Lechomancer Succubus Chapter 1: The Opening

Ashlynn was filled with a delicious nervousness. While she had first heard Lisa refer to the man sitting in her living room as Erostopholes, he seemed so distant that a name didn’t suit him. In her mind, he was only The Master. Not her Master, mind you. She served Lisa, who served Erostopholes. Every time he looked in her direction, her breath caught in her throat. Every time he spoke to her, the rest of her world faded away, and she was wrapped in his words, basking in his attention and terrified she would disappoint him.

He looked human, sitting in the couch of her small dorm suite, but she knew better. He was a demon prince, and she knew she should be scared, but was merely thrilled. Amber, her roommate, was terrified. While Lisa was their shared Mistress, Ashlynn was a favoured pet, while Amber was a desperate slave. Amber was hiding in her room, and hadn’t come out since she saw him walk through the door.

“M-Master?” Ashlynn called out, her words catching in her throat. She looked down at her navel and blushed, and hoped he thought it was cute. “Do you want a drink or anything?”

Right now, he looked like a young man in his mid-twenties, in a dark blue suit, sitting on the cheap university issue couch. He looked so out of place, and when he raised an eyebrow at her question, she knew it was stupid. What would they have to offer him?

“I am not thirsty, little one,” he said, and she wished she had never asked him. Normally she wasn’t nervous around people, she didn’t care what they thought. He was different, and it filled her stomach with wasps. It seemed all she could do was mess up.

“I do need something from you though,” he said softly. Ashlynn sucked on her bottom lip in anticipation, running her tongue across her lip ring. He motioned her over, and she walked to him, swinging her hips as sexily as she could manage, as tense as she was.

He motioned to the floor at his feet. She swallowed deeply, and sat, her legs folded her long legs, and placed an arm beside him on the couch. He reached out with his hand and started running his fingers across her cheek affectionately. As he stroked her face, she couldn’t help nuzzling into the caress. Her thoughts started drifting away, all her apprehension gone. All that remained were his words. “I need to ask you to do something difficult for me, little one,” he explained. “I wish I didn’t have to ask, but Lisa has decided to be difficult, so now I need you.” He placed two fingers under her chin, and lifted it, looking her in the eye. “Will you help me?”

Ashlynn’s lips parted, as she tried to speak, but all that came out was a throaty sigh. She couldn’t find her words. She just nodded. She basked in his half smile. He stood up, and she scrambled to her feet to follow him.

He strode down the hallway that led to the bedrooms, and Ashlynn’s heart sank a little when he stopped and turned towards Amber’s door. He opened her door and walked inside. A little yelp of surprise emanated from the back of the room. As Ashlynn trailed behind Erostopholes, she caught a glimpse of Amber, cowering by her closet.

“What do you want?” Amber squeaked.

Erostopholes ignored her, and began to run his hands over her bed. It looked like he was smoothing out her blankets, but soon, an eerie purple glow began to emanate from beneath the sheets. It hummed softly, and after a while a pentagram began to glow.

Ashlynn remembered, weeks earlier, when she had snuck Lisa into Amber’s room, and Lisa had drawn a pentagram on the bottom of Amber’s bred with a purple marker. At the time it had seemed a little strange, but she half remembered Lisa doing incredible things. When they weren’t happening, it was hard to remember them, but right now, the past was as clear as the shinning symbol.

Amber, however, was less acquainted with the strange. “What … what is that?” She managed to whisper through her fear of Erostopholes.

“Silence that thing for me, would you, little one?” he said over his shoulder. Ashlynn smiled, and headed over to where Amber was standing, now very quietly. If there was one thing Ashlynn had gotten good at over the last few month, it was following orders. Her favourites where the ones where she got to dominate Amber, who had been a bitch at the start of the semester.

Her roommate was much more docile now. She stood, her arm reaching across her, her shoulders bowed. Ashlynn opened Amber’s closet, and reach inside. She pulled out the collar Lisa had given her roommate, the red leather with a little metal tag inscribed with the name “Whore”. Ashlynn ran her hands across the soft skin of Ashlynn’s neck, tracing a moment before she applied the collar itself. Cinching it tight, Ashlynn reached back into the closet, and pulled out a ball gag, and shoved it unceremoniously in Amber’s mouth. Ashlynn fit it in snuggly and then tightened it.

Examining Amber, she decided she wasn’t quite satisfied yet. Amber liked to pretend she was better than she was, and this early Saturday morning, she was still in flannel pajama, matching tops and bottoms that suddenly infuriated Ashlynn. She ripped the front open, exposing Amber’s perky little tits and tight stomach. As the buttons rained down, Amber almost yelped, but then caught herself, remembering her noises had started this whole thing.

Roughly, Ashlynn turned Amber around, and pushed her against the wall. She tied the sleeves, and the remnants of the top, around Amber’s elbows. It wasn’t really all that secure, but Amber knew she would be punished if she wriggled free. Ashlynn ripped off the flannel pajama bottoms, and let them fall to the floor. She gave Amber a smack on her tight ass, and her roommate stepped clear of the fabric.

“Better?” Amber asked, turning towards Erostopholes.

“Thank you,” he said without looking up from whatever he was doing with the purple energy on the bed. “Come here, little one.”

It struck Ashlynn as an odd pet name for her. She was five foot eleven, and she was curvy and voluptuous. Little really didn’t describe her well.

She wasn’t going to argue with the Master, though. She walked towards him as requested. As she got close, without looking, he reached out and grabbed her wrist, and pulled her towards him. Her thighs were pressed against the bed, and she could feel the warmth of him through the thin fabric of the t shirt she had been wearing around the apartment when he arrived.

His fingers combed her long, black hair behind her ear. His lips brushed against her lobe. It was difficult to concentrate on what he was saying. “I need to ask a lot of you, child.”

“Anything,” she answered, breathless.

She could feel him smile. His hands began to tease the hem of her shirt, slowly lifting it. “I need you to go through to the Otherside. You remember the Otherside?”

Vague flashes of a castle drifted through the haze of her memory: strange things, staring at her, while she was lost in ecstasy, trading places with a purple demon that looked like her came to the real world. “I think so, Master.”

“Good,” he said, his hands sneaking up, roaming across her stomach, pulling her close. “I need you to go there, and get something for me. You know the Lechomancer’s Book?”

Her words came out with a sigh. “The one by her bed all the time?”

“Yes. She put it on the Otherside. So I need you to go there, and bring it back.”

Ashlynn pushed her ass back against his crotch, and felt the massive member throb against her. “I need … I need my tail. To shift.”

His lips trickled down her neck. “That won’t work. When you shift, it is at the will of the Lechomancer, and with your will subsumed by your Succubus. I need your full will on the Otherside. This will be very different.”

She knew she should ask question, but her whole world was longing, to have his warmth collide into her, to have his hands and lips do more than just tease her. “Okay,” she whispered. “How?”

“We’re going to use the spell, cast here. It’s a connection to the Otherside. It just needs a little more energy, and your intent to go through.”

Ashlynn nodded, as though she understood.

Then she was falling. His hands had pushed her firmly, between the shoulder blades, and she landed on the bed, in the middle of that glowing purple energy. It tingled and buzzed. Her concert t-shirt, the only thing she was wearing, was pulled up, over her hips, exposing her ass entirely to the Master.

She wasn’t sure how he had gotten undressed so fast, but the head of his cock was pressing against her already. His hand slid down her thigh, and lifted one leg, just above the knee, and placed it on the bed. She spread, and he began to run his hard dick between the lips of her pussy. One hand pinned her knee in place. The other pressed down between her shoulder blades. She hated the thin layer of fabric between their skin.

He held her there, cruelly. Her legs were spread wide, with his hand firm on her knee, ensuring she couldn’t move if she wanted to keep her balance. She needed to be spread wide before him. She wouldn’t have minded, except he was teasing her. The head of his powerful cock brushed between the lips of her pussy. He slide his shaft along the mouth of her starving sex, back and forth. Again and again, it felt like a slight shift on his part would cause his cock to slide inside of her.

But he refused to let it happen. The Master kept himself glancing along the edge of her, exciting, teasing, and taunting her. When she tried to shift, to push herself against him, to force him to fill the begging ache between her legs, he would stop her. Ashlynn would try to shift, but he would ensure she remained desperate, his firm hand on her back, pushing her onto the bed, her large breast squashed against the mattress.

Her long dark hair was half in her face, her cheek pressed to the bed, as she looked back at him over her shoulder. Her breathing was a ragged chain of lusty gasps, his infernal cock still deliciously teasing between her legs. “Master, please,” she begged. “I need more.”

“You know your place, little one,” he said, and she purred. “I want to hear you beg.”

“Yes, Master. Please,” she ground, twisting her hips as best as she could, feeling his powerful length teasing her. “I need you inside me. I will do anything to have it.

“Suck my cock,” he ordered evenly, taking his hand from between her shoulder blades. For a moment, he held the head of his cock against her hungry sex, and for a quick moment, Ashlynn considered pushing back, but she knew if she tried, she would be in trouble, and never get what she so desperately wanted.

Instead, she crawled away from him on all fours, across Amber’s bed. She took the moment to lift her T-shirt up off over her head, and throwing it on the floor. She caught a quick glimpse of her roommate, standing in the closet. Amber still had the ball gag, and the collar own, her hands still held together by her mangled shirt. She was pretending to be a terrified observer, but Ashlynn noticed the wet trickles sneaking down Amber’s inner thighs. Ashlynn glanced in her eyes, and saw the jealous flash. Ashlynn grinned, and turned back around to face the Master.

She had seen his sleek, gorgeous form before, but it was different, knowing she was the centre of his attention now. The perfectly defined muscles of his sleek torso were cut from marble. As she crept forward on all fours, she reached out and gently ran her fingertips across the hard line of his abs. Then her fingers drifted down to the base of his powerful cock. She looked up at his bright, cruel eyes, and licked her lips. He nodded slightly, and reached out, his hand running through her long black hair, guiding her forward.

With her hand wrapped around the base, she guided the head of his cock towards her lips. As always with demons, his sex smelt slightly of roses, but with a sharp order underneath, almost like dry red wine. She traced her mouth, pushing down on her full bottom lip, watching his eyes the whole time. His breathing started to become a little horse, and it sent a shiver of proud arousal down her spine.

Licking her lips, she surged forward, taking his member deep into her mouth, massaging it with her tongue. She could taste her own juices on it. As Ashlynn realized this, the Master’s cruel half smile appeared on his face, and his fingers gripped the back of her head, pushing his long cock deep into her throat. Her nose was smashed up against the hard plane of his stomach. She held her breath as he held her there, nearly choking on his length. Her skin started to light on fire. She could do nothing but wait for him to release her.

Struggling for breath, completely at his mercy, she couldn’t help but reach back between her legs, and start to massage her clit. The surrender of this moment was burning through her every nerve, and she was shaking, with a beautiful mix of excitement and fear.

When he let her go, Ashlynn’s lungs filled with a gasp as she pulled away from him. As her burning lungs panted their way back to normal, the first thought that crossed her mind was that he would be mad at her. She looked up at him, and was relieved to see him smiling down at her.

Of course, she knew she was quite a sight to see at that moment. Her long legs were spread wide, doubled over with her heels back behind her ass. Her fingers continued work feverishly between the lips of her pussy, as she kept pleasing herself. She slowly raised her gaze. A long, slender line of spit dribbled down her chin and between her large, firm tits. With her free hand, she flipped her hair behind her ear, and then teased it down, her neck, her shoulder, and began to tweak her nipple.

The Master’s half smile widened a bit more, further than it had ever been when he looked at her. It was the type of smile he usually reserved for Lisa, and she treasured having one all to herself.

Then he surged forward, and grabbed her hips. He flipped her over, and threw her back, face down into the bed. She crashed into the blanket with a laugh, and then realized the strange purple light was still glowing, but it was getting brighter. It reflected off her pale skin.

But as the Master grabbed her, she no longer had time to focus on it. He pushed down on the small of her back, pinning her to the bed, and then began to push his way into her hungry pussy. She gasped with joy as his thick, long cock slid into her hungry wet pussy. He moved slowly but certainly, and she found she had to push her legs further apart, spreading her legs wider and wider, as he worked deep into her.

When he was buried in her to the hilt, he started to fuck her with a slowly increasing speed. He would start to pull out, and then, a little quicker than she expected, slide his way back deep inside of her. He seemed a little thicker, an a little wider with each stroke. Ashlynn found herself gasping happily with each thrust.

Soon he stopped pushing down on her so hard. He still kept his iron grip on her hips, but he was less concerned with pushing her down into the bed. She started to rise up, arching her back. Ashlynn looked back over her shoulder, watching the perfection of his body as he crashed into her, again and again. Her every breath ended in a surprised moan, as the tide of his fucking crashed into her shores, a little harder, a little more powerful than the last wave.

Before long, her toes, handing over the edges of the bed, far apart, began to curl with pleasure. It shot up her legs, and into her aching cunt. Her spine tightened with joy, and she found herself grunting, smashing herself back against the Master. Everything clenched at once, in a numbing joy that made the real world fade away from that moment. She barely recognized her own voice, grunting out her animal lust from what sounded like miles away.

When the orgasm faded, she collapsed onto the bed. It felt like she started to fall, but she heard the Master grunt “Not yet.” His voice was commanding, and she shivered with pleasure at the sound of it.

His hands slide up the outside of her quivering thighs, and he began to cup her ass cheeks. With his thumbs, he spread them wide. Ashlynn was afraid to upset him by asking what would come next. She turned her head, her cheek still on Amber’s comforter, and tried to look back at him. She couldn’t see where he was, but then she felt the rough tongue she knew all demons had whisk across her asshole. She squealed with pleasure, as he teased her, flicking across her sensitive opening with his strange, clever tongue. When he started to lap his way deeper in, she gasped, surprised to feel excited pleasure ripple out from her anus.

Then, his tongue stopped. She held her breath with anticipation. She heard him moving behind him repositioning himself, his hands still spreading her ass cheeks wide. She quivered as she waited.

When the head of his cock pressed against the entrance of her asshole, Ashlynn grumbled with joy. His cock was wet with her juices, and dribbles of his demonic pre-cum seeped into her. She was familiar with it, a substance Lisa liked to refer to as Essence. It made her shiver with joy, acting as both aphrodisiac as well as joy.

When he began to press into her, she felt a hot burst of pleasure shatter its way up her spine. She gasped and found herself biting a mouthful of the pillow, more to keep herself from screaming out with joy than anything else. Despite his size and length, he entered her easily. She arched her back, and pressed her ass back up against him as well as she could, with her legs spread as wide as they were.

He began to thrust into her, the weight of him, the speed of his passion driving her down against the bed. She could barely move as he held her down, and filled her, again and again, an incredible heat as he fucked her ass, pouring through her every nerve. Her breath came in excited little gasps as she squirmed beneath him. His rough fingers wrapped around her waist, and he fucked her, hard and fast.

Her teeth unclenched from the pillow as she started to cry out with ecstasy. Every inch of her skin was on beautiful fire. She just managed to get her hand back between her legs, to rub her clit. Passionate sweat coated every inch of her porcelain skin.

The orgasm smashed through her before she realized what was happening. She was crying out, every muscle was shaking, and every inch of her was suddenly too sensitive. Her mind ached with sensation, acutely aware of the soft quilt under her, the thick, hard cock slamming in and out of her ass, driving pleasure through her, the hands vice like around her center, the scratchy pillow under her head. She bucked and rode her way through the orgasm.

When she felt the Master’s thick cock twitch inside of her, another wave of mind melting pleasure shattered through her. He powered deep inside of her, and held himself there. With her ass, she clenched and milked every drop of essence she could pull out of him. The demonic fluid brought her right back to the edge of orgasm again instantly, and she focused on the rough circles her thumb was drawing over her clit. She came again, crying out with abandon.

When her body finally started to calm down, when the shaking waves of perfection started to fade from her skin, she realized how bright the glow below her had become. Then a strange sensation hit her. She felt like she was about to fall directly through the bed, to go tumbling through the purple haze shining from below. The only thing keeping her from tumbling were the Master’s hands on her hips, his cock still buried deep in her ass.

She glanced over her shoulder, the fearful question in her eyes. Am I about to fall?

The Master’s half grin was cruel. “Listen carefully, little one. You must find the library. You must find the book, and bring it back to this side.”

Ashlynn was exhausted and confused. She had so many questions. “How will I find it?”

“Your demon will guide you. She needs you to succeed. Do not trust any of the others.”

“I can trust her?”

He ignored the question. “Go, get the book, and you will be rewarded.” With that, he began to slide his thick cock out of her ass. She purred at the sensation, but then the feeling of falling intensified.

When he took his hands off her hips, the light seemed to dissolve the bed below her. There was nothing she could do to escape, and she fell through the glowing light, vanishing. As soon as she was out of site, the light flashed out of existence.

Erostopholes grinned, and absently stroked his still hard cock. “Now, what do we do about you?”

From the corner, where she had been unobserved, Amber quaked, and bit down hard on the rubber ball gag.

More at https://erostopholes.wordpress.com/

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/4nkevn/lechomancer_succubus_chapter_1_the_opening


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