Just Friends [m/f/f]

I never really got around to finishing this, so take it as part one of two. If enough interest is drawn I will finish it :)
I never thought what happened was even possible, but there I was, looking at two amazing women eating each other out in front of me.

“Come on Chris, join in” Emma said to me as she stopped eating out Katie

“Why’d you stop?” Katie said, pouting

Emma pushed a finger into Katie, instantly shutting her up, and eliciting a moan from within.

I stood there, still in shock. Just a few hours ago I was beating it, and now due to such an innocent text, I was going to get to have sex with two women. I walked over to Emma, not sure what to do exactly, but she grabbed my dick and began stroking it.

“Start fingering me.” She said, moving her right hand up and down on my dick, while pushing her left hand in and out of Katie’s crotch.

I started to finger Emma awkwardly, and she giggled.

“No no…that’s not how you do it.” She said to me

She took my hand, and showed me how to do it, gently pushing in and out of her.

“I-is that right?” I asked her.

“Yesssss” she moaned “That’s much better.”

She began to stroke my dick harder, and forgot about Katie completely, lost in the pleasure I was giving her.

“Hey! I’m still here!” Katie said

“I don’t carrrrrrrrrrrrrrre” Emma moaned, forgetting about my dick as well, leaning her head back.

Katie sat up and scooted closer to me.

“Hey Chris, will you finger me too? Emma looks like she is having an amazing time, I want that too!” she said to me.

As I started to finger Katie, a buzzing sound came from behind me.

“Shit, my phone.” I mumbled.

I stopped pleasuring the two girls to get my phone, and I saw my mom was calling; dumb bitch was always interpreting me when it wasn’t opportune.

“Crap…it’s my mom…”

Katie giggled “d’aw does that mean Chris has to leave?” she said teasingly

“Hello?” I answered

“Chris, where the hell are you?” she said

“Out driving around, I just stopped at Mc Donald’s, why?” I asked

“It’s almost dinner; you need to get home now.” She said sharply

“All right, ill head that way now.” I said as I hung up the phone.

I turned around to the girls sadly “I hate to cut this short, but my mom is making me head home…”

“Didn’t sound like you wanted her to know you were here.” Emma said

“I left without telling her, I’m lucky I’m not dead.” I responded

“It could have been worse Chris” Emma said to me, as she began to finger herself

I dressed quickly and left, driving home to meet my mother, who I had a feeling was going to kill me. I walked inside quietly, thinking I could maybe avoid my mother’s wrath.

“And where do you think you’re going?” she asked as I walked past the kitchen

‘Fuck, she saw me’ I thought in my head

“Get in here.” She said

I walked into the kitchen, and looked at my mom “Yes?” I asked

“Don’t you ever leave again without telling me first, do it again and you’re dead. Understand Chris?” she said

“Yes, mom.” I said shortly

“All right, go to your room, I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”

I quickly slipped out of the kitchen and headed for my room. I was lucky I only got away with being yelled at, and not grounded…I walked in my room and threw my hoodie on my bed, grabbing my Xbox controller off the TV as I went. I figured I could blow off some steam until dinner. I looked through my game collection, halo and call of duty greeted my eyes but I wasn’t sure which I wanted to play.

“Fuck it, what game is in my system…” I finally said.

Turning on my Xbox, I saw portal 2 was in my system. I shrugged, not too bad-it wasn’t what I really wanted to play but I felt like being lazy and plopped down on my bed, starting portal. As I got to the main menu, I heard a yell from down the hall

“CHRIS! COME HERE” my mom screamed

‘Damn it!’ I thought ‘I just started playing too…’

I got up off my bed slowly and walked down the hall.

“Yes mom, what do you need?” I asked

“Don’t take that tone with me.” She said sharply.

The desire to roll my eyes at her was strong, but I resisted, I didn’t feel like ending up grounded with the chance to get laid on the horizon.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized.

“That’s better. I need you to take out the trash, and set the table for dinner.”

I grudgingly did the chores she gave me. As I walked outside, my phone vibrated in my pocket, and I fished it out to see who was texting me, it was Emma and she had sent me a picture message. I quickly downloaded and opened the message to be greeted by a shot of her tits with the message ‘Hopefully this is enough to get you the rest of the way off Chris ;)’

“CHRIS WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO LONG!?” my mom yelled out of the kitchen, and my happy mood was killed. I trudged back into the house and set the dinner table, before sitting down for dinner.

Dinner passed in a blur, and I barely paid any attention to anything that happened.

“CHRIS!” my mom yelled

“Huh?” I said, snapping out of my trance.

“I said, ‘what are you doing tomorrow?’”

“oh, not sure. I may go to the movies with Emma.” I said back

“Who is Emma?” my mom asked

“A friend from school?” she asked

“No, just a friend.” I responded “I’m done with dinner, can I go?”

“Sure.” My mom said to me

I cleared my place and went up to my room to try and plan for tomorrow, and I hoped I could have sex with Katie. I sent a text to her asking what her plans were for tomorrow and I got a response pretty quick.

“You coming over here I hope, I’m still horney from earlier, you never finished up the job ;)”

I sent back “Sure, when though?”

“Sometime after twelve would be good for me, I dunno about Emma, but I’ll make she SHE is ready.”

I smiled wide, too bad Katie couldn’t see it, and thinking about tomorrow was making me horney. I sighed to myself, trying to decide if it would be worth masturbating, but I felt lazy.

“Fuck it” I said quietly before laying down to sleep.


I rolled over, hitting my alarm to shut it up. Was it already time to get up? As I sat up and looked at the clock, my mom beat on the door

“Chris, its ten! Are you up yet?!”

“Yes mom, I’m up.”

I rolled out of bed and got dressed quickly, and grabbed my phone. No texts

“Damn…” I said under my voice.

I texted Katie, hoping she would respond.

“Hey there!” she sent back

“What’s up?” I texted her.

“Laying naked next to Emma, trying to get her fat butt up. Still ready for our fun day?”

“Yes, still meeting up at noon?”

“Of course! Or…you could come over and surprise Emma…”

“Maybe I will do that…” I texted Katie.

I got up out of my bed and got dressed quickly, and as I was walking downstairs my mom was leaving. She turned around and looked at me.

“Where are you going?”

“Gonna get some breakfast, not sure what I’m gonna do after that.” I said to her

“Ah, all right then.” She said and walked to her car.

I waited until I heard the garage door go down and I went to my room to finish getting ready before heading out to my car to go over to Katie’s. She only lived 10 minutes from me but the drive felt like it took years to get there. I quickly walked up to her door and as I reached up to knock, the door opened, and Katie was standing there waiting for me, dressed in a see through top, and a skirt

“Do you like what you see?…” she asked me

I nodded
“Come on in then.” She said to me

I walked in, and closed the door behind me, and as soon as she heard it come home, Katie ripped her top off and turned around, reaching up behind herself to remove her bra.

“Take off your shirt already!” I heard someone yell from down the hall

I turned to look and saw Emma standing there, already naked except for a short skirt

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/46bbwa/just_friends_mff

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