I’m too young for sex :( pt. 6 [ff][Mf]

“Okay, the sheets are in the dryer,” Bethany said to interrupt the tense moment I was having with Mark. I reached out to pull her closer because I needed her support just then. She slipped her arm around my hips before asking, “Are we still swimming?”

Mark frowned like we were a puzzle he couldn’t figure out, then he nodded. “Come on then.”

Bethany got our towels. I locked the house on the way out. Mark was silent as he led us the two doors down to his house. The last time I made this walk with Mark I thought he might care about me a little. But if he cared about me he wouldn’t have refused to be with me again. It’s not like I’d have called the police on him or anything. And plenty of girls dated older guys.

I knew his girlfriend. She was just some bimbo that laughed too loud at jokes that weren’t funny. I’d met her a handful of times at swim parties or when we got together with Mark’s family for cookouts. She had huge boobs. I glanced down at my puffies and frowned. Maybe that’s why he really refused.

We got to his house and he led us around back to the screen door into the enclosed pool area. Mason and his best friend Travis were already in the pool. They were listening to some kind of country rap and yelling the lyrics in each other’s faces like they were so cool.

We walked past Mark who held the screen door open, tossed our towels on two lounge chairs, then jumped in the water with a wild shriek to make a huge splash over Mason and Travis.

“What the hell?” Mason yelled at us as we surfaced.

“Hey Mason. Hey Travis,” I said as I smoothed my hair back with both hands to draw their attention to my chest. “You guys oughta start a band!”

Bethany giggled because it was fucking absurd, but that kind of shit we had to do to get the attention of guys our age. Play dumb, pretend they were cool, and show off our boobs. I hated it, but I didn’t make the rules.

“Totally,” Bethany said with a grin that barely hid her sarcasm. She reached around underwater to give my ass a squeeze.

I shot her a knowing grin as we swam closer to Mason and Trevor. “So you guys wanna hang out and swim or are you too busy practicing.”

“It’s cool, I guess,” Mason said, affecting a kind of indifference he clearly didn’t feel. Typical macho bullshit.

I pretended I cared, at least until Mark stormed into the house and slammed the sliding glass door.

“What’s up his ass?” Trevor asked Mason.

“Beats me,” Mason replied. “He’s been weird since yesterday.”

Hearing that made my heart rate surge.

“You guys wanna have a chicken fight?” Bethany suggested as she moved towards Trevor.

“Yeah,” Trevor sang as he squatted low in the water. “Hop on, Bethany!”

I got behind Mason and pushed his head down so I could climb on his shoulders. He grabbed my feet to keep me in place and walked towards Trevor and Bethany.

I squeezed my thighs around Mason’s neck to hold on and reached to wrestle Bethany off Trevor’s shoulders. We were laughing so hard it was impossible to gain any leverage at first. Then Trevor lost his footing and I shoved really hard to push them both over in the water.

“We won!” I bounced up and down on Mason’s back, taking the opportunity to rub myself against the back of his neck.

“Hey,” Bethany yelled as she surfaced with her arms across her boobs. “Stop feeling me up, Trevor!”

Trevor chuckled with a red face. “Sorry, I was just trying to help. Best two outa three?”

“You got it,” Mason yelled. “We’re gonna take you down!”

Bethany got back on Trevor’s shoulders and smacked him in the head for good measure. We grappled again while Trevor and Mason tried to trip each other. Bethany got a good grip while Trevor backed up. I slipped off Mason’s shoulder, but he kept a grip on my legs as I fell. Before I made it to the water, Mason pushed his face right into my crotch and blew noisy bubbles.

“Oh my God!” I laughed at the surprise stimulation and pushed his face away as I splashed into the pool. I bounced off the bottom and swam away. “What the hell, Mason?”

“You mean it didn’t tickle?” he asked as he pursued me with a wicked grin.

Trevor and Bethany surfaced in a tangle of limbs, his face pressed against her chest. She pushed and kicked away. “What are you doing?” Bethany shrieked in laughter.

Bethany and I swam fast to the other side of the pool while the guys huddled together making attack plans and glancing at us. Bethany whispered, “That was kinda hot.”

“I know, but don’t tell them. We gotta make’em work for it.”

The guys separated and came at us from two different angles. I was about to dive under them to escape when my brother came out with Mark.

“You guys messin’ with my sister?” Joe yelled and stopped Mason and Trevor in their tracks.

“We were just playin’ around, man. No big deal,” He said as he swam back to the shallow end of the pool.

I caught Mark’s expression and his shit-eating grin pissed me off. I grabbed Bethany and pulled her towards the ladder out of the deep end near our towels.

“Let’s lay out,” I growled.

While we set up the lounge chairs, the guys organized a two-on-two basketball game using the pool-side hoop. I found a bottle of sunscreen on the shelf near the sliding glass door and sat on the edge of Bethany’s lounge chair.

The teams were Mark and Mason versus Joe and Trevor. Mark threw the ball in to Mason just as I filled the my palm with sunscreen and rubbed it to get it warm. Bethany smiled up at me as I covered her legs with long, slow strokes. I moved when I got to her feet so I could massage the instep and each toe.

“Damn, that feels good,” Bethany murmured.

I rubbed some more between my palms and slid up her thighs, covering right up to the very edges of her bikini line. Bethany bit her lips and squinted up at me. Next, I covered the exposed skin from the top of her breasts to her shoulders.

“Damn it, Mark, wake up! You missed that perfect shot,” Mason complained.

I glanced over to catch him staring at us.

“Sorry,” he muttered.

“I’ll do you,” Bethany said. “Lay down.”

She sat on the edge of my lounge chair so her body blocked the guys view of what she was doing. She took the lotion and started with my feet. I got chills from her thumbs running up the soles. The firm strokes up my calves made me hum deep in my chest. I kept my knees up as she worked my thighs and since no one could see she brushed her knuckles against the gusset of my swimsuit.

“Damn,” I whispered. Knowing we were outside and four guys were feet away made me glad my swimsuit was already wet.

Bethany chuckled silently, then moved to my shoulders and arms. She lingered along the edges of my top until my nipples ached for her touch. I wondered just then why I was bothering with Mark anyway. He was hot, but Bethany had proved heat was more flexible than I’d realized. She ran her fingertips across my nipples, leaving sparks in their wake.

She returned to her lounge chair, but hooked her pinky with mine while we watched the end of the basketball game. Mark was clearly struggling to keep his eye on the ball and managed to let Joe steal it for a fade-away shot from mid-pool.

“Yo, Steph! We won,” Joe shouted as he splashed a little water our way.

I shot him a thumbs up and a lazy grin.

“We rock, Dude!” Trevor laughed and high-fived Joe.

Mason glared at Mark. “What the hell, bro?”

“Drop it,” he growled and swam for the shallow end of the pool. When he got out he grabbed a towel and headed for the bathroom door at the edge of the patio.

“What the hell’s up his ass?” Joe asked Mason.

“Hell if I know, but he’s been like that since yesterday. Did he have a fight with Sophie again?”

“Yeah, she wanted to hook up last night and Mark blew her off. I mean, she blows him off half the time but when he does it once she loses her mind.” Joe shook his head and tossed the basketball through the hoop again. “He’s an idiot for putting up with her.”

“I’m hungry,” Trevor complained. “You guys have anything to eat?”

“Come on,” Mason said. “I’ll nuke some pizza bites.”

Moments later, Bethany and I were alone.

“You mind if I go talk to him?” I asked Bethany. I don’t know why I felt like I had to ask her permission, but things had changed since last night.

“I don’t mind,” she grinned. “Either way I get you tonight.”

I laughed at her flawless logic, glanced to make sure no one was looking and gave her a quick kiss. I ran around the pool to the bathroom door and tried the knob. It opened and I slipped in to find Mark standing in the shower. I locked both the door to the house and the outside door, then slipped out of my swimsuit and left it hanging on the towel rack.

My puffies were still aching, so I gripped them in my hands to squeeze it away. Then I reached for the handle and pulled until the magnet clicked. Mark was rubbing his wiener with a soapy fist when he heard the sound and jumped.

“Steph, what the hell?” he muttered as he stopped and turned away.

“I could help you with that,” I said as I stepped into the shower with him.

He looked like I’d suggested I torture him. “Why won’t you just stop?”

“Because you don’t want me to.”

He stepped under the shower head and turned slowly to rinse himself off. He was still hard when I stepped close enough to take him in my fist. He groaned and pulled me into the water with him.

“We can’t do this,” he whispered into my wet hair.

“You don’t get to decide that alone,” I said as I stroked him slowly.

“What about Bethany?”

“I’m gonna fuck her tonight,” I said and stood on my tip toes to kiss his gasp of surprise. “So while you’re laying in bed, imagine me suckin’ her nipples and lickin’ her pussy.”

“God dammit,” Mark muttered as he thrust into my grip.

“She licks me, too,” I said and kissed his chin. “I like it when she licks me.”

He thrust harder, pushing me against the cold tile wall.

“I like it when you lick me, too.”

He shuddered and gripped me tighter.

“I’d like to lick you,” I whispered and slowly knelt in front of him, kissing his chest, his stomach, until his hard wiener tapped my chin.

I guided his tip into my mouth with water cascading around us. He whimpered like I was hurting him. He was warm and slippery in my mouth, but it didn’t taste bad. I moved him in and out while he matched my pace to thrust into my mouth. I kept using my hands like I had yesterday. Before long I could taste the bittersweet drops coming out of his pee hole.

His fingers went into my hair to guide the pace and depth. He was still being careful, not thrusting too deep. In fact, I sucked harder to get more of him in with each stroke. When he finally hit the back of my throat I gagged a little, but that made his face twist up like it was good for him. I did it a couple of more times until my eyes were watering and he shook like he was cold.

“I’m gonna cum,” he whispered.

I reached one hand around to hold his ass so he couldn’t pull out before I got some of him in my mouth. The first blast was hot and thicker than I expected. Before I could swallow, another blast hit the roof of my mouth. He looked up at the ceiling in ecstasy while I let his extra jizz spill out of my mouth. A few more thrusts and he softened in my mouth. I used my tongue to play around with him until he pulled away shivering.

I stood up and let the water from the spray fill my mouth. Before I could spit or swallow, Mark kissed me hard. His tongue chased mine until I was breathless.

“I can’t believe you kissed me with your cum in my mouth,” I said when he pulled back to look at me.

“If you’re willing to let me, it’s the least I can do,” he said with a look of wonder in his eyes. “Sophie never did that in years.”

“So dump her ass,” I teased. “Bethany knows, but we don’t have to tell anyone else. Just don’t break my heart.” The last bit made my voice quiver, but I pinched my lips to keep it together.

“I’d love to go out with you sometime, but your brother would seriously kill me.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I said. “But aren’t I worth it?”

“Yeah,” he said and kissed me again. “So you and Bethany?”

“Don’t judge. We get so horny it’s not even funny.”

“If we don’t get out of here someone is going to find us. Tell Bethany to give you a good one tonight for me. I’ll make it up to both of you.”

“Deal,” I said and kissed him again. It was going to be one hell of a summer.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/4ob1df/im_too_young_for_sex_pt_6_ffmf


  1. Thanks for sharing that, I was so turned on reading it. So hot, so sexy, amazing.

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