Can I give you a kiss? [FF]

“I had fun today,” I told her.

“Me too,” she said. She smiled and cocked her head a little as she looked at me.

“Let’s do something again soon.”

“Yeah, I’d like that. How about Thursday or Friday next week?”

“That sounds perfect,” I said smiling too. “I’ll text you.”

She smiled and leaned in to give me a hug. She dropped a shoulder and bent a knee, dipping into the hug a little bit. I found it to be adorable.

Anyone walking by would have just seen two girls in an embrace, but even though I barely knew her, Emma – I don’t even know her last name – she felt like everything and everyone in the world at that moment. I liked her. That much was obvious to me. But I didn’t want to move things too fast. She seemed old-fashioned like that in a way. That too I found to be adorable.

“Can I give you a kiss?” I asked.

She giggled, adorably, and then gave me a hug again. And then she walked away.

I waited a moment trying to process what had just happened before walking in the opposite direction.

*Well, she does want to see me again. I guess that’s a good sign. I mean, if she wasn’t into me, she just would have said no. And there was something about that giggle. Yes, I think it’s a good sign. I don’t know. I just have to wait. But I think she likes me. She likes me. Definitely. Yes, that’s right.*

I skipped half a step as I turned around the corner.
