SWEET TOOTH #3 [BBW, m/F, Dom/Sub]




###**| Summary**



*…A suspenseful tale, with more than a handful of taboo twists.*


*Sweet Tooth* is about Samantha, a big woman, who – with the help of an eccentric younger man – finally overcomes her life-long sweet tooth. Expect a surreal, playful story about a unique Dom/Sub relationship, told in eight gloriously *messy* chapters.


[Links to all chapters of *Sweet Tooth* in the comments below.]



###**| THREE:** *The Yellow Brick Road*



When she arrived at Jasper’s residence, Samantha found an envelope stuck to his front-door. *Birthday Girl* was written across it in her Master’s loopy handwriting. Anything Jasper wrote looked to Samantha like a series of unpredictable roller-coasters, with awe-inducing ascents and sudden plummets. Inside the envelope, she found a note. It instructed Samantha to let herself inside.


She opened the front-door and was greeted by the something that struck her as entirely surreal. Samantha blinked for a long moment, bewildered, before realizing what it was that she was looking at. The first thought she had was that he *had* used rose pedals, after all; but of course, that wasn’t what she was staring at. *Not exactly.*


There was a long trail of yellow sprinkles, which lead from the welcome matt into Jasper’s home. It was the width of a traffic margin and it looked to her like some bizarre, confectionary version of *The Yellow Brick Road*. The path of sprinkles started by curving away from the doorway, toward Samantha’s left, then begun winding its way into the bathroom; there, the trail seemed to double back out of the bathroom and cross the foyer. Next, it lead up the master stair-case, climbing it in a meandering river of sugar. *Oh my God,* she thought, still staggered. *What is this, some game?*


Samantha craned her head upward. At the top of the stairs, she spotted three helium balloons tied to the banister, bobbing in the air at various heights. The first ballon read: *Happy,* the second: *Birthday,* and the lowest one had her name written across it. This third ballon seemed to hang in the air differently than the other two, as if weighed down by something she could not yet see.


Samantha felt her heart begin to pound like a drum again; only this time, the phrase that accompanied the throbbing beat was: *Not most men… Not most men… Not most men…* This was an intoxicating notion, because Samantha knew Jasper’s unique brand of creativity – both deeply perverse and somehow innocent – meant her “surprise” would be something truly remarkable; but on the other hand, his singular sense of pleasure and peculiar taste often meant a blindness to what others deemed acceptable.


Jittering slightly from the cocktail of dread and over-whelming anticipation that pumped through her veins, Samantha began to follow *The Yellow Brick Road…*


In the bathroom, she found another note. It was attached to a small box, which had been meticulously gift-wrapped and placed on-top of the marble counter, amongst a sea of sprinkles. The note read, simply: *‘Fourty-five minutes’,* and the box contained many presents, each individually wrapped in tissue-paper: a bar of soap, plain in appearance but heavenly scented; a miniature bottle of shampoo and another of conditioner, both with French labels she couldn’t read; and a bright red kitchen-timer.


Samantha set the timer to forty-five minutes. After she emerged from the bathtub, feeling ecstatically clean, Samantha wrapped a towel around herself and walked back out into the foyer. “Jasper?”, she called out, hearing her voice echo back toward her. “Are you home?”


She climbed the stairs slowly, wincing with guilt every time a drop of water fell from her wet hair onto the floor. As Samantha approached the two balloons at the top of the banister, she felt her heart-rate begin to accelerate. Something appeared to be attached to one of the balloon strings, weighing it down. As she drew closer, Samantha discovered it was a letter, bound with red ribbon.


Samantha took the rolled-up letter to Jasper’s bedroom, then sat down on the edge of his bed-spread to read it. There were two pages, one labeled Our Agreement and the other Necessary Preparations.


The first page was a contract… of sorts. It included a space at the bottom, where it was indicated she ought to sign her name, but Samantha wasn’t sure how seriously to take all of it.


Her eyes skimmed up and down the page, picking up bullet-points here and there, some reasonable and others concerning:


>*“You will be bound for two hours and provided limited mobility” […] “There are no safe words, as you will be gagged for the majority of the duration” […] “You may never learn the identities of the other participants, but be assured that they’ve been thoroughly screened” […] “For today and today only, the dietary restrictions I’ve imposed upon you are lifted” […] “Until instructed otherwise, stay out of the basement…”*


Samantha hesitated, then signed the “document”. What does he mean ‘other participants’?, she wondered, feeling uneasy about the possibilities. The second page, titled Necessary Preparations, was more of an itinerary:


>03:00 PM – 04:30 PM

>>*In the kitchen, you’ll find an apron on the counter-top, next to a recipe book. Prepare all of the desserts I’ve indicated with Post-It notes. And I’ve already taken the liberty of numbering them in the most efficient order of preparation.*

>>*There is a Birthday cake in the fridge. It does not need to be plated.*

>04:30 PM – 05:30 PM

>>*While everything is baking in the oven, tidy up the living-room. Wipe down the coffee-table, vacuum the carpet. I will be meeting some of our guests for the first time, so I want to make a good impression.*

>05:30 PM – 06:00 PM

>>*Home to inspect your work. Afterwards, I’ll take you to the garage, where you’ll wait until 7:15 PM.*

>6:00 PM – 6:30 PM

>>*Our guests arrive. Cocktails will be served.*

>6:30 PM – 7:15 PM

>>*While guests mingle in the living-room, two participants will enter the garage to make final preparations.*

>7:15 PM – 9:30 PM

>>*Birthday Party.*


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/48omhc/sweet_tooth_3_bbw_mf_domsub

1 comment


    >>[**Chpt. One:** *Samantha Leaves Work Early*](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/48ofg5/sweet_tooth_1_bbw_mf_domsub/)

    >>[**Chpt. Two:** *Pet’s and Their Owners*](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/48oieu/sweet_tooth_2_bbw_mf_domsub/)

    >>[**Chpt. Three:** *The Yellow Brick Road*](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/48omhc/sweet_tooth_3_bbw_mf_domsub/) [Reading Now]

    >>**Interlude:** *An Acquired Taste* [Coming Soon]

    >>[**Chpt. Four:** *Voices Heard in the Darkness*](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/48p4go/sweet_tooth_4_bbw_mf_domsub/)

    >>**Interlude:** *An Acquired Taste, .ii* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Chpt. Five:** *What Samantha Remembers* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Chpt. Six:** *What Samantha Remembers, .ii* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Chpt. Seven:** *Coffee and Polaroids* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Chpt. Eight:** *A Belated Office Party* [Coming Soon]

    >>**Epilogue:** *Samantha Leaves Work Early, .ii* [Coming Soon]


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