I’m a new erotica author and I want to know what you want to read more of in the genre :)

Good morning,
My name is Cameron Cross and I’ve recently published 9 titles to Amazon for your reading enjoyment. I’ve posted one snippet of my stories over on /r/erotica for you to get a little taste of how I write.
I’ve currently made $56! I’m not writing for money persay, but for fun and enjoyment.
Most of my stories take place in situations that aren’t your prototypical sex scene. I also incorporate some fantasy elements into my stories, depending on my mood! I want to get your opinions on new stories you’d like to see and original ideas you’d love to read about!
Please ask away and send me every and all opinions and ideas you’d like to see written about! I plan on writing and publishing about 8 books a month (mainly short stories) moving forward.
Talk to you all soon!!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/4caitw/im_a_new_erotica_author_and_i_want_to_know_what


  1. God and Goddess intervene (in limited form) in two individual’s life and play out their heavenly love in human form . Humans also have free will and real life/world has other plans for the humans.

  2. I really like demons or aliens who have humanoid forms but can give humans crazy amounts of pleasure. Surrealism in erotica is great too. I’m always looking for sexy, bdsm, fantasy/sci-fi. :)

  3. If you are not writing for money, then write about what you like. I’m not a writer myself, but I have heard that many authors make ~$20 per month. If you want to get feedback, you might publish some of your free stories on erotica sites like [literotica](https://literotica.com) or [noveltrove](http://noveltrove.com) Best of luck!

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