That first fall [FF][Voyeurish]

It was a few years back as fall started to approach in her first semester at college. She was one of those motivated types, though she was a freshman she was enrolled in a lot of the same classes as me when and I was a sophomore. I was bothered by it because for me I viewed college as an opportunity to break away from the strict rules of the house-hold I had grown up in; later I would learn and come to appreciate her drive, ambition, and tenacity.
It was that first fall where she started to grown on me, we became friends, and even a little more. Her name was Nadia, I don’t know if she was 100% Irish because she lacked the stereotype personality of a feisty redhead, but she sure looked the part. Shoulder length orange-red hair, light cream colored skin with freckles covering her arms and face. She was slender since she ran Track in high school, though you’d never guess that since she was practically always buried in books and wore leopard print glasses over her sparkling emerald green eyes. For the school that we went to she always dressed kind of conservative, I almost spit out my iced Bhakti chai the first time we went to the new pool and saw she wore a one-piece. Despite all of this, Nadia had an amazing girl next door vibe. She was always classy with her clothes and didn’t dump on heavy foundation or liners.

I couldn’t have been more different compared to her. I grew up with parents that had money and lots of rules for me to disobey. I lost my virginity early; I viewed college initially as a chance to party, drink and have sex. My natural hair color was a straw blonde but I often dyed it, this Fall it was full of red highlights. I was a gym rat because the boys had an expectation for girls at school. I told Nadia that I could care less for all of the cat calls when I’d wear too little, but that was furthest from the truth, I relished it. I wouldn’t dress excessively slutty, but I had little qualms about my favorite Zeppelin tank top that was more straps than actual top. When Nadia showed up to the pool in her 1930’s one piece, I wore a string bikini that I am sure belonged more on /rgonewild.

Early on in our friendship Nadia never admitted to liking girls but I could tell from some of her sideline glances that wasn’t true, that and the college boys just seemed to irritate her. I started to egg her on subtly when we went out dancing on or around Pearl St when I could drag her away from her studies. I’d usually wear a tight dress or mini-skirt and as the night would get later I’d dance closer and closer to her, till we were glistening with a thin sheet of sweat and I’d practically be grinding on her. At the end of the night I would always tell her it was to make the boys jealous, she’d laugh and blush a little, but I knew she liked it.

I decided to up my game one week night around Mid-terms for a Physiology exam. I told her to stop by my place at 7 so we could study. Nadia was predictable to a point, she would never be late or a minute early. As 7 o’clock rolled around she reached my studio apartment and knocked on the door, inside I pretended I couldn’t hear her over Led Zeppelin blaring from my IHome. Nadia had a key because she would often sleep at my place when I was skiing and it was closer to campus compared to the dorms.

Timid as predicted, Nadia barely opened the door after she unlocked it, ironically the song playing was *Babe I’m Gonna Leave you* as she peeked her head inside of my studio. At the far side of the studio my bed faced away from the front door towards a closet with mirror sliding doors. Nadia’s eyes scanned the studio and stopped in their tracks when she saw my reflection in the mirrors.

I am lying stark naked on top of my covers, spread eagle facing the mirror with my back arched in the throes of ecstasy. My right hand clutches the covers, forming a tight ball of sky blue fabric in my fist as my left, holding my favorite little vibrating silver bullet teases my clit.

Despite the amazing pleasure, I am able to notice that Nadia had opened my door and was watching me through the reflection. I deceivingly smile and continue as if I hadn’t noticed her.

*Baby, Baby, Baby, Oooh* blares from Led Zepplin.

I push the bullet down harder on my clit and immediately start to cum. My hips buck harder into and away from the bullet as my toes curl and I ride the wave as I release a deep guttural moan of pleasure. My 34C chest heaves up and down through my heated panting while my nipples remain completely erect. My right hand finally releases its death grip on the covers. My smooth legs instinctively begin to bend up towards my chest as I lay in a half fetal position on my side.

Slowly my body recovers from ecstasy and the song begins to come to its closing verse. Through half-dazed eyes I see the reflection of Nadia close the door silently behind her.

Before I even have the strength to get up, I hear my phone signal a text message. *Hi Ash, sorry, I am running 10 minutes late ~Nadia*

I fiendishly smile and pull the corner of the covers over my naked body before I get cold. *Oh shit, sorry girl! I meant to say **8** not **7** but if you are almost here that’s all good! <3*

My first Erotica post… I hope you all enjoy! It is based on a somewhat true story with some slight modifications ;)

I will write more of it if enough people like it :)



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