No Passionate Men on Earth part 2

Link to Part 1 –
Alice laughed as she peered over the edge of the railing at the street below. Andrew’s prize bottle of liquor smashed on the ground below. “He’s going to be more upset about that than anything that happened tonight” she thought as she walked back inside, closing the sliding door. Still shaking from the intense orgasm, she crawled in to bed in just her robe. It was an hour after she had dozed off when Drew came back. “Ali……Ali….you awake?” She heard him call out but ignored him, opting to stay quiet instead of deal with his garbage.

She awoke with his back pressed against hers. The sunlight coming in the window was blinding her and she got up, racing to the coffee pot. She knew morning sex was out of the question so caffeine was her best bet to wake up and at least appear happy throughout what would certainly be a long day. She opened the bakery box on the table to find a chocolate cake with “Bon Voyage, Ali!” written on it, Drew’s uninspired attempt to do something romantic. She grabbed a fork and was through half of the cake when he woke up.

“I see you got your dessert…..Look, Ali I don’t know what happened last night but I’m sorry.” She did feel bad. It wasn’t his fault that he was like this. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. She knew that she was asking a lot of him but if he could be excited about a new apartment building or seeing someone relatively famous, he could be excited about her. “I am sorry too, Drew.” She said half meaning it and half cursing herself for apologizing. They got ready in silence. She threw on her beige jumpsuit with her insignia while he dressed. Her dress and panties were still on the floor from the night before and she remembered how she wouldn’t be dressing like that in a while.

At the base, Drew kissed her goodbye in a way that made her pity him again. She waved goodbye as he left and she followed a group inside the large glass building. Taking orders just came naturally to Alice and she felt at home as she was ushered quickly through another set of doors to a small meeting room. As she sat down and opened her training manual, she noticed a very beautiful blonde woman chatting with two men from her department. The blonde was laughing and touching their arms as they spoke. When she walked away, Ali noticed both men observing her. She was told that she would be the first woman on a mission like this but there must have been a change of plans. The woman sits down in a chair in front of Alice and turned around to smile. “Name’s Melissa but everyone calls me Mel”

Alice noticed how amazing Mel looked right away and was awestruck. This woman wore her jumpsuit half open, exposing very large breasts. She had thick, red lips and beautiful eyes like a wolf. “Nice to meet you, Alice. I’m Mel…..I mean I’M Alice….” “Oh god, what was that?” she thought. Mel just smiled and turned back around. More people piled in to the room now and were talking over each other as they sat down. Alice kept an eye on Mel, envious at how confident she was for being able to talk to anyone , especially men. They were the only two women in the room and Mel was definitely getting more attention.

Alice watched the men around Mel fawn over her, laughing at anything she said and some even trying to flirt. It didn’t seem to phase the gorgeous blonde. She took it all in stride. Her focus turning to Alice. “What a bunch of geeks, huh?” “What?!” said Alice. The sound from the crowd was way too much. “I said WHAT A BUNCH OF GEEKS!” Mel shouted. Alice laughed and shook her head. Mel leaned forward “I BET NONE OF THESE GUYS COULD FUCK WORTH ANYTHING!” As she said this the group quieted and stood up. The commander had just walked in. Alice’s face turned beet red and she stifled a giggle. Mel winked at her as the Commander took the podium. “Let’s cut the chatter, you two.” His eyes were focused on the two women who had yet to stand. Alice did first and straightened her jumpsuit. Mel stood up and stared straight ahead, ignoring the comment.
The rest of the meeting went well. The group was moved from the room to their carriers. To Alice’s delight, she was on Mel’s carrier and she pushed through the group of men crowding her to sit down. Mel continued to smile and flirt while Alice looked on. “Don’t you get tired of this?” she asked.

“What? These guys? Harmless little boys. They will do anything if they think they can get anywhere with you. You got a nice face and a great body. You don’t use that too?”
Alice turned red again. No woman, especially one this beautiful had ever paid her such a high compliment. “I guess I didn’t think of it like that.”
“Well you should start, especially now. You will need a way to keep the inmates in line and there isn’t anything better for subduing a man than a woman.”
Alice laughed harder than she had intended to and Mel just gave her a look?
“You nervous, Alice?”
Alice knew a challenge when she heard one. Nervous or not, she wasn’t going to let it show. “Not exactly. I just don’t know what to expect and I am constantly on guard.”
“Look” said Mel, “The guys up there, they aren’t what we are told they are. Yeah, there are some crazy assholes making things hard for other people but X4 isn’t as bad as they make it out to be. My ex boyfriend, Jake is on a colony just like it and he did nothing except get a little rough with a woman he was seeing on the side. Jake is a dick for cheating on me but at least he knew how to fuck me.”
Alice blushed yet again and put her head down.

“Sorry” Mel laughs “I forget that I’m not very good with people.”
“It’s ok” Alice says. “I don’t mind. To be honest it is refreshing to hear someone say what I feel.” She turns red again at the admission.
“Ha, looks like we may hit it off, Alice. I”ll let you in on something. If I meet a guy up there like Jake, I am going to do everything I can to get something out of it. You should too.”

The thought of that was enough to make Alice get wet. It had crossed her mind as a fantasy only and here was a beautiful woman with the same desires looking to make it happen.

The landing is smooth and the groups are moved from the carriers to bunks. Alice isn’t surprised at all to see that she is with Melanie. It only makes sense. They unpack and talk a bit about their lives, Alice forgetting to mention Andrew. He hasn’t been on her mind all day. Melanie excuses herself and Alice hears the shower running. Her mind wanders to the image of Mel’s perfect body lathered and soaked. She has found other women attractive before and there were times that she has considered being with a woman, but nothing like this feeling. Mel walks out of the shower room in just a towel and smiles at Alice. “All your’s!”
The room is still steaming from Mel’s shower and the water quickly gets hot. That is one luxury she didn’t expect here. She disrobes and steps in to the small shower, sliding the door closed behind her. The hot water feels amazing on her aching muscles. Being tense and sitting all day takes its toll. She thinks of Mel again, about what she said about the men here, and her hand drops between her legs. She steps closer to the running stream of water and lets it spray between her legs. She bites her lip as the water rushes over her sensitive clit. Her breath quickens as she rubs her breasts and tries to push closer to the water. It’s not another person’s touch but this may be her biggest thrill for a while. Alice moans in pleasure as quietly as she can when she orgasms. She finishes the shower and puts on a towel.

In the bedroom, Mel is on her bunk with a magazine. Her towel that was wrapped around her is now on her head and she is completely naked.
Alice looks on in shock, taking in Melanie’s still wet body. “Oh! I…..I will let you change!”

Mel continues reading “Why?” She looks up at Alice and smiles. “God, Alice you really are nervous. They are tits! You have them too!” The embarrassed feeling coupled with Mel’s words stun Alice for a second and she realizes how that shower only made her want sex more.
“Look” says Mel “If it makes you uncomfortable, I will make it easier.” She hops off her bunk and walks towards Alice. Before Alice can say anything, Melanie grabs her towel. “See! Now we are both naked!”
Alice tries to cover herself but she admits it is half-hearted. Melanie steps closer,dropping the towel. “It’s just a body, Alice. We both have the same equipment and I think that if we are going to be roomies, we should get used to it.” Her face is close to Alice’s now and their breasts are touching slightly.”
“yeah…yeah I know….I just.”

Melanie’s hand comes up and inches Alice’s nipple. Alice gasps and a moan comes from somewhere inside of her.
“I had a feeling you’d say that.” says Mel and her mouth lowers to Alice’s hardening nipple. Her small tongue darts around as she sucks hard. Alice moans again and her eyes roll back. This is something that she has never felt before. Melanie’s knee spreads her legs apart slightly while she continues to mouth her breasts. Alice doesn’t expect to feel Mel’s delicate hand grab her between the legs roughly. The mix of pleasure and pain is too much and Alice screams in passion.

Melanie stops licking for a bit. “mmmmmmm , I like that. Can I make you do it again?” Her hand spanks Alice’s pussy again causing waves of excitement and lust. She screams again this time louder. Melanie has grabbed her now and is slowly pushing her to the lower bunk. Alice falls backwards, convulsing from the feeling and she feels her legs being pulled open. She goes to protest. For a minute, she forgot where she was and what was happening. “Please….I don’t…” She look down to see Mel’s smiling face between her legs.

“Don’t what? Like being played with or being hurt?” Her hand lightly spanks Alice’s pussy again causing her to spread her legs wider and moan. “Please!” Mel kisses Alice on her now swelling lips. Alice gasps and she moves her hips upward. “Please what?” says Mel and kisses her again, this time longer. Alice moans “mmmmmmm I’ve never been with…..I….”
Mel ignores her and places a hand on her inner thighs , keeping her legs spread. Melanie’s tongue is buried inside her now and she feels her front teeth scrape against her clit. Her body shakes again as she cums but Mel doesn’t stop, licking and sucking her as Alice continues to shake. Her hand reaches down to Mel’s wet hair and she grabs hard. Mel moans loud in to her pussy as she tongue fucks her. More and more orgasms rock Alice’s body as Mel toys with her. The final, crippling blast comes when Mel teases her asshole with the tip of her tongue. Panting and starry eyed, Alice can’t help but laugh. The feeling is intense and she shakes more.

“My turn!” says Mel and climbs on top of Alice, her legs spread right above Ali’s face. “Wait” she says “I don’t” Mel lowers herself on to Alice’s mouth and grind her hips. Slowly Alice licks what is given to her, hesitant at first but getting even wetter as she tastes Mel’s sweetness. She cranes her neck forward to get more as Mel grabs her hair. “Oh fuck yes! Keep going, Alice!” Hearing her name used like that makes her want it more and she sucks on the mound in her mouth, eager to take more. Her face is soaked from Melanie and she can’t breath but she feels the desire to take all that she can.
Melanie reaches back between Alice’s legs. “mmmmmm still wet. Did you like being spanked here?” Alice moans as she continues to lick. Melanie spanks her hard “I asked you a question!” Alice squals and a scream comes from her throat “mmmmm-hhmmmm” is her only reply. “Good girl! says Melanie as she grabs Alice’s hair. Mel is sceaming now as she grinds harder in to Alice’s mouth. Her legs shake as she cums hard. Melanie rolls off of Alice and lies down beside her, placing a hand on Alice’s stomach.

“I’m going to like being your roomie, Alice.”
