The Girlfriend [M] [GAY/FF/Poly]

I trudged my way home from work with the warm Indian Summer air on my neck. With the midwest summers it was always better to wake up to sun and walk home in it, compared to the winters where I hardly saw daylight. As I approached the door through our multicoloured, but subdued shitty architecture, hallway I could begin to smell dinner. You imagine mice have a similar sensation as they get closer to the cheese and inevitable reward. My reward, a yapping dog that unfortunately heard the buckle of my satchel I so desperately try and hide when marching towards the wooden door.

In between the dog’s barks I shout a “hey something smells good!” You both are dancing around a bit as you shuffle between one side of the counter to the other to cheesy 2000’s dance hits. “You two would make more progress if you put down the glass of wine” I say slyly and with a smile. I unwrap the satchel from my neck, reach down to pet the now subdued protection mutt, and sit down on a chair at the bar. She reaches into the fridge and hands me a beer. “Did I mention you are a mind reader?” I mutter to her as she hands me my favourite brew and returns to your momentarily paused dance party.

The exact details of her introduction into our life is hazy now, but like a running shoe you have molded and shifted into, she was here. I guess I always knew there was a desire you had in your being that I could itch, but never sooth. It was probably more apparent to me than you. We both had a very mature, different, and comfortable understanding of love. Inherently to my psyche I had always understood people to be an assemblance of thoughts and memories, smiles and tears. We both knew we could have fallen in love with those vessels of memories if they were man or woman, regardless. We felt lucky though that it was each other that were lucky enough to end up with. Well, end up with carries such poor connotations. We were both tripped and fell into a summer’s afternoon of fresh grass on the lawn. Fell into a warm fire hugged by the cold of a midwestern night. Fell into that same amazement as you witness the Alps climb above the hood of your car as you approach.

“Fill our glasses Honey! We are cooking!” Snapped back into reality I snap to and fill both your glasses. You both begin to put the finishing touches on our amazing Italian meal taking shape. She comes up from behind you to assist with holding the colander as you dump the al dente pasta. Her arms squeeze more tightly than needed around your slender frame, more so than required, as I sip the remainder of my beer. I had seen her arms wrap tightly around you often, clothed and not. It was a pleasure unknown, but not unwelcome, to me. People who know us well. Let me stop there. People who know us. Well or not so well is such an indiscriminate term as we allow so people truly into our lives. People who know us often question after a few beers in if there is a jealousy. My response is always “are you jealous of whatever makes your wife happy now?” It is an odd dichotomy to think that happiness is finite, that is measurable and only sustainable by only those methods accepted. We had moved beyond it and understood it. She was no threat to us, but rather completed you in a different way.

She was not your first girlfriend. It didn’t happen immediately or with any rhythm. We moved from your innate desire to have a woman bury her face between your thighs in Amsterdam to wanting to have her more near…more often. Neither of us were the jealous type with each other. Jealousy exists because we fear the loss of something, it being taken away. That was not the case here. There was no declaration of authority or ownership. Your browsing of gay and bisexual dating profiles gave me no sense of pause. The woman simply had to accept us. Us as a single person. They could join that dance, but only if they knew there were two dancing partners to do so with.

The pasta cooled and drained in the sink and you spun around as you put the pot down and kissed her. Her lips joined yours and for a second I thought she would drop our meal into the dirty sink. Being the hungry type and not one for wanting to walk to dinner out, I jumped up, reached around her and grabbed the handles. She released without hesitation and hugged you as you engulfed her lips. Awkwardly I stood behind her and you, holding noodles, torn as to what and if I was there. Eventually the embrace let go and you both smiled as I stood there…noodles in hand…hungry…You both seemed happy though and I was happy to oblige to being a dedicated holder.

Dinner was a blur as we partook in the delicious meal you both had prepared. The flavour of both of your inputs were present, from the vegetarian flair to the distinct sicilian seasoning. We began finishing up the wine we had all three sampled on our trip to the Oregon vineyard, but as a fun joke, of a weekend. Sitting around our poor example of a Danish mid-century coffee table, we sat there sipping the remnants of the scent of the evening, the taste of the wine, and the belly laughs of our usual evening conversation.

We took the dog out for the evening and held close together with the cool summer air against our skin. As we walked up the stairs back to the apartment I wondered if you were going to have her over again, would she stay, or would you embrace and kiss to close the evening out. The stairs provided a challenge for our tipsy minds as you both walked up the stairs in front of me with the wiener and you grabbed onto her ass and smiled. That solved that mystery…

You two barely made it to the door as your hands graced her back and gradually began to move it up. I quickly jumped forward and unlocked the door for you two to fall into towards the bedroom. I heard your giggles and clothes remove as I took care of the dog for the evening. I walked in to find you on your all fours, your panties pushed slightly to the side and her fingers disappearing into you. “I guess you guys don’t want dessert?” I said laughing as I sat on the bed next to you. I regretted ever since she started coming over the sheet quality we had purchased, but she seemed simply content with your naked body on whatever she could have it on.

I sat down next to you near the headboard and grabbed the side of your head to bring it into a passionate kiss. She dropped to her knees and pushed her eager, hungry, and gracious face into your now dripping wet body. As she kissed you I could it in your lips as your and I disappeared into the pleasure of the moment.
