Playing with Abi [Ff, lactation]

*I’m fairly new to writing stories so would appreciate any feedback! This is my second story.*

“Bye, dad! And bye little buddy!”
Abi gave her dad a hug and kissed the head of her one and a half year old step brother, Stevie, held in her dad’s arms. The two guys were leaving to visit with her grandparents for the weekend across state. Abi had a shift to work the next morning so was staying behind with Lynn, her step-mother. Stevie hadn’t been sleeping much lately and just wanted to nurse constantly, tiring Lynn out and leading her to ask for a well-deserved weekend off.

“Bye hun. Take care of your step-mom ok? She needs to relax this weekend.”

“I know dad. Don’t worry about it. We’re just going to hang out and watch movies tonight and tomorrow she can sleep in.”

“Ok, that sounds good. Bye sweetie.” Her dad gave her a peck on the forehead, picked up the suitcase of baby supplies in his free hand, and walked out their front door.

It was 5:30 on a Friday in mid August — and hot. Abi was wearing shorts and a loose t-shirt with her hair pulled back in a pony tail, leaving her small, 110 lbs, 5’3″ body underneath — simple and relaxed. She had been working at a candle store in the mall on weekends to save up a little cash before heading to college in a few weeks. Together with the $400 she received for her 18th birthday a few months ago, she had saved up nearly $2,000 in spending money. Her dad was covering tutition and living expenses — one of the perks of being raised in a split family perhaps. She didn’t have to be into the store until 10 the next morning so figured she and Lynn could stay up late and watch some cheesey chick flicks. Maybe Lynn would even offer her a glass or two of wine!

Abi’s parent’s split up when she was five and her dad married Lynn when she was fifteen. Abi always liked Lynn — she was kind and good to her dad. Definitely nothing like the evil step mothers you hear about in movies. This was Lynn’s first marriage and she had wanted her own kids right from the start. Being 32 when she married (ten years younger than Abi’s dad), she was worried about waiting too long so Abi knew they had started trying right away. She wasn’t sure exactly why it took so long, but after a year and a bit, Lynn finally got pregnant with Stevie. He’s a super cute kid and lots of fun to have around — except for the fact that he’s never been a good sleeper and has an unusually strong attachment to nursing. As a result, Lynn’s milk supply has been tremendous for the entire year. So much so, that she has had to buy a hospital grade breast pump just to keep up with her production.

Lynn was taking a nap in her room. She had been up all night with Stevie and most of the day while everyone else was out. Abi decided to start on dinner and try to get everything prepped for the night. Her goal was to pamper and relax Lynn as much as she could. She pulled out two chicken breasts to prepare a fancy chicken alfredo pasta dish she had seen online. Just as the oven had heated up she head Lynn curse from her room – ‘Oh fuck’. Lynn never swore so this must have been something serious. Abi left the oven waiting and ran to Lynn in her room.

“What’s wrong!?” Abi asked — half panicked.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. It’s just, my pump won’t turn on. I think it’s jammed or something.”

Lynn was sitting on the bed wearing track pants and a nursing bra. Her engorged breasts spilled over the cotton just slightly and, despite the extra thickness, small wet spots were visible on the outside of the beige fabric.

Lynn pressed the on switch and a loud, shrill, grinding sound came from the pump. She let it ring in the air for a couple of seconds and then turned it off.

“The one weekend where I really — really — need this piece of shit and it breaks, and it’s after 6 which means the hospital’s supply store is closed until Monday. Shit shit shit shit…”

Abi watched her step mom smack the pump repeatedly. She felt bad because it was her job to help Lynn relax and it’s already off to a horrible start.

“Maybe it just needs some time to cool down or something,” Abi offered, timidly. That pump was worked hard on a daily basis after all.

“Maybe. This has never happened before and I barely got 5 ounces out before it jammed. I mean, I’m fine now, but in a few hours I’m going to need it.”

“I’m, uhh, making chicken alfredo…”

Lynn chuckled. “Thanks dear. That sounds wonderful. Let me get cleaned up and I’ll be right out.”

Abi walked back to the kitchen and got the chicken in the oven. The sauce required some prep work with cream and cheese so she got started on that. Being honest with herself, she was nervous. She had spent a lot of time with Lynn over the last few years, obviously, but with going from her dad being a newly wed to the baby, this was the first “girl time” she’s had with Lynn and she wanted it to go well. The chicken alfredo was just that start of her plans. A shirtless Ryan Goslin was for dessert but if Lynn ended up in pain all night due to her stupid pump being broken the whole weekend would get ruined.

An hour and a half later, Abi and Lynn were finishing off their chicken alfredo with linguini. The sauce was fantastic and Lynns spirits were up. Both Abi and Lynn were optimistically hoping that the pump would fix itself and plans would continue without hinderance.

“That. Was. Fantastic. I don’t know where you get it, but you can cook girl!”. Abi stood up and started to clear the table.

“Thanks Lynn! I’m still learning and this was my first time making this recipe but it turned out pretty good!”

“Well, I think you’ve earned yourself a glass of vino — but only if you don’t tell your dad.” Lynn winked commically at Abi and Abi laughed back.

“Thanks! I’d love a glass of wine!”

“Ok. I hate to leave you with these dishes, but I’m going to go see if that stupid milker is working again.”

“Oh, no problem. I’ll clean up here and get everything ready for the movie. Don’t worry about it!”

It was getting on towards 8 now and the heat still hadn’t disipated. Abi could feel her skin sweating and thought it might be easier to change into something a bit looser now that dinner was over. It was just her and Lynn after all — she could totally ditch her bra and hang out in a light nightgown for the rest of the night. After putting the dishes in the sink, she walked back toward her room, past her dad and Lynn’s room, and heard the pump whirring away. Thank god it seems to be working again!

In her room Abi pulled off her shirt and immediately reached back to unsnap her 32C bra. Her release of tension felt amazing and the instant exposure to the air made her skin feel just a little bit cooler — if only for an instant. With her top off, Abi reached down to her shorts, undid the button, and pulled them down her smooth thighs. Her panties, a light white lace, were damp with sweat, but she kept them on for now knowing that any new pair would be the same in no time at all. Ruffling throuh her drawer, Abi pulled out a light white nighty she often wore on hot summer nigts and pulled it on over her head. The material was ever so slightly transparent, falling to mid thigh length, but not scandalously so. It let her body breath which was the goal after all.

“Are you fucking kiding me?” Abi heard yelled from down the hall in tandum with a louch mechanical screaching sound. She ran out her door down to Lynn’s room.

“What happened?!?”

“It’s dead for good now! It smells like burnt plastic. Something definitely jammed it up good.”

The room did have a faint burning smell. Not a good sign.

Abi saw her stepmom sitting on the bed with her large, 38DD breasts attached to suction nosels, hanging out. Abi had seen Lynn topless before, especially when feeding Stevie, but she seemed especially exposed in this instant. Lynn reach forward and removed first the left, then the right pump from her breasts. Her nipples were elongated, having just been tugged on by the pump hard. Small beads of milk were forming at the tips but Lynn quickly brought a towel up to soak up excess milk starting to leak out.

“Sorry hun, I don’t mean to ruin the night, but could this pump have picked a worse time to break?”

“I’m sorry Lynn, is there anything I can do?”

Lynn chuckled under her breath and said “get your tools out and figure out how to fix a medical grade brest pump? — sorry, there’s not much we can do . I got another 7 oz out though so hopefully it gets me through the night. Why don’t we go watch that movie? I see you’re already changed and ready to go!” Lynn eyed her 18 year old step daughter up and down.

“Sure, you’re a Ryan Gosling fan right?”

Lynn’s face took on an evil, naughty look like she was about to break a cardinal rule. “Oh yes. Yes I am. Let me just get cleand up and I’ll be right out.”

Abi turned around and headed down the hall toward their living room to get Crazy, Stupid, Love ready to play. Sitting on the couch, she brought her bare legs up under her and queued the movie up.

A few moments later, Lynn came down the hall in a long, flowing blue nightgown that went down to her mid thighs. The top was closed off wih a threaded shoelace like tie that ended in a cute bow just below her neck.

“Figured I’d take your cue and get comfortable. If I’m going to be uncofortable, I might as well be wearing comfortable clothes! And now… that wine I promised.”

Lynn retreated to the kithen and returned with a bottle of sauvignon blanc and two stemless glasses. She unscrewed the bottom and poored two, rather generous in Abi’s mind, glasses.

“To Ryan.” Lynn toasted.

“haha, to Ryan!” Abi toasted back. The wine was cool and dry — it was delicious.

Lynn sat on the couch next to Abi and leaning up against the arm rest opposite. Although her gown was longer than Abi’s, her calves and feet were bare. Abi started the movie and they both settled in to watch.

About an hour into the movie, and two generous glasses of wine later, Lynn started to shift uncomfortably in her position.

“Mmmmm… ugh” Lynn grunted. “I can’t believe how engorged I get.”

Lynn softly rubbed the side of her breast through the material of her nightgown, clearly trying to reduce the pressure without making a mess. Abi watched her intensely, feeling sorry for her step-mom’s prediciment.

“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do?” Abi offered pleadingly.

“How’s your latch? haha” Lynn offered. Abi chuckeled in reply but then refocused her gaze on Lynns rock hard, engorged breasts.

“Can’t you squeeze some milk out?”

“Sure, I can sqeeze a little bit out, but you really need a baby to nurse to get it all.”

Lynn grabbbed her left breast with both hands through the materal and Abi watched her carefull massage both sides. Lynn’s nightgown slowly turned a little darker in front of her nipple — a clear sign that milk was coming out.

“Oh geez, hand me a napkin will you hun?”

Abi pulled a napkin out of the holder on a side table and handed it to Lynn. Her milk was clearly coming out faster now as the dark spot continued to grow. Abi instinctively reached for another napkin and reached forwarded, pressing her napkin against Lynn’s nightgown.

“I’m sorry, it’s really coming out now.” Lynn reached up, untied the strings on her gown. As Abi pulled back, Lynn spread the fabric apart and shoved her napkin into her bosom. Her engorged breasts heaved with every breath Lynn took. After a few moments, Lynn pulled the wet napkin out and Abi saw a glimps of her dark nipple with specks of milk trickling out.

Without a thought, Abi reached forward again and placed her napkin directly on Lynn’s nipple. The firmness of her breast, now that she was putting pressure directly on it, surprised Abi. She was rock hard and her nipple felt tough. The napkin was getting wet under her hand and so she folded it up and pressed more. Abi’s bare legs were against Lynns now and, with her breasts nearly exposed, Abi was feeling the most intimate with her that she’s ever felt. The most intimate she’s ever felt with another woman ever in fact. The contact her bare legs and hands were making began to make Abi slightly aroused. Not in a horny teenager way, but in a warm and comforting way. She wanted to stay close to Lynn and get even closer if she could.

The napkin was almost soaked through so she pulled it back off the nipple. Several beads of milk started to form and Abi, without thinking, wiped at them with her free hand. The act of pressing against Lynn’s breast was enough to trigger more milk to come out and a short stream sprayed forward and onto Abi’s night gown. She felt Lynn’s body tense but instead of being put off by it, Abi started to feel more turned on. Playfully, she pressed Lynn’s breast again, slightly harder. More milk streamed out and landed on her nightgown between her chin and her own breasts.

“Careful with those…” Lynn said softly, but not moving away.

Abi’s stomach got a nervous tightness and she started breathing faster and heavier. What was coming over her? The milk from the first two streams had soaked through her thin nightgown enough that she could feel its warmth on her skin.

At that moment, she decided that she wanted more. She rationalized that it was helping Lynn and satisfying her own desire at the same time. She pressed again and more milk streamed out. Smiling she leaned forward and pressed again, watching several streams of milk shoot out of Lynn’s nipple, which was now moving up and down as Lynn also began breathing heavier.

Abi was now getting very aroused. The taboo of the situation, the skin on skin contact, and the intimacy were enough to start driving her crazy. She instinctively licked her lips and stared at Lynn’s bare engorged breasts. Her breathing got deeper and quicker and a hunger grew from deep inside her. She began to slowly stroke Lynn’s leg and looked up at her face. Lynn’s expression was one of cautious optimism — as though she was nervous about where things were headed but hoping they continued going down that path. As their eyes locked, Lynn gently nodded her head, giving Abi permission. Without dropping eye contact, Abi moved in closer, bent her head down and placed her mouth over Lynn’s nipple.

At first, no milk was coming out, so Abi gentle massaged the breast from the bottom and the side. Streams of warm milk shot into her mouth, but the volume wasn’t as much as she expected so she wrapped her entire hand around Lynn’s breast and squeeezd harder. This time more milk came gushing out to the point where Abi could taste its sweetness. It was very sweet, almost like the milk left over in a cereal bowl. She swallowed and squeezed again to evoke a deep moan from Lynn who was, Abi presumed, was feeling immense relief.

“Oh honey, that feels so good.” Lynn cooed while gently stroking Abi’s hair. To help, Lynn guided Abi’s hand off her breast and used her own hands to expertly apply pressure and release even more milk. Abi dropped the wet napkin and, with both free hands, slid them up Lynn’s bare legs.

It quickly became clear that both Abi and Lynn were fully committed to Abi feeding off of Lynn’s engorged breasts. Lynn gently repositioned so that Abi’s head could lie in her lap in a more traditional feeding position. Abi lied down on the couch and, in doing so, let her nightgown ride up her thighs. Lynn held and massaged her breast with her left hand and let her right hand wander down to Abi’s shoulder — gently stroking as Abi suckled.

This continued for at least a few minutes with both Abi and Lynn letting out soft moans of pleasure. Lynn’s hands continued to gently stoked Abi’s arm but Abi started to want more. She had full access to Lynn and wanted to share this intimacy. Swiftly, Abi reached up and pull open her night gown to, with no subtlty, invite Lynn to her own breasts. Lynn let out a deep groan making it clear that this new access was well received. Without any hesitation, Lynn slipped her hand into Abi’s nightgown and grabbed first her left and then, hungrily, her right breast. Kneading them with an urgency that both surprised and excited Abi. She returned the enthusiasm by hungrily sucking harder on Lynn’s breast, making a slurping sound now as the sweet milk continued to fill her mouth. Lynn continued to hold Abi’s relatively small breast in her hands, flicking her hard nipples between her fingers.

Abi was enjoying this moment so much she didn’t want to stop, but knew she had to take a breath at some point so she took one last suck and released the nipple, dropping her head onto Lynn’s legs and letting out a long, deep, sigh. Lynn’s second breast, not having received much attention, was still dripping milk but neither Abi nor Lynn had noticed how soaked it had made Lynn’s gown. All down her belly and unto her thighs, her nightgown was pressed wetly against her skin.

“Oh dear, look at the little mess we’ve made.” Lynn said in a motherly tone, clearly playing into her role at this moment.

“Mmmm, I like messes” Abi replied, stroking her step mom’s breast, down her belly, and onto her thighs. “But you’re right, this is a mess. You should really take off these wet clothes.” Abi said this in a husky, seductive tone. Not waiting for Lynn to act, Abi reached her hand to the wet cloth and pulled, like a kitten playing with a ball of yarn. Lynn wiggled her shoulders to help the fabric fall off and then motioned for Abi to sit up. As Abi sat up against the couch, her perky teenage breasts on display, Lynn shimmied the nightgown down over her butt and legs to be left in nothing but a pair of grey cotton panties.

Abi, watching this next to her on the couch, let her left hand wander between her own thighs while her right hand cupped her right breast and tweaked her nipple.

“Mm… so now what hun? You got my nighty off…” Lynn said in a teasing voice as she slowly straddled her legs over the teenager, her left breast now clearly smaller in size than the other.

“I want to make more mess… mommy”

“What kind of mess?”

“A wet mess…”

Abi reached up and used her hands to surround Lynn’s right breast. With a gentle but forcefull massage, she allowed milk to stream out and shoot straight at her own bare chest. Warm milk hit her ribs and slowly trickled down over her own breasts. Lynn let out another pleasing moan and so Abi continued her massage, forcing more and more milk to flow down her body. Enough that she felt it pooling at the top of her panties, slowly soaking the fabric. After a minute of this, Abi let go of the breast and let her hands roam over her own body, rubbing the warm stickly milk all over her breasts and belly, and finally letting her right hand slide over her panties, and then up and into her waist band. Lynn was watching her closely, licking her own lips in anticipation.

“You’ve made quite the mess, little girl. I think it’s time for you to clean up.”

“Yes, mommy” Abi replied, using her hand already in her panties to push them down, over and onto her thighs.

Lynn got up to give Abi more room and stood there watching her step daughter slide her panties over her knees and over her feet. Her pussy was shaven and waxed completely bare with puffy lips that had a slight glimmer caused partially by the milk and partially by Abi’s own wetness.

Once her panties were on the floor, Abi lifted her nighty up over her head to become completely nude on the couch. Without a moment of hesitation, she spread her legs and let her hand dive right back onto her pussy, sliding her middle finger up and down her puffy slit.

Lynn wanted to touch Abi. Her skin looked so soft and perfect with her flat belly leading down to a completely clean and round pussy that was begging to be licked, but she was also enjoying the playful game they had going. Instead, she let Abi continue to play with her own pussy and grabbed her right breast. She squeezed it hard enough to spray Abi with milk. First on her small breasts and then lower onto her hand. Abi moaned and spread her legs further apart, clearly showing Lynn the two fingers she had pushed inside. Lynn sprayed a couple more times onto Abi’s belly and then Abi removed her fingers from her soaking wet pussy and spread her legs as an invitation to Lynn. Holding back the urge the touch her step-daughter, Lynn aimed her nipple down and sprayed a long stream of warm milk directly onto Abi’s pussy. And then another. Abi let out a giggle and then started gently massaging the milk onto her bare pussy.

Lynn had never tried her own milk before. Seeing Abi’s glistening nipples covered in milk, Lynn sat down next to Abi and leaned into the girl’s chest, placing her own mouth over Abi’s breasts and gently sucking. The milk was sweet smooth and Abi’s nipples were rock hard with the coolness caused by the milk’s evaporation. Abi moaned and reached up to hold Lynn’s head hard against her body.

Both women were beyond words at this point and Abi continued to pound her pussy harder. Lynn started licking across Abi’s chest to clean all of the milk off. Glancing down, she saw, and could feel, Abi forcefully jamming now three fingers insider herself. Lynn was so turned on that she wanted to help get Abi off in any way she could, but could tell that the girl was in the zone and didn’t want to break her rhythm. So instead, Lynn continued to concentrated on Abi’s small breasts with kisses, licks, flicks and long, hard, drawn out sucks.

Abi let out a high pitched squeel not too different from a “weeeeeeeee” and lifted her hips. The gushy wet sounds from her pussy got even wetter as an orgasm flooded through her entire body. Lynn sat back and watched the beautiful 18 year old’s delicate body ripple with pleasure. Abi, not quite done yet, brought her own hand back up to her breasts and continued working her pussy for another, after shock of an organsm. She then pulled her hand out from between her legs and relaxed into the back of the couch, breathing — no panting — from the intensity.

Lynn lovingly reached over and stroked Abi’s hair lightly, barely enough for Abi to even notice. Her step-daughter’s shoulders were hunched forward and her back curved completely into the support of the couch. While her breasts were mostly cleaned off by Lynn, Abi’s belly and thighs were shiny and had a light, milky film on them. Abi’s eyes were closed and her legs still slightly apart, in a state of pure post-orgasmic bliss. Lynn slowly leaned in moved her face close to Abi’s, placing a soft, tender kiss on her lips. Abi’s mouth grew into a smile and she started to quietly giggle. Lynn smiled at this playfullness and started to giggle herself. Shortly both Abi and Lynn were laughing and staring into each other’s eyes.

“That…” Abi began but Lynn placed a finger over her mouth. “Shhh… why don’t you go hop in the shower and get cleaned up.”

Abi bit her bottom lip and tilted her head in an innocent, cute way. “Why don’t you come and help me?” As the words left her mouth, Abi slouched down the couch and spread her legs more, still clearly incredibly horny.

“I think I will” Lynn replied.

Abi sprang up and lightly skipped out of the room, her small bum bouncing. Lynn got up after her and realized that she was still wearing panties herself. Before following, she slipped them off and looked down at herself with a moment of self-consciousness. She wasn’t 18 years old anymore and she had given birth only a year before, but regular workouts and good care had brought her back to a pretty decent state.

As she heard the shower turn on, she pictured the young 18 year old girl bending over the tub at this moment and gently rubbed her own pussy in anticipation. Her breasts, while still quite full, were relieved from their painful pressure. Before leaving the living room, Lynn looked back at the couch and saw that it was absolutely soaked in milk and sweat. But that was something she could worry about later.

“Coming?” Abi called.

“You bet” Lynn replied, and headed towards the bathroom.

End of Part 1


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