Suggestions for fantasy/sci-fi/mythology/underworld/otherworldly lit or art erotica?

AAny suggestions for sci-fi/fantasy erotica ala Brides of the Kindred? (Namely the first 3 books since I’ve only read those.) or any subreddits dedicated to fantasy/alien-humanoid-demon erotica? I think I especially like things with demons or mythical beings / otherworldly sexual experiences. What about art erotica? Any suggestions would be great! Thanks!


1 comment

  1. You might be interested in the world of Gor. Incredibly detailed fantasy world spanning 33 books. Now to caveat that. The first few books are pretty good. Then they start to slip fast. I think I made it to book 5 before I had to give up on it. Here is a link to the Wiki for more information.

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