Consensual Non-consent [MF, bd,Mdom,nc]


I sigh. My girlfriend, a skinny 5’2, looks at me with wide pleading eyes. She’s dark haired, dark skinned. Half persian, half swedish. A bombshell.
“Katy I’m not raping you in the bathroom!”
“Other couples have quickies in the bathroom!”
“Other couples couples can have sex without handcuffs!”
“Please! It’s been days. You’re so good at it! I don’t care if you hurt me a little, I need it…”

I sigh. It had been days. With Katy’s friends staying over, we hadn’t wanted to risk one of them bursting through the bedroom door or calling 911. But now they were on the other side of the house, and the bathroom was large, and surrounded by thick walls… Katy was smiling now.

“My eyes are up here Katy”

“Is that a yes?” – She’s not speaking to my face. One finger traces a long path along the denim of my jeans. I can only groan in assent.

It was hard to get my head around, at first. We’re still exploring the edges of it. Her teasing me seems to work fine, as she frequently demonstrates, so does making out, but the minute she feels like we’re moving towards penetration, it kicks in. The Spirit is willing, the flesh has other ideas. She’s surprisingly strong for someone her size, which I guess is why she picked a 6’0 martial artist for a boyfriend. Not that I don’t have other charms. I’m used to grappling with people, and it shows. People tell me I look like a taller, more attractive Conor McGregor. At least _I_ have an excuse for the bruises, and the tattoos help too.

It freaked me out a little the first time. But once you see her afterwards, flushed, panting, her head on your lap and her arms still bound… Well I’m into it, basically. Call me a pervert.
I let myself into the bathroom. She’s ‘taking a bath’, we told them. The floor has thick carpeting, she’s put some towels on the floor anyway. For a soft landing. She’s standing facing the wall, breathing heavily, fighting it. Like we planned. Her skirt is short. Her panties are on the edge of the bath. I pick them up, moving quietly towards her, breath steadily, and move, swiftly, behind her, one hand over her mouth, stuffing the panties into it, the other wrapping around her body, pinning her arms.

The scream of rage that leaves her mouth, muffled by the panties, shocks me a little. Expected though it is. You don’t really get used to sounds like that. Immediately, she’s a wriggling she-demon. I curse as she catches my shin with her heel, lift her body off the ground, and in a practiced movement, fall gently backwards, so that we’re on the ground, her on top, her back to me. Then I roll her over, so that she’s pinned underneath me. She screams again. My hand tight on her mouth, it’s hopefully not audible outside the room. Her nails are digging into my forearm. But with my weight on her she can’t move much anymore. I free one hand, and tape her mouth. Then I take the handcuffs off my belt, snapping one around the wrist that’s trying to take chunks out of my arm.

This is the hard part. I let my weigh up for a second, and transfer one hand to the small of her back holding her down, while my other hand brings the cuffs back, in a curve so as not to twist her shoulder, and snaps the cuffs on to the other wrist. I can relax a little now. She’s prone, gagged, on her stomach, with my weight on her buttocks, and her hands tied behind her back. can’t do much more than kick her legs ineffectually, emit muffled shrieks, and twist her neck to glare up at me. She remembers everything from when she’s like this. Enough to sheepishly apologize for a bruised testicle, or get in a huff later because I called her a name she didn’t like.
I smile down at her. “You’ll be glad when I’m done honey.”

I move down her slightly, one hand keeping her arms pinned on her back, and her immobile. I pull her skirt up to the small of her back. She’s very, very wet. I unzip my fly, a sound that provokes further screams and wriggling, and take out my cock. The size difference never fails to turn me on. Her ass is a divine vision, a two perfect globes and a soaking wet fig between them. “Fair’s fair”, I reflect, as my forearm drips a little blood. I’m about to hurt her.

She bucks with unreasonable strength when she feels it touch her lips. I put more weight on her, and thrust. It doesn’t go in easily, but she’s so wet, it does go in. I lie down on her, and arm around her shoulders. Growl into her ear “Doesn’t that feel better sweetie?”. Another shriek, different in tone this time, urgent. Four or five thrusts, hard, deep. I can feel her cervix driven hard against the head of my cock. It never takes long. Her struggles turn into a whole body tension, and then release, twitching, whimpering. I can feel wetness on my thighs, she’s squirting on me. A few minutes of respite, breathing, my cheek on hers, and she’s struggling again. Then twitching again. It takes four times till she’s through it. We can take some time now. Something in her face changes, and I take off the gag. She looks at me, flushed, with wet eyes.
“I love you”.



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