Based on a True Lunch [FF] [Les] [exh] [oral]

Sarah spotted Jennifer from across the street, and waved hello. Jennifer waited for Sarah to cross at the light, and they went in to the sandwich shop together. Both women stayed busy with family, so enjoyed grabbing lunch to catch up when their schedules allowed.

Sitting to eat, the women caught up, but chit chat could not distract Sarah from the more deviant thoughts running through her mind. Finishing their lunches, Sarah mentioned her parking meter expiring. Without discussion, Jennifer walked back to Sarah’s minivan, parked across the street.

“So… should I feed more quarters in the meter…?” Sarah asked. She had parked in a spot not directly next to the building, though on the street, hoping Jennifer would come back with her. “Sure, if you want,” Jennifer replied. Sarah worried that she was being too subtle, and followed up asking, “Want to make out a bit?” Even as she said it, Sarah simultaneously grinned and cringed from how awkward she was being. Jennifer indicated that it sounded like a good plan, though, so Sarah shoved quarters into the meter. The only thing worse than being an adult caught in public would be being an adult caught in public, and given a parking ticket. They climbed in the middle row of the minivan.

One of the wonderful benefits of being with another woman who was also a mom meant that Sarah did not feel too embarrassed by the random small tennis shoe or the car seat taking up a space. She leaned forward toward the driver seat to turn the engine over, and lock the doors. At least they would get a warning if a police officer spotted them.

Blessing her darkened windows and pretending to not notice the handful of people passing by along the sidewalk, Sarah smiled at Jennifer. Jenn was beautiful; soft lips, silky black hair, and stunning eyes. Sarah sat down next to Jenn and went in to kiss her. Their lips danced, tongues moving against each other, hands finding the backs of heads, fingers wrapping through their hair. Sarah took her long hair out of her ponytail, to give Jennifer better access to pull. When Jennifer would pull Sarah back from a kiss, tugging at her hair, Sarah would let out satisfied, hungry little noises, as if to say, “Please ma’am, may I have another?” As their mouths still explored each other’s, and necks, and ears, their hands drifted down to soft breasts. Rubbing and squeezing, seeking nipples through shirts and bras. Sarah pulled back, and took her shirt off, to give Jennifer better access. Pulling Sarah’s bra down, Jennifer brought her mouth down to Sarah’s right breast and nipple. Licking and sucking, she pulled Sarah’s nipple into her mouth, teasing it with her teeth. Sarah moaned, and pulled Jennifer’s head against her. Sarah could feel the heat radiating off her own pussy, through her jeans. Instinct wanted her to pull herself onto Jennifer’s lap, and rub herself against Jenn’s knee until she had soaked them both with her own cum, but she resisted. She grabbed Jennifer’s hair in a fist, and pulled her up for another kiss, before taking her turn at suckling.

Lifting Jennifer’s shirt, Sarah reached into Jenn’s bra to free her breast. A beautiful little cross bar pierced the nipple. “You are so lovely,” Sarah breathed, before bringing her mouth to worship Jennifer’s breast. Sarah listened eagerly, hungrily to the sounds Jennifer made, to check in and make sure she wasn’t being too rough. She felt her tongue stud click against Jennifer’s piercing, and it drove a little bolt of electric desire through her. Finally, Jennifer pulled Sarah back, to taste Sarah’s other breast, to spread the love fairly. As she sucked on Sarah, Sarah kissed what she could reach; Jennifer’s temple, cheek, ear. Sarah needed to taste more. Pulling Jennifer back up, Sarah began on Jennifer’s neck, nibbling, biting, licking, sucking. Jennifer was making happy noises of desire. Sarah began to stroke at Jennifer through her jeans. She could feel how wet and ready Jennifer was. Sarah couldn’t wait any longer. She begged Jennifer, “I want to taste you.”

Jennifer struggled briefly in the confines of the minivan to shed her jeans and underwear. Sarah wasted no time, diving straight into Jennifer’s lap. It had been awhile, but Jennifer tasted as good as Sarah remembered. Sarah kissed Jennifer, rubbing her; Sarah spread Jennifer’s lips with her tongue, lapping up Jennifer’s sweet wetness. It was like honey. Sarah worked to find a good angle, listening to Jennifer’s breath quicken to know when she had found the right one. Jennifer’s voice was soft and high-pitched, as she squeaked in pleasure. Sarah felt Jennifer start to quake under her lips and tongue. Sarah felt Jennifer relax, and so Sarah continued working on Jennifer’s sweet cunt. Pushing her tongue against Jennifer, she worked it flat, lapping firmly, nose pressed against Jennifer, so Jennifer filled all of Sarah’s sense. Sarah felt Jennifer’s thighs begin to tighten again, and heard her whisper, “don’t… stop.” Sarah obliged, continuing to eat Jennifer until she felt her trembling under her. A few more licks, Sarah placed kisses on Jennifer’s thighs and came up for air, smiling. Jennifer pulled her in for another kiss, tasting herself on Sarah’s lips and tongue. “Okay, now you,” Jennifer said to Sarah. “Not this time; I need to go pick up my kids from school. We should have lunch again soon.” The women dressed, shared a few more kisses, and then went their separate ways, trying to not meet the eyes of the men sitting on the bench several yards away, staring at the pair emerging from the backseat of the minivan like guilty teenagers.



  1. This is the best story that has ever existed on the Internet! ??

    My husband was holding his breath all the way until the end to see if you mentioned the same two old guys on the bench!

    We need to get a part two for this written pretty quickly…

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