A Chance pt. 2 [ff]

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Dad bowed his head and clasped his bony hands over his plate. Then he began the lengthy dinner prayer that had been a fixture of Kimmy’s family life for as long as she could remember. Blessing the food, the family, asking that the Lord’s will be done.

But Kimmy hadn’t done the Lord’s will. Lizette had taunted and teased until she had given in. Willingly given in. Done things she ought to have saved to enjoy with her husband after their blessed union.

Instead she’d given her sinful desires full reign. Lizette had brought up the passion that had remained unstated between them for the last year. Unstated until an hour earlier when Kimmy reached a height of pleasure she’d never even imagined.

“Amen,” she echoed at the end of her father’s prayer. If he knew what she’d done he’d throw her out of the house as a reprobate.

So while she picked over the chicken breast, mushrooms, and potatoes her mother had prepared, Kimmy kept her expression neutral to avoid being suspected of hiding a secret. There were no secrets in this house. No locks on any doors or cabinets except to guard against the world. Her parents inspected the computers and phones she and her two brothers owned. In her house the devil had to hide from the unwavering gaze of Deacon McKimson.

“Why were you late today, Kim?” her father inquired as he cut his chicken breast.

“Someone on the track team was acting up and Coach Karen made us all do some extra running.” There. That was an excellent explanation that required no lies or further discussion. *Please ignore me.*

“Lizette?” he asked with his gray eyebrow cocked and his displeasure clearly evident on his face.

“Yes,” Kimmy admitted. The truth always worked best. He could smell lies a mile away. Time to change the subject. “I did well on my English report. The teacher liked that I picked a theologian instead of a pop star.”

That brought a smile to his face and he nodded. “The truth will out! I told you Charles Spurgeon wasn’t boring. He was one of the most dynamic preachers of his day and could hold the attention of thousands with his voice alone.”

“He sure was,” her older brother, Elias, agreed. He was going to college and kissed up regularly to preserve the limited freedom he had to date his girlfriend. Kimmy thought his girlfriend, Maria, was nice, but her family went to what her father referred to as a *clap-happy church* that met in an old shopping center. Her brother had begun attending with her family, much to her father’s annoyance.

“Did Maria read Spurgeon’s sermon on *Feeding Sheep or Amusing Goats* that I printed out for her?”

“Uh.” He stalled, clearly debating lying about it. “No.”

Dad just sighed and ate his potatoes in silence after that. Mom gave Elias an encouraging smile before returning to her meal. Her younger brother, Adam, kept his eyes on his plate.

Kimmy’s thoughts returned to Lizette. She still didn’t know how she’d be able to get away with a sleepover at Lizette’s house. In a fit of pique after she saw Lizette kissing Amanda, she’d told everyone her best friend was gay, including her parents. The real truth was that seeing that kiss had burned her up with jealousy. And that was the beginning of the end.

Her inital reaction was to push Lizette away and avoid her, but there was no escape from the mental image of that kiss. Dreams came next, waking her with lips still on fire from Lizette’s forbidden kisses. That sparked Kimmy to execute a campaign of torment and ridicule that lasted until today. Then everything fell apart when Lizette took off her clothes and Kimmy saw her naked.

The thought that Amanda had tasted those soft breasts drove all other thoughts from her head. Then when Lizette bared her slit and left her damp panties there on the bench, Kimmy couldn’t resist lifting the gusset herself. The scent was similar, but different from her own. The fact that her mouth watered at the idea of tasting Lizette where those panties had been was the final straw. Her feet took her to the shower, all the while her mind was denying she wanted to go.

“You are unusually quiet,” her father asked, his eyes probing the careful mask she wore. She realized her plate was empty and frowned at her lack of memory of eating.

“I’ve got homework I need to do,” she said at last. It was true. Chemistry was her weakest subject. She needed to spend time reviewing her class notes and hoped that some of the videos available online that might help. “May I be excused?”

“Certainly,” her father said. “Study hard.”

Once she was alone in her room, she stood with her back against the closed door. Her book bag was where she left it on her small desk. The double bed where Lizette had innocently slept at her side through the years was neatly made. The last time they had been in it together had been the night Lizette shared her secret. *I think I’m gay.*

A long year later, Kimmy wanted her there again but couldn’t muster the courage. She had a good reputation to maintain. A boyfriend named Tim. A church that stood against a culture that accepted being gay. And yet she was consumed by lust for her best friend.

Walking to her desk, she pulled out her phone and clicked the flashlight app that hid her secret messaging client. Her father would only ever find messages about school and activities when he looked because her real conversations were hidden. She saw a message waiting from Tim and felt her stomach clench.

“Going out Friday after the game?” he asked in the message.

“Can’t,” she responded in the app. Then she tossed the phone on the desk and dug out her chemistry book and notes.

Tim usually picked her up in the mornings on his way to school. She tried to imagine breaking up with him without explaining more than she had to. They’d been going out since before she and Lizette had their falling out and losing him meant riding the bus again. Lizette had an old clunker, but her father would forbid hitching a ride with her now.

Kimmy was staring at the open pages of her book and notes without seeing them. There was so much at stake, so much to lose. Her family, friends, boyfriend. All the cruel things she’d put Lizette through would happen to her. The stress was eating her up, making her head and stomach ache. Then her phone pinged and she picked it up.

“I just broke up with Amanda,” Lizette had written through the secret messaging app. “Can’t wait for Friday!”

“Fuck,” Kimmy muttered as the deeper implications of what had happened began to sink in. She glanced at the door to her room. The door she couldn’t lock. The door her father or mother would step through without knocking.

“Meet me at the playground,” Kimmy sent and pocketed her phone as she stood.

About halfway between their houses was a playground where they always used to meet and play when they were younger. Slipping down the stairs quietly, Kimmy went through the front door as quickly as she could. Setting a fast pace, she got out of sight of her house and continued to jog towards the park.

In her mind she rehearsed how to tell Lizette it couldn’t work. Just because kissing Tim felt like kissing her brother didn’t mean she was gay. What had happened between them was a mistake. A one-time thing that they would just have to move past. And while she did miss their friendship and wanted to be friends again, nothing else was an option.

Kimmy entered the park and spotted a shadowy Lizette sitting on the slide in the middle of the playground. It was fully dark out and the park appeared deserted as she approached. Before she could say a word, Lizette bounded up and kissed her.

The hot lips left Kimmy speechless. Her own arms betrayed her by running up Lizette’s back to hold on tighter. The heat between them exploded into motion. Lizette tugged Kimmy’s shirt out of her pants to run cold hands up her back. Kimmy found herself kissing back with a wild abandon, her own hands gripped Lizette’s hair to pull back, exposing the slender neck and jawline to her tongue.

Lizette pulled Kimmy back towards the slide, dragging her down to lie along the cold surface. That was when Kimmy realized Lizette was wearing a short cotton skirt over bare legs. Kissing more deeply, Kimmy slid her hand along Lizette’s smooth skin until it passed under the skirt. There were no panties to block cupping her round ass.

“Yes,” Lizette gasped into their kiss and parted her knees.

Kimmy squeezed closer to the hot center she’d dreamed about. But the dreams didn’t include Lizette’s shivers as Kimmy split the wet lips with her fingers. They didn’t include the undulating hips that pushed into her grasp. They didn’t include the mewling sound of need Lizette made or her face twisted in passion.

Rubbing against the swollen nub was as natural as breathing. Kimmy had stimulated herself the same way, keeping herself as quiet and still as she could in her bed at home. She circled with stiff fingers just above the slit, pressing deep to move the wet skin until Lizette held her breath.

Arching her back, Lizette hissed as she found her release. Kimmy kissed her face while she moved her fingers up and down in time with the rocking motion of Lizette’s hips, slowing as they relaxed against the slide.

“Holy shit,” Lizette murmured. “If it’s that good now…”

Kimmy was so horny for her own release that all her previous thoughts had fled. When Lizette pushed Kimmy over on her back, she felt cold fingers tugging the button of her jeans. It only took a few seconds for those fingers to warm their way inside her panties. The kissing, the rubbing, the passion, it all boiled inside her until nothing was left but a scream of release.

Lizette stifled the escaping sound with her mouth, eating that scream like she was starving. Bucking her hips against the first fingers inside her body other than her own, Kimmy rode out the beautiful, powerful orgasm her friend had helped her find. The empty ache that followed forced her to open her eyes. Lizette was tasting her fingers while meeting Kimmy’s gaze.

“Oh,” Kimmy gasped. The sight of that pink tongue licking slick fingers made her shiver.

“On Friday night I’m going to taste you. No quickies like this. You’re gonna have to beg me to let you cum.”

Friday night. She had to say something about Friday night, but couldn’t remember it anymore. Lizette had stolen all her thoughts away and Kimmy couldn’t make herself care in the afterglow and soft kisses.

The ringing of her cell phone broke the spell, making everything come rushing back when she saw Tim’s name on the screen. Lizette saw it as well and leaned back to let her go.

“Hey,” Kimmy said when she accepted the call. Lizette had a blank expression as she watched Kimmy stand up.

“So why can’t we go out on Friday?” Tim asked. He had an amused swagger in his tone.

He was smart, played on the soccer team, and went to the same church as her family, so his dating expectations were similar to hers. Someone was about to get hurt and Kimmy was going to have to do it. She took a deep breath and met Lizette’s eyes.

“I didn’t want to do this over the phone,” she said as her chin wavered. Lizette’s eyebrows rose in surprise.

“What are you talking about?” Tim’s tone was suddenly serious.

“My feelings about our relationship have changed.” Kimmy blinked back tears and swallowed past the lump in her throat. “I think we should just be friends.”

“Shit.” She could hear Tim moving around on his bed. “You’re dumping me?”

Kimmy didn’t want to use that term, but it was the truth. “Yes.”

“Well, it’s not like you were ever gonna put out anyway.”

The dismissive laugh that followed shocked her as much as his words. “What?”

“I admit, everyone knowing we were dating was good cover, but I’ll be going to college next year. Thanks for saving me the trouble of dumping you. Hey, now Nicole and I can go out in public without worrying about you finding out!”

His cutting remark came with a derisive laugh. Kimmy smashed the phone with her shaking finger until she managed to hit the button and drop the call. “Oh my God! He’s been fucking Nicole Goodridge?”

“Yeah,” Lizette whispered and looked away.

“You knew?” Kimmy shouted. “And you didn’t tell me?”

“Would you have believed me? We haven’t exactly been close this year,” Lizette said with a shrug.

Kimmy covered her open mouth with her hand. “I’m such an idiot.”

“No,” Lizette said as she rose to put a comforting arm around her shoulders. “But you are my friend. That’s why I broke up with Amanda. Tim may be a cheater, but I’m not.”

“I’m scared,” Kimmy whispered as her friend pulled her into a tight hug. It felt like the world was crumbling down around her. “This is going too fast. Too far.”

“It gets better.” Lizette kissed her hair. “I promise.”


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Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/44jesz/a_chance_pt_2_ff


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