The Salon [FF , oral]

My second attempt at writing a sexy story… fueled by one of my many fantasies. Hope you enjoy! x

It had been three months since I last went into the salon. I had a new hairdresser, and I wasn’t sure about the work she did. She gave me a new, sexy, dark hair color, but it seemed to wash out fairly quickly. It had faded into a strange reddish-brown that I wasn’t very fond of. “Oh well,” I thought to myself. “Everyone deserves a second chance.” And so it came about that I was on my way to a ‘touch-up’ appointment with Dessa.

“Hey, girl!” Dessa greeted me with a smile. “I’ll be with you in five minutes. Need a drink? Water? Pop? Wine?”

“I would LOVE some wine!” I said appreciatively. A few minutes later, I was seated in her chair with a big glass of moscato. “So,” Dessa began, “how’s it been going since I’ve seen you last? How’d you like your color?” She started running her fingers through the ends of my long hair, pulling up sections to inspect, a concerned look on her face.

“Well… to be honest, I thought the color was great at first- but it washed out so quickly! And- I know, you don’t have to say anything- I wasn’t as careful with it as I could have been, but it’s just been so stressful lately… I mean, I haven’t even had time to do my eyebrows!” I took a big gulp of the sweet wine and slumped in the chair, feeling defeated.

Dessa tsked at my story. “Girl, you know better. You pay good money for this hair- and I promise it will last longer if you just take care of it the way I told you to.” She was still running her fingers through my hair, even running her long fingernails along my scalp. It felt good- I always liked when people played with my hair. “Still, we can fix it today. And what do you say to getting your eyebrows waxed? Since you’ve never had it done before here, it’s on the house!”

“On the house? Really?” I’d never heard of that deal before. “That would be great! I’m actually going on vacation next week… so, anything that helps me prepare for it with my schedule would be fantastic.” I opened my mouth again, almost asking her if she could do a bikini wax. After all- I’d be spending a lot of time in my swimsuit! But, no. I’ve never had one done before, and shaving would probably do the trick.

Dessa’s smile widened. “Great! But let’s get your hair done first. We’ll finish with the wax… I’ve just got to let Gina at the front know our appointment will go a little long today.”

Dessa left and came back with a fresh glass of wine for me. I looked down and was surprised to see that my wine glass had, mysteriously, gone dry. “I must be thirstier than I thought!” I laughed nervously. “Oh, don’t worry about it. You should see the housewives that come in here- they REALLY know how to put the wine away!” With that, she began sectioning off my hair, talking all the while. I always enjoyed her conversation, as she seemed to be full of crazy stories. We started reminiscing about our younger, wilder days. She was a little younger than me, but it was obvious that we both knew how to have a good time. I blushed a few times when her stories teetered on the edge of inappropriate, but could always offer a decent story in reciprocation.

“There was this one time- with my friend Sandy?- oh man, we knew what drove the guys crazy at the bars!” Dessa laughed, her breasts bouncing slightly. I couldn’t help but notice- she wasn’t shy about having them on display. “I’ve never gotten so many free drinks in one night.”

I giggled, the wine going to my head, loosening my tongue. “Yeah… I’ve used that trick before. The most drinks I’ve ever gotten at a bar… “ I groaned. “Oh, you’re going to think I’m such a slut.”

Dessa smacked my knee playfully. “No, I won’t! Come on- I told you mine.”

“Fine, fine! I was at the bar with this girl- I don’t remember her name now, it was so long ago- we were doing tequila shots from each other’s belly buttons. Well… we were pretty far gone, and pretty soon guys were paying for our shots- but only IF we took them from a little higher up. They kept going with this deal until we were both topless and dancing on the bar!” I laughed and put my face in my hands, embarrassed.

“Oh my God! You are such a slut!” Dessa put both her hands on my shoulders from behind me, squeezing them firmly and laughing delightedly.

It was some time later that I was basking in the glory of my brand-new hair color. It was dark and silky, and it fell just below my nipples, framing my breasts. Dessa admired her work and picked up sections of my hair. “Dang girl, you look hot. If I may say so myself.” I laughed and ran my fingers through it, enjoying how soft it felt in my hands. “Thank you so much. I love it!”

Dessa nodded and turned my chair around. “Okay girl, time to come back with me. Let’s get those eyebrows taken care of!”

As she led me back to the private waxing rooms, she gave me a stern lecture on taking care of my new hair color. “Try not to wash it every day, and avoid hot water. Wear a hat in the sun if you can, and if you want your ends to stay looking nice you have to stop brushing your hair when it’s wet!” I listened silently and nodded, my eyes settling for a moment on her swaying hips as she walked ahead of me. She was wearing high heels- how did she wear those all day?- that accentuated the curve of her ass. For a moment, I saw a sliver of bright blue lace peek out from the top of her jeans. Wow. I thought. She’s so… hot. Am I really checking her out right now?

Dessa stopped in front of the last door in the long hallway and opened it, gesturing me inside. It was dimly lit with soft yellow lights, and there was a long cushioned table in the center. A relaxing instrumental soundtrack was playing and the room smelled of hot wax and oils- almost like a massage parlour. Dessa put a long clean towel down on the table and motioned for me to lay back. It was almost hot in the little room so I took my jacket off, now just wearing my tight white tank top, while she positioned herself on a stool at the head of the table. I eased back to lay on the table. She brushed back the stray hairs from my face and told me to close my eyes. “Okay, I’m going to put the wax on now. It’s pretty hot, but it’s important that you don’t move or flinch too much. Are you ready?” “I think so,” I said quietly, and she began.

The wax was hot, almost to the point of being painful. I sucked in quickly, and felt Dessa’s hand caress my bare shoulder. “It’s okay- you’re doing so good. Just breathe in and out.” I concentrated on breathing as she pressed a thin strip of cloth to the freshly applied wax. “Now I’m going to count to three and pull. Okay? One, two…” She didn’t make it to three before she took the strip off with a quick, steady yank. “Ooh!” I yelped. Before the area started stinging, I felt Dessa’s hand press the affected skin firmly, somehow relieving the pain. “Pinched a little, didn’t it? But you did so well. Good girl.” She almost cooed. Was it just my imagination, or could I almost feel her breath on my ear?

She continued waxing. Each hot application of wax on skin, the sharp pain of pulling out stray eyebrow hairs, and the wonderful relief from the stinging pain Dessa offered was almost erotic in its pattern. There was a familiar heat growing between my legs, and I could feel my nipples hardening. I hoped Dessa wouldn’t take that the wrong way. Dessa finished, gently rubbing a cool lotion all over my freshly-waxed skin. She made tiny circles with her fingertips, rubbing out from my eyebrows into the pressure points at my temples. I sighed happily. “Feel good?” Dessa said wryly.
“Mmhmm..” Is all I could manage. I hadn’t felt this relaxed in a very long time.
“Hey,” Dessa began, almost managing to fool me into thinking the thought had just occurred to her, “This trip of yours… does it involve wearing swimsuits?”

I stopped breathing for half a second, my whole body tensing up. “Yes,” I said carefully. “It does.”

“Well, don’t you want a bikini wax? I blocked off enough time for one- and we can count it as a part of your special “first timers” deal.” I could almost hear the wink in her voice.

She continued gently rubbing the tension out of the muscles in my face with those tiny circles. Making it down to my jawline, I couldn’t help but let my mouth open slightly. I breathed shakily. “That… would be smart. Yes. Let’s do it.” I cringed a little and blushed at my phrasing. Thank goodness it was dark enough in that little room- there’s no way she could tell. Was there?

“Alright!” She took her hands off my face and gently wiped away the excess lotion with a soft towel. “Now, it’s easiest if you’re completely nude for this… I don’t want to get any wax on your cute outfit! I’m going to go behind the screen while you get undressed. And… Here’s a towel, if you want to cover up a little. No pressure.” She disappeared behind the screen before I could protest. Get completely naked? Was that normal for a bikini wax? I shrugged to myself. Might as well just go with it. I stepped out of my flats and undid the clasp to my black pants, letting them fall in a pool at my feet. I hooked two thumbs into my little white lace panties and pulled those down, too. Pulling my tank top over my head, I wondered if I really needed to take my bra off as well. I decided it would probably be fine and left it on, pulling the towel around myself and settling back on top of the cushioned table. Dessa must have heard me, because she called out from behind the screen. “I want you to be as comfortable as possible, okay? Lean all the way back and close your eyes. Concentrate on breathing nice and slow for me. Try and relax.” I did as I was told, leaning back into the soft table and closing my eyes, breathing in and out deeply.

I heard Dessa’s soft footfalls as she came back to the table. “I’m going to give you direction by touching your legs, okay? I’ll move them where I need them to be. You don’t have to worry about a thing.” I nodded slowly and swallowed my nervousness. I felt her hand on my right leg as she pushed my knee into a bent position, then splayed it to the side. “Wow,” she said, obviously impressed, “You’re flexible!” I just smiled to myself and tried to concentrate on breathing. “Okay, going to put the wax on now,” Dessa said quietly. I felt her fingers on my thigh first. I sucked in. The wax on my sensitive bikini line was almost too hot. She pressed a strip into the wax and pressed firmly. I knew what was coming and tensed up. “One, two…” Again, she didn’t make it to three. A whimper escaped my throat, and I felt her fingers on me again, pressure easing the sting. “Good, good..” Dessa murmured. She repeated the process on my left side, moving my legs in the process. I was starting to get used to the waxing… in fact, much to my embarrassment, I was actually enjoying it. This was turning me on. Everything about it was so fucking sexy. My whimpers were turning into quiet moans I couldn’t control. I kept my eyes firmly shut, too embarrassed to meet the eyes of Dessa. She didn’t mean to do this to me. Still.. She wasn’t stopping, even though my vocalizations were getting more and more inappropriate with each pull of the strip. And it only got worse the closer she got to my throbbing sex. I could feel how wet I was getting, and it was that she was so close to touching my slit without actually doing it. Then, finally, I felt her tug gently on my labia. “Juuuust moving some things out of the way…” She reassured. “Nothing to get excited about.” I moaned again through lips pressed shut. She applied the hot wax and strip, pulled quickly once, then repeated the process on the other side.

She had stopped, her fingers lingering, pressed into my still-stinging skin. I didn’t want this to end. “Am I finished?” I said, not wanting to hear the answer. I cracked open my eyes to see how I looked.

My jaw hit the floor and I sat bolt upright. Dessa was completely naked. She had been waxing me that whole time wearing… absolutely nothing. Her breasts hung heavy, small dark nipples hard. A perfectly groomed, narrow landing strip led down to her sex tucked beneath her, at least while she sat on her work stool. If I was wet before, my slit was now completely drenched in need.

“No, you’re not finished,” Dessa chided, putting a finger in my chest and pushing me back down on the table. “I still need to put the finishing lotion on!”

“Oh,” I said, breath catching in my throat.

I felt Dessa make her tiny circles with the lotion- but instead of cooling, this lotion was warming. She pushed my legs open, putting my wet pussy on display. Starting at my bikini line, she worked her way in, making those tiny circles with gentle pressure. The closer she got to my slit, the heavier my breathing became. A tiny mew escaped my lip. I knew I was barely holding back. Those circles went all around where I wanted- no, needed- it most, until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I bucked my hips, only slightly, but it was enough to catch one of those tiny circles on my clit. My lips parted and a loud moan escaped. I brought my hand to my mouth and my eyes opened, wide. What if someone had heard? Dessa looked up at me, a twinkle in her mischievious eyes. But those tiny circles never stopped, and now that they had permission… they were everywhere. The warming lotion mixed deliciously with my own juices and the sensation was heavenly. She used both hands now, making bigger circles, applying firmer pressure, going faster. I panted, biting a finger to silence the whimpers and moans that were coming more quickly now. I felt her put two fingers at the entrance of my pussy, and I bucked my hips onto her. She kept rubbing my clit while she pumped those fingers in and out of me with a steadily increasing rhythm. “Oh my god… Oh, my god…” I whispered, then, unable to control my volume with the mounting pressure inside me, I screamed. “OH… MY… GOD FUCK ME DESSA, FUCK ME! FUCK my pussy! Just like that please oohhhh FUCK!!” She had lowered her head and was sucking furiously on my clit, fingers moving in and out of me even faster. I came in a flood, toes curling, back arching, one hand in her hair forcing her to suck even harder on my clit, the other pinching my hard nipple. I spasmed for what seemed like minutes before collapsing back on the table.

“Oh shit,” I said, dread creeping over me. “Do you think I was too loud?” Dessa waved her hand dismissively. “They’ve all gone home. We’re the last ones here!” She licked my slit one last time, then crawled up between my legs. “What?! You could have told me that sooner! I was trying to be quiet. ”
Dessa smiled in disbelief. “That was you trying to be quiet?? Thank god we didn’t do this while people were still here- you’d be the talk of the salon!”
She fingered my bra, only half on after I had pulled one breast free from its restricting cup. “Hey… didn’t I tell you to get completely naked?” I laughed, then pulled off the inconsequential bit of material. “There. Happy?”

Dessa raised an eyebrow. “Almost.” She let one hand trail down to her perfect, patient, pussy.

“Well,” I said, taking her breast in my hand, rolling a hard dark nipple between my fingers and leaning my face in close to her pouting lips, “I’ll just have to fix that…”


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