A Helpful Stranger, part 2 [MFT][Fdom]

_A brief review of part 1_

Our bedroom is big, light and airy, on the second floor of our new suburban home. It’s on the corner of the house, with windows on two sides that catch a nice breeze on these warm summer days. It was my favorite room in the house until Greg started becoming more insistent and even abusive about sex. Recently it had started to seem like his attention was always on satisfying his enormous cock.

Greg had arrived home from work looking drunk, and he was excited to see me wearing my sexy schoolgirl outfit. My new friend Sara, who I’d met that afternoon, had told me that she would help with my abuse at Greg’s hands and cock. Sara told me to wear something sexy when Greg arrived, and I was wearing a short plaid skirt, red bra and thong, a short sleeved translucent white blouse, white ankle socks and shiny black Mary Janes. I’m short and petite, with small perky breasts, a tan complexion and long, wavy brown hair.

Greg was delighted and aroused by my outfit and carried me up the stairs to the bedroom, ordering me on my knees while he undressed. Greg, my husband, is a big guy, about 6 feet tall and 180 lbs., blond, rugged and handsome. Until now he’d had a thick 10” cock that seemed like it was always horny and always in control of him.

When Greg finished undressing and turned to face me, I expected to see his massive cock, ready to fuck my face and choke me until I puked. Instead, what I saw between his legs was barely a stub, soft and maybe an inch long. His balls were gone completely, and he was perfectly smooth between his legs, a change from his usual coarse thick blond hair. I stared at him, surprised and stunned, my amusement that he hadn’t felt the change mixed with fear.

“What happened?” I asked him, looking up at his new tiny stub of a cock. “Doesn’t it feel different?”

“What are you talking about?” Greg was puzzled. “Start sucking.” He commanded me impatiently.

“Look at yourself.” I told him.

Greg looked down in amazement and terror. “What the hell,” he said softly. His hands tightened on my hair, and I worried his surprise would turn to anger.

_Part 2 Begins_

“I didn’t trim too much did I?” I heard Sara’s voice, then I saw her walking into our bedroom. “If he’s a good boy it might grow back,” Sara laughed.

I’d met Sara just this afternoon in a coffee shop a few blocks from our house. She was about average height and wore black jeans, a black leather jacket, black t-shirt, and heavy black tactical boots that zipped up the sides. Her skin was very pale, and her short hair was jet black. She had two rings in her left eyebrow, and four or five rings in her left ear, giving her face a very asymmetrical look. She had promised to help me with Greg, but had been vague about how.

I was certainly startled to see Sara show up in our bedroom, but Greg was even more stunned to see a stranger appear when he was naked and alone with his wife. Surprised and confused, Greg lunged at Sara and tried to grab her jacket. Sara stepped to the side to avoid him, kicked him in the stomach, and faster than I could follow she had thrown him to the ground. Greg was on his back, and Sara was sitting on his chest facing him with her knees on either side of his head, pinning him to the floor. Greg struggled and should have easily lifted the small woman, but he couldn’t move.

I stood up and backed away while I watched the two of them. Sara’s eyes turned dark and I’d swear the whole room got darker. She slapped Greg across the face.

“If you knew who I was you would show me some fucking respect,” Sara told Greg slowly and menacingly, then slapped him again.

“Who are you, you crazy bitch!” Greg tried to fight back and struggled under her unsuccessfully. Sara slapped him a third time while I watched in terror.

“How stupid are you, you big slab of meat?” Sara asked him. “Why do you think you can’t lift me? What do you think happened to your cock? And what do you think will happen if I take something you really need?”

Greg continued to thrash around while Sara stayed unmoved on his chest as if she was bolted to the ground. “Get off me,” Greg yelled at her.

“What about your lungs?” Sara asked and giggled a little. Greg opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He moved his lips and looked like a fish out of water, trying to gasp but unable to draw a breath. Sara stared down at his struggles and smiled.

“At least you’ll die quietly,” Sara told Greg.

I finally got the courage to speak at the suggestion that Sara might kill him.

“Sara, please, don’t hurt him,” I pled with tears in my eyes. “I want him to treat me better, but I don’t want him to be gone.”

“Oh, Abby, you don’t need him,” Sara argued with me while Greg started to turn blue and stopped struggling.

“Please, Sara, please, let him go,” I asked her again.

“Sweetie, if only I could decide for you, you could just be rid of him,” Sara said then paused, “but I’ll let him breathe.” Sara looked down at him for a moment and then I could hear him gasping for air, filling his lungs again.

“You’ll be good if I get off of you now, won’t you, Greg,” Sara asked him.

“Yes,” Greg gasped, terrified of her after this display of her power.

“Yes, what?” Sara asked, bouncing on his chest a little.

“Yes, Sara?” Greg answered hesitantly.

“That’s good for now. Just remember your place, Greg, and stay down and quiet until I tell you otherwise.” Sara stood up and stood on Greg’s left, resting her right boot on his chest as if she didn’t quite believe that he’d surrendered.

Sara took a deep breath. “Well, I hope that unpleasantness is behind us, and it will be if Greg behaves himself.” Her eyes looked normal again, green irises surrounded by white in her pale face. Her mood shifted completely, and she seemed excited to see me.

“You know, after I heard your story of how Greg treated you,” Sara started to tell me, “I could have just had him hit by a bus, or maybe just made him impotent. That’s what most of my friends would have done! This kind of change is a lot more effort, but I like to be creative.” She paused and I nodded my appreciation, even though I had no idea what she was talking about. “I could even get in trouble for doing something so clearly unnatural, but I think a true artist has to please herself sometimes.” She finished, smiled and looked at me expectantly.

“Thank you, Sara,” I said, but I must have sounded confused.

“Oh, listen to me going on!” Sara exclaimed. “Let’s have a closer look at what I’ve done to Greg here. Greg, lift your knees and spread your legs. Then hold still and keep quiet.” Sara ordered Greg and he obeyed.

“See how tiny and smooth he is?” Sara and I both knelt down for a look, and he was just the same as I’d seen earlier, a one inch soft cock and no balls at all. “But it gets better!”

Sara leaned over and licked Greg’s tiny cock, a slow, wet, lingering caress with her tongue. “Can you feel that, Greg?”

“No, Sara,” Greg answered, looking even more scared than before.

“But you still feel like you need to penetrate Abby don’t you?” She asked Greg.

“Yes, Sara, I still want her so badly,” he answered plaintively. “Please change me back.”

“Shut up, Greg, I’m not interested in hearing you beg.” Sara answered him.

“See, Abby,” Sara turned her attention to me. “He’s desperate for you, but there’s no way he can cum from his new tiny cock. In fact,” she looked at me and tilted her head to the side a bit in thought. “Slip off your panties and see if he can penetrate your pussy at all.”

I slipped off my tiny red thong and lifted my skirt. Greg straightened his legs so that I could straddle him and I lowered myself onto him. I took his stub of a cock between the thumb and first finger of my left hand and tried to guide it into my pussy. I ground my hips against him, but other than dampening the tip of his penis a little with my wet pussy, I had no effect at all on either of us. Sara watched me try to use Greg’s new penis and laughed at my efforts and at his humiliation and frustration.

“But, Sara,” I got up the courage to ask after trying for a while, “I hated how he didn’t care what I felt, but now I can’t do anything with him even if I want to.”

Sara had still been kneeling on the floor while she watched me try to ride Greg, and now she stood up, clapped her hands and smiled animatedly. “I knew you’d ask that! And I have the perfect solution! Some people would just get you a strap-on, but I have solution that you’ll enjoy much more. Stand up and straighten out your skirt.” She told me, “Then close your eyes.”

I stood and closed my eyes as instructed, and after a few seconds I felt a tingling between my legs, followed by a throbbing and the feeling of the skirt sliding against me. I though I had seen everything already today, but I opened my eyes to find that I had a big, thick, 10” cock, much like what Greg used to have. What looked huge on Greg’s body looked even more out of proportion on my tiny frame. I lifted my skirt for a better look.

“It’s perfect!” Sara exclaimed, delighted with it. “To be honest, I’m experimenting a bit here, Abby, but you really can’t complain about that gorgeous cock.”

“It’s not really what I expected,” I protested quietly.

“You’ll get used to it, just give it some time,” Sara reassured me. “Sure, you can’t wear leggings out to the coffee shop if you don’t want it to show, but you need to consider the advantages. Slip out of your skirt.” She told me.

I took off my short skirt, which couldn’t really cover my new, massive, hard cock anyway. I stood in from of Sara in my bra, blouse, shoes and socks while Greg watched from the floor. Sara knelt down on one knee, wrapped her hand around the base of my cock and put her lips around my head. The touch of her lips and tongue on the head of my cock was absolute ecstasy, and I gasped with pleasure at her touch.

“See, I told you that you’d enjoy it,” Sara winked at me. The tip of my cock was already leaking precum, and Sara took some of it on her fingers, then smeared it on Greg’s lips and tongue. The effect on Greg was clear as he became flushed and started breathing faster. “If Greg isn’t aroused enough, the touch of your cum is a huge aphrodisiac for him. Basically, the only way Greg can get off now is for you to cum inside him. So we get to see Greg turned into a cock hungry slut.” She paused for effect.

“I’m sure you knew this was coming, but, yes, Greg, you’re going to find out how it feels to have your ass filled by a big hard cock,” Sara grinned at Greg. Greg was trying to look brave, but it was easy to see he was terrified. He’d never wanted anything even as big as my fingers in his ass, and I expect he couldn’t even imagine having this enormous cock inside him. For my part, I’d never felt the least bit sadistic in the past, but between my new cock and Sara’s excitement, I was a little curious how it would feel to have Greg under my control. I’m a little ashamed to admit it, but I wanted to see how it felt to watch Greg’s pain while I got off.

“I don’t even know how to start…” I looked at Sara. “Or what to expect. Will it hurt Greg, or did you say it will make him cum too?”

“Well, like I said, I’m experimenting a bit,” Sara answered thoughtfully. “He’ll be taking a your big cock in his ass, and that will hurt until he gets used to it after a few times, or maybe a few weeks,” she laughed. “But the wonderful part of this is that he’s desperately horny and it’s also the only way he can get any relief. As for how to do it, I’m pretty sure that will come naturally to you. Lift your legs, Greg,” Sara commanded him.

Sara knelt on Greg’s left and took his ankles in her hands, holding his legs up and apart. Even if Greg had changed his mind and tried to fight, there’s no way he could have broken free of Sara’s grip. I crouched down on my knees and guided the head of my cock against Greg’s virgin ass. I was producing enough precum that my head was a little slippery and I slid the tip of my new cock back and forth against Greg’s tight hole to provide a little lubrication. Just sliding my head against his skin brought back the same intense pleasure that I’d felt when Sara’s lips were around my cock.

I pressed the tip of my cock against Greg’s asshole and leaned into him, putting my weight behind my new cock. I saw and felt the head slide inside Greg, and heard Greg let out a short scream, then start to whimper.

“Be brave, Greg,” Sara laughed at him. “Now you get to see how it feels to have your little hole stretched out like you used to do to Abby. Go ahead, Abby,” she told me. “He’ll be fine.”

In the back of my mind I felt a little guilty that I was abusing Greg the same as he’d treated me. Still, between Sara’s encouragement and the pleasure I felt from his tight ass squeezing on my cock, I couldn’t imagine stopping. I slid a few more inches inside of Greg’s ass, and started to rock in and out of him. I can hardly describe the feeling, but I’d never felt anything like it before. While I pumped my cock in Greg’s ass, Sara continued to hold his legs up.

“Look at his little cock!” Sara told me. “See how it’s still tiny, but it’s standing up hard now.” Sara leaned over, still holding Greg’s legs and licked Greg’s cock again. “Can you feel anything there now?” She asked him.

Greg was struggling to breath from the pain of my cock stretching his asshole, but he answered, “No, Sara, I can’t feel anything from my cock.”

“That’s perfect, exactly what I was going for,” Sara commented. “Abby, go faster and deeper. You can cum inside him, and his little cock will cum then too.” She grinned at me, encouraging me to continue.

Sara was still holding Greg’s legs up, and I put my hands against the backs of his thighs, resting my weight on him as I slid the full length of my cock in and out of his ass. I realized for the first time that I had balls now too when I felt them bouncing against his ass. For a few minutes I couldn’t think of anything but the feel of Greg’s ass around my new cock any my exertion in fucking him as hard and fast as I could. Finally, I came with an orgasm like I’d never had before, my cock and balls pumping my cum into Greg’s ass.

“Abby, you look so beautiful when you cum,” Sara admired me. “And look, when you came in his ass, Greg’s little cock let out a few spurts too.”

I looked down, and Greg’s cock was soft again, but there were a few drops of cum on his stomach from his orgasm. “Did you cum?” I asked Greg.

“I think so,” Greg answered me, “but I was pretty distracted from you pounding my ass,” he commented.

“Don’t get cheeky,” Sara let go of his legs and slapped his face again. I slid my cock out of his ass and paused to catch my breath, exhausted from fucking Greg and from the intensity of my orgasm.

“Greg, go get some wet towels and clean off Abby’s big cock,” Sara ordered him.

Greg got up slowly and walked awkwardly to the bathroom. Seeing him struggle reminded me of the pain that I’d felt in my ass all day, but I have to admit I felt some satisfaction from doing the same thing to him. He brought back a couple of damp towels. I stood up and Greg kneeled in front of me and carefully wiped off the cum and shit from my cock.

“Get her nice and clean, Greg,” Sara told her. “Then give her cock a kiss and thank her for fucking you.”

Greg hesitated for a moment, but he obeyed. He kissed the tip of my cock after he’d cleaned it, and he thanked me. “Thank you for fucking my ass, Abby.” He said, thoroughly humiliated.

“You’re welcome, Greg,” I answered, although I didn’t really know what Sara expected.

“You two are so cute!” Sara exclaimed and smiled. “I’m sure you’ll both love this new arrangement! But now I need to show Abby something else. Greg, go stand facing the corner and don’t look until I tell you that you’re allowed to turn around.”

Greg, thoroughly beaten at this point, obeyed and stood in the corner with is back to the bed. Once Greg’s back was turned, Sara kissed me on the lips and started to undress me. She gently unbuttoned my blouse and unhooked my bra, slipping it off of me and exposing my small, round breasts. She led me to the bed and had me lie down on my back, then she slipped off my shoes and socks. Nude and relaxed on the bed, with Greg’s back turned and Sara focused on me, I was surprised to see that my cock was already fully hard again. I turned on my side and watched Sara as she started to undress.

“You know, there aren’t many people who get to see me like this,” Sara told me. She unzipped each boot and slipped them off, showing her bare feet. She slipped off her heavy black leather jacket, exposing her arms. Sara pulled the black t-shirt over her head, then loosened her jeans and stepped out of them. I noticed again how pale Sara was, nearly white, really. She had dark blue runes and symbols that I didn’t recognize tattooed over her arms, back, stomach and thighs. Her chest was almost flat and her nipples were very dark, nearly black. She was very slender with dark hair under her arms, and dark hair covering her crotch. Greg always wanted my pussy shaved smooth, and I wasn’t used to seeing a full bush like hers.

“I never really adjusted to shaving,” Sara laughed when she saw me staring. Overall, the effect of her white skin and the dark tattoos, nipples and hair was striking, and more like a drawing or picture than any real person I’d ever seen.

“Lie back and relax,” she told me. Sara wrapped her hand around the base of my cock and put her lips around my head again. This time she didn’t stop there but slid her head down on me until my cock was in her throat and her lips were around the base of my cock. I don’t know how she did it without choking, but the feeling was amazing. Sara lifted her head off of my cock and climbed onto the bed, straddling me. She guided the tip of my cock against the pale pink lips that I could see inside her hairy bush. She slid down on my cock so that I was inside her, and being inside Sara was better than anything I had ever felt or imagined. It was better than the best drug, and I was sure right then that I would do anything for a chance to do it again.

Sara put her hands on my breasts and traced my nipples with her fingers while she rode my cock. She moved up and down and rotated her hips. She leaned over and kissed my lips, still moving on top of me. It seemed like time disappeared for a while, and the only thing was Sara on top of me and the unbelievable pleasure that she was giving me.

“Cum for me now,” She whispered, moving faster, bouncing up and down on me. I was completely and utterly under her spell, and I loved it. I felt my balls and cock pulse and came for the second time that night, filling Sara’s pussy with my cum. “Mmm, you feel so good,” Sara told me. “Stay where you are.”

Sara climbed off of my cock and sat down on the bed next to me, leaning back against me and spreading her legs. “Greg, you can turn around now. It’s time for you to lick your wife’s cum out of my pussy. “

Greg turned around and walked back to the bed for this next humiliation. I’d already almost forgotten that his cock was gone and was startled to see the tiny stub and how smooth he was. Sara spread her legs wide and he put his face between them and started to lick my sticky cum off of her hairy pussy. “Get me nice and clean, Greg. Don’t miss a drop.” She teased him. “But you to like the taste, don’t you? Stand up and show us the effect.”

“Yes, Sara,” he answered and stood up. When he stood up, it was clear that he was hard again. His cock was still so small as to be useless, but it did signal his arousal when he was nude like this. He leaned back over and finished licking all of my cum from Sara’s pussy. When Greg was finished licking her clean, Sara climbed off of the bed. She started to get dressed while she spoke to Greg. “You’re really horny again, aren’t you Greg?”

“Yes, Sara,” he answered.

“Lie face down on the bed and spread your ass cheeks like a good slut. Then tell Abby what you want.” Sara commanded.

Greg did as he was told, lying face down on the bed and spreading his cheeks to expose his asshole, still sore and swollen from me fucking it earlier. “Please fuck my ass so I can cum again, Abby,” Greg said, his humiliation continuing.

I looked down and saw I was hard again. I couldn’t decide if I was pleased at the stamina that Sara had given me or worried that I was going to want to fuck someone every 30 minutes. I started to climb on top of Greg when Sara spoke up.

“He’ll still be here and desperate for you later, Abby. Right now, why don’t you come out with me? I’ve got some friends who’d love to meet you.” Sara smiled and winked at me.

It felt so evil, but I enjoyed Sara’s scheme of getting Greg to admit how much he needed me to fill him, then leaving him to wait. I climbed down from the bed.

“I can’t go out like this, can I?” I looked at Sara and then looked down at my big hard cock.

“Sure you can, you’ll be fine,” Sara reassured me. “Just put on some jeans and a t-shirt. Where we’re going, no one will comment on the bulge.”

“Greg, you stay here and wait for Abby to come back.” Sara commanded Greg while I dressed. “I’ll probably have her back home before sunrise. If you have any toys, you should try fucking yourself while we’re gone. I don’t think it will get you off without Abby’s cum, but I want you to try.”

“Yes, Sara,” Greg answered meekly as we left to meet Sara’s friends.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/4xehz3/a_helpful_stranger_part_2_mftfdom

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