The ocean tentacle [f-self, octopus]

*First story, any feedback would be appreciated, thanks!*

Katie loved the beach, she loved the waves, she loved the sun but most of all she loved to swim. Even from a young age she always wanted to be a lifeguard, and thanks to her parents taking her to swim lessons almost every Saturday for years she had achieved that goal and more. Any given weekend at the beach she would easily be the strongest swimmer, often teasing other guys who assumed they could beat her until they raced her to the buoys roping off the beach area. Eventually many people in the area knew her and never bothered her much during a typical weekend, which she preferred. She would often come to the beach at around dusk just so that a majority of the tourists would be gone for the night so she could simply float and bask in the quiet waters by herself.

Even now at around 8pm as the sun was setting there was still the odd groupings of teens and families who had spent the entire day there, sat in the sand or at the edge of the water. Placing her towel down in the sand next her her bag she ignored them and pretended they weren’t there. Reaching up to the strap of her blue one piece she adjusted it and stomped towards the water already slightly upset that she would have to deal with other people.

It’s not that she hated the idea of other people being there or using the beach, it was just the fact that they had to be there while she was.

Swimming from a young age had obviously kept her in great shape. She was one of those girls other girls hated simply due to the fact that she could eat anything she wanted and not gain a pound. Even walking towards the water in the unsexy one piece bathing suit her petite firm body wasn’t easily hidden. Her firm ass causing the back of the suit to protrude slightly as the material stretched around it. The material continued up past her very slim waist, which if exposed would have a slight outline of abs which she was very proud of. Again her suit protruded and bounced as she walked as her pale C cup breasts bounced as she walked. If there was anything she would change about her body that would have been it. Her chest only really made things difficult in the water, the increased drag only slowed her down, even if the attention she received thanks to them wasn’t bad, she still would have preferred something smaller.

Finally reaching the water’s edge she expertly navigated the waves as they crash into the shore and it is only moments later that she is well into the ocean as she quickly began to swim. Thoughts about the people back on the shore quickly left her as she worked the muscles in her arms and legs pushing harder and harder with each stroke until she was smiling and floating happily in the waves. The distance she had traveled had pushed her out past the buoys fencing off the swimming area, beyond the point that any tourist would swim to. She lay there for a few more minutes enjoying the bliss that came over her.

Suddenly there was a gentle tug at the material of her one piece just above her right thigh. “Hey…cut that out..” She cried swirling her arms to move from the lying position she was in into a vertical one where she could inspect her attacker. Pushing her head under the water she quickly sees a grey blob attached her. The grey blob was no bigger than two of her hands and was quite obviously a small octopus. It wasn’t uncommon for creatures like this to be floating out in the water and Katie had become used to seeing them. Typically they had kept their distance until this one of course. She had always had a soft spot of any creatures of the sea such as these small mollusk’s and never wanted to injure them. Reaching down with the back of her hand she brushes at the small creature attempting to push itself on its way. As she does she feels a gentle tug on her swim suit realizing the small creature was gripping it. Lifting her head for a breath of air she gasps softly feeling its small limbs rub against her inner thigh as it hangs there. “Listen this isn’t a free ride little guy…” She says attempting to push it away again but it refuses to budge. “Fine then you can ride with me to shore but then your done…” She says looking back towards the beach realizing she had drifted out a little further than expected. Not that it was an issue, she had swam further distances before.

Paddling quickly she starts back towards shore the water rushing past her and the small animal attached to her. To her surprise the legs of it seemed to drift down tapping at her inner thigh and crotch as she swam. Not only that but the small creature seemed to be creating more drag than she anticipated and it was taking longer to get back than she expected. Each movement of her arms pulling her through the water created a gentle tapping at her sensitive area of her suit covered crotch. Coming to a stop frustrated and slightly embarrassed by the situation she floats again attempting to remove the creature. Looking down in the water her eyes jolt open wide as she can feel the creature with half its limbs on her inner thigh and the other half over her covered crotch, and it was squeezing gently. “Listen little can’t do that…” She says softly attempting to push it away again, but each time she does she can’t help but feel as if she might hurt if she pushes any harder. Grunting she again begins to swim, the small creature squeezing at her groin now as she feels an odd sensation there. She was becoming aroused.

Biting her lip as she swims she can feel her own face turning red. The small octopus had managed to slide its limbs between her legs and at the edges of her crotch continued to pull at the sensitive flesh there. The increased drag of the creature had caused her bathing suit to become increasingly heavy and she could feel it being pulled down exposing the tops of her breasts as the straps on her shoulder became tighter.

Stopping again she breaths deeply catching her breath she treads water for a few moments. “Uh of all the places…” She mumbled looking down seeing the small creature completely attached to the fabric of her crotch. She pauses for another minute breathing deeply, she could feel goosebumps forming all over her as her nipples hardened in her top she was barely aware of the second creature that was slowly floating next to her before it attached to her suit just below her breasts. She felt the tug of the material and looking down saw the second small octopus only slightly larger than the first weighing on her. “Hey…what the hell…this isn’t a bus…” She mumbled quickly attempting to push the second creature away as she swatted at it gently it pulled the material of her suit away from her chest almost exposing her breasts. “Epp.” She gasps pulling the material tight again giving up on this one as well. “Both of you are coming off as soon as I reach shore…” She grumbles and slowly begins swimming.

She moved even slower through the water as she continued paddling through the water. Now with two creatures weighing her down she groaned feeling her suit slip further down nearing her nipples. This also created a pull at the back of her suit which was growing tighter as it was beginning to slip between her firm butt cheeks. The new octopus below her breasts was giving her the same treatment as the other. Its limbs pulled and squeezed the sensitive flesh of her breasts. And just like her crotch the responded. Her swimming had become gradually slower and slower as she felt the warmth of arousal spreading over her. Thankfully she was getting closer to shore and the rope fencing off the beach was in her reach. Grasping the algae covered rope she held it tight even though it offered little support to keep her floating. Staying still for a moment she was having a difficult time breathing as the creature between her legs had become more aggressive squeezing and pushing on the thin layer covering her vulva.

She hadn’t felt this feeling in months, as her religious family instilled in her from a young age that she should be saving herself for marriage. That didn’t mean she didn’t gain the occasional orgasm from the shower head on a Saturday morning. Was this punishment for those times? “Oh god I’m sorry…” She moaned softly hanging onto the rope tightly. Looking down into the water she could see her hard nipples poking into the end top of her suit as she could see the creature pressing onto them. Reaching for it in second attempt to free herself from them she grasps it with her hand pulling. Immediately this pulls the swim suit away from her body giving the creatures just enough time to slip a few limbs inside the suit. “Oh no no please stop…” She whimpers now trying to protect herself she reaches to her crotch feeling the limbs at her top slip under the tight material directly between her breasts. More and more join in as the creature attempts to fit its whole body between her two white globes.

At her crotch two tentacles had worked their way under the thin spandex layer and managed to latch directly onto her nether lips. The pushed between the sensitive skin there and up towards her little bud which was achingly hard and waiting. It only took one touch before she felt her whole body suddenly shake as she was overcome with orgasm. “Uhhh” She suddenly groaned as the small suckers sent quivering waves through her body. Her pussy convulsed as she arched her back moaning softly before finally gathering herself again. She clung to the rope for a few seconds breathing heavily before realizing she had to get to shore and remove the creatures immediately. She pushed her arms into the water and kicked her legs ignoring the feelings making a break for the shore. The sun was getting lower in the sky and thankfully most of the people had left the beach.

“Oh god…” She whimpered feeling the creature on her chest wrapping around her sensitive mounds and the small suckers quickly found her nipples. Its small limbs twisted and tweaked her sensitive buds perfectly as she swam. “Ahhhhh god” She suddenly cried out as another spasm rolled over her as her second orgasm hit her harder. Her limbs suddenly stopping swimming as her head went under water. The small tentacle on her clit continually pushing it back and forth as her nipples are twisted and pulled. Gasping for air she quickly recovers pushing and swimming upward to the surface again breaking it and breathing deeply. “No…no please no more..” She mumbled but the creatures never stop. She could see the beach getting closer as she dragged herself through the water begging to touch the sand. Her bathing suit was stretched out and sagging as it pulled from her body with the creatures pushing more of themselves under the material.

A few more seconds later and she felt it. Warm sand under her toes just enough for her to reach. She pushes off with her foot as the water gets slowly shallower. The water was now calm and the waves had become small. Finally it was shallow enough she could collapse to her knees. Her 18 year old body exhausted from the swim, she breathed heavily relieved to have reached shore.

Suddenly she felt another one of the octopuses limbs slip between her nether lips as it pushed itself inside her wet needy hole. Instantly her body again orgasmed for a third time. “AAhhh” She cried feeling the invading creature force more pleasure upon her. The feeling was electric as its suckers pulled on the sensitive flesh inside me, teasing it and toying with me. I reach into my swim suit attempting to pull the creature from my breasts but it was little use with my one piece stretched as tight as it was.

Reluctantly I push each strap over my shoulder, red marks formed on them due to the extreme tightness and increased weight pushing it down and exposing my fully perky breasts and I can see the creature locked onto them manipulating them. Its sucker tentacles barely able to fully wrap around the supple flesh but it still managed. Below it I can see the other now fully inside the crotch of my suit. I could feeling it attempting to push yet another rubbery limb into me as it attempted to stretch my tight wet hole. “Oh please…no more…” She gasps hard struggling to stay upright. Her legs push forward attempting to carry her to shore as they felt wobbled.

The water got shallower and shallower as she pulled herself up onto the beach. She was half naked from the waist down. Her blue one piece pulled off her shoulders as the octopus manipulated her increasing sensitive breasts. Her legs were spread wide and another creature fully under the material of her crotch was moving back and forth. Half of its limbs manipulating her little clit and the other half pushed inside her as her fourth orgasm tore through her. Her mind was a blur as the creatures seemed unrelenting, sucking, twisting, teasing, as she lay on the sand with the waves lapping at her lower body. “AAauhhhh goddd” She whimpered giving into them and slowly losing consciousness as her world turns black.



  1. Also enjoyed quite a bit! Tentacle is cool, and I had never read a Tentacle story before. Watch out for subject/verb agreement and tense agreement. There were plenty of times where you used two different tenses in the same part of the sentence, which made it a little hard to read.

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