A Chance [ff]

That bitch was still in the lead. Her hips swayed as she ran like a deer over the grass covered trail that led back to the school and the dreaded locker room. No matter how hard Lizette pushed herself, she couldn’t catch up to Kimmy.

“Fuck,” Lizette muttered when her foot hit a dip in the grass and she fumbled her pace.

Kimmy took that moment to sprint the last hundred yards or so, her hair flying as she tucked into herself. Her long bronze legs ate up the distance and left Lizette hopelessly behind after the caught her balance.

Never one to give up, Lizette tore her eyes from the snug shorts that showed off boy short panty-lines and put her chin down. Focusing on the terrain at her feet, she stretched herself out and increased her pace.

She heard their footsteps beating a tattoo as she caught up, but Kimmy hit the locker room door first. Their running coach was leaning against the wall with a clipboard and her cell phone running a stopwatch. She pressed her thumb to stop it with a beep.

“Now maybe the two of you will stop all the drama and get along, or do we need to do this again tomorrow?” Coach Karen asked with a raised eyebrow.

Kimmy glared over her shoulder, panting without saying a word.

Lizette met her eyes, but couldn’t help glancing down at the sweat spreading down Kimmy’s back. No matter how much she hated Kimmy for the betrayal and catty remarks, the heat she always felt was still there coiling in her belly. How could she hate someone so much and want them at the same time?

“Tomorrow it is,” Coach Karen sighed. “Hit the showers and go home. I’m sick of looking at the two of you.”

The coach was through the door, followed by the Kimmy. Lizette stopped the door before it automatically slammed shut and followed them into the dim locker room. The coach headed to the office leaving her to follow Kimmy alone. The stench of old sweat mixed with the sweet musk that was unique to women. It made the heat Lizette feel uncoil into her panties.

Kimmy had been assigned a locker just a few down from where Lizette sat. Kimmy was moving with a jerking rage, tugging off her shoes while muttering to herself. Lizette kept her distance and began to untie her shoes.

“You fucking dyke,” Kimmy hissed. “I hate you so much.”

“Mutual.” Her true feelings were mixed, but she would be damned if she’d show any weakness to her former best friend.

“So why do you keep trying?” Kimmy asked as she turned on the wooden bench. “Just stop it. Stay away. Leave me alone.”

“I can’t help where Coach Karen puts me on the volley ball team.”

“I could feel you staring at my *ass* the entire game.” Her raised eyebrow dared Lizette to deny it. “And the whole run as well.”

“You could’ve slowed down and I’d’ve passed you,” Lizette whispered as she looked back to her feet to push down her socks.

“Like I’d deliberately lose to *you*,” Kimmy mocked. “Bitch.”

Lizette stood and pulled off her shirt and sports bra in one motion. She loved the way her breasts moved when they were freed. The marks left by the tight sports bra disappeared as she rubbed her palms around them. It was a casual motion, but Kimmy was still staring over with an unreadable expression.

“What?” Lizette asked, hoping by rubbing them some more she’d make Kimmy look away. She squeezed them hard, then pulled on her erect nipples until they ached.

“Stop doing that,” Kimmy whispered, but here eyes were glued to her breasts.

Running her hands down to the elastic band of her shorts, Lizette stood and pushed them down along with her cotton panties. Keeping her eyes on Kimmy’s face, Lizette knew the moment her soaked gusset appeared.

“Fuck you.”

“It was your boyshort panties,” Lizette whispered as she stepped out of her shorts. Pulling her panties out, she lifted them to her nose and drew in her own musky scent. “Watching you play and run. I could see the lines.”

“I told you I’m not interested!”

“Who are you trying to convince?” Lizette asked. The power shifted in the room as Kimmy licked her lips, staring at the thin strip of hair above Lizette’s wet lips. Lizette dangled her panties, drawing Kimmy’s eyes like a hypnotist.

“I’m gonna hit the shower,” Lizette said as she dropped the damp panties on the bench right next to Kimmy.

The cold cement shower room had two areas. One was an open shower area with eight stainless steel trees with shower heads like branches. The other was a number of small cement stalls for girls who might be more modest or on their periods. Lizette went into one of those stalls and drew the opaque plastic curtain across the opening.

The water was icy cold at first and made her nipples ache. She ran her fingers through her hair to wet it, turning slowly in the water until it warmed. The sensation of water trickling all over her body was welcome after the drama and exertion of the afternoon.

Lizette sighed as she recalled her early relationship with Kimmy. They had been neighbors, then friends, then best friends. They told each other everything. At least they had until Lizette shared one secret too many. *I think I’m gay.*

From that moment on, Kimmy began treating her like she was diseased. Lizette knew why. Kimmy’s father was a deacon at a crazy-strict church. She claimed Lizette was going to hell for feeling the way she did about women. Then when she caught Lizette kissing a girl, Kimmy cut her off entirely and outed her to everyone they knew. The timing might have been better, but Lizette loved the freedom of having no secrets.

A shadow settled over the shower curtain and dimmed the light. Lizette recognized the outline immediately. “What do you want now?”

When Kimmy didn’t answer, Lizette whipped open the curtain and left herself exposed in the steaming water. Kimmy was naked, quivering. One arm was over her breasts and her other hand covered her mons.

Lizette put her hands on her hips. “I’ve seen you naked a hundred times.”

Sleepovers. Swim lessons. Makeup practice. Gym. But never since the secret came out. “I don’t want you.”

Since they were the last two in the locker room, there were plenty of other stalls and the whole open shower area, yet there she stood. “Then why are you here?”

She flinched and whispered, “I don’t know.”

“It’s not a disease. You can’t catch *the gay* from being around me, Kimmy.”

“I’m not gay!” The shout echoed through the empty locker room, followed immediately by tears. “I’m *not*.”

“Ok, fine, but couldn’t we still be friends, then? You didn’t have to cut me off.” Lizette felt tears of her own mixing with the warm shower. “I missed you so much.”

Instead of answering, Kimmy rushed into the shower. Her hands flew around Lizette, clutching at her back and wet hair. Deep sobs broke out as their bodies pressed together when Lizette reached around to pull her closer.

“Shhh,” Lizette whispered to her friend crying against her neck. “It’s okay. It’ll all be okay. You’ll see.”

“No, it won’t!” She took a deep, shuddering breath when she pulled back. Lips an inch apart, they stared at each other. Lizette searched for some kind of answer in those scared eyes, but Kimmy provided it with a closed-eyed kiss.

Shocked to stillness, Lizette enjoyed the warm lips touching hers. Tears or spray soaked them both as Kimmy pushed a little deeper. Closing her eyes, Lizette floated away as her secret dreams opened like the flower against her mouth. A delicate tongue slipped in, tentative and unsure, but Lizette sucked it gently until Kimmy moaned.

Hands that had gripped now moved slowly over soft skin of Lizette’s back. Their slippery breasts moved with breath and passion to create a delicious friction. Lizette moved her hand around and up until she cupped Kimmy’s soft handful and raised a nipple with her stroking thumb.

“Oh damn,” Kimmy murmured.

Claiming her lips again, Lizette kept stroking and squeezing until Kimmy was limp against the wall. Then Lizette moved her hand down to stroke just above Kimmy’s plump mons.

The keening sound Kimmy made as Lizette slipped a single finger between her virgin lips grew louder as she stiffened. Pressing into a kiss, Lizette felt the vibrations of her cry against her lips. Only moving that single finger, she savored the sensation of teasing Kimmy’s arousal higher.

“I never let Tim touch me,” Kimmy whispered as she arched into Lizette’s hand.

“I know,” Lizette whispered as she sucked Kimmy’s earlobe between her lips. That act seemed to drive Kimmy into a frenzy.

“I’m gonna cum,” Kimmy breathed as she rocked her hips.

“I know.”

Holding Kimmy up with one arm, Lizette rubbed faster and sucked where her neck and collarbone met. When Kimmy froze, Lizette slipped her finger deeper inside while keeping the pressure on the swollen nub. Exploding into her palm, Kimmy clutched at Lizette’s back, digging her nails in deep.

The pain brought Lizette back to Kimmy’s lips, biting as the warm pulses sucked at her finger. When Kimmy relaxed, Lizette worried what she might do or say. She’d heard horror stories of friends who became lovers, only for the regret to tear them apart.

To preserve the connection between them, Lizette kissed her tenderly, trying to put as much reassurance into her touches as she could. Kimmy responded with lazy nips and sighs that were almost inaudible through the water falling around them.

“Is it always like that?” Kimmy asked at last.

“No,” Lizette admitted. “It’s usually much better.” Then she grinned at Kimmy’s quiet chuckle. “Laying down and taking our time. Finding out what feels best. I’ve been dreaming about doing that with you for so long.”

“I think I’d like to try that,” Kimmy said and kissed Lizette with more hunger than she’d showed before. The kisses slowed as Lizette pulled her to stand on her own again.

“Wanna stay over Friday night?” Lizette asked.

Kimmy looked away and avoided her eyes. “I…”

Lizette knew what the problem was. “No one has to know. Not until you’re ready. Even if that’s… never.”

She looked up at Lizette with equal parts pain and relief. “That’s not fair. I’ve been so ugly to you.”

“Forgiven. Just give this a chance.”

“A chance.” Kimmy took a breath like she was steeling her resolve.

“That’s all I ask.”


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Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/443cz2/a_chance_ff


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