The Practice (Hannah 2) [FF, reluc]

Hannah was exhausted and hungry. The trip had been perfectly pleasant as such things went, but hopping across time zones messed with her head.

The invitation — if you could call it that — had come only a week ago. It was printed in a simple font and said, “Your presence is required for one week. Follow the enclosed itinerary; arrangements have been made with your school. Pack light.” Invitations generally “invited” rather than “required”, but it was from Dr. Wilcox. He expected obedience, and Hannah gave it. Mostly. Well, she was working on it.

The first class flight to the coast was uneventful. The man next to her tried to strike up a conversation, but she deflected him and focused on her book: re-reading “The Lord of the Rings”. When she landed she was ushered to a small terminal, onto the tarmac, and into a small jet that would take her to her final destination. The plane was empty except for the female pilot, early thirties, blonde, blue eyes, who smiled as she helped Hannah board with her small bag.

“I’m Michelle,” she said. “You can call me Shelly if you want. Or Michelle. We’re waiting for one more girl.”

Hannah gave her name and offered her hand, and Shelly took it and grinned. “Where are we going?” Hannah asked.

“The island,” she said. “Your first time?”

“Yes,” Hannah said. “Dr. Wilcox has an island?”

Shelly didn’t seem to ever stop smiling, but the look in her eyes said her joy was completely genuine. “Oh, you’re going to have a great time!”

Hannah was used to first class, but not private jets, and she explored the cabin a bit before sitting down near the front in a lounge-like area with a coffee table bolted to the floor. It was all impeccably clean.

A few minutes later a blonde head popped through the door and looked around. The girl was about Hannah’s age and had soft brown eyes and curly blonde hair; she was wearing a light blue sundress that looked adorable with her hair. Hannah wished she herself had worn something cuter. The new girl looked a bit anxious, and her head locked on Hannah when her eyes adjusted from the twilight outside.

Before Hannah could speak Shelly returned from the cockpit and greeted the new arrival, just as she had greeted Hannah. Then she said, “Ok, we’re ready to go. It’ll take about an hour to get there, and after I drop you off I need to swing back to make one more pick-up today. Buckle up girls and let’s go!”

Shelly disappeared and the engines roared to life. The new girl looked around tentatively until Hannah invited her into the adjacent seat. The new girl smiled gratefully and said, “I’m Emily. This is… pretty crazy.”

Hannah smiled back. “Yeah, no kidding. This is my first time going to the island, what about you?”

“Yes. I just started… seeing… Dr. Wilcox a few weeks ago,” Emily said and blushed furiously, which caused Hannah to blush right back. Obviously they both knew what it meant to “see” Dr. Wilcox. The shared blush created a sense of camaraderie between the girls, and the conversation flowed easily as they took off.

When the plane reached cruising altitude Shelly’s voice came on over the intercom. “This is your captain speaking!” she said and laughed. “You’ll each find an envelope with your name on it in the pouch next to the table. Open them up and follow your instructions. We’ll be landing in about 40 minutes.”

Hannah was closer so she fished out the envelopes. There were five: “Hannah” and “Emily”, along with “Abigail”, “Nicole”, and “Erica”. She flashed the five envelopes at Emily and then took their two and put the other three back.

“Looks like it’ll be a party,” Hannah said, and Emily’s lips tightened into a frown.

Hannah handed Emily her envelope and tore open her own. It was handwritten and read, “Welcome to the Island, Hannah. You’ll be rooming with Emily; be a friend to her. Leave everything you brought in the plane, but you may keep your earrings if you like. You have my permission to orgasm whenever you like while on the Island.” It was signed by Dr. Wilcox. The last sentence made her squirm in her seat and her pussy immediately grew wet. Before seeing Dr. Wilcox she had masturbated frequently, but he strictly forbade orgasms without his permission. And now she had it for a week!

Emily looked up at Hannah and said, “I guess we’re roommates!”

Hannah nodded and smiled. Her note said to “be a friend to” Emily, and she wondered what Emily’s note said about her.

Emily looked down at her note again. “Leave everything you brought in the plane,” she quoted, eyes wide. “I guess the normal rules apply,” she said, looking at Hannah for a sign of agreement.

Hannah nodded again. “Except for, you know… orgasms,” she finished.

Emily blushed and nodded wordlessly.

Both girls looked at each other for a minute without saying anything, and Hannah sighed. She would go first. Unbuckling her seat belt, Hannah stood up and began removing her clothes. She removed her shoes, sweatshirt, and jeans and stuffed each item into her small suitcase; she was glad she “packed light”.

Emily was sitting, frozen, watching her undress, but when their eyes met she shrugged and stood up also. She reached behind her back to undo her waist-tie and then took a deep breath and pulled the dress up and over her head. Hannah fussed with her outer clothes and her bag while she stalled and watched Emily out of the corner of her eye. Emily tossed her dress onto the coffee table and paused, then reached behind herself again to unhook her bra and slide it onto the table. Her breasts were round and perky B-cups, smaller than Hannah’s. Her stomach was flat and her hips curved pleasantly into athletic legs. Emily’s nipples hardened in the cabin’s dry air and Hannah’s pussy tingled; Emily wrapped her arms around herself and stared at the ceiling, standing in just her panties.

Hannah undid her bra as well and stuffed it into the bag. Her nipples were already hard and she resolutely kept her arms at her sides. This was no big deal, but her heart raced anyway. Hannah hooked her thumbs into her panties and pushed them down to her ankles, then lifted a foot to bring the panties into her hand. She was surprised to feel how wet they were, and her hand unconsciously reached for her pussy. Her skin was completely bare and her fingers found drippy wetness. She couldn’t wait to get to the island and orgasm again and again. She suddenly remembered Emily standing there and her face burned. The panties followed the bra into her bag, and she was naked, except for the diamond stud earrings her dad had given her at graduation and her low-cut socks. She knew she’d have to leave the socks on the plane, but she defiantly left them on for now. Take that, Dr. Wilcox.

Emily said, “I’ve never… I mean, I’m not used to just being naked wherever.” Her fingers twisted back and forth in the waistband of her panties and her feet fidgeted.

Hannah shook her head. “Me neither.”

Emily smiled tightly and pulled her panties down in a rush. Her pussy was bare, too, and Hannah couldn’t help but think how cute Emily looked naked with her bouncing hair and shy, nervous smile. Was she wet, too? Emily collected her clothes and shoved them into her bag. Finally, she pulled out her earrings and removed a bracelet. She had left her socks on, just like Hannah. “Sock sisters,” she said.

The girls sat back down in their seats and immediately realized that their naked hips were now touching. Both girls giggled but neither moved away, and their conversation continued where it had left off.

The plane landed hard and fast on a short runway. Hannah looked out the window, trying to catch a glimpse of the island as they approached, but the sun had set and she couldn’t see much more than the lights on the airstrip. The engines whirred down but not off, and Shelly came back into the cabin with her headset still on and looked at the two girls buckled next to each other in their seats.

Shelly pulled the headset down to her neck and said, “Ok girls, we’re here. I’ve got to make one more run to the mainland tonight, so hop on out. Someone will see you to your rooms. Probably Mrs. Carver or Mrs. Hapne. Anyway, nice to meet you, see you tomorrow, chop chop,” she said, clapping her hands to hurry them up. Hannah and Emily stood up and started for the door, but stopped when Shelly cleared her throat and pointed at their feet. “And earrings, Hannah?”

Hannah pulled off her socks and said, “Dr. Wilcox lets me keep them. They’re from my dad.”

Shelly looked surprised and shrugged. “If you say so! It’s your butt.” She pulled her headset back up over her ears and started talking into it as she returned to the cockpit.

Hannah and Emily emerged from the airplane and were hit by a wave of hot, wet night air. It felt great after the dryness of the airplane cabin. Empty-handed, they walked down the metal stairs and surveyed the landing strip. A small building stood in front of them, and lights stretched out behind edging the runway. There was a weighty sense of trees in the near distance, and the ocean behind them, but it was all quite dark. At the bottom of the stairs was an older woman, mid-fifties, greying hair, thin and severe, wearing a white linen dress like a nurse. She looked grim.

When Hannah reached the ground Emily was right behind her, standing close, even too close. The woman in white didn’t smile and spoke brusquely. “I’m Mrs. Carver. You are Hannah and Emily.”

Was that a question? Hannah said, “Yes, ma’am, I’m Hannah.” Emily just nodded.

Mrs. Carver handed each girl a pair of brown leather sandals. “There is wildlife on the island, so don’t go wandering outside the compound. Since this is the first visit for both of you, I suggest you stay together when you go exploring, or have one of the other girls guide you. Not everything here is what it seems.”

The girls exchanged glances and Hannah raised an eyebrow. That was overly mysterious. Emily’s hand reached out to grab hers, and Hannah grabbed right back.

Mrs. Carver watched them blankly. “Follow me. You’re rooming together in the tree-house. I hope you’re ready for some stairs.” The older woman led them through the small, empty terminal building and out the other side onto a winding path. The path was lit intermittently at intersections, but Mrs. Carver’s flashlight was essential for finding their step through the trees that quickly enveloped them. Hannah saw buildings through the foliage here and there, but Mrs. Carver ignored them and led them ever deeper into the forest. Emily clutched tightly to Hannah’s hand as they walked, and Hannah was just as glad for the company. Hannah felt Emily’s breasts pressed against her arm, and her tummy fluttered. Emily was beautiful and seemed kind. It would be easy to be her friend.

Mrs. Carver spoke rarely, in short phrases broken by long silences. “It’s my job to care for you girls while you’re here, me and Mrs. Hapne,” then silence. “Dr. Wilcox will be joining us tomorrow,” then silence. A distant cry pierced the night, half-roar, half-scream. “Don’t mind that noise, they can’t get in the compound,” she said. Emily crowded close to Hannah. Her scent was fresh.

Finally the path brought them to a lit sign at the base of a massive tree that read “Cangren Tree House”. The trunk vanished into the darkness above. Mrs. Carver walked right through the pool of light, and the girls saw her flashlight illuminate a spiral staircase that ascended around the trunk of the massive tree. She started walking up without looking back, and the girls quickly followed. Emily stepped up first and Hannah brought up the rear, which gave her an amazing view of Emily’s rear. Dr. Wilcox knew his business. The warm night air and the dark forest amplified Hannah’s arousal that had started on the plane… was Emily as turned on? Hannah couldn’t help but peer into the darkness between Emily’s legs as she climbed the stairs.Thinking herself unseen, she slipped a finger down to her own pussy and felt it warm and wet. She slid a finger inside and caught her breath. Emily looked back, saw her hand, and immediately blushed.

Around and around they went, eventually rising above the surrounding canopy. Hannah’s legs began to burn with the exertion and her naked body was covered in a sheen of sweat. When they reached the top of the stairs she saw that Emily was tired too, but Mrs. Carver wasn’t even breathing hard. She opened a door and gestured forward with her flashlight. Emily hung back for Hannah to go in first. Hannah reached around for a light switch but couldn’t find one, until Mrs. Carver entered last and hit a switch strangely high on the wall.

The room was small and irregularly shaped with windows facing in every direction, mostly open. A warm breeze blew through, carrying the earthy scent of the forest below. The ceiling light illuminated some large limbs just beyond the window glass, and they could see hints of the forest canopy beneath them. There was a round table in the middle of the room with a small vase and some exotic flowers, the likes of which Hannah had never seen before. Two chairs flanked the table. A bed was built-in to the far wall, plushly appointed with pillows and blankets.

Mrs. Carver put her hands on her hips and surveyed the room. She opened a small refrigerator in a cabinet and pulled out a large plate of cold meats and cheeses. “Mrs. Hapne left this for you, in case you’re too tired to come down for dinner with the other girls,” she said, and set the plate on the table. Hannah hadn’t realized just how hungry she was until she saw the food, and it was all she could do not to dive in. Emily wasn’t as restrained. She sat right down and started folding the meat and cheese into little rolls before popping them into her mouth. Mrs. Carver hrmphed. “There is water in the fridge. Breakfast will be served when the sun clears the horizon. We don’t use clocks.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Carver,” Hannah said, and Emily mumbled an echo.

Mrs. Carver nodded her head in acknowledgement and left, closing the door behind her. Hannah and Emily finished off the food and two bottles of water they found in the fridge.

“I don’t know what time it is,” Emily said as she peered out the open windows.

“I don’t even know what time zone we’re in,” Hannah countered, laughing. “Maybe we’ll be able to see more outside if we turn off the light.”

Emily smiled and stretched onto her tip-toes to reach the switch, which lengthened her body alluringly. “I’m ready for bed anyway,” she said.

With the lights off the sounds from the forest below were amplified. “Look, there’s the landing strip,” Hannah said.

The roar-scream from earlier erupted from the forest floor below, sounding quite close, and Emily squeaked and jumped onto the bed to look out the window by it. Hannah followed and looked out, but she couldn’t see anything below them other than complete darkness.

“This place is spooky,” Emily said, reaching for Hannah’s hand. “I’m sure glad Mrs. Carver put you here with me.”

Hannah accepted Emily’s hand and smiled at her in the dark. “I’m sure everything will be fine,” she said. “We’re pretty valuable to Dr. Wilcox, I don’t think he’d want an animal to eat us.”

Emily giggled and slid under the covers with a sigh. Hannah slid in with her. The bed wasn’t large, and feeling Emily’s warmth against her naked skin reminded Hannah of how desperately horny she was. Emily turned towards her and snuggled her face into Hannah’s neck, and Hannah could feel Emily’s breasts pressed against her skin again. Hannah’s pussy flooded at the touch, and her lips parted with an involuntary moan. She needed an orgasm, and Emily was her friend. Emily’s hips squirmed against her legs, and Hannah’s breathing deepened. Was this going to happen? Hannah had never been with a girl before. She’d never had sex with anyone but Dr. Wilcox.

“The rules,” Hannah started, and paused.

“No boys,” Emily said.

Those two words broke down the hesitation Hannah felt. Emily was warm and soft and willing, and Hannah’s pussy was aching for her touch. She turned her head and her lips met Emily’s in a rush. They were tender and moist. Hannah’s tongue slipped out to caress Emily’s lips, and Emily’s tongue met hers while she arched her back with pleasure.

Emily whispered, “I’ve never… kissed a girl, or anything like that.”

Hannah whispered back, “Me neither, but I want you right now.” Hannah softly grabbed hold of Emily’s breast and traced her fingers over her nipples, and Emily moaned. Then Hannah slid her hand down Emily’s side, her hip, and around the front of her thigh. Emily’s legs were closed tight, but they opened at Hannah’s touch, and Hannah gently traveled down to Emily’s pussy. It was smooth and her slit was soaking wet. Hannah slowly rubbed up and down, exploring every inch of Emily’s lips, finding her clit and making the other girl moan with pleasure.

Emily shifted and her hand found Hannah’s pussy. Her fingers were like fire, and Hannah threw her legs open and thrust her pussy forward. “Put your fingers in me,” Hannah said, and Emily tentatively slid her middle finger in while she rubbed Hannah’s clit with her thumb. Hannah’s juices covered Emily’s hand and practically poured over her own thighs when Hannah breathed, “Oh, Emily.” Emily smiled and kissed Hannah. She began to move her finger in and out in time with her thumb’s circling on Hannah’s clit, and it wasn’t more than a minute before Hannah was crying out. The orgasm gently enveloped Hannah and her thighs squeezed down on Emily’s hand while she buried her face in Emily’s neck. She felt her pussy grab at Emily’s fingers and her stomach tightened. “Oh, Emily, I needed that so bad,” she said as the waves of pleasure rolled over her and gradually subsided. “Let me finish you.”

Hannah turned Emily onto her back and began to draw small circles around her opening, dancing to her clit on every orbit. Emily arched her back and pushed her pussy down, trying to force more contact, but Hannah withheld it. She began to dip the tip of her finger into Emily’s pussy and then pull it back, which made Emily moan in anguish. Then Hannah darted up to her clit and circled it until Emily started to quiver, before returning to her opening.

“Please, Hannah,” Emily said, clutching the sheets. “Please put your fingers in me. Please make me come.”

Hannah’s grin widened. This must be how Dr. Wilcox feels! “Ask me again,” Hannah said.

“Please make me come!” Emily said.

Hannah held back. “You didn’t say my name, Emily. Try again!” The power was intoxicating.

Emily moaned and pushed down onto Hannah’s hand. “Hannah, please, make me come!”

“Good girl,” Hannah said, and pushed her middle and ring fingers into Emily’s pussy over and over. She used her thumb to rub Emily’s clit, and Emily went crazy. Her body started to spasm and she yelled out like the wild animals in the forest. Her pussy clutched at Hannah’s fingers, and Hannah kept ramming them home. Eventually Emily quieted down, breathing heavily and groaning, squirming on the bed. Hannah’s hand slowed down and finally stopped, her fingers deep inside Emily’s pussy, soaked with her juices.

Emily began to laugh. “That was intense!” she said. “You can keep your fingers inside me, if you want.”

Eager for feedback.

Hannah did, and snuggled up to Emily’s side. “We need to do that again,” Hannah said.

“Mmmhmmm,” Emily purred. “Dr, Wilcox’s note said to follow your lead, so just say when you want me.”



  1. Okay part 2 was incredibly written. Part 1 was too, but the story grew so much more in this one. I rarely enjoy long stories like this but you made it fun. If this were a book I would read the rest. With or without the sex honestly. Wtf are the screams about? And Hapne hasn’t been introduced. Is there a compound that protects them… So curious!

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