No Passionate Men in Earth part 1

–In the year 2080, in order to eliminate war and violent crime, new advancements in genetics allowed human aggression to be mostly eliminated. Though wars have stopped and crime is down, a mutation has occurred that overrides the genetic manipulation, giving way to powerful male specimens. Anger and aggression cannot be switched off. Several years of intensive therapy have proved to be worthless.

Human rights activists have banished the death penalty, even for these males and a new solution is created. Off world colonies are developed as institutions maintained completely by the inmates. Colony Alpha X4 is set up to house the most dangerous sexual assault criminals. With no guards, the weakest of the inmates are killed off quickly or used as slaves for the others. No female government personnel has been allowed onsite since inception until now.

Budget cuts have forced the government to start sending women to X4 for emergency repairs and maintenance. Alice is debriefed on the inmates and is being sent to the colony with a squadron of guards. The stories do not shock Alice. She have grown up hearing about these “abominations”. She accepts the position with dignity and excitement. The money is great but even more so, she will be near the men who have fascinated her for her entire life. The men of Earth, while nice, are not exactly interesting. Alice has dated and maybe been in love before but nothing that she would call passionate. Say what you will about the inmates of X4, they are at least interesting and have desires.—

Andrew fits in to the category of men you have dated and possibly loved. He is handsome, charming, and he works hard but he is hardly daring in the bedroom. For him sex is mechanical and rare. The night before the mission he takes you out to the nicest restaurant in the sector, a flashy place with not enough food for too much money and even more stuffed shirts in attendance.

Alice picks at her food. “No good?” says Andrew. “I always thought you liked this place. It certainly is worth the credits you pay, isn’t it” She continue staring at her plate, her mind on the mission and on later tonight.

“Drew……take me to the alley out back and fuck me hard.”

“huh?” he replies, paying more attention to the group of well off patrons who just walked in the door. “I think that’s Ronald Feighton. He runs the news broadcasts for Chanel 12. Oh, I’m sorry, Ali. We’re you saying something?

“Forget it.” she sighs and picks at her plate more.

The cab ride home is even more silent than dinner as Alice runs closes her eyes and squeezes her legs together, trying to get some stimulation as her hand rests on Andrew’s leg.

“Look, Ali. They are putting up a new apartment complex. That will be a nice place to move in to when you get back. They have three pools and a theater, not to mention the dining. ”

Alice ignores his commentary and moves her hand to the warm spot between his legs, teasing him. “God, I want this so bad.” she coos as she kisses his ear. “please!”

Andrew laughs and pushes her hand away. “What’s with you tonight? You going to miss me when I am gone, kitten? ”

Alice hated when he used that word for her but this was her last chance for a fuck for months. “mmmm I’ll be your kitten tonight if you want and you can do anything to me.” Her hand cups him now and she squeezes.

“I have something planned for tonight, don’t worry.” He barely notices her hand as he looks out the window. Alice pouts in the rain as Andrew talks up the driver and pays. He leads her inside his apartment and she does notice the effort that he put in to the evening. rose petals and flowers are everywhere as he hold her hand. “I sure am going to miss you, Ali.” He kisses her on the cheek and walks to the bedroom to change.

Her mind is exploding now and she can barely take the sweet but distant man any more. As he is talking and sliding off his dress pants, she walks in to the room, dropping to her knees in front of him. “Please, Drew! I need your cock in my mouth.” Her hands reach in to his shorts and pulls him free. He isn’t the biggest she has seen or the thickest but tonight it is her’s. She strokes him as she looks in to his eyes, hers full of lust and his in shock. He does grow in her hand as she plays with him and she takes what she can in her mouth greedily . He feels him hesitate and pulls her mouth free. “Damn it, Drew fuck my mouth!” She grabs one of his hands and puts it in her hair while she bobs her head faster, taking all she can. His hand clenches for a brief moment as he moans. That one instant is enough for Alice to feel herself getting wetter.

Andrew stops and pulls away as she moans and gasps. “What are you doing, Ali??? What’s gotten in to you?” She gets to her feet and quickly lowers her dress then slides her thin panties down. She is already touching herself as she backs in to Drew, grabbing his hands and making them squeeze her breasts. Her body quivers as the rough hands dig in to her and she grinds her ass in to his still hard cock. “mmmmm Drew, like this grab me and make me your’s all night.”

Drew squeezes slightly and awkwardly pushes in to her. “I… this?”

She is grinding harder now as she grabs between his legs, sliding him inside of her. “yes, oh fuck me Drew. I need you so bad right now!”

His hands take her hips and he moves slowly back and forth. “ohhh….Oh Ali….I’m already going to…” She cuts him off “Please ! Keep going! Harder!!! Oh fuck, Drew I want you to smack my ass!”

“What?!” Drew stops and backs away. Alice collapses as he slides completely out of her. “Look, Ali. I don’t know what the problem is but I’m going to go grab dessert. Maybe when I get back, we can talk about it.” She doesn’t look at him as he dresses and leaves. She is still naked on the floor of his bedroom and cursing herself. “Way to go, jackass” she thinks to herself. She gets up and puts on her small robe from her part of his closet. Making her way to the bar, she picks up a glass and the bottle of aged whiskey that Drew keeps for show. “This is getting some use tonight” she smiles as she puts down the glass. Taking a swig, she feels the liquid burn her throat and warm her insides.

The night air surrounds her as she steps on to the balcony, looking out over the city. The sounds are almost relaxing now but Alice can’t help but think about what just happened and the knot in her stomach grows when she remembers the mission. She places the bottle on the railing and leans forward, the small robe exposing her ass. Without thinking, her hand reaches down between her legs. Her wet lips almost seem to grab her hand as she slowly rubs. With closes eyes she continues touching. In her mind, Drew comes back to the apartment to apologize. His way of making it all up to her is to use her body for his pleasure.

Small moans escape her throat as she slides two fingers inwards. her ass higher in the air now. One hand grabs the railing as she drops to her knees again, panting hard as she fucks herself, wishing it was someone else. She screams loud and feels the orgasm flood her body, her pussy spasming and clenching her fingers. Her eyes flutter open just as the bottle of whiskey falls 14 stories from the railing, crashing on the pavement below.

