Shawna: Roma Revenge – Part XVI – You can’t go home again [MF]

The next day was more of the same, as was the next. I endured stares and false smiles in the office, then went home and abandoned myself in pursuit of easy sex. I told myself that I was reclaiming my life, but as days turned to weeks, I found myself withdrawing instead. I couldn’t go to the gym for fear of running into Chris and his hurt gaze. The clubs and bars bored me; my conquests felt hollow and meaningless. Even Kat eventually stopped coming around for her little booty calls.
My mood darkened as well. I found myself angry or cranky all the time, with no patience for the social engineering I’d used to fill my days with. I couldn’t keep my face warm long enough to convince everyone around that I was as important as I needed them to believe, and they’d seen that my untrained “sister” could do just as good a job as I could.
And of course, they asked after her constantly. Where had she gone? How was she doing? when would she be visiting again? Why had I never told anyone about her? After a while, I just started locking my office door in the morning.
It was my sixth week as a man – as myself, I kept correcting, my sixth week as myself – I got a message to meet Diana at the cafe. I headed over at noon, ordering my liquid lunch from a dark-haired barista with a bad attitude. She glared at me while she made my coffee, slammed it on the counter, and told me to “have a nice day” in a voice that could have melted paint.
“What a bitch,” I said, sitting across from Diana. Katlyn joined us as about the same time, taking the third seat at what had once been our usual table. I pulled a flask out of my jacket and irished up my coffee while she got comfortable, then realized she and Diana were both staring at me.
“What?” I asked angrily. “Can’t a man have a drink with lunch?
“It’s not that,” Diana said gently. “Well, not just that. It’s…”
“You’re circling the drain,” Katlyn declared.
I glared at her. “What is this, a medical drama?”
Kat held up her hands, palms out. “Socially. Emotionally. Look at yourself. Do you feel like you’re the king of the mountain? Because you sure don’t look it.”
I looked down at myself. My shirt wasn’t ironed, and my tie wasn’t sitting as straight as it should have been. “Whatever. I’m having a bad day.”
“You seem to have had a lot of bad days,” Diana said firmly. “I talked to Debra.”
“Remind me to fire her.”
“Shawn!” Katlyn leaned over and grabbed my arm. “What the hell is wrong with you? You weren’t like this, when-”
“When what? When I was a woman?” I scoffed, pulling away from her grip. “That was never me. That was a prison.”
“Do you feel released?”
Diana touched Katlyn’s hand to shush her. “We talked to Pam, too,” she said. “She said… well, they’re considering replacing you.”
“Good! I’ll quit! Retire even! See America! Fuck a girl in every state! I’ll call it the Shawn Milner Boner Tour!”
“Shawn, stop!” Katlyn grabbed at me again. “Why are you so angry?”
“Why shouldn’t I be? You two don’t like who I am. Everyone in the office wants my goddamn ‘sister’ back. Even the coffee girl fucking hates me for some reason.”
“Coffee girl?” Katlyn leaned over. “The new one”
“Yeah, I guess. Maybe she’s in the wrong line of work.”
“Oh, Shawn,” Kat said, smirking, “that’s… oh jeez.”
“Didn’t you see her name tag? It’s right there on her boob, I figured you’d glance at least.”
“I didn’t really care. Why? What’s it say?”
I nearly sprayed my drink across the table. “Tammy??” I asked in a hushed voice, glancing back at the counter. “As in Tommy Tammy?”
“Yeah. I guess she’s coping a little worse than you did.”
I snuck a better look over there. It was Tammy all right, dressed in the silly green uniform and apron, slinging coffees and looking generally exhausted. “Holy shit.”
“Yeah.” Diana sighed. “I wanted to show you where she ended up just out of interest, but looking at you now… are you sure you’re all right?”
“Apparently not. I thought I’d just slip back into my life, but it’s not…”
“Yeah. It’s not right, for a bunch of reasons.”
“Well, it’s not like I can undo any of it. I did what I had to do… we all did. And I’m still grateful to both of you. But it is what it is. This is who I am, now.”
“Well…” Kat looked over at Tammy. “It doesn’t have to be, you know…”
“You’re shitting me.” I thumped my cup on the table between us. It splashed hot coffee on my hand, but I ignored the pain. “After everything I went through. All that work. Using a good man like that. Ruining the lives of those people who cursed me. Fucking my ex-friend. And now you want me to… to undo it all?”
Kat shrugged. “It was just a thought.”
“Yeah… just a thought…” I shook my head. “Got a few too many of those, lately.”
Diana reached over to lay her hand on mine. “What thought are you having now, Shawn?”
I looked up and met her eyes. The words came out before I had a chance to think about them. Hell, for a second I wasn’t certain it was me talking. But I spoke nonetheless.
“I’ve made a huge mistake.”

I waited outside the cafe at the end of the day, leaning against the door of my car and reading headlines on my phone. I probably didn’t look entirely like a creepy stalker, and that was good enough for me.
If you ask a real detective, they’ll tell you that all those tricks in movies where you pretend to read something are bullshit. Too conspicuous, and you never take your eyes off the mark. Unfortunately I wasn’t a detective, and it surprised me when Tammy walked up to me, crossing her arms and glaring.
“Tammy!” I shoved my phone in a pocket. “Good! Uh… hey.”
“Hey yourself, fuckface. What do you want? Come to take something else away from me?”
“Hey wait, that’s not fair, I-”
“Fair? FAIR?? After what you did to me??”
People were starting to stare. “Tommy,” I said gently, “I need to talk to you. Will you please just get in the car?”
She rolled her eyes. “Ugh, fine. You can drive me home, then come up and steal my TV or something.”
I shrugged. “That’s a start.”

“So anyway,” Tammy said, leaning back and setting her feet on the dash, “I lost my job, on account of I couldn’t go to work. And without experience I couldn’t get a better post, so here I am, serving your frappashit. Hope you enjoyed it. Next time I’ll add extra ‘foam’.”
“Ugh. I’m sorry. That sucks a lot, man.” I shook my head. “But you gotta admit… you were being a real cockbite to me.”
“So you stole my dick??”
“Alright, it was excessive. But you were blackmailing me!”
She quieted down then and looked out the window for a while. “Alright,” she said finally, “we’re both assholes.”
I chuckled. “Yeah. Yeah, we are.”
“So what do you want, then?”
“To be better.”

I explained as we drove. Not back to Tommy’s place, but to mine.
“…and that’s it? That’s the whole, uh… ritual?”
“Yep. I still have all the supplies in a box. You just need to get a guy to blow in you, then sneak off and do it before too long.”
“So all I need is a guy who I don’t mind passing this shit on to.”
“Yeah, about that.” I pulled up to the curb and cut the engine.
“Wait, what? You?”
I shrugged. “It’s complicated, but… yeah. Me.”
Tammy rolled her eyes. “Well, I suppose if I gotta pop my cherry it might as well be with someone I know.”
I shuddered. “That phrase seems so vulgar now.”
“Yeah, I regretted it as soon as I said it.” She looked at me and bit her lip. “Okay… okay. I’ll do it. On one condition.
“No homo?” I asked.
“No homo.”

Tammy entered the apartment ahead of me, dropping her coat on a chair and standing awkwardly with her back to me. “This is weird.”
“Yeah. Now you know how I felt.”
“Shut up. Anyway, how do we do this?”
“Pretty much… however we want.”
“Alrighty. I guess just get it over with?”
“Yeah, or…”
I chuckled. “Do you trust me?”
“Well, trust me anyway, asshole. There’s some things you should probably experience. Your future girlfriend will thank me.”
I have to admit, that wasn’t my whole motivation. There was a lot going through my head. I was looking at never having a dick again, and I sorta wanted to make the most of it. And yes, I was enjoying the hell out of Tammy’s awkward blush.
“Alright, fine,” she said. “What should I do?”
“Just relax,” I said, taking her hand and leading her to the couch. “I’ll take care of it.”
She sat, letting out a heavy breath. I let go of her hand, reaching up to the top button of her white blouse. “I’m going to take your clothes off now,” I said gently. “Don’t worry. You’re safe here.”
One by one, I undid the buttons, opening the blouse to reveal smooth, milky skin. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and the blouse was tucked deep into the dark green slacks that were required at the cafe. I realized, pulling it loose, that it was a man’s shirt; Tammy hadn’t been as successful with wardrobe as Shawna had.
She flinched when I reached to slide the shirt back off her shoulders. “Sorry,” she said. “It’s just, I’ve been… well, defending myself a lot.”
I frowned. “I guess that pheromone thing really did pass on.” I rubbed her bare shoulders, easing some of the tension out and smiling warmly at her while the shirt slipped down her arms. Her breasts were round and perky and basically perfect, but it was her face I focused on, the way I remembered Chris focusing on mine. “I’m sorry. It’ll be over soon enough.”
I kept rubbing her shoulders until she relaxed again, leaning her back and sliding my hands down her sides. My thumbs and palms brushed the sides of her breasts, but I didn’t move to touch them any more than that.
Reaching down, I unfastened and unzipped her pants. I lifted her hips enough to slide them down, then chuckled.
“What?” she asked, annoyed.
“Sorry. I wasn’t expecting you to still be wearing jockeys.”
“They were the only thing that fit! Ugh, this is stupid.” She reached for the pants, but I grabbed her hands.
“Wait. I’m sorry. Just… just let me take care of it.”
She sighed and leaned back again. I returned my attentions to her hips, sliding the briefs down to her thighs and catching the slacks. I hooked a couple fingers in the garments, letting the rest trail along her skin while I pulled them down, baring her legs.
She kept her thighs tight together, revealing only a small patch of black hair, but they opened to the touch of my fingers moving back up again. “There,” I said, “see? It doesn’t have to be awkward or unpleasant. And no homo.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, “no homo-ooohhhhhh!”
I chuckled, which made a sort of airy snuffling sound since my face was now between Tammy’s thighs. My hands slid up and behind her hips, holding her ass and keeping her still while I introduced her to the sensation of a man’s tongue, softly exploring her apparently entirely inexperienced nethers.
“Holy shit…” she said, then shushed at the touch of my finger to her lips. I looked up at her and winked, then turned my eyes down and showed her just what I’d learned.
I remembered when Chris had first gone down on me. He’d been incredible, like three people at once, first sucking and then licking or nibbling, impossible to predict. So much so that I’d had no choice but to give myself over to pleasure.
Judging by the moans coming from above, I was doing a fair job of reproducing his technique. Judging by the fingers gripping my hair, the hips bucking into me, and the thighs quivering on my shoulder, I was getting better by the second. And judging by the sudden cry and the salty-sweet taste that overwhelmed my senses, I had outdone my own expectations.
I stood slowly, wiping my face on my sleeve before pulling my shirt up over my head. “Are you ready?” I asked.
Tammy looked up at me with a touch of worry. “You’ve done this, right? How bad is the pain, really?”
I chuckled, unbuckling my pants. “Funny thing about that. Turns out, it doesn’t need to hurt at all.” I moved in close, dropping my pants and standing between her thighs. “Guess we shouldn’t get our biology lessons from sitcoms, huh?”
I let her think about that while I leaned in and started to slide myself inside her. It was a tight fit, but after a little push I felt the head of my cock slip between her folds. There was a little resistance, partly from her body stretching to admit me and partly from her reflexive clenching, but I was patient and didn’t force anything. I had plenty of time, after all, and I wanted to enjoy my last time as much as I wanted Tammy to enjoy her first.
I kept moving slowly forward until I felt her thighs tightening around my hips. Looking down, I smiled at her. “There, seee? Not so bad.”
“Is that… all of it?” she asked, glancing down between her legs.
“Not quite. I don’t want to hurt you.”
She nodded, shifting her legs to sit more comfortably against my sides. “Thanks.”
“My pleasure.” I winked, then braced my arms on the couch to either side of her and started moving again. Slowly, gently, I pulled back, groaning a little at the way her pussy gripped and pulled at me. I eased back until only the head was within her, then reversed directions smoothly, pushing in once again.
Tammy gripped the couch cushion, staring in fascination at our joining. I could tell from the way she breathed in at each thrust that she was feeling some pleasure. Some, but not enough. I moved my hand over her chest, giving a squeeze to one breast to distract her, then slid my fingers down her front.
She gasped in surprise when my fingers reached her clit. I grinned, continuing to stroke smoothly in and out of her and rubbing my fingers gently in little circles.
Her breaths sped up and turned to moans. I kept it up, holding a steady pace, and with an arch of the back and a little squeal she started to cum around me.
“Oh… oh jesus,” she panted as the feeling subsided. I slowed down a little, letting her catch her breath. “That’s..”
“Yeah,” I said. “You sure you wanna give it up?”
She smirked, regaining some composure. “I’m sure. As fun as this is, I’ve got a life to get back to.”
“Yeah,” I said, pulling back a little. “So do I.”
I gave her legs a tug, guiding her down and around, and soon had her on her knees, bent over the bottom part of my couch. She was too wrapped up in the sensations and most likely the strange emotions to object, and soon I was on my knees too, guiding myself back into her from behind.
We both moaned in pleasure as I sank to the hilt within her, grinding my hips into her firm buttocks. I savored the feeling for a moment, knowing it would be the very last time I bottomed out inside a pretty girl, then gripped her hips and started to move again.
I didn’t hold back this time. My hips began slapping her ass with each thrust, softly at first but louder and louder with each moment. Her moans drowned the sound out, and I added my own to the mix. She was hot, and tight, and perfect. I was strong, and powerful, and I was going home. I thought of Chris, showing me how to love being on the other side of this. I thought of Katlyn, teaching me the joy of letting go. I thought of Shawna, beckoning me onward, reaching to pull me out of myself and into a better life.
I barely noticed how fast I had started pumping into Tammy until she again contracted around me, crying out in orgasmic bliss. It was enough to drive me over the edge; without warning, a wave built and crested over me, and I exploded.
My hips pumped arrythmically into Tammy’s spasming pussy. My cock swelled and pulsed as I drove my last load into her, forcing it deep and filling her until our combined fluids dripped down her thighs. With a shudder, I gave one last push… and then it was over.
We stayed there a minute, both panting as we came down from the endorphin high. “Jesus christ,” Tammy said finally, “that was amazing.”
I reached forward and tousled her hair affectionately. “Sacred knowledge,” I declared. “Use it wisely. And, uh… clench a little.”
“Why should- ohhhh,” she moaned, squeezing tight as I eased my cock out of her. She waited until I was clear, then slid back slowly to sit on the floor, holding my seed inside.
“Are you ready?” I asked. “The supplies are all in the bathroom still.”
Tammy nodded, getting shakily onto her feet. “Be right back,” she said, heading for the bathroom and the tools that would make her Tommy again.
“Take your time,” I said.
The door closed. I pulled on my shorts and walked out to the balcony, looking out at the setting sun. I couldn’t hear anything, but I kept track in my mind, replaying the steps of the ritual that would transfer the curse back to me.
A few minutes later, Tammy walked up beside me. She was wearing her ill-fitting men’s clothing again, and she joined me looking out at the horizon.
“How do you feel?” I asked.
“Weird,” she admitted. “I mean, you’ve been inside me. And I’ve been inside you. It’s fucked up.”
“Yeah,” I replied, watching a bird land on one of the taller buildings. “I don’t think we’ll be able to hang out like we used to. Still, when things are settled…”
“I’ll look you up,” she said, reaching over and squeezing my hand. “Maybe you can pretend to be my sexy little sister, wingman for me in the club.”
I chuckled, squeezing back. “It’s a date.”
Tammy – soon to be Tommy – turned around and walked back into the apartment. After a minute, I heard the door open and close. Still, I stood there, watching the birds and the sky and the clouds until the twilight finally died and I started to see stars winking into view.
It was a sunset like every other, and a night that would pass without remark from anyone. Nothing special to anyone, except for me.
To me, it was beautiful.



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