The Third Wheel: Part 2 [MFF]

I posted the first part about two weeks ago, it’s quite long, but you may want to read it first. Happy Valentines everyone! I hope you enjoy part two and then have some great sex. (Or at least rub one out!)


Erin turned toward the bar and I couldn’t help but eye-fuck her amazing round ass. I stood there mesmerized, sipping on my drink. She stood with her back toward me working on drinks for herself and Sharon and then reached down into a bottom cabinet, bending over and presenting her glorious pussy. She stayed in that position for a few seconds and I almost dropped my drink. I announced that I was going back out to the hot tub when Sharon stepped inside, shivering. “It is so freaking cold out there!” She exclaimed as she wrapped herself in her robe. Then she added, playfully, “Look at you two all naked! Didn’t even bother with a robe? Any hanky-panky going on in here?”

“We already fucked.” Erin said. “Your husband is quick.”

They both laughed. “Don’t I know it”, Sharon replied, smiling slyly at me.

“Only because you get me so turned on, babe.” I said. “You’re too damn sexy.” We kissed. It started as a quick peck and then we locked lips lustfully and it lasted longer than I had intended. We stopped when Erin started whistling at us. “I’m taking my drink out to the hot tub,” I said as I started for the door.

“I needed a break,” my wife said. “I think I’ve mixed too much alcohol and hot-tubbing. I was starting to get light-headed.”

We had all probably been in the hot tub for far too long. I was afraid that once we quit, the girls would put their clothes back on, though, so I wanted to stay out there as long as possible. I went back outside while the women chatted at the bar.

“I can’t believe he’s so comfortable walking around naked like that in front of you. I thought he would be so shy.” My wife said to Erin.

“I know….that’s what I said to him….he’s being so adventurous tonight! I’m sure the hand job we gave him loosened him up.”

“I guess so. I figured after he came a couple times he would be done for the night, though. He probably won’t be able to get it up anymore anyway. Even with you showing off your sexy body like that.” She gestured toward Erin’s breasts.

Erin had a mischievous grin. “I gave him one of John’s viagras!”

“You didn’t!” my wife laughed, partly in disbelief.

“Yep. He’ll definitely be getting it back up tonight!”

“Oh god. This should be interesting.” Sharon paused. “Don’t take this the wrong way…but I’ve been noticing the two of you tonite…things are getting a little flirty. Do you want to have sex with him?” She asked inquisitively.

“Maybe?” Erin replied hesitantly.

“You can.” Sharon said. “Don’t worry about me. Go for it. I know Joe would love it. You’ll make his day.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course. I know you’re not going to steal him from me. Just get crazy…it’s one weekend.”

Erin moved close to embrace her. “You’re awesome. I love you guys.”

“I want to watch, though.” Sharon said. Her breasts pressed up against Erin as they hugged.

“Even better.”

Sharon giggled. “Seriously. I just want to see what he does. He’s probably going to be so nervous! Plus it will be so hot seeing you two.”

“He’s never fucked anyone but you, right?” Erin asked.

“That’s right. It’s going to blow his mind!”

The girls headed out into the cold, naked, drinks in hand. As the cold air engulfed their bodies they hurried into the heated tub. Erin sat directly across from me while my wife nestled in between us. The jets were off and we sat there in the still night talking. Erin gave us the history of the cabin. She told us how her and her cousins hated sleeping in there as kids because of how dirty and old the place was. There were spiders. One year they also had a bat– and it took her dad and her uncle hours to chase it out. The kids all huddled outside curiously watching through the windows. The cabin was dingy. It was mostly just a place to sleep while they were up here to hunt or fish. Over the years, though, her uncle slowly fixed it up. The pool table and the hot tub were the final pieces, added within the last decade. Now they rented it out for vacations. There was hunting and fishing and even a golf course nearby. In the peak months they would get $2,000 for a week. It turned into a great money maker. They all took turns staying in the off peak times– partly for vacations and partly for upkeep– but they rarely ever stay together in big groups anymore, with the whole family.

“Do you think your aunt and uncle get naked in the hot tub when they’re up here?” Sharon asked jokingly.

“Oh I don’t want to think about it,” Erin said. “But I’m sure they do. Who wouldn’t want to be naked out here! Look how romantic it is.”

The three of us sat quietly for a minute, looking at the sky above, the trees around us and the fallen snow. It really was quite picturesque. Then Erin asked if we minded if she turned the jets back on. We didn’t object and the hot water spraying on my back felt wonderful. We all enjoyed the sensations on our bodies, quietly letting the hot tub do its magic.

“I have a secret, Sharon.” Erin practically whispered. She stood up, the water cascading down over her breasts. A big smile on her face. She spread her legs and leaned forward, positioning herself carefully. I could tell what she was doing before she said it out loud. “The jets can feel so good right between your legs.”

Sharon giggled quietly and then there was silence while we watched Erin. She closed her eyes and softly moaned. She leaned forward further, reaching one of her hands onto my thigh to brace herself and her other on Sharon’s. Her butt cheeks peeked out of the water at the edge of the tub where the jets were streaming into her. She gasped and then opened her eyes, smiling at us. “This feels so good,” she moaned erotically. I could feel her grip on my thigh get tighter as her moans became more frequent. She started subtilely gyrating her hips, her pleasure undoubtedly increasing. Her eyes closed again, and I wasn’t sure if she was shy about making eye contact or if it enhanced her focus on the powerful sensations on her pussy. I turned my head toward Sharon and she was fixed on Erin intently, a look of awe and arousal on her face. She noticed me looking and gave me a smile as if to say “you lucky dog.” Then we both glanced down. I was hard as a rock. My wife had to stifle herself from laughing. It looks like the viagra didn’t take much time at all to kick in. With Erin’s gyrations increasing and her soft moans turning to louder gasps and heavy breathing, my wife wrapped her hand around my hard dick and pulled it toward Erin’s breast. She rubbed it on Erin’s nipple as Erin opened her eyes and gave us an appreciative glance. It set her off. I know my wife loves when I rub my dick on her nipples when she is using a vibrator on herself, and it certainly looked like Erin loved it too. Her body quivered as she practically screamed in ecstasy. “Cum on my tits,” She yelled. “Please cum on me!” My wife tried hard to keep rubbing the most sensitive spot of my dick on Erin’s nipple, but it was difficult with Erin convulsing in orgasm. I was trying my hardest to ignore Erin’s instructions and not cum on her just yet. It had only been a few seconds, and it would be extremely embarrassing to cum so soon. I had to admit, though, I was fucking close. It was pretty intense watching Erin, and even more exciting to help get her to climax. She continued to tremble slightly as her orgasm subsided and a look of embarrassment washed over her face. She leaned backward, into a sitting position gave a meek smile. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I did that,” she said, almost apologetically. My wife immediately moved toward her and gave her a hug.

“That was amazing!” My wife told her.

“It felt awesome!” Erin gasped. “I can’t believe I did that in front of you guys though. I think I’ve had enough to drink.”

They both laughed and then my wife whispered into her ear, “There’s still a hard cock over there waiting for you.”

Erin looked deeply into her eyes as if to make sure that it was really okay. Then she gave Sharon a quick soft kiss on the lips and stood up and started toward me. My heart was beating faster and harder than ever before. The head of my cock was poking out above the water and Erin reached for it and asked sweetly, “Is this for me?”. All i could do was nod. She straddled me, her tits in my face, and slowly lowered herself down on my throbbing dick. The warm wetness of her insides gripped my penis and the sensation was earth-shattering. I’ve never been inside anyone but Sharon, and I hoped it wouldn’t be painfully obvious. Her eyes focused on mine, as she paused on my lap. Her arms rested on my shoulders and she whispered breathlessly, “I’ve always wanted you inside of me.”

The first thought that popped into my head was how terrible my breath must smell after that huge meal and all the alcohol. She had never been this close to my face. Then my thoughts quickly turned to the fact that I was buried deep inside her pussy. “You know I’m a happily married man?” I asked coyly as she slowly started rocking her hips on top of me.

“She doesn’t have to know.” She responded.

“This has to be our secret.” I played along. I peeked over her shoulder and could see my wife watching us. One of her hands was on the back of the hot tub, gripping it tightly and her other hand was under the water, between her legs. I wish I could see as she played with herself, for there are few things I love more than watching her. But then I turned my attention back to Erin who was still slowly rocking. I looked up at her and kissed her– not really sure whether I should. She responded wildly. Her lips locked on my bottom lip and she sucked it for a moment before opening her mouth and sliding her tongue inside mine. My tongue danced with hers for a moment as we continued to kiss passionately and furiously. Her rocking on my lap turned to bouncing and when I softly bit down on one of her nipples she shrieked in pure ecstacy. My hands gripped her ass cheeks and squeezed hard. I can’t count the times I’ve stared at her ass and longed to touch it, and now I was overwhelmed. She was perfect in every way. My hands on her ass and her tits in my mouth, all while she rode my cock. I wish we could stop time and I could slowly savor all of her body, but she was already on the verge of orgasm and intent on making it happen. She fucked me at a frenetic pace and I only hoped that I could hold out long enough for her to cum first. I stared up into her face. Her gorgeous eyes…her luscious lips. I knew I couldn’t hold out much longer.

Behind Erin, my wife was also nearing orgasm and I could hear her moans becoming increasing louder and faster. It was a beautiful sound I was all too familiar with. I could hone in on the sound of my wife orgasming if she did it at a concert on the opposite side of the stadium from me. And as usual, the sound of her orgasm inevitably led to my own. I shot a burst of cum into Erin as she continued to wildly ride my lap. I did the only thing I could think of and pressed my mouth onto hers, kissing her fully while I continued to shoot my load up inside her. I hoped that she hadn’t noticed and prayed that she was close when she tilted her head back and began gasping and quivering. My dick was painfully sensitive but I didn’t dare move as she continued to thrust atop me, orgasming loudly into the cold, dark night. The sounds of her joyful romp slowly subsided as she collapsed onto me, my soft dick finally sliding out of her.

As she hugged me I could feel her shaking slightly and it took me a moment to realize she was crying. I can never pretend to understand women, but in this case, I thought maybe I did. She had just found out she was getting divorced (for a second time), she had way too much to drink, and she just fucked her best friend’s husband– in front of her best friend. She was probably feeling a little sad, a little happy and a little confused all at once. She was in her forties and she was going to face a lot of uncertainty going forward. It’s been a weird day. At least I hoped that was why she was crying. The part of me with low self esteem thought maybe she regretted letting me inside her. It was different seeing her this emotional. She was a strong, confident, sexy woman. I had known her very well for several years and had never once seen her cry. My wife had come over and rubbed her back to comfort her. Erin pulled her tear soaked face away from my shoulder and she apologized profusely for breaking down. Sharon gently touched her cheek and told her that everything was okay and it was okay to cry. Erin was still straddling me, but she turned to hug Sharon. I was watching the two of them, and still replaying the fuck session I had with Erin in the back of my mind, and starting to get turned on. I couldn’t help it. I got to touch her ass!

We had finally decided we had had enough of the hot tub and the girls went inside while I covered it. I looked across the snow covered yard and saw my brightly colored swimming trunks still laying out there, in stark contrast to the white around it. It had been an adventurous day. It was only Friday night, though, and we still had most of the weekend ahead of us. I wondered if tomorrow would be just as wild? I hoped for another chance to have sex with Erin. I wanted to go down on her. Taste her. I want to see her toy colection, maybe try something new. I wondered if the viagra could still work again tonight? I thought maybe I would try to start something up with my wife when we went to bed. I was still on a high from the crazy hot tub sex we had all just been through and I wasnt ready to call it a night just yet. I thought maybe if Sharon didn’t want to fuck, I may just jerk off in the shower. I wondered maybe if Erin would give me another one of John’s viagras tomorrow? There were so many thoughts running through my mind as I walked back into the cabin. My wife and Erin were laying on the couch, both in their robes. Their heads on opposite arms of the couch, their bare legs met in the middle, intertwined. They both looked like they were about to drift off to sleep. They weren’t trying to be sexy, but it was fucking hot. I was a lucky guy.

I decided to get a shower. The water ran while I looked through the cabinets for a towel. I set it on the sink as I stepped into the warm spray. I lathered and rinsed my hair and then rubbed soap all over my body. My penis was slick with soap as I stroked it clean, and I lingered on it for a minute, curious if the viagra would still work. I did indeed get hard in a matter of minutes. Might as well take advantage I thought as I replayed the days events in my mind and slowly stroked myself. I pictured Erin and Sharon both taking turns giving me a handjob. I thought about fucking my wifeafterward, getting her to orgasm while Erin listened just a few feet away. Then I thought about Erin lowering her naked body onto my hard cock…riding herself to orgasm in the hot tub. I thought about the two of them, both having played with themselves, making themselves orgasm in the hot tub– my wife doing it as she watched me fuck another woman. I started to cum at that thought. It still felt amazing even after all the orgasms I had already had that day. I sprayed my cum on the shower floor, watching it wash down the drain. I toweled myself off, wrapped it around my waist and walked out into the living room, hoping to catch a glimpse of either of them naked. They were still in their robes, though, still on the couch and now they were sound asleep. Tiptoeing quietly into the kitchen, I downed a couple of glasses of water quickly, hoping to stave off a hangover. I set the glass in the dishwasher then I walked into our bedroom, dropped my towel and collapsed onto the bed, not even bothering to get under the covers. I was exhausted.

I was awakened several hours later, in the morning light by my wife’s giggling and her finger up my ass.



1 comment

  1. If you suggest we read the first part please add the link at the beginning. Sadly i am kind of limited on mobile

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