Threatening Skies [NSFW] [M/f] [Oral]

This is one hell of a strange story. Not sure what you will make of it, but if you have any answers you might share them with me. It happened like this:

My name is Jack Ross. I’m 40 year old, very fit, and I’M an ex-British Royal Marine Major. I quit the service 14 months ago to join a very lucrative security firm as an “advisor”. This is a fancy way of saying “security contractor”, I guess? The money is great and it involves lots of travel to interesting places, which is also very cool.

A job came up to escort a British diplomatic official for about a week on the tropical Pacific island of Mundy. When God invented tropical paradises he used Mundy as a template. I was looking forward to stooging around on the island with some old fossil from the British Consulate and getting a tan on. I couldn’t see any threat in the middle of the Pacific so the escort duties should be rather light on, or so I hoped.

I arrived at my hotel on Mundy after a long flight from London. I flew business class, so I shouldn’t complain, but it is still a long time sitting in one spot, even if it was at the pointy end of the plane. I grabbed a towel and did an hour of lazy laps up and down the pool. When all the kinks had left my body, I returned to my room for a short jetlagged nap and to await the telephone call that would announce that the dude I was to escort had arrived.
As it turned out the Dude was a “Lady” – and a very attractive lady at that. And, as it turned out further, she was a bit of a bossy boots. When she arrived at the hotel she called me and announced that we would meet for dinner and she would explain her “mission”. Her mission was, apparently, just a series of boring meetings with government officials from Mundy. I met her in the flesh at the hotel restaurant. She informed me over entrees that I needn’t trouble myself too much at the meetings, and that my presence wasn’t really required. She was perfectly safe, she said. Her name was Ruby Collins and because she was a little bit annoying I began calling her “Rube”, which she did not take to at all, but did not protest too much because she didn’t want to let on that she was annoyed.

Ruby was either in her late 20s or early 30s. She had a pretty face, was small waisted and also had smallish boobs (just my favourite kind, tho I must admit to liking boobs of any shape or size). Ruby wasn’t particularly tall, but I thought that she was a tight little bundle. And, no, I wasn’t considering bedding her. I love my crazy, lazy job, and wasn’t about to put it at risk by bonking a person who might control my future. I intended to enjoy this pacific paradise and not get in the lady’s way. Funny how plans go awry, isn’t it?

The next day’s meetings were as boring as batshit. God, it was hot, stifling hot. The air conditioner should be junked as it made more noise than cooling. Ruby rabbited on with the Mundi officials, about something…something… something… something about tied funding for a new international airport. Which would be nice because the existing airport needed some serious work just to reach third-class standard. I did hit it off with one guy. He was the Mundy Tourism Minister, Joni Sereana. Joni had been seconded as an infantry officer to the New Zealand army in his younger days and we two ex-soldiers yakked it up just like old friends.

After two long days of meetings in the hot boardroom, I was looking forward to my last day off lazing by the pool and having a beer or three. The day after that we were due to fly out early in morning – back to bleak and freezing Britain. So, a day in the sun by the pool was very appealing.
Ruby knocked on my door at 5:00 am on the morning of our “day off”.

“Jack, get dressed, we are going deep sea fishing”, she said, after I opened the door.

“Ah, I’m about as dressed as I’m going to get”, I said, pointing to my bathrobe. “I’m most definitely NOT going fishing – deep sea, shallow sea, or any other kind of sea”, I said rubbing my eyes. “Jesus, it’s still night time”.

She stood in what might be described as beach clothes. She adorned a big hat, flimsy beach jacket covering what was possibly a swim suit. She looked very fetching, but not fetching enough to keep me from stealing another hour’s sleep.

“Jack, I don’t have time for this. We don’t have time for this. The boat leaves in 30 minutes. We are both going to be on that damn boat otherwise I will put it in my report to the British consulate that you jeopardised a multi-million pound airport contract because you didn’t want to go fishing”.

“What”, was all I could manage?

“Your good friend, Joni Sereana, the fucking Minister for Tourism, insists that you join us on his fishing boat for the day. He insists, Jack. Do you know what that means? It means that you get your arse on that boat or your gravy escort jobs like this one finish the moment we get back to London. Do we have an understanding, Jack?”

I stood there, half angry, half amused, and, I must admit, a little bit aroused.

“Oh Yes, Rube, we have an understanding”, and I slammed the door in her face.

It might surprise you to learn that even though I spent 20 years in the Marines, I don’t like boats, or the sea for that matter. This boat was a clunker too. I didn’t fish, the others did. I spent the hours chatting with Joni, swapping lies and drinking beer. Ruby had a worse time of it than me because she spent the whole time throwing up over the side. She even looked attractive vomiting, if such a thing is possible? Every time she leaned over the side I had a good look at her gorgeous bikini covered bottom. At last came the bad news. Three hours into the trip, the boat broke down and we were adrift on the open water. Perfect…just fucking perfect!

The sea started acting up. The swells were long and rolling. Before long the only people not throwing up were the captain, the deckhand, Joni and me. All the landlubbers were tossing their lunch. The sky took on a dangerous hew too. The captain told Joni and myself that the tropical depression that had been located about 300 km from Mundy and just developed into a full blown tropical cyclone. The radio began give constant updates over the long drifting hours and all too soon it became dark. We were on the open sea in a busted boat and a cyclone was heading straight for us. Ruby looked extremely frightened. For that matter, I felt the same, but tried not to show it.

About midnight, thankfully, the captain made contact with the Mundy Coast Guard and an hour later we were back under tow towards the main Island. The journey still took three hours to get to port. The sea was incredibly choppy and the tow line threatened to part at any time. We eventually made it back to our hotel room to discover that all flights were cancelled as the Island was about to be hit by the cyclone. Worse still, we had originally arranged to have our luggage sent to the airport for an early start the next morning. We didn’t imagine that we wouldn’t be back before dark. So, our belongings were safely on their way to London due to that mix-up and we were left behind. We only had what we were standing in.

Great! No clothes, no nothing at all.

I’ll not talk of the cyclone other than a few scanty details. It hit with great ferocity. Even before it hit properly, Ruby’s apartment at the front of the hotel – the one with the fantastic sea views – started to come apart. She appeared at my door dressed in her bikini and bathrobe and looked terrified. I took her in and got her a drink – a strong one. The lights flickered out and all was dark. I could see by the lightning flashes that the front of the hotel where Ruby’s room was located pretty much disappeared into the night. Wall-by-wall her wing of the hotel simply vanished. I hoped that my hotel room would last better than hers, and as it turned out my part of the hotel seemed to be protected by the large hill to one side. It must have deflected the worst of the wind. Still, we lost several windows to flying debris, and we took to the bathroom for most of the night. We both sat in the empty bathtub facing each other in the darkness. She held onto my foot somehow taking comfort in that and quietly sobbed. It was scary shit. Anyway, we fell asleep in the tub as the storm abated.

We woke up the next day to survey my room. Surprisingly, it fared pretty well. Apart from broken windows and a sodden floor, no great harm was done. The TV would never work again, but even the bed was dry as it was tucked into an alcove at the back of the room. We stood in the sodden heat of the room in yesterday’s clothes. We both smelled a bit rank. This fucking heat!

The hotel manager was happy to see us alive and well. The bad news was that there were no flights for at least a week; there was no electricity or lights and there was little fresh water. Furthermore there were no clothes on Mundy to be had. On the plus side there were cartons and cartons of tinned sardines for sustenance and we were alive. He advised us to remain where we were. There was only devastation outside and unfortunately, there were hundreds of looters about. It would seem that I would have to earn my pay as a security escort for Ms Collins after all.

Ruby thanked me for my assistance during the horrid night. I said that it was all part of the gig. We looked around the hotel but soon retreated back to our room as I could see gangs of men roaming around. About ten o’clock, Joni Sereana dropped in at our hotel room and on the strength of our soldier past, handed me a well maintained 9 mm Glock to defend ourselves with. He shook hands and departed. As he left, Joni called over to one group of men and said that folks were armed around here so they best be off. They took his advice and left, but we could hear men calling out to each other in the distance. The Glock did make me feel more secure, but Ruby would have to stay put with me where I could keep an eye on her.

And so the long hot day rolled on. The heat was oppressive and tiring. We stank, we could smell each other as well as ourselves, but it didn’t seem important. We were also extremely tired. I suggested that we try and catch some sleep and she agreed asking what the best way for this to happen.

“Well, the bed is dry, I suggest the bed”?

Ruby blanched. “You expect me to go to bed with you, Jack? Is that it?”

“Of course not, Rube” I replied. “You can sleep on the floor if you like. Mind the broken glass”, I said. At that I stripped off my smelly shirt and shorts and lay down on the bed in my boxers.

Ruby stood there looking at me for a full minute before deciding to lie down on the bed next to me. Although she made a point of keeping her bathrobe on, which must have been hell in this sweltering heat, and she moved away from me as far as she possibly could and yet still remain on the same bed. We lay down more or less together and tried to sleep and at some point we actually did.

I awoke just on dusk in a hangover-like condition. I must have had a good three-hour sleep, and I must have slept deeply. A couple of small surprises greeted me. Ruby had shed the hot bathrobe at some point during her nap and she was only wearing the black bikinis that she had on underneath her robe. I could just make out a fat pinkish nipple poking out of the cup of the bikini top. Secondly, she had edged very close to me in her sleep. The cloying closeness was one of the two things that woke me up. The main thing that had woken me up, however, was that in her sleep she had reached into my shorts and was holding my very hard ding-dong in her hand. She wasn’t holding it tightly, just as one might hold onto an umbrella. It was a peaceful scene and one that I enjoyed for a full two minutes as I came to my senses.

I gently nudged Ruby who was snoring softly in an ever so cute girly way.

“Ruby… Ruby… wake up Little One”, I whispered.

She started stirring. “Wasser time” she asked, blinking?
“I dunno”, I said. It’s just getting dark”.

Ruby opened her eyes and blinked into the darkness. Ten seconds later she appeared to become aware that her right hand gripped my hard cock. She seemed to disbelieve her own hand.
“What are you doing”, she asked me in confusion?

“What am I doing, you ask”, I said in reply. I might ask you the very same question.

Ruby removed her hand from my penis as if it had burnt her hand. “I’m terribly sorry, Jack. I don’t know how that could have happened”. At that she jumped from the bed.

“Anyway, you could have told me that I was touching you”, she accused.

“Rube, I did. I woke you up, didn’t I?”

“Ah, yes. I guess you did wake me. I’m terribly sorry”, she said as she stared at the bulge in my underpants in the gloom.

“You mightn’t believe this, Ruby, but I didn’t mind in the least”, I said with a grin. Let’s get something to eat.

I located the manager and he rustled up a dozen tins of sardines. He also provided two massive buckets of fresh water, soap and toothbrushes and toothpaste. Ruby and I ate the fish stabbing each morsel with a fork in the light of a single candle. Neither of us changed into anything more substantial than what we were wearing in bed. We didn’t really have anything anyway. As I keep saying, it was stinking hot and even the night had not changed the temperature all that much.

“Now what?” Ruby asked as she cleaned up the empty sardine tins.

“Not sure what you are going to do, but I shall have a whore’s bath and wash my few remaining clothes. I smell a bit, and not to put a fine point on it, so do you, Rube”.

Ruby lifted an armpit, sniffed and winced. “Good idea”, she said.

I set up one of the buckets after first filling a couple of bottles for drinking water. I then blew out the candle, stripped naked and washed myself completely out of the big bucket. Once I was as clean as I could get, I washed all of my clothes and boxer shorts in the bucket with the remaining water. I stood naked, clean and momentary coolish in the slight breeze coming in from the broken windows. I walked over to where Ruby had been sitting in the dark and gave her a big bucket of fresh water for herself. “Your turn”, I said.

She took the bucket over to the corner of the room, and I could hear her removing her grotty and, no doubt, smelly black bikinis. I heard her splashing about with the water and the supplied cake of soap. I then heard her giving her bikini and good going over with the soap until they were apparently clean enough to pass the sniff test.

“Did you put your boxers back on”, she asked me?

“Nope”, I answered?

“Why not”, she asked.

“Because they are wet, and for the moment they are clean and drying. I want to put them on clean tomorrow fresh”, I answered her question.

“So, Jack, you are on the bed naked?” she asked.

“For god’s sake, its night time, and its pitch black. Is it possible that we ditch the whole nervous virgin thing? Feel free to get dressed in your wet bikini if you like. I just want to make myself as comfortable as I can under the circumstances.

Ruby must have arrived at the same sort of conclusion herself because she stumbled about in the darkness hanging her wet bathers on a chair to dry.

I felt her climb onto her side of the bed.

“Goodnight Jack” she said.

“Goodnight Ruby”, I replied.

Sleep was a very long time coming. I was naked and was aware that a beautiful girl was lying beside me also naked. That knowledge screws up your thinking. She turned on her side facing me. If there had have been the slightest light I would have seen that glorious body in full. After the longest time I drifted off.

It was still a bit dark when I woke up. I felt quite refreshed. One thing puzzled me – it was obvious that once again my hard cock was wrapped in Ruby’s hand. The grip was slightly different from before. Hardly moving a muscle, I glanced over at Ruby. In the faint morning light I could see her beautiful b-cup breasts, I saw the slight swell of her belly and the fine wispy tangles between her legs. My cock gave an involuntary twitch. I looked up towards her sleeping face only to discover that her eyes were wide open. That got me!

“Morning Jack”, she said.

“Eh… Morning Rube”, I replied. “How are you feeling”, I asked.

“Well, I’m feeling you at the moment”, she said without even a hint of a grin.

“Please don’t take this the wrong way, Ruby”, but what the hell”?

“Look Jack”, she said removing her hand from my dick so that she could explore my balls. “You are a very sweet guy”, but that’s not why I’m doing this”.

So”, I asked?

“And, you have been taking very good care of me, but that’s not why I’m doing this either”.

“Ok, then”, I asked her to continue.

“And you saved me from the cyclone, but that’s not why I doing this either”.

“For God’s sake, Ruby”, I asked whilst fondling a tempting tit. “Why are you doing this then”?

“Because” she said, rubbing my shaft, “I am incredibly, annoyingly, frustratingly aroused. And you are an amazing hunk of naked man meat, particularly for an old guy”, she teased.

“Old guy? I’m 40, you are, what… maybe 30?”

“I’m 31”, she told me, as I pushed her onto her back.

I then opened Ruby’s legs and got in between them.

For any young guys reading this, here is an old soldier’s trick. Lie on top of your gal in the missionary position and with your hardness wedged against her wet cleft. If you do it correctly, her pussy kind of grips the length of your cock and the head nestles against her clitoris. Do not enter her! Do not do it, although every neve in your body will want to do it at this point. You will want to sink your hardness into her supple body, and what’s more she will begin to ache for your cock. It is natural, so this is why you will resist her, and resist your own instincts. Instead, in tiny movements, slide up and down her cleft, her pussy will grip you on the outside. Every slippery slide eventually ends at the clitoris and she will soon feel the dull ache in her cunt. Still resist her and her legs will lock you tight, resist further and she will try and maneuverer her backside to try and guide your cock inside her vulva. The more you masturbate her with your hard wet cock, the more she will melt. That’s what I did to Ruby and that’s why she started to quiver.

“Jack, please… please fuck me”.

Instead, I lowered myself down to her wetness and devoured her with my mouth. I licked and sucked and sometimes nibbled. Occasionally I went deep into her hole with my tongue, and sometimes I barely flicked her clitoris with it. My cock underneath me was hard, but ignored. My mouth kept at her salty cunt trying to make her guess what would happen next. Her arse was moving under my mouth as if it was on wheels. Ruby kept muttering, “please”, but at that point I don’t think that even she knew what she wanted.

Ruby was in a state of absolute pleasure that meant control had passed her by. I used my fingers to good effect as I used my mouth. I lifted her arse and rimmed her back passage with my tongue and she began making noises that were hardy human.
At length, she came hard as my tongue was inside her. In fact, her orgasm was so sudden and so violently her right knee smacked painfully into the side of my head. Still, like a trooper I tongue-fucked the beautiful Ruby as she convulsed. I looked up at that point and she was squeezing her own left nipple. I rejoiced in the scent of her cunt. Her juices smeared all over my face. And, as her orgasm began to subside, I moved up and spread her legs wide apart and buried my cock deep inside her. I pounded her silky pussy with both deep and shallow strokes.

By now Ruby had enough control to add to the proceedings in her own way. She moved with a counter thrust that drove me crazy. The slight sucking sound her cunt made around my cock only increased the senses for me. I had the sight, smell, the feel and now the sound of rough glorious sex with this creature.

I grabbed one of her hands and placed it on her clit. She began rubbing herself in time with our thrusts and in short order she began to cum for a second time and I decided to allow myself release too. As Ruby’s head tucked itself into my neck, she arched her back, her fingers flicking her clitoris like a demented guitarist and she orgasmed in a series of violent thrusts. At that moment I came too, spurting hot gluggy shots of semen deep inside her body. I made soft grunts with every sweaty thrust of my hips until I had no more to give. I lay still hard and deep inside Ruby as both of us fought for breath in the hot stuffy hotel room.

She gently tussled my hair and pressed down hard with her legs against my backside forcing me deeper into her vulva and squeezing the last ounces of cum from my cock and into her willing body.

“I think that this will all have to go into my report to the consulate?” she said, as she nibbled my ear.
