel swoony.

I went into the living room and turned on the television. There was a silly school comedy on that Bethany and I usually watched together. She was still up in Joe’s room and could stay there all night for all I cared. I scooted down on the floor and pulled my nail bag over to start trimming my nails. The two of them came in and sat together on the couch.

“So you and Mark, huh?” Joe said with a confused shake of his head.

“So you and *what’s her name*?” I replied, giving Bethany a searing look as I named her. It had been our joke name for all his girlfriends. Bethany flinched like I hurt her. “Enjoy it while it lasts.”

“I plan to,” Bethany snapped back.

My brother rubbed his forehead like he was getting a headache.

“Just imagine when Joe isn’t grounded anymore and you get to hear his bed squeaking with someone else in there.”

Her lip quivered and I suddenly hated myself for tormenting her. Joe studied us both as he let out a heavy sigh.

“You two need to kiss and make up,” Joe said with a firm tone. “You’ve been best friends forever. I may not like the idea of you and Mark hooking up, but he’s always gonna be my best friend.”

“You just want to see us kiss,” I muttered and looked back at the television.

“Maybe,” Joe chuckled. “But seriously, ease off. Just because I hook up with different people doesn’t mean I’m a dick. I like having sex and they know the score going in.”

“Does Bethany?” I asked. At least he had the decency to blush.

“I know the score,” she whispered and looked down at her fingers. “It’ll only last while he’s grounded.”

“See?” Joe said. He acted like she honestly meant it, but I knew Bethany better than that. “It’s not like Mark’s gonna take you out to dates or parties either.”

“What do you mean?” I smirked. “So far he’s taken me to the trampoline place and the beach. Tomorrow we’re going out while Mason is at practice and he has the van.”

Bethany squeezed her eyes shut at Joe’s muttered, “Son of a bitch.”

“Mark was willing to be creative so he could be with us.” Bethany looked back at me with longing and pain in her eyes. “The worst part is I think he liked Bethany as much as he likes me. And because of what happened today we’ll never be together again.”

“Wait, so it was like a threesome thing?” God, Joe was an idiot.

“Yes,” I said with a droll tone. “The three of us had hot monkey sex together.”

“Damn,” he whispered to himself.

I heard the rumble of the garage door going up and Bethany scooted away from Joe. I went back to trimming and filing my nails. Mom came in and dropped her coffee thermos by the sink.

“Hey Mom,” I said like nothing was wrong.

“Everything okay this afternoon?” she asked me with a glance at Joe.

I forced myself to say, “Just peachy.”

“Joe, you fix dinner while I shower and change.”

That was one nice thing about him being grounded. Joe got tagged for most of the chores. The downside was there was only so much mac and cheese a person could eat. It smelled like he was pan frying some chicken. The idea that he might be cooking to impress Bethany made me snort.

“What?” Bethany asked me.

I’d finished trimming and cutting back my cuticles and was painting on a dark purple gloss. Bethany was working on her own toes since I hadn’t volunteered to give her a pedicure like I usually did.

I looked up at her and met her eyes. She was suffering and I was weakening. Hell, I was suffering, too. I gave her a weak smile before answering.

“I think Joe is stepping up his game. He doesn’t cook. He usually goes for some kind of frozen dinner entrĂ©e or pizza.”

“It smells good,” Bethany said as she looked away from my gaze.

*Baby steps.* “Yeah.”

Dad got home and set the table while Joe finished the salad. His idea of salad was a few leaves of lettuce with a ton of cheese, olives, cold cuts, and peppers. By the time my nails were painted, Mom joined us all sitting at the kitchen table.

“Joe, this actually looks like a real meal for a change,” Mom teased.

Joe shot Bethany a look, then ignored her for the rest of the meal. It was easier to let the tension go with everyone around. Bethany and I didn’t talk to each other much, but we both kept up the conversation so Mom wouldn’t think something was wrong.

After dinner, Bethany and I quickly did the dishes. Dad and Joe insisted on watching a new thriller that had just come out. I sat on the floor in front of the coffee table and did my homework while Bethany reclined on the couch behind me. When I finished, I leaned back and watched the end of the movie.

Bethany touched my hair and rested her hand on my shoulder. I ignored her at first, but the warmth of her touch swayed me. I leaned my cheek down on her fingers and she squeezed me back. Joe was watching us out of the corner of his eye and cracked a small grin.

When the movie was over, Bethany and I headed up the stairs. I let her go to the bathroom alone while I turned back the bed. She came back in only wearing Joe’s shirt and tossed her shorts on her overnight bag.

I went to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. Staring at myself in the mirror, I decided to let it go. Bethany had made her choice. I didn’t have to like it, but it was her choice to make. Despite how strongly I felt about Mark, I had chosen her. I loved her too much to punish her for chosing Joe.

She was in bed when I climbed in wearing my clothes. It was just too weird to think about being with her now that she’d been with my brother. I think she understood because she only snuggled against my back and didn’t try to touch me.

Later, when the house was dark and quiet, I felt her slip out of bed. I only cried a little.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/4xghwq/im_too_young_for_sex_pt_15_fm


  1. It’s a great story you’re writing, but I think it’s time for thing to go Steph’s way..

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