“An Extended Invitation #2” [MF, Cuck]



**| THREE:** *A Cork Floating in a Puddle*



This next phase of our affair we can call the ‘insatiable anal phrase’, but it didn’t last for very long. After fucking Susan’s ass for nearly a month — and savouring every second of it — we were caught.

Actually, we were kinda caught *twice;* but the first time was a total mistake. Pure bad luck, is all. The second time was a different story all together…


Susan was doing the laundry one morning and she put her cum-stained panties in the wash, loaded it with soap, then forgot to actually turn the machine on. She’s forgetful like that, sometimes.

Later that morning, Craig went to throw some of his things in the wash and noticed her spoiled panties. Apparently, all of this blew over easier than Susan had expected it to. There were a lot of questions asked of her, of course, but no actually recourse of any kind.

*Phew. Close call,* I thought.


The second time we were caught was more deserved. The two of us been flirting with danger, we’d both be the first to admit that.

At around nine o’clock one night, Susan snuck out of her apartment to met with me — like usual. She had a cover-story to appease Craig, but I don’t remember what it was. By this phase in our affair, she was making her excuses more and more obvious, almost daring him to call her on it. But that’s just an assumption, of course; she could have just gotten lazy, too.


Susan sucked my cock in the backseat, then I filled her ass up to the brim with hot, sticky cum. This had become, for us, fairly routine. Over the month our affair initially lasted, Susan’s asshole seemed to have become more elastic, adapting itself to my width. Which is what had given me the courage to try something new. I surprised Susan by corking her ass with a butt-plug, while my cum was still bubbling up. She purred, then I explained to her what was going to happen next.


Susan walked back inside her apartment building, kissed Craig goodnight *(using the lips that had been wrapped around another man’s cock less that fifteen minutes ago),* then laid down to go to sleep, with my cum still corked inside her ass, drying slowly. Susan told me later that she had fallen asleep that way and that she’d “never had sweeter dreams.”

But when she woke up, everything was a real mess: *cum everywhere…* I knew it had been a risk, but I thought the plug would hold. I was betting on it, actually…

And after that night, I didn’t hear from Susan for some time — not a word. The absence felt suffocating.

Then out of the blue — after nearly two months of silence — Susan sends me an email. The subject-line was: *’an invitation to dinner’*. And the contents were exactly that: instructions to meet at her apartment, at five o’clock sharp tomorrow afternoon. I accepted. It remains, to this day, the most surreal experience of my life…


I arrived, on time.

Susan greeted me at the door, then Craig made the three of us cocktails: Long Islands, strong ones. This disarmed me and I was thankful for that. As you can imagine, I was on edge and didn’t know where to expect the evening to go.

We sat together on the couch, each of us nursing our drinks, while Craig and Susan took turns recounting to me what had happened the morning after I corked her ass. *(This was repeatedly referred to as ‘the incident’ by Craig, which nearly made me burst out in laughter more than once.)*


Craig started. He told me about waking up in the middle of the night and feeling something wet and sticky against his thigh. After a long moment of sitting there in the darkness, dumbfounded, he lifted up the sheets and discovered a puddle of cum. Craig paused to take a long sip from his cocktail, then chanced a sideways glance at Susan — who appeared to be paying attention as if this were her first time hearing the story — before continuing his account of the night.

Craig said he whispered something into his wife’s ear, to make sure Susan was still fast asleep, then decided to investigate the matter for himself. Delicately, Craig pulled his wife’s wet panties down a few inches, then spotted the loose butt-plug. It was the imitation jewel winking to him through the darkness that first caught his eye.

Another short pause to take a sip of his cocktail, then Craig finishes, his face now red and sweaty looking.

His wife’s asshole had been still gapping slightly, leaking a slow stream of cum down onto the folds of her pussy. Craig said he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Then, he put the butt-plug down on the bed-sheets and looked at his hand. It glistened sleek in the moonlight. After jacking off, he tried to go back to sleep, with his mind still reeling.


Susan listened to this last part of Craig’s story with a poorly concealed grimace on her face. After he had finished, she sat in silence for a long moment, cringing, while imagining her husband jacking off with another man’s cum. Sensing the room, Craig excused himself to prepare dinner, while Susan and I stayed.

I took a big gulp of my drink, trying to forget what Craig had told us, then Susan picked up the story where her husband had left off. The morning after, they both woke up in a bed stained with cum. Susan said she made some attempt to hide it, because she didn’t know Craig had already discovered the whole mess.

But once he had woken up, Craig told her what had found during the night. She said they laid there together for hours, talking about the ‘incident’. Susan confessed to the weeks of cock sucking during her lunch-breaks, then the relentless nightly ass-fucking that followed. As time passed, Susan said she had told Craig more and more about our affair. Eventually, they decided to invite me over to dinner.


“And now here we are”, Susan finished, before finally telling me the real reason why they had invited me to dinner. I listened carefully, then accepted her invitation, yet again. Of course, as Susan had mentioned, it wasn’t “officially” extended to me yet, but may as-well have been. The dinner was merely a formality, to make sure the three of us could share a space without conflict.

“Of course”, I said. “I’ll put it in my calendar now.” Susan took a sip of her Long Island, grinning broadly at me. Feeling giddy myself, I asked: “When is this seminar in Vegas meant to be happening?”



***To Be Continued…***



Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/4pp7kx/an_extended_invitation_2_mf_cuck