Life doesn't always turn out like you intend. Sometimes it does, but most of the time, 99% of the time…
It just doesn't.
In a lot of ways I'm still reeling from what happened. One night I'm ready to save my little sister from the abusive hell hole I scrambled out of to whisk her away to a shot at a real life, and the next day I'm here, drinking, wondering what the hell I'm going to tell my fiancèe.
I mean, the plan was good, right? Finally convince myself to go back home to visit, let my parents think they can exploit a new relationship with them once I finish my degree and become a "bigshot doctor," and finally get a chance to tell Alice that I'm taking her away from all of this. Now that she's 18 I can't be charged with kidnapping if she wants to come with.
I even bought her a plane ticket. It's not like she has anything here to leave behind.
Mom forced her to dress as if she were actually from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. What was once a child's frame was now curvy, firm, and very inappropriate for the clothes given. I found it uncomfortably hard to look at her. Part of me knew that this was my little sister, but another part of me wondered how her lips were always so flush, and…
She wasn't allowed to have friends. No internet. No phone. She was their beautiful trophy child to creepily show off and eventually marry of to the richest boy they chose for her.
I couldn't let that happen. I was going to save her… And then…
I had just skyped with Brittany, my fiancèe. She was from old money, therefore parents were not to know about her. Before bed I had snuck into dad's office (my old room) and we had enjoyed our first go at cam sex together. She had used a toy on herself, and begged me to tell her what to do and how to do it. I came so hard I could barely muster the energy to clean up after myself.
I said goodnight to Britt and stumbled out into the hallway and ambled towards the shower.
Unfortunately, someone was using it. I could hear dad humming away. God only knew what he actually did in there; the man smelled permanently of wild and rage.
Fine. I could shower in the damn morning.
Alice and I had been bunking together. You would think that meant I would have been able to speak to her already days ago now, but she stayed up all night, I think because she could be herself in those hours. I did try to wait for her in the morning, but dear old fucking mom and dad would insist I be dragged around to meet their horrible friends now that I was not the "mistake" child, but the "future bigshot doctor" instead. One day to go and still no time alone with Alice.
So, off to bed I shambled. Even as happy as Britt made me, I was frustrated.
I flopped onto Alice's bed (mom and dad had announced that the air mattress was for Alice) and closed my eyes.
I could faintly hear mom cackling at the TV downstairs like always, and I only had one more fucking night to deal with it.
Right before I had finally slipped into dream land I heard a creak. I lazily opened one eye to finally see Alice.
I started to wake myself up as she peered into the bedroom. As I sat up she walked in.
There was so much to tell her, and I didn't really know where to start.
She sat on the bed and I felt a flush pass across my skin. She was wearing a white baby doll night gown that was far too short, and I could faintly see the silhouette of her body through it.
Her amazing body. Her 18 year old body. My sister's body.
I tried to just brush off those thoughts as quickly as I could. I just hadn't been around her for so long, and honestly, she was beautiful.
I still hadn't said anything, but as I opened my mouth to speak Alice put a finger over my lips.
Alice then put her finger over her own soft lips, indicating that she wanted me to keep quiet, and pointed to her wrist where a watch should be.
I didn't understand.
Alice gently pushed me back, and I obliged though I was confused. I placed a hand over my lap to hide myself.
She looked down.
"Sorry…" I mumbled.
Alice gave a soft smile, but I could see there was something else there.
She put her hand on my thigh, and reminded me again to be quiet.
Her hand was warm… and it moved up my pant leg… slowly.
I leaned forward to protest but she gave me a stern look that I had never seen from her and guided me back on the bed.
I felt an adrenaline rush as Alice's hand found its way to my pajama's draw strings. I knew this was wrong, but somewhere in my mind I had fantasized about it since seeing her. No matter how ashamed I was and how much I wanted to deny it I wanted to fuck my 18 year old sister's small pale body.
It was almost surreal watching her slowly pull me out.
She made eye contact. My breath became shallow as I felt her soft hand around me.
It was happening. This wasn't fantasy. This was real.
She licked her full lips and I sucked my breath in as she bent her body down and kissed the head delicately, still half sitting on the side of the bed.
By then my mind had given up any thought about judgement, morals, or anything else on the planet, and my body took over.
Alice licked, kissed and sucked me for what felt like eternity, though I suppose it was just a matter of minutes. It was amazing. For such a sheltered and isolated girl she fully knew what she was doing, and was fully dedicated to doing it.
I felt my hips move as I pushed deeper into her, seeing how far she would let us go.
Her brilliant blue eyes looked up at me after some time, and to my dismay I was released from the wonderful kingdom that was her mouth.
Had I not come so hard with Brittany only moments before I would have been spent only seconds after she put her lips to me, but now I was left with thick anticipation and no sign of release in sight.
Alice climbed further up onto the bed atop me. I watched in agony as her white dress tipped forward, exposing her pink and perfect nipples. Her creamy white thighs were warm against me.
I let a hand travel up and caress her hip as she gently arched her back in approval.
She breathed deeply against my neck as I felt her slide herself against me.
She moaned while she rubbed her clitoris back and forth against the under side of my cock, both teasing and wetting me with her sex. Her lips were soft, hairless, and almost hot to the touch.
I pulled the night gown over her head and she helped me with my own clothing.
My heart hammered in my chest as I looked at Alice. Curvy, lean, and young against me.
I had a moment of clarity again where I realized how wrong this all was before she put her hand around me again as she lifted her hips off of me.
I tried to say her name in protest like I knew I should, but only managed to let out a breath of "ahh," as she lowered herself onto and around me.
I felt every little swollen velvet fold as I pushed deeper into her tight hole.
I must've hurt her a bit, as I could see her eyes become glassy as she put one of my hands to her breast and grabbed my shoulder with the other.
I couldn't help it. My other hand went back to her hip and I pushed her down harder onto me. Her chest heaved as she gasped, and her nails dug into my shoulder.
She brought herself up again and I brought her down harder, pushing as far as her body could accommodate. We did this again and again, faster and faster. I felt myself fuck Alice harder as she spilled around me, practicality bouncing off the bed.
As I fucked her she leaned forward and for the first time ever I felt Alice's tongue as she kissed me.
With her lips still touching mine she finally breathed the first words I heard from her since arriving.
"Come inside me."
I feel ashamed now, but in that moment I was thrilled; my previous cam time with my fiancèe meant I was nowhere near ready to finish. I wasn't about to just end this. This horrible act felt feral and delicious, and I was going to take my time with her.
I felt her tighten against me when I grabbed her hips with both hands. Alice tried to squirm and shy away as I helped my cock to ravage her insides. Alice was getting close, and I thought maybe I was, too.
I took her free hand and guided it down between her legs, and watched my 18 year old sister come on my cock.
She put her arm over her mouth and closed her eyes tight while she muffled her own screams.
I leaned forward and bit Alice's pink little nipple, grinning around it. She was light like Brittany. I easily stood up and fucked her coming body as she writhed. She may have been done, but I wasn't done with her, and there was no going back.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and I fucked her while I turned around, laying her on the bed. Her legs curled around me and I heard myself grunt while I kept pumping into her little body.
I had moments of clarity about what I was doing in the end. I tried to bury my thoughts while doing the unthinkable. I was ruining my relationship with what was to be my future wife. I was doing one of the ultimate taboos with someone I had come to rescue, and I was enjoying it.
Somehow I felt myself getting closer when the last sin crossed my mind. As I felt myself build up I finally had the horrible realization that I was not the hero in this story, and looked down at Alice's wet and eager body one more time before I kissed her full lips and came inside her, pinning her down with my weight.
Alice was quiet while I pulled my clothes back on. I paced the room as regret disgust and shame washed over me. She eyed me when I sat on the edge of the bed and put my head in my hands. She watched me as I did my best not to break down under the sudden weight of my guilt.
I couldn't offer her salvation from this abusive household after what I did… After defiling my sister. She wasn't safe with me as I had thought before.
As my chest began to heave I felt her hand on my shoulder.
"Take me with you."
I sat in stunned silence for a long time, but did my best to finally put together what had just happened.
"Alice, you didn't have to do this to get me to take you-"
She cut me off, putting her soft finger on my lips again.
"I'd love to finally meet Brittany in person. I have all I need packed up."
With that cryptic and horrifying sentence she got up and pulled on her nightgown.
I heard the shower turn off down the hall at last. Dear old dad was done with whatever he really did in the shower.
She kissed me on the forehead, and smiled.
I exceeded the maximum word capacity so here’s the last bit: I could see the smile wilting the moment it was on her face. "Please, take me with you." With that Alice walked out of her bedroom, and out of view. I heard my parent’s bedroom door open, and shut. Then I heard the bathroom door open, and heard my father noisily walk into his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. I wept for Alice that night. Not for what we had done, but because I realized why *she* did it. I realized where Alice had been every night instead of her own bed. I decided that although I was no saint I would go through with the plan, and would find out about how she and Brittany knew each other when I confessed my horrors to what was now likely my ex girlfriend. Alice would be coming home with me in the morning after all. *** **Before anyone freaks out there’s a few things I’d like to mention.** 1) yes I checked with the mods to make sure this is okay to post. 2) **I do not support real life incest.** This is a *fantasy* story that is a continuance of two other stories I made, and it is important to the plot. I try to write them so they can stand alone, or be read together. You can find my other stories in my post history. The other two are "going away party" and "wish you were home" 3) although I plan on revealing it later, the main character is adopted. While he does not know this, Alice does. 4) thanks for reading. If you are upset with what I wrote I’m sorry but I put a warning up.