He makes a deal with Her [MF] [Fsub]

"If I do another dish I'll blow this fucking place down."

The dishwasher had gone out after a large party and every single dish in the house needed cleaning, the apartment complex simply didn't care. The whole apartment room was in a state of disarray. Only working part time, house work was Her duty and even though He helped, she was afraid of falling behind.

"Sweety, go sit down, I'm not asking. I'll do this. I'll do all the rest of it, you've done enough already."

When He talked like that, She listened, but she couldn't help feeling guilty and she started to cry as she nearly stumbled over a book while going to sit on the couch. Minutes later he had her a clean glass of wine and some cheese on an admittedly paper plate.

"No, please, Hon… this is my job, we agreed. It's.. it's… my wifely duties!" She was still drinking the wine, though, He noted and smiled.

"Shut up."

He'd never said those words to Her before, and she listened. She looked at him and was unsure what to think. Staying quiet, she decided to listen instead.

"Sweety, you look fucking sexy with those tears. I know I shouldn't say that, but it's incredibly true. And it makes me feel bad loving it so much, liking your tears so much. I just want to take so much care of you right now. By doing dishes, vacuuming, and picking up the damned books off the floor."

"You want wifely duties? I'll give them to you. Proper wifely duties, directed by me, that you'll follow to the letter. But in exchange you'll let me clean up everything, you won't clean a single damned thing until I've cleaned up everything and gotten the dishwasher fixed. Does that sound like a deal, I'll be your husband and take care of you as you need it, doing whatever it takes, and you'll be my wife and take care of me as I need it, however that may be?"

The cheese was disappearing now, too. And already he was rushing to top back up the few sips of wine she'd consumed. How could she say no? She still felt guilty, but something about him being so helpful was undeniably comforting. Thinking that he would take care of her filled her thoughts through the drunk night that followed. Sitting on the couch, having great food, watching Her mate clean up was beyond divine.

The next morning she woke up to breakfast. "We… I have a busy day, because you have to pay by the day with the steam cleaner. Our carpet is looking rough and I want to work on it today, but as lovely as you are, you're only going to get in the way, so I got you that haircut and spa day appointment at the place you've been wanting to try out one day. I went ahead and scrubbed the bathtub out for you last night and picked up some bubbles along with the steamer. I'll be filling you up a tub for after breakfast, your appointment is in a couple of hours, so take your time. I'll be checking up on you periodically, to keep you on time. Anything else you want today?"

Wow, oh wow, He really is taking care of me, she thought. The feeling of being lead through life, and to nice things at that, made her feel so relieved. For a second she forgot about the guilt and the stress and figured it was all okay. He guided her through every step of the morning, and even had Her clothes laid out for her… a nice outfit at that.

And all the while he was moving furniture and vacuuming and scrubbing and taking care of it all. I'm going to fuck him silly for this, she thought. He even drove her to her appointment, knowing she hated the traffic. It was her turn as soon as she arrived and minutes after she left she was being hand-fed chocolates while she was getting her hair reshampooed and her toes massaged. When she found one of the chocolates to not be of her liking, the attendant let her spit it out into her hand. He'd paid extra, she was getting the good treatment.

She was so happy and felt so great that she was only mildly miffled that he'd ordered her a brazilian. When she'd tried to refuse, she was simply told that "Sir said brazilian or we stop here. Same pay either way." At that, she shrugged and went on with it, still feeling like she'd gotten off easy in her wifely duties so far. She felt like a million dollars. When she was done, and back in her dress she went up to the lobby and He was already there waiting for her.

"Wow, Gorgeous, your hair looks amazing! Wow, you look fantastic! Before I pay, I want to see it!"

She smiled and spun around, letting her brilliantly done hair twirl about her. She felt giddy like a young girl again, her husband so dashing and powerful and caring.

The smile went off his face, and he looked her dead in the eye and said very evenly, "Seriously, I want to see it."

"I just spun around for you, what more do you want to see… oh." She'd reflexively grabbed for her crotch, just every so slightly, and was now blushing as a customer waiting in line had surely figured it out. Or maybe she was just being too self-conscious, it was all too subtle, right?

"I want to see your waxed vagina, my dear." Her face was beet red, yet she was still smiling. The customer giggled, oh dear. "Now."

She was so shocked, she wasn't even angry. This past couple of days had shown her a side of Him she hadn't even dreamed of. "Miss, I want to see the aftermath of the brazilian before I pay your premium price. Was everything else very nice, Sweetie?" Her whole face was red and so was her chest, but she very enthusiastically gave her applause for the team and the leisure she received. "Good, but this is important to me."

The manager explained that they couldn't take them back into the restrooms because they were one-gender-only type restrooms and that the lobby was somewhat of an inappropriate place to be checking out his wife. There was already someone else in the massage room, but they were okay with it. She was not, secretly, in her head. And he knew it.

He pulled her panties down around her ankles and lifted up her dress. There was no way the next lady didn't know, even though she wasn't exactly in a position to look at them. "Turn around I need to see your ass." Holy God, he'd never acted like this before! There was just no discretion!

As she slowly turned herself around she wondered why he couldn't just go to the other side of her, her panties made her made turning somewhat difficult and for whatever reason she dared not step out of them. As she turned he more-loudly-than-necessary told her that her "Pussy was smooth as could be, but I really want all those hair on your ass gone too." It was fucking embarrassing.

Turned about, he grabbed her by the hips and kneeded his thumbs into her buttocks, and slowly spread them. "Your bum smells like peaches, Baby." What-in-the-world-was-he-thinking?! "Hon, could you be quieter, you're embarrassing me!" And before he could even mention 'wifely duties' and their agreement, the woman somewhat behind them told her not to worry, that a husband that cares that much about the minutiae was probably worth holding onto. For whatever reason, that kept Her quiet and she just waited.

While holding her bum open for the world to see, he called over the waxing lady and told her it wasn't good enough. Before she knew it, she was leaning over a chair with a dab of hot wax on her exposed bumhole. "It's okay, Sweety, she's already seen all of this." The truth made her relax a bit. Afterwards, they paid and went on their way.

"I know you didn't like that, that it was embarrassing, but I loved the way you did it for me. More than anything in the world that makes me feel warm and safe. Will you be there for me when I need it? When I need you?"

"Oh God yes, I'm so sorry I over-reacted… I did agree. I was just getting so used to being a Queen there that I forgot every queen has her King."

"Nah, my Queen, we're both equals. We protect each other, make each other feel comfortable. I'be been taking care of lots of things. Soon, I'm going to need for you to take care of me, are you alright with that?"

Her heart started beating fast, "But you've been so… together! I've been too scattered lately to plan or do anything like this for you! I couldn't keep up with the house, remember?!"

He consoled her, telling her that he'd remain in charge and that he'd continue directing the show, that she merely had to follow his lead and to not question him in any way when it was his turn. He told her that he really needed her, and that he was prepping to bare his soul to her and that it would kill him if she were to reject him. It was a tall order, and it should have made her nervous, but she agreed and felt a surprising amount of comfort.

When they arrived home, she could hear the dishwasher running from outside the door. Apparently, the complex could fix it faster when they were reminded about local housing ordinances. It was a true moment of marvel for her husband. Entering, things shined. "The floor is so clean you could eat off it!" He giggled, "My cum, off the floor? What a fantastic suggestion!" "Ew!"

He got really serious, "No, you will not do that. Is this not to your satisfaction, did I not take care of my side of the agreement?" He had, everything was immaculate. Stains that been surmised as permanent were no more than old memories now. The windows were as air, the floors were clear and made the whole place look more spacious, the whole thing was a fresh start for her. She'd really let stuff get out of control, she was always putting off the worst of the cleaning tasks, but here he had gotten it all done in just a couple days. "Babe, it is fantastic. I feel really grateful right now, I really do."

"Please don't, and please don't say 'ew' to anything tonight. I'm opening up my soul tonight and I need your full respect. To anything and everything. I wasn't thinking of you eating my cum off the floor tonight, though I'll admit the thought is sorta fun in my head now, but imagine if that was what I wanted? If I gave you that extension of myself and you said 'ew' to it? That's saying 'ew' to me, and calling me disgusting. Do you understand?"

She was looking at the floor, saddened by what she realized was a transgression. Looking up with her eyes only, she said "Yes, I'm so sorry."

"Why don't you just not speak at all tonight? That sounds kind of fun. I'm going to take control, but I'm very vulnerable, truly. You exposed yourself in the vicinity of a stranger, I'm about to expose my mind to the only woman int he world that matters. Nod for me if this is okay."

She nodded.

He smiled, "First thing, I want to feel you truly obey me. You did a great job at the spa this evening, but not in a sexual setting. This is a sexual setting, I believe. Get on your knees for me. Don't worry about about your clothes or anything, just get on your knees for me."

She did so.

"Now, this part is nothing sexual. I just want you obedient. So, get down and kiss the floor." She got tense and awkward and moved slowly. "I just need you to do this so I know you can do the things that I need without questioning it, without questioning me. I don't need this, so my heart isn't in it so much. I can take the hesitation."

She slowly lowered herself to kiss the carpet, her hair draped over the clean floors. Puckering her lips pulling her hair out of her face, she pecked the floor, before raising up quickly and giving him her best smile. "Wow, that was hotter than I expected, and I'm not sure if it was the kissing or the obedience. I think it was both. That was just a peck though, I want you to kiss it like you care this time. I'll hold your hair this time, put your hands forward like you are surrendering and give the floor a nice kiss."

Again, she did so. She had her mouth open this time. She couldn't exactly say she was happy about it, but he seemed to like it and the floor tasted… cleaner than she had expected. "Thanks, Baby, good job! You can get up now. Stand right here, I'll be right back." She stood up and stood in place.

When he got back he came over and kissed her on her cheek just below her eye. He was incredibly tender, usually. This wild side of Him was new and amazing and powerful. It got things done. It certainly could get her done. "You did look great, you know, with those tears in your eyes. I felt really guilty about liking it so much, so I worked hard to make up for it. If you think about it like that, it is almost like you've done everything yourself. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue while we… I talk, okay Hon?"

Once again, she did so, it was an odd request though.

"You have a beautiful mouth, Baby. Anyhow, the tears reminded me of something." He pulled out his left hand from behind his back, she was just now realizing she hadn't seen it since he'd gotten back. "You're going to have your mouth open for quite a bit, and I don't want it to be uncomfortable, so I got you this. It holds your mouth open while you rest your jaw." There was a hole in the front, she knew what that was for, and it strapped in the back. Before she knew it, he was tightening the straps on the back of her head.

"Anyhow, deepthroat often makes tears well up in the lady's throat, right? Ha! Don't try to answer that now!" he was pacing about, excitedly, like he'd forgotten about the crazy predicament he'd put her in. "But I realized I don't want that, facefucking or deepthroat, as the main event. I just want the tears. Oh God, I feel guilty about that. I'm so glad you're so accepting of me!" He gave her another kiss and hopped out into the kitchen again really quick.

"That's why I got this!" He pulled out a dildo this time. "It probably doesn't taste as good as my dick, ha, but I think it'll be fun to use on you. I'm going to fuck your face with it. This is going to be fun. Also, and this is embarrassing too, but I've often thought you'd have more fun with this in other ways, if we could incorporate it into our play. I'm going to use it to help make you cum tonight, but you have to have it in your mouth first!"

He led her to the couch, and she was too busy throwing her head over the armrest to even begin to internalize what she was about to let happen to her. He got over her and she realized she could barely move her arms with him over her. He towered over her and pushed her head back to where she could only see him out of the corner of her eyes. She mumbled something unintelligible. She tried her best not to struggle though.

He stuck his fingers in the hole before putting the dildo in. "I'm sorry baby." He pushed it in very slowly and she began to panic. It was going very slow and she wiggled about. He brought it back out. "That was so hot baby." She calmed down, that was it. Did she already have tears? "It's gotta go further though. It might hurt a tad, but I'm really doing my best to not feel guilty. Don't make me feel guilty. I didn't worry when I dropped the table leg on my toe, did I, ha!" His left hand was on her hair pulling her back and his right hand was guiding the dildo back into her mouth. The slower he went the worse it felt.

She started shaking quite a bit, then her feet kicked and he slowly pulled it back out. "I want more form you, Babe." Her eyes were definitely watering, but before he pulled it more than halfway out he told her has getting ready to "get started." She shoved it in and out rapidly a few times while kissing her neck in a sensual and powerful manner, keeping her throat absolutely still. She gagged slightly and dripped a bit onto her mouth. The experience was a bit raw, and she didn't exactly know how to feel about it.

After what felt like several minutes, but only amounted to two or three, he pulled her up and thanked her and loved her and kissed her cheeks and forehead. "You did great, Sweetie." Her eyes were red, and tears – not of sadness, but of fucking – came down her face along with a bit of spittle on her nose. It was a sick sort of adorable, and he had to hold himself back from apologizing, "You look fucking hot." worked better instead.

He took her to the bedroom where he threw her on her back and took off her dress. After a few seconds of lighting candles he came back and told her that he still wanted to treat her right, that the tears made him want to protect her and make her feel valuable and pleased. He spread her legs and started slowly and sensually fucking her with the dildo before coming down to kiss her clit, with lips and tongue and all. The toy working in unison with his mouth made her shudder and let out the craziest orgasmic moan he'd ever heard.

Of course, the gag was still in! "Oh, I forgot all about it! Let's leave it in for now though, Hell, why not?" He pulled her over to the edge of the bed and pushed her knees up to her chest. "I'm going to fuck your ass now." He grabbed some lube, "With my penis." She attempted giggling through the gag. She'd never been into anal much, but this time she was honestly looking forward to it. Her face looked beautiful, as she was being fucked, and he told her so. Her eyes were doing wild things to compensate for the lack of jaw control. It was intense and drove him wild.

When he was finished with her smooth bumhole, he pulled out to cum on her. He loved that her mouth was still open, and he came hard with a loud exhale. He'd truly needed it, he was worn out from all the work around the house. Cum was on her chest, up her neck, and – yes – some had definitely gone into her mouth, through her hair, and even some onto the floor. He went up to unbelt her gag, telling her she was beautiful and amazing, and he kissed her despite the trail of cum on her lips. She most certainly wasn't disgusting! "Baby, I love you more than words.'

"I love you too, thanks for everything! I actually appreciated what we did tonight. Being there for you, no matter the way, makes me feel amazing. Did you feel this amazing helping me out?"

"This amazing? No! I didn't get to fuck a beautiful woman in the ass then! Ha! But, in all seriousness, helping you and making you feel wonderful is truly a pleasure."

"Same here, helping you out. You sure came hard!"

"I sure did, I even got some on the floor!"

Their eyes linked up, remembering the initial conversation.

"Well, I think the cleaning is back in my corner now, now that my wonderful strong husband has helped me get everything back on track, and as my first act as cleaner I'm going to clean that cum off the floor," she looked him in the eyes, "with my mouth, definitely, for sure. Not disgusting at all."

She got over to the not-so-small cum drippings and went down for it, saying, "I'm sorry about your toe, by the way." And while she was licking and sucking up his cum apologized for making her cry, not once but twice, over the past couple of days. They both laughed and made out before calling it a night…

[Thanks, and as always, please PM me or comment if you like what you read! Every comment keeps it coming! ;)]

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/42jrir/he_makes_a_deal_with_her_mf_fsub