A gift to the Ork Chieftain Pt. 1 [fantasy] [oral]

Glinda looked up at the hulking chieftain standing before her. Even if she hadn’t been thrown to the floor by the foot solider when she was brought into his tent he’d have been imposing, but from the fur rug she now laid upon he looked more like an ancient tree towering into the sky than a mortal being. Growing up in the borderlands humans all heard stories of the Orks living beyond the river, and the raiding parties they’d send into the human territory, but she’d never seen one before they arrived at her village that morning. The grunts who’d torn through the village were large themselves, easily a head taller than any man she knew, but this chieftain whom she’d been brought to was even larger than that. In a community which valued power and aggression more than civility, like her human, more civilized brethren, it was no wonder how this man had rose to a rank like his.

He stepped away from his makeshift throne, coming within a few feet to get a better look. His body was adorned with furs draped over his body, along with animal bones and various other decorative metal items which she could only assume the Orks considered “jewelry”. The soldier besides her still held onto the chain which had been affixed to a metal collar around her neck but his excitement was obvious. Travelers who’d passed through her town frequently remarked that Glinda was the most beautiful girl they’d ever seen and the Ork leading the party, the one who now stood besides, her had prevented anyone from harming her in any way. He hadn’t hesitated to smash the head of one of his grunts with an ax for threatening to rape her, knowing that she was a great prize to provide to the chieftain. Even now, in her disheveled state anyone would be a fool to ignore her beauty. She wore long golden air hair which flowed down her back and framed a gorgeous face of sapphire blue eyes, a button nose and pouty lips. She had on a dirty dress which she’d put on that morning, nothing special as she’d been down by the well pulling water when the raiding party arrived, but even now her plump breasts pressed and strained against the fabric.

“My chief,” The soldier barked “We captured this prize for you in the raid this morning.” His voice was harsh, like stones grinding upon each other, and Glinda cringed hearing it. The solider knelt and extended his hand to offer the chain. Glinda didn’t dare move, knowing that his satisfaction with her was all that would keep her alive for the moment. The alternative was being tossed off to the troops to be ravaged. As he stood before her Glinda pulled herself up onto her left hip, her dress pulling up to expose her long curvy legs. He didn’t move, unimpressed by her milky white skin, but she could see the soldiers gaze had moved to watch her. These Orks were animals like the stories told about them, but she knew what every animal wanted be it wild or domesticated.

“Please,” she cooed softly, “take my chain my chief. I should belong to you.” and with that she reached up to the chain, cold to her touch, and wrapped her hand around it. Slowly, keeping her eyes down to not assume the right to eye contact, she started stroking the chain with her hand. From the corner of her eye she could see the hardening cock of her captor staring to poke out from under his loincloth and she hoped she’d get the same reaction from the chief. She licked her lips slowly staring at him and in her most passionate voice again cooed “Pleassssse.” He continued to simply stare at her, then his opened his mouth the slightest bit to speak. His voice was deep and gravely, but he spoke softly, commanding the respect of someone who could be stingy with his words. “Come to me.” was all he spoke.

Glinda pivoted forward onto her kness and started crawling toward him, keeping her shoulders low so her plump cleavage pushed up at him and her ass wiggled each way as she moved. The thin material of her dress did little to hide her curves and the fabric softly rested upon the heart shaped outline of ass as it swung back and forth. The solider to her side made no attempt to hide his erection as it pronounced from under his loincloth, sadly watching her crawl in another direction. She had never seen an Ork dick before, it looked like a mans but bigger. Glinda could only imagine the piece of meat she was crawling toward and had a twinge of excitement and fear. She’d had her share of sex up this point, fucking some of the townsmen for favors behind their wives backs, but even the hard cock to her left was bigger than anything she’d had before. As she reached his feet she stopped and stared up at him, waiting for him to make the first move. He looked back down at her, his jeweled helmet low over his brow, dark eyes taking her in. The chief leaned down so he could reach her, his massive hand grabbing her face and she could feel the pressure and power in his grip. He straightened back up and this pulled her up onto her knees, her face almost in line with his crotch. Even being this close she could smell a musk from his loins and it was intoxicating. Every man she had ever been with, ever cock she had taken into her mouth or between her legs, none compared to the pure masculinity before her. She could feel the warmth between her legs now too and had no doubt she would be moist if she reached down to touch.

“I am Chieftan Thrall. Impress me and you will live here in my tent. Fail to and you will be raped by the wolves and fed to the rats.” He said, a statement Glinda did not doubt for a moment. Continuing to hold her his other hand reached up to a clasp by his shoulder and with a flick it opened, his entire robing falling to the ground. Thrall stood before her fully nude and it was an impressive sight. His body was a testament to the male form, muscles like they were chiseled and carved to perfection. The light from the fore danced across his green skin and highlighted the many scars which adorned his flesh, undoubtedly the remnants of a life of violence. And directly before her face hung his cock. For a moment Glinda couldn’t help but stare at the massive phallus but she quickly regained her wits, keeping in mind what was on the line.

She looked back up at Thrall and smiled, “Most impressive my Cheif,” she said reaching out her left hand to grasp it. The cock was still soft but hung heavily like a baby’s arm, thick veins roping around it. Glinda wrapped her fingers around his meat and her fingers strained to meet on the other side as she gave it a little tug. Thrall released her face and she leaned in close, just letting the cock press against her cheek. It already was almost the length of her face and Glinda had no idea what to expect as it hardened, but knew she was going to do everything she could to drive this Ork crazy. She gave a slight moan feeling the warm meat against her face and dipped down to the head, giving it a lick. Her tongue ran a quick circle around it, dragging it up the side to where his hefty balls hung, leaving a shimmering wet line of saliva. Her left hand, gripped his shaft by the base started to stroke as her right came up to cup his balls the best she could, gently massaging them.

“Your balls feel very full my Cheif” Glinda purred to him “I cannot wait to help you empty them.” and she moved back to the tip of his dick, opening her mouth as wide as possible and sucked in the head of his massive cock. It was starting to stiffen and and push into her mouth as she swirled her tongue around the head. It continued to grow harder and thicker as it sat in her mouth, forcing her jaw to its max, but she was diligent bobbing her mouth down onto the head as it swelled. Glinda could already taste the salty drops precum oozing out and as Thrall’s cock felt rock hard in her hand she pulled back to see it in its entirety. Before her, jutting upwards like an ancient obelisk, stood his incredible cock, its head glistening from her saliva. There was no question it was bigger and thicker than any she had seen before and it must have shown in her face. Thrall let out a gruff laugh and turned his head to the solider, the other end of the chain still dangling from his hand. “Brotan, it appears this human girl has never seen the cock of a true warrior!” he belted out, his stoic exterior fading away slightly as he continued to laugh. The solider, Brotan, laughed too and gave a soft tug to the chain.

“Thats true my chief,” She said, hugging her face to his belly, the throbbing cock laid across her cheek as she went back to stroking. “I’ve always been disappointed by the men of my town but maybe..” and with pulled herself out to the tip of him and plunged her mouth onto it, sloppily sucking and thrusting her mouth down onto him. Saliva and spittle ran down the length of his shaft which Glinda smeared around with her hand as she furiously stroked. Her throat twitched as the cock head banged against it violently but Glina fought back against the pain and continued, emitting moans as she fucked her face. She could tell Thrall was starting to enjoy it as his hips started to push forward as well, meeting her each time.Glina let one hand run around his muscular belly to his ass cheek, pulling him into her with the thrusts. It was more for show than anything as at full force she doubted she could move him an inch but she could tell Thrall was enjoying it, enjoying to know that she was loving his hard dick in her mouth. His powerful hand reached down and he easily palmed the back of her skull, his fingers tying up in her hair. Thrall balled his fingers, gripping her golden strands in a fist and pulled her off of him to survey this girl. Her face was beautiful, even with saliva smeared all over it and tears running down from her eyes. His massive hand gripped his cock by its base and slapped it across her face as he let out a laugh. The chain from her neck heaved from the force, the links clanging together.

Glinda smiled back at him her voice purring as she spoke “Chief Thrall, why did you take your mighty cock from my mouth? May I have it back?”. Thrall threw back his head in laughter and turned back to Brotan. “You found me a good whore Brotan! You’ve done well! I may even allow you to jerk that punk dick of yours while I fuck her!” Brotan laughed as well, his stiff cock already quivering as it stood in the air. “Yes my Chief! I would love to watch you show this human bitch how a true Ork fucks!”

Thrall backed away, lumbering to his wooden throne before lowering himself into it. He reclined back, eyes still on Glinda, one handed lowered to his cock slowly running it along his own shaft. “Whore, disrobe and bring your ass to me.” He commanded, then as an after thought turned back to Brotan. “Unlock her chain, if she tries to run I will fuck her ass with my broadsword.” Thrall’s voice lowered, the miniscule jovialness fading from it “You hear that whore? Try to run and you will sit upon my blade tonight.” Glina rose to her feet, running her hands down her body until they found her crotch where she lingered. “My Chief, the only place I would run is back to that big cock of yours.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/4wbqy7/a_gift_to_the_ork_chieftain_pt_1_fantasy_oral

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