Looking for BDSM literary critique group

Sorry for the longish post.

My dilemma: I’m posting this under a nom de plume. My agent thinks I am writing books two and three in a series but I’ve stopped for now. Don’t bother guessing on me, I’m not famous. The pseudonym is more about making sure my agent doesn’t find out I’ve been writing BDSM erotica instead of what I’m supposed to.

I’m 20 pages in and I like where it is going. The characters feel strong but I could also be writing total and utter crap. I’d like to find a critique group here somewhere on reddit (especially since the 20 pages wrap up a nice arc in the story) that can say ‘you need to write more’ or ‘good God please stop’. Either would be helpful. I’ve looked at different subreddits (even posted this in r/literotica) but maybe I’m just missing it. Anybody know where?

Much appreciated.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/4a06zr/looking_for_bdsm_literary_critique_group


  1. You might try the Literotica forum itself. Post a thread asking directly for critique (they have a forum for that specifically iirc?). There’s usually a handful of experienced writers who are willing to help and give feedback.

  2. I went ahead and posted the first part. I’ll post the 2nd part (i t was too big for one post) in a day or so. Please feel free to tell me if I’m wasting my time!

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