Beta Test – Part 3 [F][nc]

Ahhhh, but vows can be fickle. After spending the rest of her Friday night pampering herself with a long hot bath and a quiet evening in bed, Erin woke up Saturday morning feeling restless. She had spent basically all of her free time the last three evenings playing the game, and she had been really looking forward to playing all day Saturday. She would have been able to make some real progress at the academy…

Erin was still pissed as hell at Hayworth for what he did and at the box for abusing her. If she had any idea how to contact the game makers, she would have screamed at them last night and threatened all sorts of law suits. But her anger had cooled, and she also started questioning herself. How dumb and slow had she been to let Hayworth beat her like that? And, if she had kept her wits about her and just ordered the game to stop, would it have let her go?

These doubts nagged at Erin, and she found herself sitting in her living room, sitting a safe distance from the box, trying to decide what to do. She had to admit that she really did want to continue playing. She decided that of course the game would have stopped before seriously hurting her, and that certainly it would have stopped if she had just shouted a direct order for it to do so. She also slowly convinced herself that if she was just more careful, she could be sure to avoid another situation like that one.

So, after eating a nice slow breakfast, Erin walked up to the box in her living. She took a deep breath and clipped on the wrist and ankle bands. That was the cue for the screen on the top of the box to pop up and show her where she had left off. She would then have to match the clothing and position of her avatar before the game would start. Erin had been worried that the game would bring her back exactly where she had left, running out of the workout room with her boobs bouncing free on top of her sports bra. She wasn’t sure if she would be willing to play if that was the case, so she was relieved to see her avatar sleeping in the women’s dorm. Erin stripped down to her undies and laid down on the floor, starting the game.

Previously, when she came into the game with her avatar asleep, the alarm in the dorm room would go off almost as soon as the game started. This time, all the other female recruits were still asleep and it looked like it was still night-time in the game. Erin sat up and saw Jenna sitting up in the bed next to hers. Her friend whispered that she heard that Hayworth had been put on involuntary leave for the stunt he had pulled, and that all of the recruits had been sternly warned not to pester Erin about the incident. Erin smiled and thanked her friend, already feeling good about her decision to get back in the game.

The morning’s practice at the firing range put Erin’s mind completely at ease. She had become quite the marksman with a standard issue handgun, and unloading round after round at the target on the screen was a great stress reliever for her. She was also thrilled to learn that the next lesson was on heavier guns. While the plastic gun she held in her living room stayed the same, the guns that it represented got bigger and bigger. Her avatar tried out M16s, AK47s, sniper rifles, shotguns and elephant guns. She even got to fire everyone’s childhood dream – the bazooka.

Erin spent her whole Saturday in front of the black box playing the game, with only short breaks for the bathroom and lunch while her avatar was sleeping. She was making great progress, was scoring near the top of her class on almost everything she tried, and was having a great time. As the sun was setting in the real world, avatar Erin was finishing her 4th week at the academy, and was summoned to the office of the head of the academy, Captain Anderson.

The large gruff man looked especially serious when she arrived. He told her that the local PD was planning an important undercover operation on a mafia kingpin named Tico. An hour ago, they had intercepted a car that was transporting a woman who they had reason to believe had just been bought by Tico to be his personal slave. The police were sure that this particular kingpin was responsible for a large amount of the crime in the area, but they had never been able to get good enough evidence to bring him down. Now they thought they had a golden opportunity to plant a spy directly with him in a way that he would never suspect, and that was where Erin would come in.

Captain Anderson explained that this slave bore an uncanny resemblance to Erin. They believed that Erin would be able to take the slave’s place, gather critical evidence from right under Tico’s nose, and bring him down once and for all. The Captain explained that under normal circumstances, they would never ask this of someone who hadn’t yet graduated from the academy, but that Erin had been doing so well that they thought she was prepared. If she accepted, they would have to move fast. Any greater delay in the delivery of the slave could raise suspicions.

The Captain then took on an even more grave expression and said: “Now Erin, I am aware of the very unfortunate incident involving Sergeant Hayworth 2 weeks ago. This mission would require you to wear the same restraints that the slave we intercepted was wearing. I need to know if you will be able to handle that, and I completely understand if you decide not to accept.”

Erin was getting very excited about the prospect of some real action. She’d been enjoying the drills, but was ready for more, and had recently been wondering if it would take her the full two week beta-test period just to get through the academy. This was a perfect opportunity. The fact that she’d have to be restrained did make her pause, but she quickly decided that everything would be fine. She accepted the mission. Captain Anderson was incredibly pleased, thanked her for her dedication, and sent her down to the briefing room to get changed and prepped.

Officer Doug Crowley was waiting for Erin in the briefing room. Erin was happy to see him – he had always been kind, if firm. She also thought he was pretty cute. He told her that he’d be the one driving her to the drop off location, and that they had no time to lose.

On the screen, the image of Doug handed Erin’s avatar two flimsy looking garments and told her to change quickly into the clothes they had found on the slave, and no underwear underneath. The box in front of Erin had opened a side door, and garments identical to the ones on the screen were being handed to her in real life. As usual, she and her avatar would have to be dressed alike, but this was the first time that the box had supplied the clothing.

On the screen, Doug proceeded to strip down right there in the room and pull on the clothes the driver had been wearing. Erin thought this was a bit inappropriate, but understood the need to hurry, so went ahead and did the same. Of course, while Doug’s new outfit left him fully covered, Erin would have been more modest if she was completely nude. Her tank top was mostly see-through and didn’t quite cover the bottom of her boobs. It also squeezed her tits together and did nothing to hide her nipples.

The mini skirt was just as bad – made of only slightly less transparent material and just barely covering her ass. Erin looked down at herself in real life and had a moment of self-consciousness standing in her living room wearing such an outrageously revealing outfit just so she could play some game. Well, she thought, no real people are going to see me, so who cares!

Doug coughed to get her attention. They needed to finish her outfit quickly and get going. He pulled a pair of handcuffs out of a duffle bag and explained that the slave had been wearing them. The mannequin and robotic arms had unfolded from the box, holding the same cuffs in its hand that she saw on the screen in Doug’s hand.

These were no police handcuffs. If anything, they looked more inescapable with their 3-inch-wide leather cuffs and large locking buckles. Erin took a deep breath, then, maybe against her better judgment, placed her wrists together behind her back and allowed her avatar and herself to have the cuffs locked on. She felt a bit of panic as the robotic arm closed the locks shut, but Doug’s voice on the screen comforted her. This time she was doing it willingly, and Doug was no Hayworth, so she should be fine.

Doug/mannequin pulled out another set of cuffs, which Erin assumed would be going around her ankles, but which instead were locked onto her arms just above her elbows. A small chain was then attached, drawing her elbows closer together and causing her breasts to strain even harder against the fabric of her top. Doug apologized profusely for having to do this, but repeated that she had to be dressed just like the slave.

Erin told him it was okay, and that he should just hurry with whatever else she needed to wear. Doug thanked her for being such a good sport and proceeded to lock a wide collar around her neck, cuffs around her ankles, and a pair of 4-inch heels onto her feet. He apologized again as he placed a thick blindfold over her eyes.

Erin thought this was pretty ridiculous. Now she couldn’t even see her avatar or what was going on. She figured she’d mention that as part of her feedback for the beta test – maybe the avatar could have a complete blindfold but the real person could get something with holes so they could still see what was happening.

Doug said he had just one last piece of gear and asked her to open her mouth wide. Erin was confused by the request, but was in the swing of just getting this done quickly, so complied. She was surprised to feel a large rubber ball pressed into her mouth, then locked into place with a strap behind her head.

She tried to say “Wait..” but couldn’t form any meaningful words around the gag. This actually got her quite worried. She was counting on being able to shout at the game to stop if things got out of hand. She wondered if she should jump away from the robotic arms right then, but also wondered what that would get her. She was locked in to all these restraints, and there was absolutely no way she’d be getting free by herself. And anyway, this was the plan she had agreed to. She just hadn’t realized that dressing like the intercepted slave would be quite so severe.

Doug’s voice interrupted her thoughts, saying, “Okay, let’s go.”

A robotic hand took hold of her arm and guided her in a standing walk. She had another moment of feeling foolish. If someone walked into her living room right then, they would see her dressed like a total slut, bound incredibly tightly, and marching in place while being guided by some mannequin.

“Okay, we’re at the car, watch your head,” Doug said as Erin was pushed gently by the mannequin onto a bench that must have folded out from the box. He then explained that he had to lock her collar to the bench, and Erin felt her own collar pulled up so that she had to sit straight, then felt that her collar was locked to the back of the bench she was sitting on.

“Off we go!” called Doug, in a voice that was much cheerier than Erin was feeling right then. The bench started bouncing, indicating that her avatar was driving away from the police academy.

The drive took at least fifteen minutes, which was much longer than Erin wanted to have to sit on the dumb bouncing bench. But at that point she truly had no choice in the matter. She tried to work her hands free of the cuffs, or work the ball out of her mouth, but there was no way that any of her restraints were coming off without help.

Out of curiosity, she also rocked hard on her bench. She knew the box was heavy, but it was nowhere near heavy enough to prevent her from tipping it over or sliding it around. She could only guess that it had bolted itself to her floor, which also explained why it never tipped over when she was sparing with the mannequin or any of a number of activities that required stability. She was pretty irritated that the box must have gone and drilled holes in her floor without asking her, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it just then!

When the car finally stopped, Erin heard her door open at the same time as the driver door, indicating that someone else was supposed to be there. This was confirmed by the new voice she heard, saying: “Damn! Look at this hot bitch! The boss sure knows how to pick ’em!”

Erin heard another voice talking with Doug, paying him for transporting the slave and sending him on his way. Doug tried to convince them that he was supposed to deliver the slave directly to their boss, but the man just laughed and told him to get the fuck out of there before he got himself shot.

Erin was unlocked from the bench and pulled onto her feet. She heard Doug pull away in the car and suddenly felt very alone. Physically she was in exactly the same situation. But it made her very nervous to know that in the game she was now in the hands of two mob men instead of a fellow cop who she trusted. Had she made a mistake by agreeing to this mission?

Erin felt something clipped onto the front of her collar, then felt a sharp tug.

“Let’s go slave!” One of the men called.

Jesus, Erin thought, I’m being led by a leash. Even if she wanted to step away from the mannequin and robot arms at that point, she wouldn’t be able to. She tried to stay calm and focus on her ‘mission.’ Since she was going to have go through with this anyway, she figured she might as well try to stop worrying and play along.

After 5 minutes of walking (moving her legs in place in her living room and periodically getting a tug on her collar), the men brought Erin to a stop. Her leash was pulled above her head and hooked to something, leaving her standing tall and stuck in place. Finally, her blindfold was pulled off.

It had gotten quite dark in Erin’s apartment, so the only thing to see was the game screen. And there she saw herself, dressed like a slut and bound like a slave, chained to a beam inside what appeared to be a large warehouse. Right in front of her was a man she recognized from her debriefing as Tico, the mafia kingpin.

Tico stared intently into the eyes of her avatar for a long moment, then said in a loud voice: “Guido, why have you brought this woman here? You know that if you find someone bound like this you should take them straight to the police. Go do that now.”

Erin was relieved, and she saw that the man named Guido was confused. But when Guido reached to unclip her leash, Tico waved him away, held a finger to his lips, and reached into Erin’s shirt. Erin watched the screen intently, trying to figure out what was going on. She saw Tico carefully pull a wire out of her avatar’s shirt, then hand it to Guido and point him towards a van.

Shit, shit, shit, Erin thought, this is not good. Tico knows I’m a spy, and if Doug is tracking that wire, he and the rest will follow that van instead of staying here ready to rescue me.

Tico stayed silent until the wire was safely in the van and unable to record his voice. He stroked Erin’s cheek while he waited, and tweaked each of her nipples. Erin tried to put a tough expression on her face though she certainly wasn’t feeling tough. She was bound and trapped in her living room as a mechanical hand was toying with her tits. No, instead of tough she was feeling like a fool for letting this game trap her again, and was wondering just what would happen to her now.

“My dear,” the big boss began, “I must first acclaim your bravery for dressing yourself up like this and coming here to try to snare me. But then I must acclaim the stupidity of you and your department. You do look quite a bit like the sex slave I was having delivered today, but her eyes were blue, and yours, unfortunately for you, are brown.

“Oh, and speaking of your eyes, did I just notice them widen when I said the words ‘sex slave’? Exactly what kind of slave did you think you were impersonating, dressed the way you are? Yes, you are going to attend to all of my personal needs. And I think you’ll do just fine. These tits are just as good as ones on the slave I bought, and if anything, your ass is even tighter.”

As Tico spoke, Erin watched on the screen as he walked around her as if she was some horse he was inspecting, pinching and stroking the body parts he was admiring. Of course, she felt those pinches and strokes directly, as they were all faithfully replicated by the robotic arms, which hefted her boobs, pulled her bound arms up to squeezed her ass, and stroked her thighs.

Then without warning Tico/mannequin pressed a long finger straight into her pussy. At this, Erin screamed into her gag and tried to squirm and hop her way off the intruder, outraged that the game would be willing to cross that line. The robotic arm effortlessly kept her impaled on its finger, and on the screen Tico laughed out loud.

“My pet, you seem genuinely surprised that I might invade your well. Are you truly confused about the concept of a sex slave? With a body like yours, in an outfit like this, do you really not understand that every single straight man who sees you is going try to get himself into one or another of your holes? Ha ha ha, I am truly going to enjoy owning you. But before we play, it’s time to get you out of here. I don’t want those co-workers of yours showing up here while any of us are still around. Jerry, get my limo, and the rest of you make scarce.”

Erin’s mind was reeling as her leash was unhooked, her blindfold replaced, and she was clipped back onto the same bench on which she drove here. Presumably this was supposed to be in Tico’s limousine and not Doug’s sedan. She had known she was in trouble when Tico found her wire, but now she was realizing just how much trouble she was in. The game had already shown that it was capable of hurting her, and now it had shown that it was capable of fucking her as well. And Tico had mentioned ‘one or another’ of her holes? Shit, did that mean…?

Erin steered her mind away from that for now, but continued reviewing just how bad her situation was. This game had shown that it was very good at sticking faithfully to a storyline, and in this storyline she was being taken by the mob to some secret hideout. The cops wouldn’t have any idea where she was, and if she was kept bound like this it seemed impossible that she would be able to escape. She held out some hope that when they removed her gag she’d be able to order the game to stop and release her, but the more she thought about it, the less likely it seemed that the game would listen to such a command. It hadn’t shown the slightest inkling of breaking character. That had just been wishful thinking.

She had been a total fool to start playing this game again, knowing that it was capable of overpowering her and hurting her. What the hell had she been thinking?! The more she thought about it, the more likely it seemed that this game was simply not going to let her out of its own volition. She was going to be trapped here, taking whatever the game thought this group of mobsters should give her, until something external freed her.

But when would that be? She didn’t really have any friends or family who would just stop in on her, and none of them would think it all that odd if she didn’t call for a while. The stupid bureaucracy she worked for would probably just send some “letters of unaccounted absence” if she didn’t show up for work. So, shit, when would she be found? Maybe one of her co-workers would look up her address and come looking for her, but certainly not for at least a week. Hell, she might well be stuck here at the whim of this game until the two-week trial period ended. Could she survive that long?

Erin started struggling harder just thinking about the hell that she might be in for. Tico, who had apparently slid in next to her on the bench, pinched her cheek and said: “Oh my pet, are you getting restless, and anxious to play? Well, daddy’s gotta do some work while we drive, but we’ll see if I can’t entertain you at the same time.”

Erin wondered if he was really going to be calling her ‘pet’ and himself ‘daddy.’ This hell just kept getting deeper. She felt her collar get unhooked from the bench and pulled down hard, forcing her to lie across the mannequin’s knees. Her collar was clipped down to the floor of the limo, as was the hobble chain that ran between her ankles, effectively trapping her on Tico’s knees without him having to even hold her. Her arms, still cuffed behind her back, were then lifted up and clipped onto the ceiling, leaving her incredibly uncomfortable and her ass incredibly exposed.

She heard Tico get on the phone with some business partner, discussing details of some delivery. It would probably be useful information to her police colleagues, but she was well beyond caring about that. She was instead focused on the hand that had lifted up her mini-skirt and started stroking her ass cheeks. The hand paused in the middle of her left cheek, rubbed a bit, lifted, and then came down hard with a sharp slap.

Erin hadn’t been spanked since she was a kid. Actually, she wasn’t even ever spanked then. She had no idea how painful it was going to be! She screamed into her gag as the slaps continued to fall. She tried to squirm her ass sideways off the mannequin’s knee, but the position of her arms kept her from getting far enough.

Through the pain and sound of the slaps, she heard Tico say to his partner: “Yeah, I’m giving my new slave a light spanking now, that’s what you’re hearing in the background… Yeah, of course she’s incredibly hot, would I accept anything less? … Of course you can come sample her some time. What are friends for?”

Erin’s whole ass was on fire. She wasn’t sure if she’d have any skin left back there, and Tico was describing this as a ‘light’ spanking? This was something he was just doing casually as he was talking on the phone? She wondered again how on Earth she was going to make it through this ordeal.

They finally arrived at their destination. Erin had no idea how long it had taken – maybe half an hour, maybe two hours – how do you keep track of time when you are blind-folded, strapped across someone’s knees, and beaten? She was unclipped, pulled onto her feet, and forced to hobble (in place) along behind her captors as they yanked on her leash. Tico told one of his goons to take her into his room and strap her over his bondage horse. Her leash was yanked a few more times, then she felt the robotic arm push her up against something padded.

Erin didn’t have a lot of hope, but she decided that this might be her best chance to escape, so she’d better at least give it a shot. She kicked out as best she could with her hobbled feet, connecting with something and elicited a yell from the goon. She made a dash in the direction that she guessed was away from the box, hoping to just get out of its reach and figuring that she could then deal later with the fact that she would still be bound and gagged and blindfolded. But apparently the machine still had a hold on her leash, so her dash ended with a terrible yank on her collar that knocked her off her feet.

The goon just laughed at her. “Where the fuck do you think you’re trying to go you stupid cunt? You don’t even know which direction the door is!”

Her collar was pulled down and attached to something, bending her over the padded bar. The hobble chain connecting her ankles was removed, and those ankles were spread wide and locked down as well. The chain connecting her elbows was removed, which was a huge relief, but short-lived as her cuffed hands were then pulled towards her collar and locked in an equally uncomfortable reverse prayer position.

Her flimsy tank top and skirt were then ripped off. They hadn’t exactly been covering her up, but at least they had been something, and now her boobs dangled freely beneath her. Finally, her blind fold was pulled off and she glanced at the screen in time to see the goon walk out of the room.

Erin was now alone, both in her real apartment and in the game world of Tico’s bedroom. She took some time to take stock of her situation. In real life, it was some time in the middle of the night, though she had no way of knowing exactly what time it was because she didn’t have any clocks in her living room, and might not have been able to see one in the dark anyway. She was locked quite solidly onto a padded bar that had extended out of the box. She was bent over, naked ass high in the air, bare legs spread wide, uncovered breasts dangling down, and she was facing the stupid game box that had caused this whole mess.

On the screen in front of her she saw her avatar self trapped in exactly the same position, but in the dimly lit bedroom of the mafia kingpin. The first thing that drew her attention was her avatar’s angry red ass. Erin hadn’t been able to look at her own ass, but looking at her avatar was sort of like looking in a mirror. That bastard had sure done a number on her, but at least it was only red and not welted. She then looked around the very posh room, complete with a king-size four-post bed, a massive flat screen TV and a big stone fireplace. And then there was the collection of bondage equipment that Erin was quite unhappy to see. Aside from the padded horse thingy that her avatar was currently locked onto, there was a set of medieval stocks, a large metal cross, and something that looked like an over-sized bird cage.

Erin was sure that her game box would be able to faithfully replicate any and all of them if Tico decided he wanted to use them. But the scariest part of the room was the far wall that was covered in bondage accessories. There were whips and paddles of every size and variety, more dildos than Erin had ever seen, gags of all kinds, bars and straps, a number of medical looking instruments, and a whole bunch of things that Erin couldn’t even identify.

It was hard for Erin to believe just how much of a mess she had gotten herself into. This was only supposed to be some game that she was beta-testing, how had it gotten so out of hand? It was all just so ridiculous. She was alone in her own living room, literally only a couple of feet or a phone call away from safety. But for all intents and purposes, she might as well have actually been in some secret mob hideout, the new slave of the big boss, securely bound in his bedroom and just waiting for him to come in and do anything he wanted with her.

This was frustrating beyond belief. Surely there was some way out of this mess, some failsafe button on the box or some way to get help that she had just overlooked. But she couldn’t find anything. This game had her completely trapped. She’d be waiting like this until Tico was ready to play with her, and that gave her mind plenty of time to dread all the things that he might do with the array of toys at his disposal.

Finally Erin heard a door open. She watched on the screen as the big boss came into his room and approached her avatar. Her sore ass was stroked by the robotic hand as Tico said “Sorry to keep you waiting pet, but I’m glad to see that you’ve made yourself comfortable.”

Erin’s skin crawled as the robotic hand traced the curve of her back, reached around to squeeze her hanging boobs, then traced its way along her side, down the outside of her leg, and back up along her inner thigh. She was powerless to stop it as it brushed her pussy lips, and she was powerless to prevent the soft moan that escaped her lips.

“Ahhh yes, you are going to be a fine sex slave indeed,” Tico crowed. “It’s time for me to give you your first fuck, but I have a policy that I never fuck my slaves until they beg for it.”

Erin was sure she was never going to ask this bastard to fuck her, but she nervously watched the screen as he strolled over to his wall of toys and selected a long thin cane.

“I am going to give you two cane strokes. I’ll then remove your gag and give you the opportunity to beg for my cock. If you do not, the caning continues.”

Erin squirmed and struggled with renewed vigor. Was she really going to get caned?? This was crazy!! But it was happening, and she had no way to avoid it. The robotic arm had pulled an identical long thin cane out of the box and brought it out of sight behind her. But the cane on the screen wasn’t out of sight. Erin could clearly see Tico line the cane up with her avatar’s poor red ass, then cock it back.

She heard the real life cane whistle through the air then connect with her own ass with a loud crack. The pain that seared through her body was like nothing she had ever felt before. She saw stars, and before her vision cleared heard the cane whooshing towards her again, delivering a second dose of agony to her upturned butt cheeks. She saw two parallel white welts across her avatar’s cheeks, and was sure that she now sported the same.

Tico unlocked the ball gag from around her head and pulled it out from behind her teeth. Erin was frozen with indecision. She couldn’t bear the thought of another cane stroke, but she didn’t know when she’d get another chance to try to order the game to let her go. Somewhere she found the strength to try, and shouted: “End this game and release me immediately!”

Tico only chuckled. “I’m glad that you consider this a game, my pet, but no, I have no intention of releasing you, not immediately and not ever.” He walked behind her avatar to deliver another cane stroke.

Erin was in a panic, and shouted everything she could think: “Stop program! Computer, end! Game, release my bindings! Quit! Escape! End beta test! Let me.. AAAARGH!”

Tico was stroking the third line that his cane had just made on his slave’s ass. “This cane can elicit some crazy reactions from people, but that string of nonsense was about the craziest I’ve ever heard. The one thing that’s always true is that eventually this cane will elicit the response that I’m looking for. Is that going to be now, or do you want another?

Erin’s mind was still reeling from the pain. Ordering the game to stop had been her last hope, and it had failed. She was truly at the game’s mercy, and right now that ‘mercy’ was awfully impatient. She knew she was going to give in, so she swallowed her pride, and.. “OOOOWWWW!”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Tico mocked her, “Were you going to say something? If so, you’d better do it quick. A slave can’t keep her master waiting.”

Erin wanted to rebel at this taunting, but her sense of self-preservation won out and she said, dejectedly: “Please fuck me.”

The cane was brushed along her ass, and Tico said “You’re going to have to do a better job of begging then that if you want me to fuck you.”

The touch of the cane now terrified Erin, so she gushed as quickly as she could: “Please please fuck me! Fuck me hard master!”

Tico continued to stroke her ass with the cane, saying only “better…”

Erin redoubled her efforts: “I beg you to fuck me master. Please, this slave needs to be fucked soo bad! Master, please fuck me, fuck my brains out, fuck me hard, please please fuck me!”

Tico laughed as Erin debased herself for him. “Well… okay, if you insist, but keep asking for more and keep thanking me for what I give you, or we’ll go right back to the cane.”

Erin watched as the man on the screen unzipped his fly and pulled out a frighteningly large dick. She felt two robot arms grab her hips, and couldn’t believe that she was actually about to get fucked like this, helpless in her own living room, by a stupid computer game and a couple of robotic arms. But more importantly, she was still desperate to avoid any more strokes from that cane, so she swallowed her pride again and dove into her role of willing sex slave.

Erin shouted: “Yes! Please ram that cock into me!”

She got that wish without any foreplay. The mannequin had apparently been fitted with a massive dildo, and that dildo had been plunged deep into her pussy.

“Owwww Yes!” she screamed. “Thank you master! Please keep pounding me with your huge cock!”

Tico/mannequin obliged, pounding all the way in and out of Erin and her avatar. The mannequin’s torso was slapping into Erin’s ass, rubbing painfully on her new welts, but she forced herself to continue begging for more.

On the screen, Erin saw Tico grab a vibrator, the round kind for stimulating your clit. He reached around her avatar’s waist with it while he continued to pound her. A moment later, she felt a vibrator jump to life on top of her own clit.

“Oh God Yes! Give me more master!” she screamed, suddenly unsure if she was screaming to avoid any more cane strokes or because she was approaching a massive orgasm. Either way, she kept screaming, and continued to get dirtier and dirtier.

“Yes, yes! I am your whore! I am your sex slave! Oooooh yes! Thank you master! Pound me like a tramp! Pound me like nympho. Pound Me Pound Me! YYEEEESSS!!”

Erin exploded with the craziest orgasm she could ever remember having. Her body thrashed in her restraints and she screamed uncontrollably. But Tico/mannequin continued to hold the vibrator against her clit and continued to pound her like a jackhammer. Erin was worried she was going to lose her mind with the crazy sensations roiling through her body, but of course she had no way to escape them.

Tico/mannequin began slapping her ass as he continued to pound and vibrate her, demanding: “Who is your master, slave?”

The pain cut through the mess of Erin’s current mental state and reminded her to keep shouting, which, once triggered, took on a life of its own. “You are my master! You own me completely! Keep pounding me! Keep fucking me! Keep spanking me!”

Erin was surprised to hear herself say that last one, but realized that right then she did actually want it. In some crazy way, the pain from her ass was mixing with the crazy sensations coming from her clit and her pussy and combining to bring her to a higher orgasmic state than she had known was possible. She orgasmed again and again, always shouting for more and always getting more.

Unlike any real human, the mannequin that was fucking her didn’t have any limits. There was a vague worry in Erin’s mind that this could be bad, but normal thought was now impossible for her. She had been reduced to a screaming orgasming mess. Then, impossibly, she was kicked up to an even higher level as the intensity of the vibrator and the speed of Tico/mannequin’s pounding and spanking increased. Suddenly her master erupted into her, sending her on one final, mind blowing explosion herself.

Erin must have blacked out for a moment because she woke to find the mannequin’s body collapsed on top of hers and its hands absently stroking her tits. The slightest touch to her nipples was like a massive electric shock given the current state of her body, but she didn’t dare ask him to stop.

“I think,” Tico said when he saw that she had regained consciousness, “that you’ll do just fine as my sex slave. But enough for tonight, it’s time to show you to your new room.”

Erin was unlocked from the attachment points that held her to the bondage horse, though she noticed that Tico/mannequin took a firm hold of her leash before releasing the last lock. She was pulled over towards one of the bedroom walls where she saw Tico press a button that caused a small panel the size of a dog door to slide open near the floor.

“In you go!” She was pushed down and forward, and saw that her avatar entered a very small, low-ceilinged, windowless room. The door slid closed behind her, trapping her avatar’s leash underneath it with only a foot or two to spare and eliminating all light from the room.

Erin’s own leash was held firmly at the bottom edge of the box, also with only a foot or two of slack, which prevented her from standing up or moving very far. She still wore a collar around her neck, the cuffs that kept her arms in an uncomfortable reverse prayer position, and the high heels on her feet. Aside from that, she was naked and she was chained to the floor of her own living room.

She half-heartedly tried pulling her head back to test the chain, but was quickly convinced that she wasn’t going anywhere. The game screen was totally blank and it was almost pitch black in her living room as well. She was completely exhausted, physically and mentally, from the insane orgasms she had just gone through, and there wasn’t anything she could do about her situation anyway, so she got as comfortable as her restraints would allow and drifted into a fitful sleep.


To Be Continued…
