A Chance pt. 4 [ff]

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Another casualty of breaking up with Tim was the ride he always gave Kimmy to the Wednesday night youth group meeting at their church, Sovereign Grace Fellowship. Worse was riding along with her mother while realizing she could still detect Lizette’s scent on her fingers. Guilt she could live with. Punishment she could endure. But the compulsion to constantly draw in her friend’s tantalizing scent was proving irresistible.

The tight jeans Kimmy wore made her continually aware of her unsatisfied arousal. She rubbed her nose again with a sigh, then clasped her hands in her lap. Her mother still hadn’t said anything since picking her after school. Before Kimmy could stop herself, her scented fingers brushed against her nose again.

“Are you getting a cold?” Mom asked at last.

“No,” Kimmy said as she forced her hand back into her lap. “Why?”

“You keep wiping your nose.”

“Allergies, probably. Had to run extra again today.”

Her mother’s thoughtful hum made Kimmy nervous. While her father’s overt judgment was hard to take, in some ways her mother’s quiet observations and infrequent comments were worse. She could wield compassion like a scalpel and disappointment like a sword. Manipulation was her masterful art and she could have Kimmy confessing with a look.

“I expect Tim will be at youth group tonight,” Mom said with a knowing glance.

Dad must have shared about the situation about Tim and Nicole. It was so tempting to start talking, to pour out the pain to her sympathetic mother, but Kimmy knew ruin lay down that path. She would slip up and somehow her mother would uncover her deeper, hidden secrets.

Instead, Kimmy simply whispered, “Yes.”

“Will you be okay with that?”

“What choice do I have? At least at church no one will side with *him*.” Kimmy let out an ironic laugh and shook her head. Her fingernail found its way between her teeth so she could inhale some more comfort from Lizette. It made her feel less alone. And she really felt alone.

At school it seemed like most of Tim’s friends supported him against her. While none of the girls she hung around with came out and said anything overt, she still felt their judgement. *What did you expect?* they all seemed to ask, misunderstanding her lack of desire to be with Tim as some kind of moral statement.

Of course, at church no one would understand her renewed relationship with Lizette either. The image of Lizette’s naked body in the shower blew through Kimmy’s mind and forced her eyes shut. She could have watched the drops of water slipping around Lizette’s breasts for days and never gotten bored. And then there was the feeling of slipping her fingers inside until Lizette squeezed them tight while she came. *Oh, God, I want to taste her.*

“Are you sure you feel okay? You’re flushed like you have a fever.”

“I’m fine, really.” Kimmy cleared the illicit thoughts from her mind to focus on the familiar road to her church. It was Wednesday and she had two days to figure out how to get out of her house to meet Lizette.

She considered friends who might be willing to cover for her, but her good-girl reputation was going to be an issue. Anyone who knew her well enough to be willing would also want to know why. And her parents wouldn’t let her stay with someone new without calling to chat with her parents and check in occasionally.

Mom pulled into the church’s parking lot before she had an answer to the conundrum. They got out of the car and were walking toward the entrance when her mother said, “Kim.”

“Yeah?” she replied, forcing her hands into her jean pockets as she slowed and turned.

“If you want to leave early, just come get me. Okay?”

In that moment, Kimmy looked up at her Mom. Tears rose at the concern and love she saw in her mother’s face. “Thanks.”

“I had a sweetheart before your father. We dated almost as long as you and Tim. I know how hard it is to be betrayed like that.” They came together in a tight embrace under a parking lot light. “You hold your head up and ignore what others say. The right person will come along when you least expect it.”

Kimmy smiled into her mother’s fragrant shoulder. *You’re right. She has.* “You’re the best, Mom.”

They parted and walked silently into the church building, each going to their own classes. She was a bit early, so Kimmy stopped in the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee before continuing to the youth room. Tim came in just as she finished filling the Styrofoam cup.

“Hey,” he whispered, like he was embarrassed.

Without a crowd of friends around him he wouldn’t even meet her eyes. She looked him up and down, searching her heart for a spark, a flutter, anything to contradict what she had discovered with Lizette. There was nothing there. He made her feel nothing but disgust for the way he’d treated her.

“Uh,” he said as her silence continued. “Brother Jaime has been workin’ me over pretty good.” His eyebrows drew together as he pursed his lips. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Kimmy asked, anger tinting her tone. “Exactly.”

“Cheating. Lying.” He shifted uncomfortably and dared to glance at her face before looking down at his fingers. “I need to repent and that means trying to make things right. With you.”

“How about mocking me in the hallway in front of all our friends?” Kimmy asked as the acid in her stomach boiled.

“Uh… sorry for that, too.”

“Telling everyone I was frigid?” she snapped.

“Damn it—”

“Giving Nicole the bracelet that went with the necklace you got me for Christmas?”

“Come on, Kimmy,” he begged as he rocked back and forth and looked a the ceiling. “Can’t you cut me a break? I’m really sorry!”

She stared at him, silent, fighting back angry tears.

Tim shook his head slowly, as if he wished he could deny he’d done those things, then he turned and left the kitchen.

Kimmy lifted the cup took a deep breath of the strong coffee scent, but it didn’t make her mouth water as much as Lizette did.

That idea set off an uncomfortable chain of thoughts that led to a sudden realization. She had technically cheated on Tim as well. Was she just as bad as he was? That thought haunted her as she stepped down the hallway to the youth room.

The room was full of old couches, over-stuffed chairs, and a pool table. The walls were covered dated posters of old Vacation Bible School programs and dorky motivational images. Tim was already sitting next to Brother Jaime, talking quietly as she walked in to sit as far away from him as she could and still be in the group circle.

Brother Jaime was too serious for a college student and didn’t look like a typical youth pastor to Kimmy. He had a sleeve tattoo down his left arm with religious symbols and short quotes in funky fonts. His hair hung past his collar and his face was covered by a thick moustache and beard that was redder than his brown hair. Despite all of that, he was kind and trustworthy—what happened in the group stayed out of their parent’s ears.

“Let’s all get started,” Brother Jaime called out to the half-dozen stragglers. When everyone had sat down in the circle, he quickly prayed to bless their time together. Then he looked around the group for a moment and said, “Sex.”

A couple of the guys on the other side of the room rolled their eyes and leaned back against the couch. Kimmy shifted uncomfortably and prepared herself for a discussion she didn’t want to have either.

“I’m not gonna even ask, because I know all of us are guilty.” He looked around the room. “Remember being sinful isn’t something you *do,* it’s something you *are*. And since none of us are married, and all of us are past puberty, all of us are guilty.”

“*I’m* not,” Clarissa huffed. Kimmy had heard rumors that the preacher’s daughter wore latex gloves when she gave hand jobs to her long-time boyfriend, Charles. It was probably going to give him a fetish if she wasn’t careful.

“Remember in John’s first letter, he says everyone who hates his brother or sister is a murderer. And in Matthew it says that even looking at someone with lust in your heart is as sinful as sex.” He made a gun with his finger and shot everyone around the circle repeating, “Guilty.” Then he pointed the finger gun to his own head and fired. “Guilty.”

“So then why bother fighting the urge?” Tim muttered without looking up at anyone.

“Because giving in makes you more likely to injure yourself or someone else. You know the verse about love in First Corinthians? Love is patient, kind, doesn’t envy or boast or is proud. When you love like that, sex becomes an expression of that kind of selflessness in your relationship. It builds up instead of tearing down.”

The group was quiet at that. Kimmy realized in that moment that she wasn’t any better than Tim.

Lizette, her best friend, had trusted her with a secret and she hadn’t been kind to her about it. She had been envious of her closeness with Amanda. She did everything in her power to hurt Lizette for a solid year. And yet when Kimmy asked, Lizette immediately forgave her. Kimmy felt very small, like her heart was being constricted in her chest.

“Tim,” Kimmy said to draw his eyes to hers. “I’m sorry. I’ve hated you the last couple of days, but I don’t want you dead. And I’ve been just as guilty of lust as you were, even though I didn’t sleep with another guy.” She admitted to herself she was skirting the along edge of the truth, but she certainly wasn’t ready to confess everything that was happening in her life. Tim bit his lips to fight back tears when she added, “I forgive you.”

“Thank you,” he said with relief in his voice. “And for whatever you’ve thought or done, I forgive you, too. I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

The other members of the group took that moment and ran with it. Some of them were more honest than others, in Kimmy’s opinion, but by the end there were tears and hugs all around.

Kimmy felt convicted about her awful treatment of Lizette and decided she had do something about it, no matter how their attraction had changed things between them. On the way back through the parking lot, her mother touched her back and gave an encouraging smile.

“I forgave Tim,” she admitted.

“Good. You’ll feel better for it.”

“Mom, I need to make something else right.” She screwed up her courage as they got into the car.

“About what?” she asked.

“I’ve been awful to my best friend for the past year,” Kimmy said. She quickly wiped away the tears that spilled out. “I’ve been judgmental. Unforgiving. I need to try to make things right with her if it’s not too late.”

“Your father may have something to say on the topic.” It was her mother’s way to hint and guide. Kimmy was well aware her father had always overreacted about homosexuality.

“He can keep his mouth shut,” she snapped, causing her mother’s eyebrows to rise. “Lizette doesn’t belong to our church and isn’t subject to his judgement. Or mine. I’ve been so mean to her, Mom.” The painful regret was as real as her growing connection to Lizette. “I need to talk to her. Tonight. Can you drop me off at the park? I’ll walk home later.”

Her mother thought for a moment, then nodded. “I’ll speak to your father and explain things. This has been a rough couple of days for you, but you’ve made me proud.”

“Thanks, Mom.” The compliment stung a little knowing that she still wanted a chance to make something work with Lizette.

Kimmy texted Lizette on the way, so as soon as her mother drove off, Lizette stepped out of the shadows of the trees in the park.

“Please tell me you’re not breaking up with me,” Lizette whispered. The look of panic and fear on her face brought up tears as Kimmy shook her head. “Oh, God,” Lizette gasped and stepped to embrace Kimmy in a tight hug.

“I’m so sorry for how I’ve treated you,” Kimmy cried in her hair.

“I told you already. Forgiven,” Lizette said as she kissed Kimmy’s cheeks towards her mouth.

“It’s not enough,” Kimmy gasped as their kiss grew more frenzied. “I need—”

Lizette put her cool hands under Kimmy’s t-shirt, running her fingers up along the lacy edges of her bra. Thumbs rubbing circles over the soft cups drove a moan out of Kimmy’s mouth. She wanted to rip off her shirt and bra to give herself to Lizette’s hot mouth, but the moon was out and her pale skin would shine.

“Come over here,” Lizette said and pulled Kimmy’s hand to a sheltered spot under a pine tree. “I need you.”

There was a blanket spread out over the pine needles. “You planned this?” Kimmy laughed as she allowed Lizette to lead her down.

“Hoped,” Lizette whispered with a wicked grin as she tugged Kimmy’s shirt up and over her head.

The bra opened at her touch and, before Kimmy knew it, she was on her back with Lizette devouring her hard nipples and soft breasts. “Fuck!”

It was electric, powerful heat, and slick motion. The wet tongue traced the tops of her breasts, then the soft skin underneath and around the edges. In a crazy moment Lizette even pushed up Kimmy’s arms and ran her tongue over the stubble underneath. Ravished had always just been a word, but now she knew what it meant.

Lizette moved her knee between Kimmy’s denim-covered thighs to press into her heat. Lifting higher, Kimmy began to rub a rhythm that Lizette’s mouth and hands matched all over her breasts and lips.

“I’ve wanted to do this forever,” Lizette gasped over wet flesh, making Kimmy’s skin pebble. “I want to eat you. I want to taste every bit of you.”

The words drove a cry out of Kimmy’s heart that Lizette captured with her mouth. The frenzied grinding built to a peak when Kimmy arched her back with the straining cry of her release. “Yes! Yes! Oh, yes!”

Lizette kissed her until she returned to earth, then sprawled across her bare torso. There were some serious aftershocks that made Kimmy shiver, but Lizette pulled closer to warm her up. Fingers on both hands interlaced, Lizette rubbed her free thumb over Kimmy’s slit of a navel.

“I haven’t gotten off rubbing against something since I was eleven,” Kimmy chuckled into her friend’s hair. Lizette had her cheek resting between Kimmy’s breasts. The tickle of her breath was making a nipple peak.

“Yeah, I had a special pillow I loved,” Lizette whispered. “I thought about you the most back then.”

“Even then?” Kimmy gasped. “I never really thought of anyone. I just liked the way it felt.”

“What about later?” Lizette asked as she moved around to lay against Kimmy’s shoulder to see her face.

“I don’t know. I tried to imagine guys, but they always ended up with soft curves and long hair.” Kimmy laughed at the discomfort she felt admitting it for the first time. “I didn’t really think about you until after I caught you kissing Amanda and got jealous.”

“So you’d rag on me all day at school and then go home and jill off thinking about me?” Lizette asked with an ironic chuckle that echoed her pain.

That stung Kimmy hard, but she swallowed the rising tears back down. “I owe you more than an apology. I need to make things right.”

“What did you have in mind?” Lizette asked quietly.

“I’m not ready to be your…” Kimmy took a deep breath and just said it out loud. “Girlfriend. In public, I mean. I want to be with you, to give this a chance, whatever it ends up being. But starting tomorrow, you’re my best friend again. I want to meet your new friends. And if our old friends get weird about us hanging out again, then I’ll find new ones, too.”

Lizette studied Kimmy’s face for a long, serious moment. “Are you *sure*?”

In answer, Kimmy leaned closer to place her lips against Lizette’s warm mouth. The kiss felt so natural, so wonderful, that Kimmy shivered and moaned as it deepened. When they broke to look at each other at last, a slow smile spread between them both at the same time.

Their old connection roared back to life, giving Kimmy that familiar sense that they were so in sync they shared a brain. “Oh yeah, I’m sure.”


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Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/47h7fk/a_chance_pt_4_ff


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