Plant O’Phallus Part 1 [F][Plant][Tentacle]

Weekends in a new city were difficult, not having any friends or family to call up and hang out with. But Katie needed the change, she needed to get away from the country and move to the beautiful city. Work opportunities were better there, she hoped she would meet new friends soon and start her new life. In the meantime she kept herself busy with things she enjoyed doing back home. One of which was hiking. Thankfully her new home offered lots of opportunity for this. The city was surrounded by lakes and mountains meaning she could jump in her car and find a beautiful trail in minutes.

Tightening the straps on her backpack she looked towards the entrance of the trail between the trees. The parking lot was completely empty which would mean that she would be completely alone on, just the way she liked it. No guys drooling over her outfit which to be honest was pretty revealing, not that she minded the odd look it was just the fact that they always felt the need to follow her and talk to her, some guys never could take a hint. Her small but perky chest was covered by a grey and black sports bra, beyond that she was wearing a small pair of shorts that ended just below her small shapely ass, her excuse being that it allowed her to move better, but even she knew she loved the stares she would get. At 5’3” tall her toned stomach was exceptionally thin giving her a distinct outline of abs it was her favorite part of her body. Not that she wasn’t proud of her tight ass or B cup breasts she just loved the look of her stomach.

Tightening the laces on her shoes she pushes off starting the trek into the forest. The trail was suppose to be difficult and it started with a steep climb up the side of a large mountain, with dense trees on either side of the path it was generally pretty easy to tell where to go. Sometimes the more difficult less traveled paths weren’t as well kept and could be difficult to tell which way to go.

Reaching the top of the first climb she loved the burning feeling in her legs as her breathing picked up. It was exhilarating, feeling your heart beating hard in your chest, as you forced air from your lungs, and felt the burn in your muscles. She could feel goosebumps form on her skin and her tiny pink nipples harden against her sports bra as she continued walking with a big smile on her face.

This of course was only one of the things she enjoyed about the hike, along with the wildlife, the amount of beautiful flowers and plants in these areas was amazing. Numerous times she would stop take pictures of a certain plan that interested her, and then go back to her apartment and research it. Today was no different.

Half an hour later and she was breathing heavily as sweat dripped from her brow, she needed break. Thankfully the path leveled out and there was a small bench overlooking the terrain she had just covered. Pulling out her phone out of her backpack she took a couple quick pictures as well as a selfie before resting on the bench for a few moments. As she sat there she couldn’t help but smell something incredibly sweet, almost like there was a cotton candy machine somewhere nearby. Turning her head she of course sees nothing, but there was a small clearing that was visible behind the bench. It was odd that the trees didn’t grow in the clearing, almost as if something had prevented them from growing there. Getting up off the bench she casually made her way towards the clearing. Soft green grass covered the entire area and in the middle stood a single plant. It wasn’t very tall only about a foot or so off the ground. Taking another deep breath it was clear the smell was definitely getting stronger the closer she got to the plant. “That’s odd” She mumbled as she got closer she quickly took out her phone snapping a couple pictures of the plant. She was now within five feet of it and the smell was incredible, she could feel her mouth salivating, and for some reason even more goosebumps forming on her skin.

Getting she slowly kneels down in front of it inspecting it. It had almost a sort of trunk sticking out of it in the middle of it. The entire length of it was a light green, about twelve inches long, two inches wide, and grew slightly darker towards the tip. The entire phallus glistened in the sun and almost seemed to be oily. At the tip of the plants shaft was a small hole that seemed to be the source of where the plant’s fluids where. It all seemed very odd to her as she kneeled in the soft grass inspecting the plant further. Beyond the large phallus the plant had a number of leaves around its base, but also seemed to have a number of small thin vines that she hadn’t noticed until now. They varied in size to a quarter inch around to half an inch around and ran all through the grass around her, it was like nothing she had seen before. Using her phone she took a few more pictures before putting it into her backpack. The smell of the plant was getting to her, it was amazing, she wanted to…taste it…

Reaching out with her hand she slowly using her index finger to slide along the stalk of the plant almost scooping up some of the fluid before bringing it to her mouth tasting it with her tongue. The taste was electric, sparks flew through her taste buds as it caused her to audibly gasp with surprise. She quickly repeats the process scooping more of the fluid with her finger and tasting it again, this time sticking her whole finger inside her mouth to suck the juices off. “Mmm” She groans as she breathes heavily and more aroused which was currently oblivious to her.

Her finger scooped another gobb of the clear fluid off the plant and brought it to her lips. Her mouth was actually watering as she put her finger inside. Her temperature was rising in her crotch as well as the rest of her body. Looking at the plant for a second she could have sworn she saw it throb. Shaking her head she watches as a stream of fluid leaks down the shaft of the plant slowly dripping. Still on her knees she slowly leans forward bringing her mouth within inches of the plants tip and then slowly lowers her full lips to the shaft kissing it before sucking it softly. Again she could swear she felt the plant throb but quickly forgets that as she is rewarded with a gob of clear fluid in her mouth. “Mmmm” She moans softly taking just an inch of the plant’s phallus into her mouth just enough so she can lick her tongue around the tip.

Anyone walking by her now on the trail looking into the small clearing would have been in shock. Seeing the young girl on her knees bent over a strange looking plant with the tip of it in her mouth moaning. Katie herself was having a difficult time understanding why she was doing it other than it tasted so good.

Her mind was spinning as she continued to suck the tip swallowing gob after gob of the clear fluid. Her nipples on her perky B cup breasts had become painfully erect and pressed hard against her tight sports bra. The fire in her crotch was becoming hotter and hotter as she could quickly feel her panties turning from damp to soaking wet as she sucked away.

Unknown to her was the fact that the plants fluid was a strong aphrodisiac, and it was throbbing, in fact it wanted her to feed on it. The phallus was slowly turning a darker color of green as she pleasured it. The small tendrils and vines in the grass had slowly begun to move twisting through the soft grass towards her, and ever so gently they began to wrap around her calves and ankles that were supporting her on her knees. Her entire concentration for the moment was on the plants taste and sucking more of the wonderful fluid it was leaking. The small vines snaked around her legs and up her inner thigh wrapping around her leg there before gently pressing against the crotch of her shorts. “Uhmmm” She groaned again suddenly arching her back at the touch. Her mind cloudy as she hadn’t quite thought about what was touching but just focusing on how it felt. Spreading her legs slightly the spandex material over her crotch grew tighter creating almost a camel toe affect as her now engorged vulva pressed against both her panties and shorts.

The phallus in her mouth had grown visibly greener and harder, not that it seemed any larger as it was already 12 inches in length, but it seemed to be reacting to her actions. More fluid seemed to leak from the tip as it was visibly throbbing now.

With her panties now soaking wet two small vines worked over her crotch pressing against it and rubbing up and down it. Other vines had snaked up her shorts and up to her flat toned stomach prodding at the lower elastic of her sports bra almost as if searching for an opening. The two vines pushed upwards and found her cleavage and then dipped inside running between the two pale orbs of flesh. More vines joined the assault now as two more snaked up the leg of her shorts reaching her wet panties and pushing against her mound there now. The two rubbing from the outside of her shorts had given up finding an opening there and pushed upwards to the waist band and then slipped inside.

Katie’s arousal was rising at an incredible rate. She was now taking almost four inches of the hard phallus into her mouth as she continued to swallow the plants goo. “Mhhhmmmm” She whimpers feeling the two vines slip inside her sports bra wrapping around her soft breasts and squeezing them. She had never felt anything like it before, something so soft, yet forceful as it squeezed each of her breasts, even managing to flick across her sensitive nipples. Still in the kneeling position her legs were spread wide as the two vines there pressed against her panties as the two others pushed down under her panties finally finding the top of her slit and her hard little clit. The smaller vine slipped down pressing the small hard bud from side to side and her body reacted by orgasming instantly. Her toned abs tighten as a her legs suddenly quiver and shake as she arches her back orgasming hard. “AAhhhmmmmgggghh” She cries out around the phallus suddenly lifting her mouth off of it as her orgasm almost seems to catch her by surprise.

Staring at the sky for a moment she supports herself on her hands and knees as she breathes heavily recovering for a second, the vines had stopped but still remained where they were. Slowly she almost awaking from her haze, looking up she sees the large phallus in front of her now dark green throbbing leaking clear goo down the shaft. She suddenly tries to stand up but the vines had wrapped around her thighs, calves and ankles and continued to hold her still. “What… stop…” She shouts suddenly panicking as she tries to move her legs using her arms she quickly reaches for the vines pulling at them but suddenly more stretch out from the ground grasping her wrists holding the tight as the spiral up her arm.

To be continued………



  1. Really good writing. Very descriptive and not necessarily all about the phallus itself which I enjoyed. It was more about the sexuality and the enticing qualities of the plant in general. Can’t wait for part 2!

  2. well you already know how I feel about this but for the public record, Well done you :) two thumbs up and looking forward to the sequel.

    have upvotes and stuff

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