A Tale of No One – Chapter 3 [MF] [BDSM] [NSFW] [Romantic]

A Tale of No One – Chapter 3


Alix spent all of Wednesday wrangling with her emotions. At first the shame fed the depression and then the depression deadened everything, which made it easier to get dressed and go to work. The eyes of her co-workers were tough to feel on her, after all everyone had by now heard how she stayed late with the client, even if they didn’t know the rest. Whatever they assumed happened last night was probably worse than the truth. She had submitted to a stranger who in turn spanked her until orgasm, but this was somehow less humiliating than being a slut who slept with a brutish looking man because he was rich.

But just as the depression was enveiling her, she remembered Robert’s admission that he had come to long for his depression, and that it was like a warm blanket that wrapped him up and absolved him of responsibility. This pushed it away, like a admonished child. Whenever it fled, the excitement she felt the night before would make a brief appearance, like a photo flash, to remind her it was still there. But so too would the shame return along with the loathing of her own needs, now with a healthy dose of confusion. Something in her responded to giving up everything to him. The surrender, the pain, the punishment, it was as if giving that to someone else she no longer had to do it herself. I give you control. She thought.

She tried to push it from her mind. Trying to dissect it both ruined the experience and mapped out future ones. And as she thought of future submissions, the pins and needles came back. SHe was not ready to have desires so soon, nor was she ready to abandon her depression. It was hers. He was right. It did define her. That would have to change, but to change so swiftly would leave her adrift, absent of any definition. A void. She clung to her depression and let it pull her down into its embrace. She was home.

That night, when she was actually home, she did something she had never done before. She opened her computer and searched for pornography. She searched terms like ‘submission’ and ‘spanking’. She found articles and images, so many, many images that ran the gamut from disgusting and highly direct to almost art-like. She found sites that talked about things like D/S, BDSM, safewords, power exchange and topping. Words that seemed too clinical and made little sense for something that was, at its core, emotional. She found sites that described acts in detail, and she found sites that served videos of acts of domination. She tried to watch a few and found most to be brutish, cruel and devoid of any kind of heart. They focused in excruciating detail on parts of the female anatomy. The women acted like they were in pain or in pleasure, but they were not good actors. Some videos were silly. More were emotionally painful to watch.

But there was one, one she didn’t turn off within the first 15 seconds. It was raw, and real. There was fear in the girl’s eyes, but real desire as well. It was called *The Submission of Kalya*. It rotated between three cameras but it was clearly amateur. The lighting was not professional. It opened on a 20-something blonde girl, presumably Kalya. She lay on a massage table. She was covered from her shoulders to her toes in a white sheet. She stared into the camera and smiled. Her eyes followed an unseen person as he moved around toward her.

“Do you know why you are here?” A man’s voice asked.

“I want to be here.” She replied. The camera switched to a closer, left side view of her.

“Does anybody suspect you are here?” He asked.

“My sorority sisters think I am in a cabin, writing my Master’s thesis.”

The figure moved into the frame. He set a chair down in front of her and sat in it. You couldn’t see his face, but you could see he was well-dressed and fit. He positioned himself so that her face could still be seen.

“You want to be here?” He asked. She smiled and looked up to him.

“More than anything.”
“Do you want to do this?”
“Tell it to the camera, any one will do.” She looked around and focused on the camera to the right of her. When she did the video switched focus to that camera which was just a tight up shot of her face and shoulder. “I want this.” She replied. “I consent.”
The camera cut back to the side view with him in it.
“Good.” he replied. He stroked her face. He then undid his cuffs and rolled up the sleeves. “Because you have to want the pain or the pleasure won’t come, and if the pleasure won’t come…” he strolled to the edge of the bed and placed his hand on the sheet. The camera switched to the full view. “Then you will never fully surrender to who you are.” He whipped the sheet off fast.
She tried to flinch in surprise but she could not. She was bound by black silk straps to the table. Her ankles were each individually tied, her legs were slightly parted. Not so much to afford an overexposed view, but enough to show her bare mound. Her wrists were bound at her waist to a band that also held down her stomach. At her shoulders a strap went up, wrapped around her arm, across the top of her chest, around the other arm and back down. Together these straps rendered her completely helpless and immobile.

The master placed the tip of his finger on the top of her foot and slowly ran it up her leg. Kayla sighed and her body arched as best it could. His finger continued up her bare midriff, circling her belly button, up around the curvature of her pert breasts, finally making its way to the graceful shoulders. “What do you want?” He asked.
“Pleasure.” she moaned.
“Pleasure?” He repeated. “Why I can give you that.” From off screen he produced a small oval shaped vibrator. When he turned it on the telltale buzz could be heard. He placed it on her nipple. SHe shuddered. Alix could see her other nipple get hard and erect, even from the long camera shot. “I can give you all you can handle.” He moved it to between her legs. She shook and squealed. A kind of giggle. She reacted like she was being tickled. “Come now, Kalya.” He said pressing the vibrator harder and using his hand to hold her midriff down. In a few seconds her giggles and protestations changed to gyrations and moans. The camera changed to the left side view of her profile. Even restrained you could see the arch and sway of her back. Her head pushing backward. “I can give you so much pleasure that you will come inside of two minutes.”
“Yes.” she replied. He stopped the vibrator. He kissed his finger and touched it to her clit. “But that’s not what you really want. Tell me what you want.”

“Pain.” she replied. Alix felt that familiar twinge. The pins and needles began to form in her chest.
“I can give this too.” Again the hands left the screen, again they returned with something. This time a riding crop. He ran it in circles around her mound. Quickly he struck the tops of her thighs. Whack-Whack. She let out a whelp. Her thighs turned red. “I can give you all you can handle.” He traced the tip of the crop up to her nipples. As it moved up her Alix could see Kalya retreating as best she could. He circled her nipple. Whack. He slapped it with the tip, but gentler than the thigh. She still screamed, then let out a nervous, excited, deep laugh.. “I could break you inside of 2 minutes and you would beg, beg me to do anything to you I desired.” He slapped her other nipple. She cried out. He put away the crop and caressed her welts. “But that’s not what you really want either. Tell me what you want.”

For the first time Kalya looked confused. The camera cut to the close up of ther face. She furrowed her brow and looked a bit scared. Her eyes followed him closely. ‘Tell me what you want” he repeated.
“Both.” she whispered.
“Now you are getting warmer. It’s not the correct answer.” He replied. Her eyes opened wide in fear and anticipation. The camera cut back to the long view. He was holding a candle in his hand. “But is a means for us to get to it.” He held the candle over her stomach and began to tilt it.
“Oh my God.” she shouted. He continued tilting it until a little line of hot wax fell out and splashed on her belly. She let loose a cry filled with trepidation, pain and then pleasure as it burned but not as badly as she assumed. He continued pouring it, in fits and starts until it had filled her belly button.
“It hurts.” She cried.
“Do you wish me to stop?”
“No. no.” she replied breathily. Alix could see her chest heaving and collapsing as her breath increased. The camera switched to the full side view. He let loose another volley of the lava, this tim running it from her bellybutton to her chest.
“Oh, master!” She cried out. He blew on her chest to cool the wax. She threw her head side to side. Alix slid her own hand across her chest. The master produced a soft lash, the kind with 6 or 7 loose leather bands and began softly slapping the waxed area. He slapped her nipples and her shoulders. He whipped the lash on her shoulders and arms. It was more a soft caress than a whip She rocked left and right in her restraints.
“Master, master.” She muttered. He lashed her from her chest down to her thighs, then down her legs again. He loosened the sash holding her ankles down. Alix’s hand wandered from her chest to her midriff.
“Reveal yourself to me.” The master demanded. With her legs free Kalya lifted them a few inches above the table and slowly spread them apart. When she reached the edge of the table with her ankles, the master deftly pulled the sash, yanking her legs down and rooting them back to the table. Alix heard them hit and let loose a sigh of her own as her fingers reached her pussy.
The master took the lash and began rhythmically whipping it across her bare mound.With every hit kayla gasped. The master settled into a pattern. Several circular whips followed by dangling ust the very ends of the lash over her mound trying to touch it as lightly as he could. Kayla tried in vain to force her pelvis up to meet it.
“Master!” She begged.
Alix began rubbing her own clit, up and down, between her index and forefinger. The pins and needles pressed out from her chest. Kayla began breathing harder and faster. She threw her head to the right and the camera switched to the closeup. Her eyes were closed tight and her face was wrapped in a grimace. All women know that is not a face of pain. Kayla was in the throes. Suddenly her eyes shot open and she looked down in shock “Oh, oh, oh no!”
The camera returned to the long shot just in time to see the master pouring hot wax onto the top of her pelvis. Layla lifted her head to watch as the line of hot wax travelled south, first splashing above her clit, then directly on it. Through clinched teeth and strained muscles she let loose a guttural long cry. The master did not stop. Alix felt a residual and empathetic sting in her own body. Kayla’s suffering and joy reminded her of her own just 24 hours ago. Alix was nervous and wanted to stop watching it, but the animal in her compelled her to. It held her eyes to the monitor and drove her hand to press harder into her own clit. Her hand began rubbing in circles. Her fingers pressed together and picked up speed. The tingling spread.
“Tell me what you want!” The master demanded as the wax poured. It splashed off her pussy and landed on her sensitive inner thigh. Kayla bucked and cried.
“Master! I want…” she yelled through closed eyes. “I don’t know.”
“You do. Tell me.”
“I want you!” She begged.
“No.” he said. He poured the wax up her thighs and over her belly. She sighed and whimpered. “What do you want?”
“I want you to be happy!” She pleaded.
“You’re almost there!” He let the wax flow down, coating her pussy and inner thighs.
“Oh God. I’m on fire. Oh God.” she moaned. But she was no longer bucking. Her pain was transferring to pleasure. “It’s consuming me.”
“Yes.” the master replied. “Let it consume you, subsume you, darling. Then you can tell me what you want.” He poured the last of the wax over her nipples and chest. When it hit her nipples Kalya could only muster a soft ‘yes’. He stopped pouring.
“What do you want?” He asked softly. Alix could feel the dam within her overtopping. *Say it.*
“I want to serve you.” Said Kayla. Alix threw the laptop onto the bed next to her. She stretched back, spread her legs and increased her tempo. Her eyes focused intently on the screen.
“You have it.” Said the master. He gently peeled the wax off her mound. It came off in one piece. He took the vibrator and pressed it on her clit. Kayla cried and laughed in pleasure.
“I belong to you, master.”
“Tell me everything.” He said as his hand made little circles on her clit.
“I belong to you.” She replied. “I exist for your pleasure. Oh, lord! There is no me without you, master. I give myself willingly! I give all of me! Please don’t let me go, master!”
“I won’t.” He replied. “You are a good submissive.”
“Thank you!” She yelled. Her body bucked and tore against the restraints. Alix’s own breath was fast. She felt the familiar sensation of last night making its way to her core.
“Do you want to give me everything?” He asked?
“I give you everything!” She replied.
“I want to show the world you are mine.”
“I am yours.”
“This moment will live forever on the web. The Submission of Kayla. Do you give me this?”
“Oh God, I give it. I give it, master. Take it.” Alix felt the first shockwave of orgasm hit her. It took all her strength not to throw her head back, to keep it focused on the screen.
“I am going to take your orgasm, Kayla.”
“Please.” She pleaded.
“I take it.” He pressed hard into her clit. The camera switched to the close up of Kayla’s face. Her eyes screwed shut and her mouth opened wide. Sound tried to escape, but would not. She pounded her head against the table several times as her body submitted to the feeling.
Alix, too could resist no longer. She let out a loud scream in pleasure as she shot forward in the bed. She let out several pants a she tried to find her bearings but the only thing running through her mind besides the endorphins was the phrase ‘I give’. The same words she had said the night before to Robert. She imagined Robert as the faceless master ‘taking’ Kayla’s orgasm as offering of submission. This thought sent an extra spasm through her. She took her left hand and pressed against her stomach. She could feel her taut muscles making a ‘V’ descending to her vulva. The left hand rubbed the edges of it and sparked an 3rd wave of pleasure. She thrust her head back into her pillows and came a second time.
Alix rode out the last waves of ecstasy. She let her hands fall gently to her sides. She relaxed her body and felt the totality of nothing, for there was nothing weighing on her and nothing pressing her in the back of her mind. She closed her eyes.
When she awoke the sun as up. She was still in last night’s clothes. Her laptop sat on the bed next to her but it had gone into sleep mode a long time ago. She powered it up so she could kill the browser window. The screen lit up and revealed a still-frame from the end of the video: Kayla’s satisfied face peering at the camera. Alix smiled at her the way one smiles at a lover at the morning’s first light.

End of Chapter 3

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/4ayq5r/a_tale_of_no_one_chapter_3_mf_bdsm_nsfw_romantic