Best Laid Plans


It had been nearly a month since Andrea and Chris last had sex. It wasn’t for lack of desire on either part either. Jobs and kids can both really screw with timing. But finally, with a fair amount of planning ahead, the coming weekend looked like it was starting to present opportunity. Both were off work, no pressing errands, and the kids were at Grandma and Grandpa’s for the weekend. Now Chris just had to make it the four days to the weekend.
Chris had been out of town on business twice in that month and between Andrea’s job and feeding the ravenous children and getting them down for bed, little time had been left for each other. They got to talk and kiss daily, but anything more active than a slap on the ass here or there was not in the schedule. Chris hated that their adult time had to be scheduled as he was the more spontaneous of the two, but he understood and accepted the necessity.

Andrea was a different story. She was more accepting of the limitations that their lives contained and found that the scheduling gave her something to look forward to. Made for some great anticipation and build up, but it also could really ruin her day when plans fell apart. This weekend was desperately needed though, and she would be damned if anything fell through.


Chris had just gotten home from work when dinner came out of the oven. Andrea was a fantastic cook in Chris’s opinion, but the kids usually reduced her gourmet talents to fish sticks and hamburgers. Tonight was chicken nuggets and french fries.

“Looks like I am just in time. What do the judges think Ms. Iron Chef?” Chris teased as he snatched up a nugget and took a bite.

“Well smartass, they just mugged me and took off with handfuls each so I assume this brand is a winner.” Andrea said as she slapped Chris’s ass. “So, any idea what to do this weekend?” She asked mischievously.

“Oh, I thought I’d go fishing with Jake and …” Chris started before he was forced to duck an oven mitted slap to the face.

“I will hurt you, you know.” Andrea threatened with her oven mitted fist. She then changed gears and began her sultry proposition, “I was thinking I would make my fabulous Chicken Parmigiana Saturday night and we could go out for some drinks afterwards and then come home and have a little fun.” she finished, mockingly twitching her eyebrows up and down.

“Mmm, Chicken Parmigiana, nice choice.” Chris said, intentionally ignoring the sexual innuendo she was laying on. He would accept that the opportunity had to be planned, but he drew the line at planning the evening’s extracurricular activities out. She knew she was going to get fucked, she didn’t need to know how. “What time are you dropping the kids off?”

Recognizing Chris’s stubbornness streak sticking up for his spontaneous streak, Andrea followed the change in subject. “I will drop them off at five. Don’t you have to meet up with your client Friday night?”

“Yea, I figured I’d take him out for a quick drink at the bar by the office. I should be home by seven at the latest.” Chris said as he craned his neck to look down the hall, “Uh oh, looks like they are out. Quick, gimme some more to feed them before I get trampled.”


Now while Chris was a big proponent of spontaneity, he knew a little forethought and preparation never hurt anyone. If he wanted to treat Andrea, he wouldn’t plan a massage followed by a candle lit bath that finished with acrobatic sex positions, he just prepared a bunch of options and required materials and let the event unfold naturally. Likewise, he was considering treating Andrea to just such a night on Friday now that he got his meeting with his client changed. He was going to hold off telling her though, let it be a surprise.

Andrea had just gotten off the phone with her mother who had just offered to pick the kids up from school Friday. It would be nice to get the weekend started up a few hours earlier. She’d take a nice hot bath, get all dolled up, and then maybe go and meet Chris for dinner out after his meeting. She figured she would call him from the bar to tell him so that it could be a surprise.


After dinner, Chris took the kids outside while Andrea did some cleaning around the house. By the time the kids were herded back inside, they were exhausted and went to bed with very little fuss. Suddenly Chris and Andrea had a few hours alone before bed.

“Boy they went down like a dream, didn’t they?” Chris commented somewhat astonished.

“It’s all that fresh air. There must be some kind of sleep agent released in the evenings around our neighborhood.” Andrea joked, “But I’m not complaining.”

“Why? You got a hot date or something?” Chris flirted as he sauntered over to her.

“Woo! Not until you get in the shower and lose that stink!” Andrea said, pinching her nose.

“They made me chase them around the yard. You know how fast those little buggers are when they get out in the open.” Chris pouted all dejected.

“Just hurry up and jump through, my ass isn’t gonna wait all night. I have needs you know.” Andrea said as she playfully turned her ass into the slapping that Chris gave it.

Chris hurried into the bathroom and started tossing off his clothes. This was exactly the kind of spontaneous adult time that he loved. It was a rare treat for it to work out like this and he was bound and determined to take the opportunity to give his wife the ravishing that he loved to give her. It turned him on to see her turned on. His pleasure was directly related to hers.

Andrea quickly changed into that slutty little blue number that Chris loved. He got to see it so rarely, she figured she would treat him to a nice teasing show before the main event. Chris was always pushing how much teasing and foreplay and pleasure that she could take. It was high time she pushed back she thought as she arranged herself on the bed in a seductive pose.

Chris emerged from the bathroom like he was shot out of a cannon, still steaming hot and naked from the shower. He noticed the sexy blue lingerie he got her and smiled. “Oh babe, you shouldn’t have.” but his pace never missed a beat and rather quickly he was on top of her grinding and passionately kissing her. “No really, you shouldn’t have.” He said when he finally came up for air and started to undo the hasps on the front of her corset. “More for me to get off before I can fuck you.”

“Down boy! Seriously your gonna rip it …” Andrea started as she tried to recover from the blitz she was now experiencing.

“Eh, fuck it, I’ll buy you another one.” Chris said impatiently as he tore the corset open, spilling Andrea’s breasts out and latching on to a nipple as his hands began to massage her tits. It wasn’t so much aggressive as it was something akin to desperation. Whatever it was, it got Andrea wet instantly and she grabbed the back of his head and pressed it into her chest.

“Fuck that feels good, baby.” she practically whimpered as his tongue encircled her rock hard nipple in his mouth. Speaking of rock hard, she thought to herself as she reached down and took a hold of his cock. She could almost feel the skip in his pulse when she said, “But I want this inside me now.”

And that’s when the power went out. Followed very shortly by the kids waking up upset from the sudden loss of nightlights and background noise. They would find out the next day that a transformer blew in a subdivision nearby and knocked out the power to half the neighborhood.


Fate’s cock blocking efforts Wednesday night only served to inspire Andrea to finalize her plans for the coming weekend. She was going to fuck her husband silly at least once each both Friday and Saturday night. Her plan was to get off work Friday, unwind a bit in the tub, and then get ready to head out to the bar by Chris’s work at about 6. She figured from Chris saying he would be home around 7 that that should put her showing up just about the time he’d be leaving. Then they would head out to the sandwich shop Chris liked so much by his work, eat, and then head home for a movie in and some hot, steamy sex.

Saturday, they would hang around the house working on some projects that needed to get done until she needed to start working on dinner. After her world class Chicken Parmigiana, they would get ready with a fair amount of foreplay, and walk over to the pub a few blocks away. It was a nice little bar and grill that usually had live music on Saturdays and easily accessible without driving or taking a cab. After the bar, they would stumble their asses home, potentially putting on few public displays of affection. Once they were safely behind closed doors she intended to ride him like a porn star.

Chris found that when his wife had built up sexual tension the key to releasing the pent up sex-crazed goddess inside was to flood her sensually with aphrodisiac scents and flavors, intimate caresses, and slow, deep rhythms. It was teasing without tipping her over the brink too quickly. So Chris intended to get off work and surprise Andrea at home and pander to her senses until she was nearly cumming at his breath on her neck. Everything after that would be instinct and raw desire. After all, she had probably already planned out a nice evening for Saturday night and it would be fantastic to watch her cum twice this weekend.


Both Chris and Andrea experienced an extremely slow passing workday in anticipation of their evening plans. To add to their building horniness, they flirted and played over texts and calls most of the afternoon. By the time Andrea got home from work, she was so worked up that “unwinding” wasn’t all she did in the tub.

She desperately wanted to call Chris at work and explain to him in vivid detail how her fingers were currently massaging her clit and occasionally dipping into her pussy. She, let alone he, would have loved to bring herself to orgasm while he was on the phone with her at work. Imagining him having to hide the pitched tent in his slacks gave her a giggle. But she wanted to keep it a surprise, so she let herself get lost in her pleasure. After a good soak, she got herself all fixed up, and headed out to the bar.

Chris finished up at work, so excited for the evening and weekend. He left work a little early, but he lost some of that time by stopping to pick up some fresh fruits for his aphrodisiac flavors. He was so preoccupied with thoughts of Andrea’s tits bouncing in his face and the taste of her pussy when she came that he completely missed Andrea’s car passing him going the other way.

Just about the time that Chris was pulling into the drive at home, Andrea called from the bar parking lot. “Hey babe, how’s your meeting? Are you done yet?”

“Um, why do you ask?” Chris said as he suspiciously checked the windows on the house to see if Andrea could see him pulling in.

“I was just wondering if you were done schmoozing for work and wanted to schmooze for a little ass.” She answered wickedly.


“I’m trying to tell you that I’m outside the bar right now, genius. I was thinking that once you’re done with your meeting we could grab a drink and then swing by the sandwich shop on the way home.” Andrea said as she noticed Chris’s muffled chuckling over the phone. “What’s so funny?”

“I’m at home.”

“What?! I thought you said you had your meeting tonight? You said you wouldn’t be home till seven!” Andrea exclaimed, starting to get a sinking sensation that her plans for the evening had just been scattered in the wind.

“Well, it seems we both wanted to surprise each other only to end up surprising each other.” Chris joked. “I got out of my meeting so I could get home early and treat my lovely wife to some sensory overload. But tell you what, a sandwich sounds great and this fruit will keep, so I will come to you and then this evening, you can cum to me.” He said devilishly.

“Ok. That sounds like a fair deal.” She said, obviously warming up to the idea of partially salvaged plans. “I’ll wait for you here at the bar.”

After they hung up, Chris changed clothes quickly and then got back in the car. Andrea headed into the bar, and decided to wait up at the bar near the door. She ordered a Captain and Diet Coke. As she sat at the bar, sipped her drink, and fiddled with her phone, she was slowly becoming aware of guy just down the bar from her that could not take his eyes off her. When she fully looked up and made eye contact, making it obvious that he had been caught, the man got up and walked over to her.

“Excuse me miss, but I couldn’t help but notice you sitting alone over here, and wondered if I could offer you my company.” The man said politely. She gave him a once over and thought: What the hell, I got nothing better to do while I wait.

“If you want.” No sense making it easy on him, she did so enjoy it when men flirted with her, and even more so when they struggled with it. “So what’s your name, stranger?” she said with all the indifference in the world.

“Joshua. And you?” he responded in a confident, non pushy way that she was actually kind of finding sexy at the moment.

“Hello Joshua, I am Andrea.” she replied holding out her left hand. Immediately upon seeing her wedding rings, Joshua apologized.

“Oh, I am terribly sorry Andrea. I didn’t see the ring until just now. If you would like, I can go back to my old seat at the bar and leave you alone.”

“Why? A little flirting never hurt anyone, and I get the feeling you hadn’t even gotten started yet. And I am waiting for my husband to meet me here, so I wouldn’t mind a little conversation. So, go ahead and sit down.”

“If you’re sure I’m not bothering you,” Joshua said as he took the seat next to Andrea, “I’d love to keep you company while you wait.” When he smiled, Andrea couldn’t help but notice that he was really quite handsome. He had a strong face, yet softened by a clean shaven jaw. He had a well manicured mustache, thin and straight, just as long as his lip line. His eyes were a piercing ice blue color and alive with intensity. “So, this husband of yours, does he know just how lucky he is?”

“Oh I think he has a pretty fair idea. So what about you? Anyone back home that would be livid with you to see you now?” Andrea asked only half jokingly.

“Not anymore there isn’t. Not that there really ever was to begin with.” Joshua said with an edge of bitterness. “I am divorced. And not the friendly kind either.”

“Yikes, now don’t I feel like a jackass.”

“You shouldn’t cause you couldn’t have known.” Joshua said shaking off his sourness with a bit of embarrassment, “Anyways, no I am single, and plan to remain that way for at least a good while still. I am in a bit of exploratory phase of my life. I want to experience new adventures, meet new people, you know, have fun.”

“Well, you look like you’re still young enough for all that to still be a possibility.” she said, “Take the time to enjoy all that, then you can start to settle down.”

Joshua was indeed true to his word and kept Andrea company until Chris got to the bar. Chris noticed, as he approached unseen, how attentive his wife was to this stranger at the bar. Andrea had always been a flirt, it was something that he loved about her, but watching her with this complete stranger was kind of a turn on. The guy was obviously into her, barely able to look away from her and stealing glances at her ample cleavage whenever she looked away. And Andrea was pulling out all her standard flirts too, the slight biting of her lower lip, the posture that put her breasts out on display, even the casual touching during their conversation.

Chris was half tempted to sit and watch them for a minute, but thought better of it. “Hey babe, who’s your friend?” he said as he approached. If either of them were startled, they did not show it.

“Chris this is Josh, he’s an architect here on business from California. He was kind enough to keep me company until you got here. Josh this is my husband Chris.”

“Please, your wife is too kind. It was my pleasure to keep her company.” Josh said as he shook Chris’s hand. “She’s a real keeper, this one, if you don’t mind me saying.”

“Not at all, I agree completely.” Chris smiled, “And I thank you for keeping her entertained. Let me buy you a drink and we can all chat a bit more.”

The three sat and talked for another hour and a few more drinks before deciding to all walk over to the sandwich shop and get some food. Chris and Josh hit it off like old high school buddies and Andrea noticed the sly looks she got from Chris when she continued her naturally flirty engagement with Josh. He had told her before that he found it sexy to see her flirt with other men and honestly, it was kinda sexy for her right now too. Two handsome men, focused on her when she spoke and stealing glances at her when they thought she wasn’t looking.

Over the course of the conversation, it became evident that Josh hadn’t gotten out much during his stay so far and had only wandered as far from his hotel across the street to the bar they originally met in. Chris, working in this area, knew the treasure trove of culture this downtown area was and gave Josh a rundown of places to go and things to see. Once dinner was over and they were heading back to the bar, Chris took it a step further and suggested that they spend the evening on the town, showing Josh around. All agreed and their adventure began.

They went from bar to bar, stopped for live shows here and there, and just walked around town. Josh and Chris took turns buying the drinks for everyone and despite the fact that Andrea knew her and Chris shared a bank account, she still felt like a diva with two hot guys buying her drinks. Eventually, she started to play the part, taking a man in each arm, getting a bit more flirtatious, and getting less inhibited by the minute. With Chris, her touches and flirts had become outright raunchy and brazen. Chris was loving every minute of it and Andrea knew it. But then she mixed up who was on each side of her and reached over and full on grabbed Josh’s crotch as the punch line to some raunchy joke. And he was as hard as a rock. Andrea realized what she had done, raised her head up to look Josh in the eyes, pulled her hand back, and apologized. “Oops, sorry Josh. Thought that hard cock of yours was my hubby’s” she said, completely intoxicated.

“Hey, no problem, happens all the time.” Josh joked.

“No, no, no.” Chris said as he grabbed Josh’s hand and placed it on Andrea’s breast, “Fair is fair.” And before the awkward tension could build, Josh double squeezed her tit and said: “Honk, honk.” They all burst out laughing, stumbling around in their intoxication.

“I’m tired of walking.” Andrea complained, “Let’s walk over to the park find a place to sit down.” They all agreed and purchased a couple of six packs from a liquor store downtown to take with them. They found a nice picnic table overlooking a brook and sat down to their drinks and conversation.

Somehow the conversation turned to kissing and who was the better kisser. Naturally, a contest was proposed.
“Alright, Andrea you kiss each of us and tell us which one is better.” Chris slurred mischievously.

“Hey, that’s not fair, she’s biased!” Josh said.

And right then, Andrea grabbed Josh by his collar like she was going to hit him, and pulled him in for a deep, long kiss. Josh’s hands instinctively went to the back of her head and her ass and he pressed her into him even harder. Chris was so turned on by this as he sat there and watched that his cock was starting to hurt as it strained against his jeans. After what seemed like ages to all three of them, Josh and Andrea separated from their embrace. Then all hell broke loose.

Chris had Andrea up on the top of the picnic table and her blouse over her head before she fully realized that the kiss was done. They kissed deeply and passionately as Chris worked her bra off, revealing her tits to Josh. He was mesmerized. Both at the magnificent breasts and the raw carnal passion that was unfolding on the picnic table quite literally in front of his nose. Chris was going to take his wife right here in front of him in a public park. Josh started rubbing the front of his pants as he watched Andrea’s tits bounce and jiggle as Chris worked her panties off under her skirt.

Chris immediately dropped to tongue fuck his wife. Somewhere in their minds, they were both aware that they had an audience, but right now, in this minute all either could think of was fucking the other. Andrea leaned back on her elbows and opened her legs to allow Chris more room to work her clit and pussy with his mouth. Andrea was thinking to herself how convenient a position the table allowed for this and registered movement beside her. She turned, eyes half lidded and occasionally rolling back in her head, to see Josh staring at them and pulling on his cock with his pants around his ankles. She smiled and winked at him and turned back to Chris and began pulling him away from his meal to fuck her in front of Josh.

If Chris hadn’t been half sauced up and the other half drunk with lust, he might have marveled at how this scene was playing out. He’d always been bordering on the exhibitionist side, but Andrea was usually a bit more conservative when it came to nudity and people other than himself or doctors. He had toyed with the idea of having someone watch before, but thought that she would never go for it. But here she was, skirt hiked up to her midrift, tits open to the air, and Josh stroking himself just three feet away. It got him so hot that he HAD to fuck her, so he pushed her on her back, dropped his jeans, and slid into her.

Andrea was experiencing one of those sensory overload moments that Chris loved to give her. Occasionally, when she was able to obstain from participating, she enjoyed watching Chris pleasure himself. There was something about a man literally exposing his desire and lust in front of her, and Josh’s display was even more so since she barely knew him. Add to that, Chris’s cock was now filling her up in quick, hard thrusts. “Oh Chris, don’t stop. Fuck me. Keep fucking me.” It was all she could do to say even that.

Chris took the verbal cue to start his own banter, but he decided to push what was apparently fueling both of their lusts at the moment. “Look at that cock. He wants you. He wants to FUCK” an especially hard thrust there, “you. He wants to see…” He trailed off as he noticed Josh was craning to see now that he had leaned over her to deliver his dirty talk in her ear. He lifted himself back up, “Oops, sorry Josh, can you see everything now?”

“Oh god yes. She is absolutely amazing.” Josh managed. He sounded a little out of breath.

Chris turned his attention back to his wife, “See that babe? You got him all hot and bothered. Why don’t you give him another kiss.”

Andrea, too absorbed in the fucking to make words, grabbed ahold of Josh’s shirt and pulled him down to her lips. Josh was a really good kisser. Chris was good, but he prided himself on kissing other areas of her body. She kissed him deeply and felt his hands cup around her face. Almost instinctively, she grabbed one of his hands and moved it to her breast. It felt so warm on her skin that she realized it was the hand he had been masturbating with. As the kiss broke apart, her eyes flicked up to Chris and she could see both the permission and request in his eyes. She slowly ran her hand down Josh’s side with a flirty little “Looks like you could use an extra hand” and found his still hard cock and began to stroke it.

“That’s it, babe. Show Josh what you can do with a cock in your hands.” Chris purred. He was thoroughly immersed in this now. He was now pushing himself with thoughts of watching Josh fuck his wife. “Get it up there, Josh. Right in her face. See if she wants a taste.”

Josh stepped around to the head of the table, right above Andrea’s head. She was still stroking him, eyes locked on that hard cock, and she realized that she did want to taste him. She wasn’t normally as orally driven as Chris, she considered it more of a foreplay thing than anything else, but this was different. Her pussy was currently being sated by Chris’s cock, but this one in her hand was hers to pleasure. And it wasn’t Chris’s. It wasn’t better or bigger, well maybe a little bigger now that she had this close of a look at it, but it wasn’t Chris’s and Chris WANTED her to suck it. She didn’t give it a second thought, she craned her head back and pulled Josh into her mouth.

Warm. Thrust. Slight gagging. Thrust. Josh’s balls brushed her nose. Thrust. Chris saying something dirty between his thrusts. Thrust. Josh might have said something about cumming. Thrust. Blinding pleasure as her own orgasm spiked. Josh withdrew and her senses started to come back to her as her orgasm tapered off.

“I’m going to cum.” Josh whispered as he started beating off rapidly.

“Shoot it on her tits.” Chris growled as he started to fuck her furiously.

Andrea again started to head toward climax from Chris’s rapid, powerful thrusts. But just before she got there she heard Josh start to moan and felt the first, hot spurt coat her nipple. She opened her eyes just in time to see Chris’s eyes start to roll back and a second spurt of cum shoot out and land right between her now violently bouncing tits. And then she felt the same, hot spurts filling her up from Chris as she too began to orgasm. In the heat of the moment, she once again grabbed Josh’s cock and guided it into her mouth, tasting the salty remnants of his orgasm.

After everyone’s worlds stopped spinning, and most of the night’s beverages began to wear off, an awkward silence started to form. But before it could take hold, Chris stepped in to save the day with a cheery ‘high five’, “That, Josh, was a nice shot.” pointing to the near perfectly dead on spot of cum on Andrea’s left nipple. Josh recovered quickly with: “Well I’d agree … but I was aiming for the right.”

After everyone was cleaned up and dressed, goodbyes were said, including a kiss Andrea gave Josh, and they parted ways. Josh headed back to the hotel, and Andrea and Chris headed back to their cars that had been left at the bar.

“Well, that should probably rate pretty high on your ‘spontatio-meter'” Andrea said. “Hell, that may have just sold me completely on ‘your way'”

“That was amazing. You rocked it like a porn star, babe.” Chris said gleefully. Then he slyly eyed her and asked, “You making enough chicken for leftovers tomorrow?”

“Uh, just my normal recipe, so yes. Why?”

“Well, Josh gave me his number. Want a dinner guest tomorrow?” Chris asked almost pleadingly.


1 comment

  1. So I did write a follow up to this, but I am not sure if any readers here would be interested as it is part of a “genre-jumping” project I am playing around with. Here is a link to it: [Insufficient resolution]( over on /r/Nosleep. Warning: Graphic Violence and horror. If you are unfamiliar with /r/Nosleep, you may want to read the subreddit rules before checking it out.

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