Kissing a Stranger Pt 3 [Ff][MF]

*This is where the story gets interesting. I hope you enjoy the direction it is going. As always, drop me a comment if you have suggestions or critiques. Thanks!*

The doors closed behind the pair of beautiful, naked women, and Ariella jumped as they slammed into the frame. The entrance hallway was lit by a candelabra that had been set on a decorative table just inside the door. Its tarnished golden arms and blood red candles did nothing to dissipate Ariella’s fears; if anything, it reaffirmed that she was in a dangerous place with possibly dangerous people.

The illumination gave away almost nothing of the mysterious house. Ariella could see that the furniture was elaborate, decorative, and useless in the way that no one was expected to use it for any other purpose but to show off wealth and impress guests. Ilara can consider me impressed, Ariella thought. There were large, framed paintings on the walls, but she couldn’t make out any details in such poor lighting. The hallway continued on in front of her to a grand staircase that rose to a walkway on the second floor. The light of the full moon shown through a grandiose window that rose from the middle landing to the ceiling, casting long shadows back at her. There were doors leading off of the hallway, but they were all closed. Ariella felt a flash of fear, the instinct to run was almost overwhelming.

“Mistress?” the voice came from behind her. Ariella yelped and darted forward, sure that someone was going to take her from behind.

“Michael, why did you scare our guest?” Ilara chuckled and winked at Ariella. “Take these, dispose of the rag. Also, dear, park the car, please.” She deposited the pile of their clothes into the arms of the man who owned the voice as he stepped into the light. He was taller than Ariella by almost a foot, with wide shoulders that were muscled. His face was handsome, clean shaven. His hair was cut close on the sides, with a wingtip of gray showing at his temples, and longer on top, combed to the side. Ariella pried her eyes from his face, only to squeal as she realized that he, too, was naked. Almost. His muscular frame was impressive, he obviously took good care of himself; the proportions of his body were perfect, in Ariella’s opinion. Her eyes continued down his body, she tried to avoid looking at his cock, but she couldn’t help it. It was hanging limp, six at least and around the base was a golden cock ring that almost seemed to glow in the dim light.

“I apologize, Mistress. It was not my intention to scare, just to serve,” Michael said. He moved past the women and picked up the candelabra on his way further into the house. Ariella watched him as he exited through one of the doors nearest the stairs.

“Like what you see?” Ilara said, standing close enough to Ariella that her breath caressed her neck.

“I…what…I don’t even know where to begin,” Ariella stammered.

“Good. I don’t want you asking any questions. You will get what information I give you. Speaking of which, your reward is this way.” She grabbed Ariella’s hand, like she had done so long ago, back at the dance club, and began leading her to the stairs.

Ariella let herself be pulled through the house, up the stairs, and into a room without taking in her surroundings. She was distracted by Ilara. Not just her physical presence, but the power that emanated from her, especially when she was giving a command. It was almost as if she wanted to obey her, needed to obey her when she spoke. Ariella had wanted to park the car if only it would have pleased Ilara. She had played the submissive girlfriend before, but never had she felt so compelled to obey, so full of the need for Ilara’s approval.

“Sit on the bed, my pet,” Ilara’s voice rang through her head. She promptly sat. Only when she jarred herself with the impact did she notice that she was in a bed room. She sat on a large four post bed in an enormous room. Ilara walked around the room lighting candles that were already set out. As the room became brighter, Ariella noticed that the furniture was as ornate as that of the entrance. The dresser, desk and chair, and night tables were all carved with reliefs that showed nude men and women. They seemed to move in the flickering candlelight, writhing together in an orgy, forever locked in that moment of pleasure.

“First things first. Back at the club, you exuded sexual power so fiercely that the crowd turned ravenous. I wouldn’t be surprised if it hadn’t turned into an orgy after we left,” she said, depositing the matches back into a drawer in the desk that Ariella had not seen her take them out of.

“How did I do that?” the question came out before she could think to hold it in.

“It’s alright, you may ask questions for now,” Ilara said, noticing the look on Ariella’s face. “You have a talent. A magical, sexual talent. It is hidden deep inside you. I sensed you from across the bar, when you started to dance. Lay back, in the middle of the bed.” Ariella moved back onto the bed, getting into position. When she lay on her back, she noticed several sets of hooks on the ceiling and the wall behind the head of the bed. She raised an eyebrow at how curious a thing like that was.

“Most magical abilities are latent, never blossoming into something that can be used or shaped. Yes, before you ask, magic is real. But not like what you think,” Ilara said, going to one side and pulling on something heavy that made a metallic scraping sound underneath the bed. She pulled out an arm restraint that had a chain connected to it, the other end running under the bed frame.

“You’ve got to be kidding me? Magic? Sexual magic? Like I can cast a spell on someone and make them love me?” Ariella smirked.

“Make fun while you can. I am going to prove to you that magic is real. Hand,” she said, crawling into the middle of the bed so as to reach Ariella. She fastened the restraint around her left wrist and adjusted the chain so that it was taught, pulling Ariella’s arm out to the side and slightly above her head.

“What are you going to do that will prove I have magic?” Ariella said. Ilara followed suit, pulling out three more restraints, one for each limb and fastened them while pulling them tight. “Tying me up, however fancy the set up, is sexy, but not magical.”

“Do not mock me again. I have told you already that I will prove it to you,” Ilara said, her voice harsh and demanded obedience.

“Yes, mistress,” Ariella said, the defiance suddenly gone from her and the desire to do as she was told returned.

Ilara climbed into the bed, crawling across the mattress. Ariella’s heart beat faster and faster the closer that Ilara came. Ilara climbed on top of her, sitting on her pelvis.

“I intend to play with you, use you in any way that I see fit. I will ask a lot of you, but in return, if you are successful, I will give a lot to you. Is that satisfactory, my pet?” Ilara massaged Ariella’s breast, running the hardening nipple between her fingers, pinching on it lightly.

“Mmm…yes, mistress,” Ariella said. Her eyes were closed and she arched her back.

“You must beg for permission to get off. Is that understood?” Ilara pinched her nipples hard, twisting them in her fingers, snapping Ariella’s eyes open with a sharp intake of breath.

“Yes, mistress. Can I cum? Please?” Ariella said. To her, she sounded insincere. Ilara must have thought the same thing.


Ilara twisted her body and placed her kneed on either side of Ariella’s head, bringing her still soaked mound onto Ariella’s face. Without hesitation, Ariella darted her tongue out, lapping at Ilara’s clit. Ariella felt the shift in Ilara’s body as she bent over, placing her hands to either side of her hips. She could feel Ilara’s hair as it fell down around her own moist sex and thighs.

“You smell so sweet, my pet,” Ilara said before kissing her pussy. She didn’t tease or nibble on her clit, she pushed her tongue into it and made circles, hard and fast. Almost instantly Ariella came. Her body bucked under the weight of Ilara and she bit into Ilara’s thigh. Ilara slapped Ariella’s vagina, hard, ending her orgasm with pain as quickly as it began. “Well, I can’t say that I’m not surprised, after your show at the club. Well, punishment it is then.”

Ilara climbed off of Ariella and over to the night table. There was a little bell, the type used to summon servants in a long ago time. Ilara took the bell in her hand and rang it, three short dings. She lounged against the head board, waiting.

A few seconds later, the door opened and Michael stepped in.

“Yes, Mistress?”

“Do come in Michael. And leave the door open,” Ilara said as she stood up and started walking toward the door. “This one needs to be punished.” She knelt before Michael, grabbed him by the hips and pulled the tip of his flaccid cock into her mouth. She twirled her tongue around the tip, sucking on the head. He grew hard instantly, stiffening in her mouth. She grasped the base of his cock with her hand and began to stroke him into her mouth. Ariella strained to keep her head up where she could see, but all she needed was a glance. Michael’s dick had grown to a size she thought only existed in porn. Ilara tugged on his balls with her other hand, massaging them hard. Michael squeezed his eyes shut, whether in pain or pleasure, Ariella could not tell. Ilara took her mouth off his cock and looked up at him, all while continuing to stroke him and squeeze his balls.

“Can you help me punish her? She came without permission. I need you to show her what happen when you disobey. Can you do that? For me?” She pleaded with him, but somehow Ariella knew it was an order. This was not the game she came to play; she had been excited about an evening with Ilara, tantalized by her willingness to dominate her, and even curious to know what powers she thought she had. Something in Ariella’s mind told her that she needed to leave, that she should have left when she had the chance.

[Here]( is the continued part 3. Enjoy!
