The Practice 5 (Ashley 1) [FF, fsub, fdom, huml, bdsm, mast]

Ashley ran for her life.

Her only clothing was a pair of thin sandals, and they weren’t built for speed. She dashed down the rocky slope towards the beach where dozens of other naked girls were laboring, futilely building a pile of rocks for the entertainment of fucking Dr. Wilcox. The filthy, exhausted girls turned their heads as she sprinted past, and a few yelled out her name. But she didn’t slow down.

It was easier to run on the wet sand down by the ocean. Ashley stretched her legs and pumped her arms, clutching a white stone star figure to her chest as best as she could. Her breasts were small a-cups, but still bounced uncomfortably when she ran flat-out, and the stupid star gave her some support. She was small, barely five-feet, but highly motivated. After a minute or so her adrenaline ran down and the aches of the morning began to catch up with her. Damn the fucking doctor and his stupid wife, with her stupid smile.

Ashley slowed to a jog and looked back. She had left the other girls far behind, eclipsed by a curve of jungle. She didn’t see anyone coming after her, but her footprints made a clear trail in the sand. Would the ocean wash them away? “Shit,” she said.

She turned towards the trees and ran on the softer sand. It piled in her sandals and tugged at her feet. Her muscles ached and her lungs burned. She scanned the treeline as she trudged and turned into the first break she found. A small stream poured out of the jungle and over the sand. She dropped to her knees next to it and splashed water over her face, drinking deeply.

Her face, hair, and breasts were covered with sweat and come from Dr. Wilcox and stupid Hannah. Everyone knew she was his favorite. Not her fault though, not really. They both wanted to win the game, and Hannah had. The game itself was fucking Shelly’s fault.

Ashley used the cool water from the stream to rinse her face and her short, brown hair. Hannah had already licked most of her clean. She was a sweet girl. Not her fault. Hannah reminded Ashley of her older sister, Olivia; Dr. Wilcox had spoiled her, too. Ashley shook her head and started washing the sand off her body that she’d kicked up running. She hated getting sand in her pussy. Damn it.

Ashley had finally caught her breath after a few minutes and she stood up to look around. The stream led into the jungle, but she had never been to this part of the island before. Was she still in the compound? Who knows. She walked a hundred feet upstream and listened. Bird calls. Monkeys? It looked, sounded, and felt like the rest of the island. Safer than staying on the beach.

She kept walking up the stream, picking her way over fallen trees and other debris. It was slow-going, not at all like in the movies. She wondered anew at the island’s lack of bugs, snakes, and other pests. Still, there were plenty of pointy sticks and rocks to scrape her as she hiked.

To where? “I’ve really fucked myself this time,” she said. “Fucking island.” There was nowhere to go, except back to the doctor. She had a hundred lashes waiting for her for losing the stupid game, but that was nothing compared to what she’d earned for running away. And cursing at Dr. Wilcox and Shelly. And throwing the handcuffs at her.

More than a little bit of Ashley had wanted to put the handcuffs on and find out what Shelly had planned. They’d had sex before, and it was amazing. Ashley didn’t object to cuffs. But the game and the bet were so unfair. Fuck them all.

The cool water washed over Ashley’s feet as she picked her way upstream, but the rest of her body sweated from the exertion and oppressive humidity. Her pussy was still aroused from the game — boosted by the jolt of adrenaline — and she caught herself reenacting the game in her head as she walked. Burying her face in Hannah’s pussy while Dr. Wilcox pounded Hannah from behind had been pretty awesome. She sat down on a mossy rock with her feet in the water and reached between her legs. She had all the time in the world… might as well rub one out.

Ashley’s fingers opened the tiny, smooth lips of her pussy and began running circles around her clit. She was plenty wet. Her heartbeat started slowing as she relaxed into a comfortable rhythm, at home in her own body. One great thing about the island was permission for unlimited orgasms. Ashley rolled her eyes at herself. She was already breaking all the rules, and she cared about that?

She purred as she pleasured herself slowly, luxuriating in the feeling. She’d had plenty of orgasms over the past few days on the island, but none by her own hand. Nicole and Elizabeth were eager and willing, along with a few other girls here and there, and it felt wasteful to get herself off. But now it felt so nice.

A distant voice broke through the trees. “Ashley!” Her hand froze and her head spun around. “I’m coming to get you!”

Ashley jumped to her feet. It was Shelly’s voice, coming from downstream. Should she sit back down and wait to be found? If not, where should she go?

“Ashley!” Shelly called out, a little closer. “All I want is an apology! Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

An apology for what? Having her own brain? Resenting a “game” that pit her against her friend for a beating? Not being a mindless sex puppet? Ashley cupped her hands and yelled back, “Fuuuuuuck youuuuuu!”

Ashley grabbed her stone star, turned upstream and ran, splashing, until she found a path up the bank she could follow into the jungle. She knew she wouldn’t evade Shelly for long if she stayed on the game trails, but she winced at the thought of striking through the thick foliage naked, in sandals. Even on this trail, branches scratched her skin and rocks dug into her feet. She cursed and struggled through the plants as fast as she could. She didn’t hear any more from Shelly, but the wildlife hooted and hollered as she charged through.

After an endless run, her lungs on fire, Ashley stumbled into a low, stone wall, maybe two feet tall. Short enough even for her to step over with ease. It appeared to be made of stones similar to what the other students had been stacking on the beach, and it extended through the trees as far as she could see in both directions. Was this the edge of the compound? If so, the other side looked the same as here.

Suddenly a burst of pain exploded behind her right shoulder and Ashley jerked forward. She cried out and stumbled over the wall, falling to the ground. Rocks and sticks dug into her breasts and stomach. Her back was on fire. She twisted around to see a welt the size of a baseball near her right shoulder blade, quickly blackening to a bruise.

“I see you!” Shelly yelled, closer than ever.

Ashley didn’t waste any breath on words. She jumped up and ran.

There was no path on this side of the wall, and Ashley used her arms to push a way into the brush, clutching her star. Should she leave it behind? Her right arm screamed with pain, but she didn’t listen. She collected an array of bloody scratches as she hurtled through the foliage. The scratches became burning lines of fire as her sweat rolled down her naked body. Her left sandal caught on a root and she stumbled. She left it behind. The ground was rough and her left foot quickly became a mass of pain. She couldn’t stop. Fucking Shelly.

As Ashley vaulted a large stone, a sudden gloom surrounded her. She looked up, but there were no clouds. The sun was ashen grey as it peeked through the canopy. The jungle noises grew distant, quiet. She pushed off the rock and kept moving. The darkness followed her, and soon she couldn’t see more than a few feet ahead. Her right sandal was gone. When had she lost it? She had trouble breathing. The stone points of the star dug into her skin. She used her free hand to pull herself through the trees.

She heard a muffled thud, as if from a great distance, and her left leg collapsed. Ashley fell to the ground. Her right arm wouldn’t move. Her left leg burned, and her vision wavered as she saw another huge bruise growing on the back of her left thigh. She curled up into a ball on her side and clutched her knees to her breasts around the stone star. Was she dying?

Blood and sweat blurred her vision. Silent darkness enveloped her, brushing against her body. Soft tendrils of touch danced across her skin. Over her face and eyes. The sights and sounds of the jungle faded away to darkness and utter silence. Feather-light fingers pressed into her ears and nose. Ashley opened her mouth to scream, but it was muffled by a gentle force reaching into her mouth, pressing down her tongue, stretching into her throat. The ghostly fingers slid over her face and body, caressing her. Tugging up at her eyelids. She squeezed them tight. Down her back, between her legs. Tracing over her pussy, pushing into her asshole. She tried to roll away, to protect herself, but she couldn’t move. She felt her pussy lips spread open and an insistent pressure against her opening, twisting, borrowing into her.

And then it was gone. The sun shined in her eyes, yellow again. Shelly’s silhouette. She touched Ashley’s forehead and said something Ashley could almost understand.

Ashley woke up in darkness and screamed. It was coming for her. She twisted her head and wrenched her body, but could barely move.

“Hush, child,” said a soft voice. Shelly.

Ashley opened her eyes to four blue points of light. Two pairs of eyes, one on top of the other, gyrating in the darkness. Her head pounded. Her vision faded in and out, but gradually returned. Shelly was standing in front of her, holding a glass of water. They were alone in a small room. Ashley shook her head to clear it, and Shelly reached out with the water.

Ashley tried to take it, but her hands were bound above her head. She looked up and saw the padded handcuffs she had thrown at Shelly forever ago. Every part of her body hurt. She looked down and saw her ankles were bound to a spreader bar, holding them far apart. Ashley was flexible, but the spread made her groin hurt. She was suspended from her wrists, and standing on her tip-toes.

Shelly held out the water, waiting. Fucking Shelly. Ashley glared at her. Shelly waited.

“Give me some fucking water,” Ashley growled.

Shelly waited. She was a good six inches taller than Ashley, with straight blonde hair — now up in a bun — and stunning blue eyes. She had c-cup breasts and a body that Ashley could only envy. She looked dirty and tired.

Ashley groaned. Her right shoulder was on fire from the suspension and the bruising. Her left leg trembled, barely holding her up. Her throat felt like sandpaper. “Please, Shelly,” she said.

Shelly put the water to Ashley’s mouth and tipped the cup, helping the girl to drink. Ashley drained the glass, panting, and Shelly gently wiped her mouth.

Shelly set the glass down on a table out of Ashley’s vision. “I treated your wounds as well as I could. The beanbag gun leaves some serious marks, though.

“No shit.”

Shelly took something from the table and swung it at Ashley’s ass, making a loud crack, and Ashley yelped through her clenched jaw. “No more swearing from you,” Shelly said. “It isn’t ladylike.”

Ashley set her jaw and stared at the ground. Fuck you, Shelly. But she said nothing.

“You’re lucky I was close on your trail,” Shelly said. “It isn’t safe outside the compound.”

Ashley’s vision dimmed as she remembered the darkness that had invaded her, and her body shook.

“Hush, child,” Shelly said again, and gently stroked Ashley’s face. Ashley sniffed and realized that tears were pouring down her cheeks in great sobs. She inhaled deeply and tried to squelch them. She wouldn’t cry in front of fucking Shelly.

“What was that? Out there?” Ashley whispered.

“Toxic waste,” Shelly said. “The terror will fade. With luck, you won’t even remember what happened to you.”

Ashley wanted to forget.

“You saved me,” Ashley said.

“Remember that,” Shelly said, and wiped Ashley’s tears. “Are you ready to begin your lashings? We can keep talking if you like.”

Fucking Shelly. Saved her life? Ashley twisted in her bindings. “One hundred?”

“That was the bet,” Shelly said, arranging some items out of sight.

“Your fucking bet,” Ashley said, and the crack on her ass followed immediately. “Your bet,” she grunted.

“It was unfair,” Shelly said. “Are you ready?” Ashley gave a single nod. “There’s no reason this must be wholly unpleasant,” Shelly said. She knelt down in front of Ashley and gently kissed her pussy. Ashley’s lips were spread open due to the length of the spreader bar, and Shelly quickly found the girl’s clit. Ashley moaned and her left leg shook. Then she felt a gentle push as a smooth thickness slid into her pussy, and she moaned more loudly.

Ashley craned her neck to look down and saw Shelly propping the end of a long stick into a divot in the floor. A dildo was attached to the other end, now buried in Ashley’s pussy. Her pussy lips were scratched from her flight through the brush, and the girth of the dildo caused the scratches to burn as it stretched her open. Ashley wiggled on her spear, impaled, pushing off the ground with her tip-toes, but there was nowhere to go.

“Count for me,” Shelly said, followed swiftly by the leather strap on Ashley’s ass.

Ashley yelled and struggled. She counted. “Ten!” she said, breathing heavily.

Shelly smiled and said, “I saved you. That’s my job. But I like you Ashley.”

“What do you do with the girls you don’t like?” Ashley breathed. Ten more strokes followed, and Ashley counted them out. “Twenty.”

Shelly considered her answer. “I let them fail.”

Ten more lashes. “Thirty.” Ashley’s ass was burning hot, and her left leg was numb. The dildo in her pussy wobbled when the blows landed, confusing her senses. She looked down to see the shaft dripping with her juices.

Shelly came around to the front and lowered her face down to Ashley’s. Ashley felt Shelly’s hand reach down and begin rubbing her pussy lips, circling around the dildo. She wiggled to put her clit under Shelly’s fingers, but Shelly pulled them back. “I bet on you, remember?”

Ten more lashes. “Forty.” Shelly’s hands came around from behind to caress Ashley’s extended stomach and breasts. Her fingers tweaked Ashley’s nipples. Ashley moaned. “What happens… after this?”

Ten more lashes. Ashley’s voice faltered. “Fifty.”

“I’d like to spend some quality time with you, Ashley,” Shelly said, her grin filling her face and eyes.

“I’m not your sex toy, fucking Shelly,” Ashley said, and the lash struck behind her injured right shoulder. She yelled out.

“That one doesn’t count,” Shelly said. “But these do.”

Ten more lashes. “Sixty-one!” Ashley said. Another blow. “Sixty,” she said through tears.

Shelly toyed with Ashley’s pussy and said, “You’re smarter than that. Sex toy? Please.”

Ten more lashes. “Seventy.” Ashley said. Shelly’s hand returned to her pussy immediately and Ashley moaned. “What’s this all about then?”

Shelly didn’t answer, but her hand sped up. Ashley squirmed and felt her pussy tensing for an orgasm. Shelly stopped cold. “Don’t stoooop!” Ashley cried.

Ten more lashes. “Eighty.” Ashley grunted. “Please, touch me again.”

Shelly did, building her back to the edge of orgasm before stopping again. Ashley was short on breath. It was hard to get enough air in this position.

Ten more lashes. “Ninety.” She said. Her shoulders were numb from hanging. Her legs were numb. Her ass was numb. The only thing Ashley could feel was her pussy, stretched open, full, and Shelly’s fingers on her clit.

“We’re saving humanity, and you get to help,” Shelly said. “Now, do you want to finish?”

“Please, yes!” Ashley yelled. The lashes came, but Shelly didn’t stop with her hand. Ashley’s eyes rolled back in her head. She did her best to count, but her words were little more than sobs.

The lashes kept coming, and Ashley’s consciousness retreated into her pussy. Nothing else existed. Every heartbeat took an aeon to pulse through her lips, her clit, deep into her vagina, her cervix, her womb. Her entire being was her pussy, filled to overflowing. She knew why Shelly always smiled.

When Ashley fell off the edge into her orgasm a great cry ripped from her lungs. Her stomach and thighs wrenched up, pulling her feet from the ground until she was balanced on just the spear impaling her pussy. She writhed and twisted and screamed as Shelly’s mouth consumed her endlessly.

Eventually Ashley’s muscles gave out completely and she slumped in her restraints. Her head bowed, reaching for breath. Shelly released the cuffs from her hands and softly lowered the girl to the floor without removing the dildo. Ashley reflexively wrapped her arms around herself as she moaned. Shelly released the cuffs on the spreader bar and gently helped Ashley bring her legs together, and she cried out as her tendons relaxed. Ashley felt Shelly pick her up and carry her to a nearby bed. She gripped the dildo stick with her legs, holding it in her pussy, still throbbing.

Shelly brushed Ashley’s straight brown hair off her face and smiled at the girl. Ashley struggled to open her eyes. “I’m sorry, Shelly,” she whispered.

“I forgive you,” Shelly said, petting Ashley’s face as the girl fell into oblivion.

Dr. Wilcox would be pleased.



  1. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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  2. I look for these at least as much for the story at this point.

    Excellent work!

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