Classroom Hate-Fuck [MF]

Hope you guys enjoy, but PLEASE don't be afraid to leave constructive feedback :)

It was the unlikeliest of matches.

Josh was what many called thought the hardest-working nerd at school. Star of the physics department, he easily aced tests and many suspected his admission to Berkeley for a PhD to be a foregone conclusion. His test scores even gained him a nickname among the many students that he was generous enough to help after class hours: Mr. 100. He was 5'11", brown-haired, and well-shaven, sporting thin-rimmed glasses. It was clear he spent some time working out and taking care of his body, but his studies had often shifted his priorities away from physical improvement.

Amanda was the dream of just about everyone in the male-dominated physics department. She was half-white, half-Asian. She loved talking to all of the boys before and after class. Unlike many of her peers, she rarely studied for long hours and often doodled during class rather than take notes. She never gave off an aura of trying. She was simply good at the classes she took. Not "Josh good," but quite good nonetheless. She stood at 5'3", had black hair, and was distinctly petite: She weighed only 105, sporting B cups.

People like Amanda were exactly the type of people that Josh despised: People who got ahead without much effort. He had studied for over 50 hours over the past week, in addition to classes. Why should she get the benefit of good grades coming into class late and barely studying? There had been a tension between them that had simmered for some time. One Monday, getting their recent exam grades back, that tension would come to a head.

"Excellent work as usual, Josh," the teacher said, passing back his graded exam. Josh's reaction was one of disappointment: 99. The missing point? A missing negative sign on one problem. He steamed a bit, cursing himself. It was only when Amanda got hers back that the anger turned to rage. "Fantastic work!" Josh couldn't help but glance over to check her grade, only to see his number: 100. Picture perfect.

Furious, he confronted her over it in the department halls after class. "What kind of shit are you pulling?! 100%, when I get a 99?" yelled Josh. She backed away, slightly flustered. "Um… I can be good at this, too! You aren't the only smart person here, freaking jerk!" "I never see you in the study halls, you're chatting with all the guys before class, you're clearly not dedicated to this… yet you get great grades. I don't get it. What's the secret, Amanda?" Amanda couldn't quite register it yet, but the intimidating, testosterone-driven Josh was a big enough change to really turn her on. She could see the same happening to him, too: A bulge was growing in his pants. She stuttered in response, "I- you- uh- it's just talent! You need effort to get where you are, I come by it naturally." Josh fumed at the cocky reply, leaning into her, "Did you use your, shall we say, 'talent' to get the answers from the professor beforehand, you bitch?" Amanda's face reddened up. She slapped him. In response, he reached in and grabbed her by her hips, pushing her back.

Her eyes dropping from rage to vulnerability, there was a sense that the tension couldn't last. He made a split-second decision: He leaned in and kissed her deeply. It was late enough that the department was basically empty, no one to watch what would unfold. Themselves slightly confused about what was happening, he reached over and pushed all of the papers off of the nearest desk, pushed her onto it, and climbed on top of her, kissing her neck and shoulders. "You just wanted to fuck me, didn't you, smart man?" she grinned and squealed with delight as he pulled up her shirt and bra and started sucking on her nipples. Normally the geeks in class were quick to talk, slow to make a move. She had been horny and without a proper fucking since she arrived on campus last year. Josh's moment of testosterone had only made her wetter. She unbuckled his pants and slid them down onto the floor. "If the faculty here gets to fuck you, I get to fuck you, too," groaned Josh. Fuck, that may not even be true, but I love hearing it, she thought. Feeling him slide down her pants, she quickly scrambled for her purse, eventually pulling out a spare condom. Putting it on was a massive rush-job, but the moment was so hot she didn't care.

Calling it hate sex would be as close as you could get to the mark. He put all of his negative energy into her, and she returned it with aggressive movements in her hips. Nervous of interlopers, he moved his hand over her mouth to silence her moans as he pounded her deeply. He could see a grin forming on her face over his hand. Pulling her legs up into the air, he pushed himself faster into her. They thought they heard a rustle coming from outside, which caused them to pause momentarily. Listening for a while in silence, the rustled died down. They continued their rough sex, pushing more things off the desk. She let out a loud squeal.

Pushing harder and harder, he felt her ride a long climax. Her moans turned to shallow, stuttered breaths. Not too bad for a geek, huh? He thought. He gave several more deep thrusts, shaking as he groaned and blew his load. She pulled her hips in tightly to intensify his coming. She felt full; truly, she hadn't been fucked like that since grade school. He slumped over her, his breath winding down. "Well… I didn't see that coming," he panted, sliding off to the side of her. The desk was still full of papers, but it made a good enough bed to cap off the session. "I feel like I need a cigarette," grinned Amanda. He laughed. He was sweaty and the workout they had gave her some nice "freshly fucked" hair as she panted slightly and her eyes drifted.

The only problem? After catching a glance to the door, it had turned out the rustle they heard wasn't just the wind: In the door stood Max, Josh's closest friend and study partner. They had agreed to meet there at 9 pm. The time was 9:02, and their study session appeared to have an additional guest. Well… this is awkward.


1 comment

  1. > she hadn’t been fucked like that since grade school > "Well… I didn’t see that coming," > Well… this is awkward. Needs more treefiddy

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