Revenge Is A (Naked Cumsoaked) B*tch [Mf] [blkmail] [huml] [reluc]

Summer was that girl in high school. The almighty popular one – tall, fit, perfectly blonde, perfectly tanned. She was always dripping in Tiffany, drove a white BMW and threw all the best parties. Whenever Spring Break came around, people waited anxiously for her to post bikini pictures. The second those albums came out on Facebook, word spread across town like wildfire. By evening, every male classmate and teacher would have jacked off to Summer’s tits at least once. And, of course, they would have saved the rest of the album to a private folder for future use.

Evan was no exception. He remembered the days when he received texts from friends to alert him of the “Summer Blockbuster.” He’d drop everything he was doing to rush to his computer, pick his favorite shots and then whip out his dick. He remembered a particularly depraved year when he printed out a photo just to cum all over it. The shot was a beautiful one of Summer laughing, her blue eyes crinkling, her perfect teeth glistening. Evan remembered firing his thick load all over her wide-open mouth.

He’d picked the picture because it was such a lie.

Summer looked so friendly, so warm and sweet in it. But in reality, she was the opposite. She got off on humiliating people. She sent fake love letters to nerdy boys, whispered loudly about chubby girls and refused to ever do anything for herself. Minions tied her shoes, carried her books and did her homework. Anyone who objected to her rule was met with bullying from her boyfriend and his friends. Evan knew about that firsthand. Senior year, when he refused to give Summer credit for a group project she blew off, he got his Honda keyed. On top of that, he endured a week of jocks ambushing him in the halls, tackling him into lockers or thwacking him upside the head.

All because of Summer.

She was hot enough to get away with murder. She was hot enough that Evan still jacked off to her after she tortured him. He jacked off to her for years after high school, really. His most recent load was actually shot thanks to her. In the shower before work this morning, he’d randomly recalled Summer’s perky tits in her white graduation dress. She had gone braless that day and her pink nipples had been fully visible under the glow of the summer sun. Fuck, those tits were legendary at his school. There were hundreds of rumors revolving those tits alone. Evan’s favorite was that Summer once held a private fundraiser for her Fashion Club in the boys’ locker room, after her bake sale failed to make bank. Sitting on her jock boyfriend’s lap, she peeled off her T-shirt and had his teammates line up to grope her tits for ten dollars a pop. Twenty dollars to suck on her nipples for five seconds.

*Christ.* Memories of those stories had Evan fantasizing about those tight peaks his whole commute to work.

So when he got there and saw Summer in his boss’s office, he figured he was still dreaming.

But then his coworker, Mike, nudged him hard. “Check out Bryce’s girl,” Mike grinned, eyeing Bryce in his Brooks Brothers suit and Summer in some tight designer dress that gave a clear outline of her unreal breasts. “Lucky son-of-a-bitch got engaged last week and now he’s showing her off. Not that I mind. She can come around all she wants if she keeps those big tits hanging out.”

In shock, Evan said nothing.

*No. Fucking. Way.* All he could do was stare at Summer. That Summer. She was still blonde, still fit and eight years later, still ruling the biggest part of his life. His coworkers were already mesmerized, scrambling to run her errands. They practically fought to pick up the ahi tuna salad from her favorite restaurant downtown. “I know they don’t deliver but you can go there on your lunch break,” Summer said with a fake smile.

An hour later, she tossed out most of that salad and Evan dry-retched over the nonstop displays of compliance.

Unfortunately, they continued every day Summer visited the office. All Evan could do was watch in stunned silence – at least until one morning when Summer stilettoed over to his cubicle, wearing her most revealing, office-inappropriate outfit so far. It was a skintight, tan dress the same color as her glowing skin and it showed the outline of not just her nipples but her ab lines and pelvic bones. For fuck’s sake, she looked like she was walking around wearing body paint.

“Hi.” When she greeted Evan, she smiled as if she expected him to instantly thank her for her presence.

“Hi,” Evan responded before returning his eyes to his computer screen.

“So, you’re the one person here who hasn’t talked to me yet.”

“Sorry.” Except not.

Summer narrowed her blue eyes while taking a seat on the edge of Evan’s desk. Her white, silk panties were visible until she crossed her legs. Those long fucking legs, so perfectly tanned and smooth. Evan’s jaw tightened as he tried to mentally chase away a memory of them in her old cheerleading skirt. It was a day when she came back from her lunch break drunk, stumbling into the boy’s bathroom and berating *Evan* for being in there. But then she giggled, changed moods in a heartbeat and slid her hand down the front of her blue and white skirt, leaning up against the tile wall and gazing at Evan while touching herself. “If only you were hot, Evan. I can’t make myself come looking at you,” she whined, her gorgeous legs quivering as she seemed to bring herself towards the orgasm she claimed was so impossible.

Evan ran out of there before she could flip a switch and accuse him of harassment.

Of course, he never forgot that memory. Desperately, he tried, but it was hard, especially as Summer sat at his cubicle desk, tapping her French manicured nails on the edge. “So you look really familiar,” she finally said.

“Yeah, I went to high school with you,” Even replied plainly.

“Knew it. Evan, right?”


“Evan, you don’t seem all that excited to see me,” Summer smirked. She tilted her head when he didn’t answer, her long, blonde hair spilling all over his keyboard. “Still mad at me for having my boys kick your ass senior year?”

Evan stared. Was she kidding? “Uh, no. I forgot about that but I’m glad you remembered.”

His effort to shame her immaturity failed. “Oh, totally remember. I died when Brett pushed you into that kid with the coffee.” Evan grimaced at the memory. He’d worn hot coffee on the crotch of his jeans for half the morning. “I heard your lil’ pecker stopped working after that incident,” Summer said with feigned gravity. “That’s so awful. But I’m sure you don’t put it to much use anyway,” she smirked.

*Jesus Christ.* The girl hadn’t changed one bit. Evan felt himself getting hot with rage but he worked hard to suppress it, knowing well that it’d be unwise to curse off his boss’s fiancé. So he kept it classy.

“Summer, I have a lot of work to do. Please leave me alone.”

“You don’t want to hang out with me?” She rubbed the toe of her leather heel against Evan’s shin. “Or do me a teeny little favor? I’m starving and I really want my ahi tuna.”

Evan typed away on his computer, in no rush to answer Summer. After ten or so seconds, he finally said, “No.” From the corner of his eye, he could see her cross her arms. He could also see the way that made her cleavage burst damned near out of the top of her dress. Hating himself, Evan snuck a look over. He had to. *Fuck, those tits are incredible*, he cursed, desperate to cum all over them like he had when he was younger – but with printouts of her bikini pictures.

Summer giggled, toying with him. Evan knew she was doing it and that she’d use it against him, but he couldn’t fucking tear his eyes away if he tried because to his shock and pure awe, Summer was tugging at her dress teasingly, pulling inch by inch down the massive curve of her breasts. The very edge of her neckline was hooked on her nipple now, threatening to show everything if she’d only give her dress one more tug.

*Yes. Fuck yes, just let me see those pretty tits, please, let me fucking see.*


Evan clenched his teeth as Summer smirked and pulled her dress back up. Fuck, he hated how he played right into her trap.

“Naughty boy,” Summer clucked, a smug look on her face. “But hey, if you get me my salad, I’ll let you look at my cleavage one more time.

Evan seethed. “No thanks.”

“You’ve been lusting after these juicy tits for years, loser. You know you want to.”

“And you know you can get Bryce’s assistant to get your salad.”

“Duh, but I want you to do it because you haven’t done anything for me yet.”

Evan stared. At least the girl was honest. “Summer. I have work to get done. Go bother someone who’s paid to do gopher work ‘cause I’m not doing shit for you.” He probably could’ve replaced the word ‘shit’ with something nicer but otherwise, Evan felt that he’d told Summer off with more class than she deserved. He felt good about himself for that.

But the next day, he was fired.

“We agreed as a team that we should let you go,” Bryce said while checking a message on his iPhone. “Your work has been slipping and we run a tight ship here. We can’t afford to keep you when we could have someone more efficient.”

Evan could feel the blood rushing to his face. He had been repeatedly praised as one of the company’s most diligent employees – since he started with them five years ago. The least Bryce could do if he had to fire him was speak the damned truth.

“You’re firing me because I wouldn’t get your fiancée her stupid salad,” Evan said between gritted teeth.

“No, that’s not it,” Bryce said, not bothering to be convincing. He picked up his phone. “If you don’t leave my office now and the building in five, security will forcibly remove you,” he said calmly, holding his phone off the receiver like a threat.

Evan’s hands balled into fists. “Fuck you, Bryce. You know this isn’t right,” he said, ready to go off on a tirade. But Bryce was already laughing at something someone had texted him. It was pointless. So he stormed back outside.

Immediately, he ran into Summer. She looked like an evil angel with her white summer dress and wicked smirk.

“Oh no, did you lose your job?” she asked Evan as she passed him to go into Bryce’s office. Evan’s head was close to exploding with fury as he turned to watch Summer traipse happily into the big, glass cube, jumping into Bryce’s lap and planting a sunny kiss on his lips. Everything was still a game to her. A game of getting whatever she wanted just to prove that she could. Evan stared, shaking with fury, wanting desperately to march back in there and yank Summer off her fiance’s lap. He wanted to grab her by the back of her dress, throw her over Bryce’s desk and yank her dress up to get a good look at that sweet pussy she’d teased him with all those years ago.

More than anything, he wanted to hear her moan how sorry she was as her big tits shook with every fucking thrust of his rock-hard cock in her tight cunt.

But that was just a fucking fantasy.

So with the whole office watching, he packed up the contents of his desk and left.

Little did Evan know, however, that some very interesting information was heading his way.

And for once, his fantasies might just come true.



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