The Apartments on Wicker Avenue [FfM]

NOTE: Just the beginning of an idea I had. Feedback appreciated!

It had been a long day.

The vibrations of the train were familiar, and Roe felt like she could finally start relaxing. She hadn’t even noticed how stressed she’d become throughout the day. There was usually only one surefire way for her to unwind after being wound so tightly… But any possibilities of that happening were a 45 minute commute away. She sighed in resignation and rolled her head from side to side, stretching her neck muscles and teasing out an elusive yet satisfying pop from her vertebrae. She longed to take off her shoes and rub the knots out of her feet and calves, but that would have to wait until she got back to her place.

Wherever that happened to be.

It wasn’t that she didn’t have a home- it’s just that she didn’t know exactly where she was sleeping. She knew did know two things for certain:
The distinctive brick building (distinctive because it was the only brick apartment building left in the area) on Wicker Avenue was her home.
It was an absolute certainty that she would be sharing it with one or more residents.
That last certainty was decidedly less certain than it could be.
She would definitely have a room… But would she be sleeping?

That depended entirely upon her roommate.

She used her key card to open the door to the lobby and smiled when she saw Becky manning the front desk. Becky always treated her to a memorable roommate. Becky was leaning over the computer, already looking up which rooms were available. Her cleavage was impressive, and Roe took a moment to appreciate how it filled the front of her low cut shirt when she was bending over like this. She was gorgeous, which was part of the reason why Roe decided to stick around on Wicker Ave. Becky attracted the best kinds of people to their little community.

“Hey, Beck. Got stuck with the late shift again?”

Becky glanced up and smiled in greeting as she finished typing.

“You know I don’t mind keeping an eye on things at night, Roe. Besides- I always take good care of you, don’t I? After last Wednesday, you should be thanking me on your hands and knees!” Becky flashed her a wicked grin at that last remark.

Roe flushed despite herself. Last Wednesday was an especially long night. Becky had treated her to a few roommates who were all ready for a midweek break. She went into work late on Thursday.

Becky laughed and picked up a slim card. She leaned over the desk, letting her breasts strain against what tiny bits her shirt concealed- she was always showing those off- and handed the room key to Roe.

“I think you’re really going to like this one. He’s new, but comes highly recommended from his last houses. He got in a little while ago, so you might have to wake him up… but he mentioned that it wouldn’t be a problem. He’s very enthusiastic about making a good first impression here.”

Roe smiled to herself and fidgeted with the room key. There was something she’d been meaning to ask for a while, and now, with the lobby deserted and it being so late…

“Beck, I was wondering… Have you ever… scheduled a bedroom for yourself with any of the guests here?”

Becky raised an eyebrow and folded one arm under her breasts, pushing them up. She raised a finger to her lips, as if trying to remember something just beyond recent memory.

“To be honest, it’s been a while. Most of our residents here assume I’m not allowed to… participate.” She cocked her head to the side and gave Roe a slow smile as she leaned forward even further. Roe could see her nipples harden against her shirt. “Why do you ask?”

Roe blushed a little, then swallowed and looked down as she gestured vaguely, key in hand. “I was just… curious.” She looked up and met Becky’s gaze, leaning towards her. “Very curious.”


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