Sex with BFs Father

I am a 26 year old working female who originally hails from South America. I moved to states 6 years back to pursue my college majoring in Physical Education from which I graduated 3 years back with a perfect 4.0. I currently work for a Yoga startup in Bay area making fairly good for someone who is 26. Thanks to my mixed heritage (my dad was a hot Brit and mom a Venezuelan) and my fit lifestyle, I have a great body which draws a lot of attention.

I met my BF the same week when I came to US – he happened to be my classmate in several classes in college and it immediately struck with our common likes, interests. Relationship with him has been pretty smooth, with quite some nice moments, romantic outings, candle night dinners and promises coming along. However, it has never been ‘adventurous’ be it in bed or outside. Slowly the excitement dwindled away and still hung on, thinking it would be difficult to separate.

Last year he took me to meet his dad on fathers day, who happens to be a big venture capitalist in bay area. Unlike other bald headed obese businessman who might owe millions, Kevin happens to look almost 10-15 years younger than his 55. His built was way to attractive as compared to his son, who happens to be my age. Since my BF picked me up straight from my yoga studio where I work, I was still in my figure hugging yoga capris and slipped into a long tee over while he waited for me outside. As soon as we reached my BF’s fathers house, it was not hard to spot the success and rich lifestyle Kevin had achieved and yet maintained his physique to give a polished, refined elegance.

I could not help but see how Kevin seemed to flirt with me and giving me attention that honestly I didnt seem to mind. My BF noticed this and started drinking heavily – on investigating further it dawned upon me that my BF had been a rebel who hated his dad for everything he was unlike himself. After a few rounds of drinks, he collapsed into the chair and had to be carried by kevin to his guest room. Me and Kevin sat out drinking Vodka and speaking about general things. Before I could understand, kevin came close and whispered that my BF didnt deserve a hot girl like me for a loser and cry baby that he had been. a beautiful and sexy girl like deserved a real king he said . I just don’t know what made me say that – but the next thing I said was that will he be that king ? before I could react, Kevin had grabbed me tight and took me in his arms – he lifted me by my hips and took me inside into this room. Before I could realize, I ended up making love with a man who made me truly feel like a queen. The sex was beyond words. Kevin was (and is) simply well endowed beyond words.

For the next year we have been meeting regularly and the sex has been getting only better. Meanwhile, my BF has sensed something wrong and has been very quarreling and short tempered with me lately.

To cut it short, Kevin proposed to me while we were skin dipping in his pool to marry him. I know life with him will be amazing beyond words. but still it is difficult for me to say yes knowing well that he is 29 years my senior. Should I lower my inhibitions and kick out his loser son out of my life ? Please guide.
