The Control Factor [CH.1] [control][threesome][oral]

-Requested by a User.

-Vocabulary words:
(Rune = Spell Book)

Today is September 26, 2098. I finally wake up after constant alarms blaring into my ears. “Ugh, it’s only Wednesday.” I say to myself, I get out of bed and get dressed and grab my Rune and put it into my pocket then head downstairs. “Good morning, Mother.” I say as I notice her in the kitchen. “Good morning, David.” She replies. I eat my breakfast and I go to school. As I am driving to school I notice a beautiful petite girl walking into the schools front entrance. Her blond hair is long all the way down to her waist with her loose blouse shirt defining her torso and short shorts that define her ass. I assume she’s a C32 for bra size. Today is the first day of high school and I’m now a sophomore.

The bell rings just as I get into the school after parking my car in the student parking lot. I get to my first class and I sit down in the right side of the class to be able to lean on the wall. As I’m checking my phone and replying to texts I see from the corner of my eye the girl from before walk in with her hair flowing behind her majestically. I follow her with my eyes as she comes closer towards me and sits down in front of me. I’m shocked when she sits In front of me and I soon realize I’m staring at her for a long time and quickly turn back to my phone.

The bell rings which starts the class of and the teacher gets up from her chair and starts introducing herself and takes roll, she explains how it’ll take her a few days to learn all our names and the other usual deal like her class rules. I notice the girl in front of me is not very focused and is just casually just using her phone and I notice she’s texting a lot of people. I think to myself.. “Wow, she must be so popular being beautiful and all.” I begin to doze of in class and eventually fall asleep mid way into the classroom and as I’m sleeping I have a dream about her with her and I becoming a couple. I soon wake up from the bell dismissing the class and in front of me the girl stands up and turns around to face me and says “Can you do me a favor? David right?” In shock I realize I’m looking up at her my head still sideways, I quickly straighten myself and say, “Yeah, what’s your favor?”

As I’m walking with this beautiful girl to her next class I realize that I haven’t even learned her name yet. I face her and say, “Sorry, but can I ask what your name is?” She turns to me and smiles a little and laughs slightly in such a cute way, “My name is Valerie.” In my head it’s repeating “Valerie” over and over again while I’m staring at her eyes. Earlier she asked me to walk with her to every period since I left my schedule on my table and she turned and looked at it while I was sleeping and realized we both had every period together.

As the school day went by with Valerie and I walking together every passing period we would talk and in every class we sat together and she would always be In front of me so I can look at her from behind. I was day dreaming about her throughout the entire day until the last bell ran dismissing the last class and she turns to me and says,”I’m leaving now, it was nice meeting you, David” She walks out the class and my eyes follow her out and I get up and make my way home.

The next day of school I decided that I wanted her and that I will make her mine to be my fuck toy and my sex slave. In first period, I open my Rune from my pocket and cast a ghost spell that will take over her mind and body but leave her personality and the same. She’ll basically become more and more sexual towards me and only me, and over time the spell gets mores and more of her until she’s willing to even eat out of my hand.” As I cast the spell I see her straighten up and kind of look confused like something just nudged her and she didn’t know where from. She turns around from her chair and we lock eyes and she smiles and I see her blush and quickly turn away from embarrassment, the spell had worked.

In third period she was basically already turned on just by the looking at me. I noticed her get up to walk to the front of the class to throw something away just to walk back and glance at me a little. She had such a cute blush her face was red and pink and she was biting her lip every time she saw me. I decided to tease her so I leaned over and whispered into her ear and said, “Can I call you by a nickname?” She is startled and as I set back into my chair after saying that she nods her head up and down without turning to face me. I lean back over and say, “What do you want me to call you?” She later hands me a paper with a note on it without turning and I read it, “I’ll tell you after class.” I sit back into my chair waiting for the period to end.

Once the bell rang she stands up quickly and turns around and grabs my hand and pulls me out of the class. She leads me to a corner of the school where no one would ever go to normally and she leans on the wall and navigates my hand to both sides of her head and now I’m facing her with my hands trapping her there with me. She has a hard blush and keeps biting her lip which makes me want her even more. I realize that by now she’s probably aching for me due to the ghost inside her. “So? What do you want your nickname to be?” I say. “I don’t know.. What do you want me to be?” She replies. I lean in so our faces are right in front of each other’s and we are now about one inch away from touching. I feel her hard breathing on my face as it rises from me getting closer. I continue forward and then to the side so now I’m up to her ear and I say, “I want you to be mine.”

She whispers back into my ear seconds after, “I want to be yours too.” I pull away and say, “Are you sure about that?” She replies, “Of course I am” I lean in again but this time I place our lips on each other’s and she is already trying to stick her tongue in and I let her and we end up making out for a few minutes which would’ve lasted longer if we didn’t have any more classes. We walk to our fourth period together holding each other’s hands. I look over at her and she’s blushing a lot, I look down at her and admire her white button up dress shirt tucked into her black mini-skirt. She was an amazing sight with her skinny body and well sized tits and ass.

We get into our class and seats and I decided mid way into the period I wanted to tease her even more. I reach over the desk from the right under her arm and start holding the side of her torso under her arm close to her boob but not on it. I see her look down and I know she’s wanting me to touch it and grope her. I successfully caught her and she’s all mine now.

After school ended I decided I would live alone. In my state it was legal to buy a house and live alone once you’re 16. I used my Rune to pull up billions and put it into my debit card. I texted my mom about living alone and she didn’t care much. I bought the house and everything within minutes and bought a large mansion house near the school. I am still walking with Valerie and once I finished I looked at her and saw that she was already staring at me. I decided to tell her what I just did.

“Hey, Valerie.” I say. “Yes?” She quickly responds. “I just started living alone want to live with me?” I say as I look at her. After registering what I just said I see her eyes light up with joy and she says, “Yes! I do!” I reply, “Good, let’s go check out the house right now.” We get into my car and she’s shocked that I’m driving a BMW i8 and she soon realizes I have wealth once we pull around the corner to the mansion house. She looks at me as we pull in through the gates and I look over at her and smile.

The mansion has a large pool, 6 bathrooms, 5 bed rooms, 3 floors, a large kitchen, an extravagant dining area, and a basketball court outside. She is amazed at the sight and as we walk in the front door we are greeted by a butler who welcomes us and tells us his name is “Greg” and that he’ll be taking care of us. Greg was in his 60-70s and was a stereotypical butler that had a mustache and wore a tuxedo, he was well composed and always kept a straight face and I let him give a tour to Valerie. I went to the living room which had a large television and lush couches. I sat down and relaxed and closed my eyes to just rest but soon accidentally fall asleep.

I woke up later feeling weight on my lap. I open my eyes and look down to realize that Valerie was sleeping with me and her head on my lap. She had such a cute face when sleeping after I was out of her trance I analyzed her body and saw she was sleeping flat with her back upwards. Her ass was an amazing sight and I stared at it. “Liking the view?” She says. I’m surprised and look down and her eyes are open and she’s smiling at me. She wiggles her ass a little to tease me. I decided that I won’t let her take me over so I chose to take control. I put my hand on her ass and squeezed it. She realized what I was trying to do and wanted to compete. She put her hand on my crotch and rubbed it through my shorts which were semi-erect after touching her ass and her touching it.

A hour later we were on the couch with her straddling me. We were facing each other with her legs around me and we were making out fiercely. My hands are her ass holding her and hers around my neck grabbing my hair. I stopped her and we were both catching our breath. “You’re mine now.” I say. “I’ve always wanted to be.” She says smiling back at me.

Thanks guys for reading part one, sorry this doesn’t have any sex in it yet. It’s just a “trailer” kind of thing to excite you guys and be ready for part two. Part two will have much more sex. Tell me what you think about it and any suggestions you would want added? Like what the other girls should look like when I add them. Should they be as important as Valerie? Etc. anything you want I’ll add it!

