Lechomancer Curses 9: Vengeance [mmmmmfff][oral][anal][orgy][bondage]

When her phone buzzed for the fifth time in twenty minutes, Lisa sighed. She looked down at Vivian, face buried between her legs. Viv’s kisses were desperate, knowing if she could get Lisa off, the intense build-up of her own urges would be instantly released. “Give me a moment,” Lisa instructed. Vivian nodded, mouth agape, face slick. Her pet looked disappointed.

The messages were from Lisa’s sister, Erin. Lisa snorted a little. Erin had been short with her since Lisa had started fooling around with Vivian a few months earlier. Erin felt betrayed that her straight best friend would start dating her sexually repressed sister. She had no idea that Lisa wielded otherworldly powers, or that Vivian had been transformed into a reality-hopping succubus.

Normally, Lisa would have just ignored Erin’s text. She was tired of trying to come up with excuses about why she and Viv were hanging out alone, and skipping the sexual nature of their encounters. However, this time Erin’s texts had a frantic tone.

“Call me.”

“This is important.”


“Seriously, Lisa, call me.”

“It’s about Michael.”

Lisa sighed. “Fine,” she said to the phone. She squirmed a bit away from Vivian. “I need to make a phone call. Go take a shower. You can cum in there.” Vivian’s lips curled into a quick smile, and she rushed down the hall to the bathroom. Lisa hit the button to call Erin. “Hey, Erin, what’s up?”

“I was worried you weren’t going to call,” Erin half shouted. From the background noise, Lisa could tell Erin was driving, and she was through the car audio system.

“Look, I know things have been a bit weird lately. I’m figuring some stuff out and …”

“Yeah, that’s great for you,” Erin said dismissively. “Listen, I’m heading out to Mom and Dad’s. Michael’s there. Looks like the engagement is off.”

“Seriously? What happened?” Lisa sat upright, concerned.

“Mike came home and found Brittney in bed with someone else. She tried to tell him it was his fault for working so much. He called off the engagement, but she kicked him out and threw all his shit in the yard.”

“She kicked him out?”

“You know our brother. He’s kind of a push over. I’m proud he had the balls to call off the wedding.”

“I know. Good for him.”

“Look, maybe you should come home this weekend too. He needs support right now.”

“I have a shift tomorrow,” Lisa lied. She glanced over at the bedside table where she had her Book. “I’ll be done at noon and then I’ll head up.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

“It’s family. It’s nothing.”

“What am I hearing in the background,” Erin asked. Lisa glared at the hallway. Vivian was a screamer, and it sounded like she was doing alright in the shower.

“Just the T.V. See you tomorrow.” Lisa hung up before she got any questions too awkward to answer. She rolled across the bed, and then knelt, reverently opening the drawer containing The Incubi Prince. While Lisa had read it cover to cover, she had learned that the pages of the book could change. The first time she read it through, there hadn’t been any curses, but lately, she constantly opened to new ways to punish someone.

Lisa headed over to the mirror. “Master,” she called into it.

“Yes?” came his voice from her bed. She turned and found him sitting, the covers draped across his human form’s waist.

“I need a curse,” she said, keeping her eyes downcast. He motioned for her to come closer, and lovingly stroked the side of her face. She melted against him, her breasts pressed against his hard chest, one of her legs thrown between his.

He kissed her forehead. “Of course, Pet. We’ll find one for you in your book.”

“I need the worst one,” she growled into the perfect curve of his shoulder. “I’ve never been so angry.”


“My brother’s fiancé cheated on him. I want to make her pay.”

“Well, there’s this,” Erostopholes said softly, taking the book from her hands. She began to trace her fingers across his stomach, lovingly redrawing every line of his lean form. “It’s called the Curse of Banishment.”

“What would it do?”

“It would send her to my castle, and leave her as a gift to my subjects.”

Lisa grinned. “For how long?”

“Until you release her.”

Lisa giggled evilly, and sat up, as the Master took her through the spell. She curled up against him, let herself get lost in his voice.

Just after midnight, Lisa stood in the second story hallway of her townhouse, by the gothic blue door that glowed with a menacing pulse. Every time she passed through it, she was a little terrified. She had a leather satchel with the supplies the spell called for, and she waited for the Master. He was infuriated when she went through alone, and always walked her through the door when a spell required going to the Otherside.

Erostopholes appeared, looking human, wearing a black silk housecoat, which fell to the floor, unlike the one she wore that fell mid-thigh. “Come along,” he said with a lopsided grin. She stepped through to door, into a mirror image of her upstairs hallway. She followed Erostopholes closely, as beyond this, the Otherside was strange. Doors didn’t lead to the same place twice, and the Master claimed there were things here that were dangerous to her.

Lisa walked right beside him, adjusted the strap of her bag, and then wrapped both arms around Erostopholes’s elbow. She pressed her chest against his arms, and smiled slightly to herself when her touch gave him a moment’s pause. He let her stay, wrapped around him, as he continued onwards. They walked through a long hallway with furniture covered with sheets, through a door that had them outside, along a starlight battlement, and they reached the base of a tower.

The door had six locks, and from the pocket of his robe, the Master produced a thick key ring. He handed it to Lisa. “You would lock her away. Seal the keys.” Each key was ornate, metal, and cold to the touch. The Book said each key must know an intimate touch to keep a mortal imprisoned. Lisa held the first key reverently in her hands, and handed it to the Master. The next, she kissed, and let it linger on her bottom lip. The third, she traced down her neck, and opened the belt of her robe, to allow her to slide it between her breasts. The forth ran down her stomach. The fifth she slipped between her pussy lips. The sixth pressed against her asshole.

Erostopholes nodded appreciatively as he placed each into its lock. The door shimmered and vanished. He took her hand and led her inside. The tower held a canopied bed in the center of a tall room. The moon shone onto the bed. All around the walls were various restraints: manacles, stocks, rope on pegs.

“We now anoint the Caster of the Banishment,” Erostopholes called out to no one in particular. Lisa nodded, and slipped out of her robe. One thing about the Otherside she liked was that it was never too cold to be nude. She reached into the bag, and pulled out the bottle of massage oil she had brought. The Book had said she needed to be anointed with oil, and she wasn’t sure what it originally meant. Her choices were massage or cooking.

The Master stood behind her, gathered up her dark hair, and pushed it over her shoulder. She held it out of his way as best as she could. He drizzled the cool oil directly from the bottle across her shoulders and the back of her neck. With his strong hands, he began to rub in into her neck. Then he stroked it down her arms, massaging as he went, all the way down to each finger. He added more oil and began to rub it into her back, his fingers teasing around at the edges of her breasts. He knelt to work the oil into her buttocks, and down her legs.

He turned her around, and she saw he had taken his blue demon form. The oil was held in his tail, as he splashed it across her upper chest. His fingers were rough, almost frantic as they played against her breasts, taking the liberty to pinch her hardening nipples. His hands rushed down her stomach, across her hips, and down her legs. Then, his teasing fingers gently pressed the oil against the lips of her pussy, teasing her until she moaned. “Eyes,” he warned, as he brought his hands up and carefully applied it to her face. She closed her eyes, and leaned into each gentle stroke, across her forehead, down her cheeks, his fingertips carefully painting her lips.

She looked down at her slickened form and smiled. She shone in the moonlight. She wanted a mirror to admire herself. She let her hands trace up and down her sides, slick to the touch.

“We now name the Jailors of the Banished,” Erostopholes announced. She needed to name each demon who would be able to punish Brittney in this room. She dug through the bag and pulled out her list.

She didn’t want to forget a single one.

“Ashlynn and Vivian!” she called out. She wasn’t sure why, but she liked her Succubi best. They appeared in the doorway, Ashlynn’s light purple and Vivian’s golden demon counterparts. They bowed, and stepped inside. To name them as Jailors, Lisa needed to bring each of them to orgasm. If she did this as part of the ritual, they would have permission to use Brittney in anyway Lisa had let them touch her in the past.

Lisa led the two demonesses to the bed. She laid Ashlynn down on her back, and spread her long legs, and started to kiss her inner thighs, the soft purple skin almost looking like marble in the moonlight. Her lips traced their way up, and soon she was letting her tongue play against Ashlynn’s pussy lips. The demon arched her back and moaned. “Vivian,” Lisa called. She arranged the golden Succubus on top of Ashlynn, stomach to stomach, their tits pressed together. It didn’t take any encouraging before they were kissing, Vivian’s fingers entangled in Ashlynn’s hair, forcing her to look where she wanted.

With long strokes of her tongue, Lisa could pleasure them both. She teased them both, her fingers deep inside Ashlynn, who moaned, especially when she circled the hood of her clit with a thumb. She buried her tongue deep inside Vivian, who thrust back with her hips, desperate for more. They were a chaotic mix of impossible skin, a beautiful storm on the bed.

Lisa was caught off guard when Vivian’s tail slapped across her cheek. Lisa laughed a little, and grabbed it with her free hand, gently stroking it. Succubus tails, in their demon forms, were exceptionally sensitive, as well as phallic. Lisa had been fucked breathless by the tails of both demonesses, and she couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought to play with them when trying to get these two off. She kissed the head of Vivian’s tail, who groaned happily. Lisa slipped it deep into her mouth, deep-throating as much of it as she could. Ashlynn squirmed against her other hand, and Lisa did her best to keep teasing her, but Vivian’s tail had a mind of its own. It was fucking her face, and Vivian’s moans were getting more and more like the screams she let out during orgasm.

Moments later, the tail twitched in Lisa’s mouth. She pulled it out quickly, so that all of the Essence that emerged from the tip wouldn’t be shot down the back of her throat. She was just in time, and the clear, rose scented liquid that spurted forth fell mostly on her tongue, although a few strands lashed across her chin. Her mouth and her face buzzed. The substance was an aphrodisiac, and she was somewhat immune, but her core was already on fire, and she was having trouble not cumming herself.

She held the Essence in her mouth, and returned her attention to Ashlynn. She still squirmed, her legs spread wide, bucking her hips against Lisa’s fingers. Vivian flipped around, so that her cunt was now hovering over Ashlynn’s mouth. Like a good Succubus, the purple demoness would kiss and tongue Vivian between her moans.

Vivian looked Lisa in the eyes as she ran her tongue along Ashlynn’s clit. Lisa knew from experience that the demon tongues were almost rough, and it was a nearly mind shattering mix of sensations to have one playing with her pussy. Ashlynn bucked desperately. Vivian purred. “You should see this slut, with a mouthful of my cum.”

Oh, Lisa thought, you’ll pay for that one later. But Viv’s words made Ashlynn squirm more desperately. Lisa speed up, pulling her fingers in and out of Ashlynn’s desperate valley. Lisa reached under Ashlynn’s ass, and found her tail, snaking it out. She stroked it, and ran it across her lower lip.

“You should see this,” Vivian said, her eyes cruel as they drank Lisa in. “She’s a messy little slut, running your tail through my Essence.” Vivian’s tongue teased along the edge of Lisa’s fingers. Ashlynn squealed with joy. “She wants it, you know. She wants you to spurt across her face, into her mouth.” Her tongue flicked Ashlynn’s clit. “Tonight, she’s your little fucktoy.”

That was all Ashlynn could take. Her hands dug into Vivian’s firm ass, pulled her down against her screams of pleasure, which set Vivian off again. Ashlynn’s tail twitched in Lisa’s hand, a strand of clear essence across her cheek. Lisa hurriedly closed her lips over the tip of the cock shaped appendage, and caught the rest in her mouth.

Leaving them in a pile of pleasure on the bed, Lisa headed back to the bag. She pulled out a metal bowl she had brought, and spit the Essence in her mouth into the bowl. With gentle fingers, she took the strands from her face and added them to the bowl. After all, she would need it for later in the ritual.

“Taput! Garnet! Pavement!” she called out for the next set of demons on her list. They appeared at the door of the tower, bowed, and entered. Like the Succubi, each of the male demons had a counterpart out in the real world. She had some idea about what happened with Ashlynn and Vivian, but she didn’t know what happened to the guy from the bar, Garett, or Mike when she played with their demons. She wondered if they knew, if they dreamed about her when she fucked their hellish counterparts.

Thinking of the conditions of the spell, she told the demons “You may restrain or tie me in any way you desire.” Pavement, whose skin was the colour of wet concreate at midnight, rushed off to examine the restraints. Garnet, a dark purple demon, unlike the near marble colour of Ashlynn, saw something he liked and hurried directly for it. Taput the last demon, painted with glowing green tattoos, smiled with his mouth hanging open at Lisa.

“Lay down, Taput,” Lisa instructed, pointing at the floor. The demon nodded and did as he was told. “We have a bit of a problem. Even when we were teasing Amber, I don’t think you’ve ever fucked me in the ass. We’re going to need to correct that before we bring Brittney here.” Taput chortled.

Lisa looked at Taput’s thick, throbbing member. She hovered over him, leaning back to line him up with her waiting asshole. Carefully, she let his head press against her rear entrance. Her palms were flat on the cold stone by his knees. Carefully, she took lowered herself onto him, watching him groan as more and more of his member slipped into her. The pressure took her breath away, and she had to stop. She needed to make sure she didn’t cum yet. As soon as she did, she couldn’t name anymore Jailors.

And she wanted every Jailor for Brittney she could get her hands on.

Slowly, carefully, she took more and more of Taput in her ass, clenching her teeth, careful not to enjoy the sensation too much. Lisa had taken him to the root, and was grinding, watching the demon below her edging as well, in an agonizing pleasure of trying to ensure it didn’t stop. He bucked his hips, carefully, fucking deeper into her ass, but when it made her laugh with joy, it seemed to make the demon reconsider. He just let her ride him, and tried to hang on.

Garnet returned, and he had a metal collar, with a thick chain worked through a link, like an oversized leash. He smiled as he clapped it around Lisa’s neck. She smiled and nodded. She definitely wanted him to put this on Brittney. Then Garnet spread her thighs a little wider. She leaned back more, trying to give her access to her desperate cunt. She tried to focus on the fact that she didn’t want to cum yet, but it wasn’t easy.

Garnet pressed the head of his cock against her, and ran it between her lips, grinning at her. His eyes were starving for the touch he was denying both of them. Lisa bit her lip, and her eyes smoldered with need. He grunted, and started to push his cock deep into her. She was soaking wet, and he slid deep inside her with a single stroke. As he thrust, she rocked back towards him, squeezing Taput with her ass. He started to breath heavily. Meanwhile, Garnet placed his hands on top of hers on the floor, their fingers interlocking. As he filled her with his long cock, his breath escaped by her ear. Soon they were breathing in synch, exhaling together each time he drove deep into her.

Taput roared, and his hands grabbed Lisa’s waist as his hips bucked. She felt him twitch inside of her, and then spurt his Essence into her ass. Garnet refused to slow down, stretching her, mounting ecstasy taking her breath away. She freed one hand from his and stuffed a finger in her mouth, biting on it to ensure she didn’t finish yet.

She rose, getting off of Taput, her balance risked by Garnet’s fucking. He wrapped a hand under her ass, and then pulled her on top of him. She wanted to tell him to stop, to give her a moment, but if she did that, Brittney might be able to stop him. Lisa couldn’t have that. “Vivian, come here!” she ordered, in her well-practiced Mistress voice.

Vivian rushed over. “Yes?”

“I need you to get Taput’s cum from my ass. I need it in my mouth.”

Vivian nodded. Garnet’s hands were around her shoulders, holding her tight to him as he thrust deep between her legs. Vivian placed one firm hand on the small of her back, pushing her against Garnet. With her other, she spread Lisa’s butt cheeks apart. The Succubus’s tongue was long and felt slick yet ribbed as it pushed its way into her.

Lisa screamed out in pleasure, but kept her concentration, holding back, just a little longer. Vivian’s tongue pushed deep into her, licking up the Essence. Lisa rode Garnet more slowly as Vivian worked. She tried to distract herself from how intense the sensations were. Her toes were cold, her body was drenched in sweat and oil, and she had to focus on breathing, just breathing, not to get lost in the strange double penetration on the stone floor of a moonlight tower.

When Vivian finally withdrew her tongue, Lisa gasped. She started to ride Garnet a little faster, and he had developed a wicked smile. She wondered what he was up to. A slap across her face broke her reverie. She touched her stinging cheek and looked up at Vivian, who carefully held Taput’s Essence in her mouth. That’s another thing she’ll pay for, Lisa thought. She opened wide and stuck out her tongue. Vivian spat the vicious liquid into her waiting mouth.

Pavement had now returned. He had gathered a series of restraints from around the room. He put cuffs around her wrists, and ran a rope through the metal rings on the cuffs. He did the same with her ankles. Then he started working on a complicated rope harness. Lisa was a bit confused, but somewhat thankful, as it distracted her from Garnet. He tied her calves to her thighs, and then undid it. He tied her hands in front of her, then behind her. He wrapped rope around her waist, her hips, her chest, and even feed some between her legs, in between Garnet’s thrusts. Pavement wasn’t generally the smartest of these demons, but over the next several minutes, he quickly tied her in a series of configurations, and then let them go to tie the next. Planning for his time with Brittney. Garnet never missed a thrust.

The last configuration Pavement tied had her arms over her head, straight up to the elbow, and then bent her wrists back down to her neck. He pulled down on it, forcing Lisa to arch her back. Lisa grunted, and ground down against Garnet. This was his breaking point, and he pulled her tight against him, and burst inside her. “Vivian,” he called. “This whore needs cleaning.”

Vivian’s eyes were fire as she walked forward. Lisa was surprised to watch her obey Garnet, but she slid off him, and Vivian started lapping the essence up between her legs. That strange tongue against her was about to drive her over the edge, but Vivian watched her carefully. “Not yet. Not yet.” Viv slowed down reluctantly, and watched as Lisa catch her breath. It was hard for Lisa, with Essence in her mouth and her cunt. It buzzed, and lit her skin on fire, but with nothing thrusting into her for a moment, it was enough to hold back.

When Lisa was breathing evenly again, Vivian drove her supernaturally long tongue into her, and Lisa shrieked and nearly lost it. Vivian held her legs apart, ran her fingernails along her thighs. Her tongue massaged inside Lisa, and Vivian purposefully brought her right to the desperate edge. The room was starting to fade, and she was thrusting herself against the golden demoness’s face.

At the last second, Vivian pulled away. Lisa was slapped again, and she glared at the Succubus. Vivian smiled and spat another load of demon cum in her mouth. Lisa carefully held it there, and was about to head over to the metal bowl.

Before she could move, Pavement grabbed her shoulder. He took the rope that held her arms over her head, and ran it down, between her ass cheeks. He pulled it through her legs, and she realized there was a series of knots in the rope, which rubbed against her as he pulled it through her legs. He lifted it up, and brought the end of the rope through the ring on the iron collar.

She quivered as he pulled the rope trough, and the knotted length brushed against the lips of her pussy. The rope was softer, smoother than she would have expected, seeming more silken than hemp. It was also soaked with the oil all over her, her sweat, and other bodily fluids. He pulled the rope through until her back was arched uncomfortably but not painfully, and tied it off.

Then, with his forefinger and his thumb, he turned her face to look at him. He slapped Lisa’s cheek with his cock, and then began to stroke. “What are you…” she tried to say, around the mouthful of precious Essence she needed to get in the bowl. He shook his head, and put his free hand on her forehead, forcing her to look upwards as he continued to jack off. Every motion moved the knots against her, and she quivered. Quivering moved the knots along her slit. She tried to stay still.

Pavement placed the head of his cock against her lips, stroked twice more, and spurted another load into her mouth. She nodded, and then started to stand to go to the bowl. “No!” Pavement shouted, and placed a firm hand on her shoulder. “Crawl.”

Lisa looked up at him and then slowly nodded. On her knees, she worked her way over to the bowl. With her arms stretched over her head, she had to assume he didn’t mean on all fours. Every step was another threat, another struggle to hold back her aching body from giving in, from moving her arms and finishing herself with the clever little knots. Lisa wanted to cum so desperately, but she was on a mission. She focused on what she had to do next. She reached the edge of the bowl, and let the Essence slide in, mixing with what she had already harvested from the Succubi.

She laid on the cool floor for a few moments, catching her breath. Lisa did her best not to move. She couldn’t afford the joy of the rope.

“Vickus!” she called, her nose wrinkling. She hated the corpulent demon, whose human form was a cab driver the Master often used. She had only ever been touched by him once, when the Master had punished her. He was disgusting.

He was perfect for Brittney.


Continued here: https://erostopholes.wordpress.com/2016/02/26/lechomancer-curses-9-vengance/

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/47sap3/lechomancer_curses_9_vengeance

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